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Running the analyze_spi_flash() function

...from inside the k210 device console

minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB1 -b 115200

The goal of the analyze_spi_flash() function is to analyze every byte of SPI Flash on a k210 device. It is still a work in progress, and can only hint where there might be suspicious sections to further inspect -- via hex dump.

We'll connect to the k210 device console over usb, interrupt krux with <ctrl>-c, then we'll get ready to copy/paste.

We need to stop the watchdog timer and import utils from the Maix package.

from machine import WDT
from Maix import utils

We need to copy/paste the contents of the files below.

  • because the tools use this to reduce verbosity as functions call deeper functions.
  • because some of the tools need to hash bytes from SPI Flash.
  • because some of the tools need to verify that entire sectors are wiped clean.
  • because Kboot sectors have a particular format in SPI Flash.
  • because this is the function we're about to run for our SPI Flash report.
copy/paste this python code
def decremented_bool(value):
    returns value as a bool, or as value-1 when value >0

    used to decrement verbosity as functions call other functions.

    if type(value) == int:
        if value > 0:
            return value - 1

        elif value == 0:
            return False

            raise TypeError('if value is <int>, must be >= 0: found %d' % value)

    elif type(value) == bool:
        return value

        raise TypeError('value must be <int> >= 0 or <bool> found %s' % value)

def hash_flash(begin=0x00, length=2**24, block_size=2**12, verbose=False):
    SHA256 Hash of the entirety, or from begin to begin+length, of SPI Flash memory

    assumes that utils.flash_read() behaves as if imported from Maix,
    ie: `from Maix import utils`

    from math import ceil
    from hashlib import sha256
    from binascii import hexlify

    assert block_size % block_size == 0, 'block_size must be divisible by 4096'
    _hash = sha256()

    if verbose:
        print('Hashing %s bytes of flash at %s...' % (length, hex(begin)), end='')

    bytes_read = 0
    while bytes_read < length:
        if bytes_read + block_size < length:
            _hash.update(utils.flash_read(begin+bytes_read, block_size))
            bytes_read += block_size
            _hash.update(utils.flash_read(begin+bytes_read, length-bytes_read))
            bytes_read += length - bytes_read

        if verbose:
            print('.', end='')

    answer = _hash.digest()

    if verbose:
        print('\nsha256 of %s bytes at %s:\n%s' % (bytes_read, hex(begin), hexlify(answer).decode()

    return answer

def all_bytes_are(byte, begin, length, block_size=2**12, verbose=False):
    returns True if all bytes in SPI Flash, between begin and begin+length,
    are the same as byte, otherwise False.

    assumes that utils.flash_read() behaves as if imported from Maix,
    ie: `from Maix import utils`

    from binascii import hexlify

    answer = True

    if verbose:
        print("Checking if %s bytes of flash at %s are all 0x%s..." % (
            length, hex(begin), hexlify(byte).decode()), end='')

    bytes_read = 0
    while bytes_read < length:
        if bytes_read + block_size < length:
            if utils.flash_read(begin+bytes_read, block_size) != byte * block_size:
                answer = False
            bytes_read += block_size
            if utils.flash_read(begin+bytes_read, length-bytes_read) != byte * (length - bytes_read):
                answer = False
            bytes_read += length - bytes_read

        if verbose:
            print('.', end='')

    if verbose:
        print("\nthe %s bytes at %s are %s 0x%s." % (
            length, hex(begin), 'ALL' if answer else 'NOT all', hexlify(byte).decode()))

    return answer

def validate_aes_size_app_sha_nulpad(begin, verbose=False):
    Verify that a ktool "sector" is valid for standard sectors.

    When valid, this function returns: tuple(True, number of bytes read),
    else when invalid or something suspicious: tuple(None, number of bytes read).
    A valid standard kboot/ktool "sector" appears as follows:
    * It has a 5 byte header: 0x00 aes byte, 4 Byte little-endian size of application data,
    * followed by the application data for as many bytes as described in the header,
    * followed by the 32 byte big-endian sha256 hash of the header and the application data,
    * and then the rest of the bytes to pad a 4096 or 65536 block-size are 0x00 filled,
      these nul bytes are not part of the kboot/ktool specificiation, but if they are not
      all zero-filled here, then this function will return (None, number of bytes read),
      because it implies that something unknown/unexplained has been written to this empty 
      space, which is suspicious.

