Tools for running HEPHY ntuple production, based on WAW ntuple production, from NanoAOD.
Port of tools by A. Kalinowski, M. Bluj et al. based on KLUB/LLR trees to CMS NanoAOD
- NanoEventsSkeleton.{h,C}: interface to NanoAOD ntuples produced from NanoAOD with MakeClass tool, it needs be updated after each modification of NanoAOD format.
- HTauTauTreeFromNanoBase.{h,C}: base class to translate to WAW format
- HElTauhTreeFromNano.{h,C}: specialization for the e+tau channel
- HMuTauhTreeFromNano.{h,C}: specialization for the mu+tau channel
- HTauhTauhTreeFromNano.{h,C}: specialization for the di-tau channel
- HTTEvent.{h,cxx}: definition of WAW analysis classes
- PropertyEnum.h, TriggerEnum.h, FilterEnum.h: definition of enums, (re)generated by the tool
- AnalysisEnums.h, SelectionBitsEnum.h: definition of enums
- script to run conversion - currently not functional, use and (but contains important lines to run on data)
- script to run NanoAOD-to-SyncNtuple conversion in parallel, calls
- script to run conversion
- Missing: production tools, need be taken modified from old WAW repo
Installation recipe for CMSSW_10_2_10
scram project -n CMSSW_10_2_10 CMSSW CMSSW_10_2_10
cd CMSSW_10_2_10/src/
eval `scramv1 runtime -sh`
# NanoAOD and tools
git cms-addpkg PhysicsTools/NanoAOD #not mandatory, but it initializes git for CMSSW which is already useful
git cms-addpkg FWCore/MessageLogger
git clone PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools # not used for now, but can be in future, e.g. JES?
# SVFit
git clone TauAnalysis/ClassicSVfit -b fastMTT_21_06_2018
git clone TauAnalysis/SVfitTF
# MET recoil corrections
git clone HTT-utilities/RecoilCorrections
# production tools based on WawTools from NanoAOD
git clone WawTools/NanoAODTools -b SM2016
# Setup MELA
git clone ZZMatrixElement -b v2.2.0
cd ZZMatrixElement/
bash -j 4
cd ..
# This is just needed to get rid of warnings
cat FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageDrop.h | sed s#CMS_THREAD_SAFE##g > FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageDrop.h2
mv FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageDrop.h2 FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageDrop.h
# compile
scram b -j 4
How to run
- Get proxy with
voms-proxy-init -voms cms
. - Source CMSSW
cd $CMSSW_BASE/WawTools/NanoAODTools cmsenv
- Get filelists specified in
to be used for production. Only needed to run once or when samples are updated.python
- Jobs can be submitted locally (
) on a batch system (batch
) or on HTCondor (condor
) with option-t WHERE
. When submitting locally option-j N
specifies the number of parallel jobs (default=8
). - Channel can be specified with option
-c {et, mt, tt, all}
. Make sure when running over data to give the correct channel. - Sample can be specified with option
.- Single sample: give the relative path to the
file (NOTE: you can use tab-complete). E.g
-s samples/mc/signal/VBFHToTauTau_M125_13TeV_powheg_pythia8_RunIIFall17NanoAOD_12Apr2018.txt
- To submit multiple samples several keywords are hardcoded:
mc, data, dy, diboson, ewk, signal, st, tt, w
-s signal
- Single sample: give the relative path to the
- Further information on run option with option
- When jobs are running on batch you can check the status with.
- To merge samples run
Only samples that are already finished are merged.
Important ressources
- WorkBookNanoAOD
- [Available samples (central)
Release notes:
- 16.01.2018, M.Bluj, initial version for 80X (2016) inputs with CMSSW_9_4_2
- 26.02.2018, M.Bluj, update to NanoAOD of 05Feb2018 production of 2016 data wiht CMSSW_9_4_4
- 18.05.2018, M.Flechl, produce sync ntuple directly; produce e-tau ntuples; several fixes for the sync
- 20.05.2018, M.Spanring, First version for full scale production