    assumes that utils.flash_read() behaves as if imported from Maix,
    ie: `from Maix import utils`

    from binascii import hexlify

    sectors = {
        # address, block_size, sector_name
        0x0: (0x1000, 'Kboot stage-0'),
        0x1000: (0x1000, 'Kboot stage-1'),
        0x80000: (0x10000, 'firmware slot1'),
        0x280000: (0x10000, 'firmware slot2'),
    bytes_read = 0

    if verbose:
        print('Validating sector format (aes+size+app+sha+nulpad) at %s...' % hex(begin))

    if begin not in sectors:
        if verbose:
            print('%s not in %s.' % (begin, sectors))
        return None, bytes_read
    block_size, sector_name = sectors[begin]
    if verbose:
        print('sector known as "%s", will use blocks_size %s,' % (sector_name, block_size))

    header = utils.flash_read(begin, 5)
    bytes_read += 5
    if not header[0] == 0x00:
        if verbose:
            print('first (aes) byte of header 0x%s is not 0x00.' % (hexlify(header).decode()))
        return None, bytes_read
    length = int.from_bytes(header[1:5], 'little')
    bytes_read += length
    if verbose:
        print('header indicates %s bytes of data,' % length)

    hash_suffix = utils.flash_read(begin+5+length, 32)
    bytes_read += 32
    _hash = hash_flash(begin, length=5+length, block_size=block_size, verbose=decremented_bool(verbose))
    if _hash != hash_suffix:
        if verbose:
            print('hash of %s bytes of header+data does not match suffix:\n  suffix: %s\n   found: %s' % (
                 5+length, hexlify(hash_suffix).decode(), hexlify(_hash).decode()))
            hash_flash(begin + 5, length, block_size=block_size, verbose=1)
        return None, bytes_read
    if verbose:
        print('sha256(header + data) == suffix, is expected format for this sector,')

    partial = (5 + length + 32) % block_size
    if partial:
        padding = block_size - partial
        if not all_bytes_are(b'\x00', begin+5+length+32, block_size-partial, verbose=decremented_bool(verbose)):
            if verbose:
                print('%s bytes to pad rest of sector are not all 0x00 bytes.' % padding)
            return None, bytes_read
        bytes_read += padding
        if verbose:
            print('%s bytes to pad rest of sector are ALL 0x00 bytes.' % padding)

    return True, bytes_read

def analyze_spi_flash(verbose=False):
    Analyze the entirety of SPI flash

    assumes that utils.flash_read() behaves as if imported from Maix

    from binascii import hexlify
    from os import listdir

    def ktool_app_size(address):
        size = int.from_bytes(utils.flash_read(address+1, 4), 'little')
        if size > 2**24 - address: return 0
        else: return size

    def be_verbose(msg='', *args):
        messages = {
            'ktool_sector': '\nChecking "%s" from %s to %s-1', # 3 args: name, start, end+1
            'validated': 'SPI flash from %s to %s-1 is %s.', # 3 args: start, end+1, 'valid'|'invalid'
            'hashed': 'sha256 hash of SPI flash from %s to %s-1 is:\n%s', # 3 args: start, end+1, hash
            'filesizehash': 'sha256 hash of "%s" having %s bytes is:\n%s', # 3 args: name, size, hash
        if msg in messages and len(args):
            print(messages[msg] % args)

    spi_flash_size = 2**24
    cursor = 0x0

    # 4096 bytes at 0x0 are of aes_size_app_sha format
    be_verbose('ktool_sector', 'Kboot stage-0', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+4096))
    valid, bytes_read = validate_aes_size_app_sha_nulpad(cursor, verbose=decremented_bool(verbose))
    be_verbose('validated', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+bytes_read), 'valid' if valid else 'INVALID')
    assert valid and bytes_read, 'checking "Kboot stage-0"'
    _size = ktool_app_size(cursor)
    _hash = hash_flash(cursor+5, _size, verbose=decremented_bool(verbose))
    be_verbose('filesizehash', 'bootloader_lo.bin', _size, hexlify(_hash).decode())
    cursor += bytes_read

    # 8192 bytes at 0x1000 are of aes_size_app_sha format and the next 4096 are 0xff
    be_verbose('ktool_sector', 'Kboot stage-1', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+12288))
    valid, bytes_read = validate_aes_size_app_sha_nulpad(cursor, verbose=decremented_bool(verbose))
    be_verbose('validated', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+bytes_read), 'valid' if valid else 'INVALID')
    assert valid and bytes_read, 'checking "Kboot stage-1"'
    _size = ktool_app_size(cursor)
    _hash = hash_flash(cursor+5, _size, verbose=decremented_bool(verbose))
    be_verbose('filesizehash', 'bootloader_hi.bin', _size, hexlify(_hash).decode())
    cursor += bytes_read

    valid = all_bytes_are(b'\xff', cursor, 4096, verbose=decremented_bool(verbose))
    if type(valid) == bool:
        bytes_read = 4096
    be_verbose('validated', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+bytes_read), 'all 0xff' if valid else 'NOT all 0xff!')
    assert valid and bytes_read, 'checking last third of "Kboot stage-1"'
    cursor += bytes_read

    # 4096 bytes at 0x4000 are main config
    be_verbose('ktool_sector', 'main config', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+4096))
    _hash = hash_flash(cursor, 4096, verbose=decremented_bool(verbose))
    if len(_hash) == 32:
        valid, bytes_read = True, 4096
    be_verbose('filesizehash', 'config.bin', 4096, hexlify(_hash).decode())
    assert valid and bytes_read, 'hashing "main config"'
    cursor += bytes_read

    # 4096 bytes at 0x5000 are config backup
    be_verbose('ktool_sector', 'backup config', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+4096))
    _other_hash = hash_flash(cursor, 4096, verbose=decremented_bool(verbose))
    if len(_hash) == 32:
        valid, bytes_read = True, 4096
    be_verbose('hashed', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+bytes_read), hexlify(_other_hash).decode())
    assert valid and bytes_read, 'hashing "backup config"'
    cursor += bytes_read

    # 40960 bytes at 0x6000 are reserved
    be_verbose('ktool_sector', 'reserved', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+40960))
    valid = all_bytes_are(b'\xff', cursor, 40960, verbose=decremented_bool(verbose))
    if type(valid) == bool:
        bytes_read = 40960
    be_verbose('validated', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+bytes_read), 'all 0xff' if valid else 'NOT all 0xff!')
    assert valid and bytes_read, 'checking that "reserved" is unused'
    cursor += bytes_read

    # the first 0x70000 bytes are unused
    be_verbose('ktool_sector', 'unused app/user', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+0x70000))
    valid = all_bytes_are(b'\xff', cursor, 0x70000, verbose=decremented_bool(verbose))
    if type(valid) == bool:
        bytes_read = 0x70000
    be_verbose('validated', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+bytes_read), 'all 0xff' if valid else 'NOT all 0xff!')
    assert valid and bytes_read, 'checking that "app/user" is unused'
    cursor += bytes_read

    # variable bytes at firmware slot1 0x80000 are firmware
    valid, bytes_read = validate_aes_size_app_sha_nulpad(cursor, verbose=decremented_bool(verbose))
    be_verbose('ktool_sector', 'firmware_slot1', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+bytes_read))
    be_verbose('validated', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+bytes_read), 'valid' if valid else 'INVALID')
    _size = ktool_app_size(cursor)
    _hash = hash_flash(cursor+5, _size, verbose=decremented_bool(verbose))
    be_verbose('filesizehash', 'firmware.bin', _size, hexlify(_hash).decode())
    assert valid and bytes_read, 'checking firmware slot1'
    cursor += bytes_read

    # variable bytes up to firmware slot2 are unused
    _size = 0x280000 - cursor
    be_verbose('ktool_sector', 'unused app/user', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+_size))
    valid = all_bytes_are(b'\xff', cursor, _size, verbose=decremented_bool(verbose))
    if type(valid) == bool:
        bytes_read = _size
    be_verbose('validated', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+_size), 'all 0xff' if valid else 'NOT all 0xff!')
    assert valid and bytes_read, 'checking that "app/user" is unused'
    cursor += bytes_read

    # variable bytes at firmware slot2 0x280000 are firmware
    valid, bytes_read = validate_aes_size_app_sha_nulpad(cursor, verbose=decremented_bool(verbose))
    be_verbose('ktool_sector', 'firmware_slot2', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+bytes_read))
    be_verbose('validated', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+bytes_read), 'valid' if valid else 'INVALID')
    if valid:
        _size = ktool_app_size(cursor)
        _hash = hash_flash(cursor+5, _size, verbose=decremented_bool(verbose))
        be_verbose('filesizehash', 'firmware.bin', _size, hexlify(_hash).decode())
        cursor += bytes_read

    # bytes between firmware and spiffs are unused
    _size = 0xd00000 - cursor
    be_verbose('ktool_sector', 'unused app/user', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+_size))
    valid = all_bytes_are(b'\xff', cursor, _size, verbose=decremented_bool(verbose))
    if type(valid) == bool:
        bytes_read = _size
    be_verbose('validated', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+_size), 'all 0xff' if valid else 'NOT all 0xff!')
    assert valid and bytes_read, 'checking that "app/user" is unused'
    cursor += bytes_read

    # 0x300000 spiffs bytes at 0xD00000
    _size = 0x300000
    be_verbose('ktool_sector', 'SPI Flash File System', hex(cursor), hex(cursor+_size))
    be_verbose('listdir("/flash"): {}'.format(listdir('/flash')))
    _hash = hash_flash(cursor, _size, verbose=decremented_bool(verbose))
    if len(_hash) == 32:
        valid, bytes_read = True, _size
    be_verbose('filesizehash', 'SPI Flash File System', _size, hexlify(_hash).decode())
    assert valid and bytes_read, 'hashing SPIFFS'
    cursor += bytes_read

    # hash entirety of SPI flash
    be_verbose('ktool_sector', 'SPI flash', hex(0x0), hex(spi_flash_size))
    _hash = hash_flash(0x0, spi_flash_size, verbose=decremented_bool(verbose))
    be_verbose('filesizehash', '16MB SPI flash', spi_flash_size, hexlify(_hash).decode())

If it went well, we didn't see any syntax errors after hitting <CTRL>-d, otherwise, we need to redo any failed copy/paste.

Now, we can call the analyze_spi_flash function:


On a Maix Amigo, after starting with a clean slate, flashing Kboot.kfpkg from last-year's krux release v22.08.2, we'd see:

>>> analyze_spi_flash()

Checking "Kboot stage-0" from 0x0 to 0x1000-1
SPI flash from 0x0 to 0x1000-1 is valid.
sha256 hash of "bootloader_lo.bin" having 608 bytes is:

Checking "Kboot stage-1" from 0x1000 to 0x4000-1
SPI flash from 0x1000 to 0x3000-1 is valid.
sha256 hash of "bootloader_hi.bin" having 8112 bytes is:
SPI flash from 0x3000 to 0x4000-1 is all 0xff.

Checking "main config" from 0x4000 to 0x5000-1
sha256 hash of "config.bin" having 4096 bytes is:

Checking "backup config" from 0x5000 to 0x6000-1
sha256 hash of SPI flash from 0x5000 to 0x6000-1 is:

Checking "reserved" from 0x6000 to 0x10000-1
SPI flash from 0x6000 to 0x10000-1 is all 0xff.

Checking "unused app/user" from 0x10000 to 0x80000-1
SPI flash from 0x10000 to 0x80000-1 is all 0xff.

Checking "firmware_slot1" from 0x80000 to 0x230000-1
SPI flash from 0x80000 to 0x230000-1 is valid.
sha256 hash of "firmware.bin" having 1716288 bytes is:

Checking "unused app/user" from 0x230000 to 0x280000-1
SPI flash from 0x230000 to 0x280000-1 is all 0xff.

Checking "firmware_slot2" from 0x280000 to 0x280005-1
SPI flash from 0x280000 to 0x280005-1 is INVALID.

Checking "unused app/user" from 0x280000 to 0xd00000-1
SPI flash from 0x280000 to 0xd00000-1 is all 0xff.

Checking "SPI Flash File System" from 0xd00000 to 0x1000000-1
listdir("/flash"): []
sha256 hash of "SPI Flash File System" having 3145728 bytes is:

Checking "SPI flash" from 0x0 to 0x1000000-1
sha256 hash of "16MB SPI flash" having 16777216 bytes is:

This report is what a clean/unused device would look like. If we were to unzip the kboot.kfpkg file for krux release v22.08.2, we'd find that bootloader_lo.bin, bootloader_hi.bin, config.bin and firmware.bin all have the same file sizes and hashes as they do in SPI Flash. All other expected "gaps" in SPI Flash are set to 0xff, so nothing has been hidden there. Further, nothing appears to be saved in the SPI Flash File System. The only "INVALID" note indicates that there is nothing stored in firmware_slot2 and the report picks up from that point to verify that the rest of that space is nothing but empty/0xff bytes.

For the previous release, krux never wrote to SPI Flash (except during an airgapped upgrade), so we should be able to use this version forever, and that last line of the report where the entire SPI Flash is hashed, would NEVER change. This might seem ideal to some... but, if you never looked -- if nobody ever looked, then how would anybody really know for sure?

That was then, this is now (krux release v23.09.0)

Since we CAN look, as we just did, let's consider the convenience of using SPI Flash in a safe manner, and then check from time to time, to verify that no unexplained bytes have been hidden in permanent storage.

As of krux release v23.09.0, krux does store settings.json in the SPI Flash File System. As well, it can optionally store encrypted mnemonics there too.

Next, We'll perform an airgapped-upgrade to krux release v23.09.0, change some settings, store one encrypted mnemonic in flash, then we'll take another look -- repeating all of the console steps above. Additionally, we'll dig into a few sections of SPI Flash which changed using the hex_dump tool, so that we can explain those changes.

An airgapped upgrade involves dropping firmware.bin and firmware.bin.sig on a vfat-formatted microsd card, inserting it into the k210 device, booting and selecting to upgrade, then removing the microsd card before rebooting.
See the docs for more information.

Now that the k210 device has been airgap-upgraded, we'll be expecting the main configuration to have changed so that it points to the new firmware in the firmware_slot2. As well, we'll be expecting to see settings.json in SPIFFS since that's a feature of krux release v23.09.0. To reinforce a good habit whenever messing around like we are, we'll make one Settings change for the "network", from "main" to "test".

To add to this exercise, I'll create a 12 word seed and store it encrypted in "/flash", so that we can see what it looks like later. While we can change the number of pbkdf2 iterations used, I'll stick to the default 100,000 iterations, and I'll also keep the default encryption mode as AES-ECB. I've created a throw-away 12-word seed w/ mnemonic: acquire obvious bean still radar topple boss sting stock valid donkey melt without a bip-39 passphrase, resulting in a bip-32 master fingerprint of "f91a61f7". I've chosen to store it, encrypted in flash, using key "abc".

Back inside the k210 console, after interrupting krux, stopping the watchdog, importing utils, and copying/pasting these tools:

>>> analyze_spi_flash()

Checking "Kboot stage-0" from 0x0 to 0x1000-1
SPI flash from 0x0 to 0x1000-1 is valid.
sha256 hash of "bootloader_lo.bin" having 608 bytes is:

Checking "Kboot stage-1" from 0x1000 to 0x4000-1
SPI flash from 0x1000 to 0x3000-1 is valid.
sha256 hash of "bootloader_hi.bin" having 8112 bytes is:
SPI flash from 0x3000 to 0x4000-1 is all 0xff.

Checking "main config" from 0x4000 to 0x5000-1
sha256 hash of "config.bin" having 4096 bytes is:

Checking "backup config" from 0x5000 to 0x6000-1
sha256 hash of SPI flash from 0x5000 to 0x6000-1 is:

Checking "reserved" from 0x6000 to 0x10000-1
SPI flash from 0x6000 to 0x10000-1 is all 0xff.

Checking "unused app/user" from 0x10000 to 0x80000-1
SPI flash from 0x10000 to 0x80000-1 is all 0xff.

Checking "firmware_slot1" from 0x80000 to 0x230000-1
SPI flash from 0x80000 to 0x230000-1 is valid.
sha256 hash of "firmware.bin" having 1716288 bytes is:

Checking "unused app/user" from 0x230000 to 0x280000-1
SPI flash from 0x230000 to 0x280000-1 is all 0xff.

Checking "firmware_slot2" from 0x280000 to 0x460000-1
SPI flash from 0x280000 to 0x460000-1 is valid.
sha256 hash of "firmware.bin" having 1902592 bytes is:

Checking "unused app/user" from 0x460000 to 0xd00000-1
SPI flash from 0x460000 to 0xd00000-1 is all 0xff.

Checking "SPI Flash File System" from 0xd00000 to 0x1000000-1
listdir("/flash"): ['settings.json', 'seeds.json']
sha256 hash of "SPI Flash File System" having 3145728 bytes is:

Checking "SPI flash" from 0x0 to 0x1000000-1
sha256 hash of "16MB SPI flash" having 16777216 bytes is:

As a quick summary, much remains the same, but there are some new changes:

  • Kboot stages 0 and 1 are exactly the same,
  • main config has been changed,
  • backup config has NOT changed,
  • primary firmware_slot1 has NOT changed, it still has krux release v22.08.2's firmware.bin,
  • there is something new in firmware_slot2. It's valid and it has the hash of krux release v23.09.0's firmware.bin,
  • there are two new files in the SPI Flash File System, settings.json and seeds.json.

We were expecting all of these changes. Shall we trust? Or shall we verify? See hex_dump example