diff --git a/pgtype/json.go b/pgtype/json.go
index e71dcb9bf..c2aa0d3bf 100644
--- a/pgtype/json.go
+++ b/pgtype/json.go
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ func (c *JSONCodec) PlanEncode(m *Map, oid uint32, format int16, value any) Enco
// https://github.com/jackc/pgx/issues/1430
- // Check for driver.Valuer must come before json.Marshaler so that it is guaranteed to beused
+ // Check for driver.Valuer must come before json.Marshaler so that it is guaranteed to be used
// when both are implemented https://github.com/jackc/pgx/issues/1805
case driver.Valuer:
return &encodePlanDriverValuer{m: m, oid: oid, formatCode: format}
@@ -177,13 +177,6 @@ func (scanPlanJSONToByteSlice) Scan(src []byte, dst any) error {
return nil
-type scanPlanJSONToBytesScanner struct{}
-func (scanPlanJSONToBytesScanner) Scan(src []byte, dst any) error {
- scanner := (dst).(BytesScanner)
- return scanner.ScanBytes(src)
type scanPlanJSONToJSONUnmarshal struct {
unmarshal func(data []byte, v any) error
diff --git a/pgtype/pgtype.go b/pgtype/pgtype.go
index 32d68f403..30f6bdef5 100644
--- a/pgtype/pgtype.go
+++ b/pgtype/pgtype.go
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ const (
+ XMLOID = 142
+ XMLArrayOID = 143
JSONArrayOID = 199
PointOID = 600
LsegOID = 601
diff --git a/pgtype/pgtype_default.go b/pgtype/pgtype_default.go
index 9525f37c9..c81257311 100644
--- a/pgtype/pgtype_default.go
+++ b/pgtype/pgtype_default.go
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package pgtype
import (
+ "encoding/xml"
@@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ func initDefaultMap() {
defaultMap.RegisterType(&Type{Name: "varbit", OID: VarbitOID, Codec: BitsCodec{}})
defaultMap.RegisterType(&Type{Name: "varchar", OID: VarcharOID, Codec: TextCodec{}})
defaultMap.RegisterType(&Type{Name: "xid", OID: XIDOID, Codec: Uint32Codec{}})
+ defaultMap.RegisterType(&Type{Name: "xml", OID: XMLOID, Codec: &XMLCodec{Marshal: xml.Marshal, Unmarshal: xml.Unmarshal}})
// Range types
defaultMap.RegisterType(&Type{Name: "daterange", OID: DaterangeOID, Codec: &RangeCodec{ElementType: defaultMap.oidToType[DateOID]}})
@@ -153,6 +155,7 @@ func initDefaultMap() {
defaultMap.RegisterType(&Type{Name: "_varbit", OID: VarbitArrayOID, Codec: &ArrayCodec{ElementType: defaultMap.oidToType[VarbitOID]}})
defaultMap.RegisterType(&Type{Name: "_varchar", OID: VarcharArrayOID, Codec: &ArrayCodec{ElementType: defaultMap.oidToType[VarcharOID]}})
defaultMap.RegisterType(&Type{Name: "_xid", OID: XIDArrayOID, Codec: &ArrayCodec{ElementType: defaultMap.oidToType[XIDOID]}})
+ defaultMap.RegisterType(&Type{Name: "_xml", OID: XMLArrayOID, Codec: &ArrayCodec{ElementType: defaultMap.oidToType[XMLOID]}})
// Integer types that directly map to a PostgreSQL type
registerDefaultPgTypeVariants[int16](defaultMap, "int2")
diff --git a/pgtype/xml.go b/pgtype/xml.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb4c49ad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgtype/xml.go
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+package pgtype
+import (
+ "database/sql"
+ "database/sql/driver"
+ "encoding/xml"
+ "fmt"
+ "reflect"
+type XMLCodec struct {
+ Marshal func(v any) ([]byte, error)
+ Unmarshal func(data []byte, v any) error
+func (*XMLCodec) FormatSupported(format int16) bool {
+ return format == TextFormatCode || format == BinaryFormatCode
+func (*XMLCodec) PreferredFormat() int16 {
+ return TextFormatCode
+func (c *XMLCodec) PlanEncode(m *Map, oid uint32, format int16, value any) EncodePlan {
+ switch value.(type) {
+ case string:
+ return encodePlanXMLCodecEitherFormatString{}
+ case []byte:
+ return encodePlanXMLCodecEitherFormatByteSlice{}
+ // Cannot rely on driver.Valuer being handled later because anything can be marshalled.
+ //
+ // https://github.com/jackc/pgx/issues/1430
+ //
+ // Check for driver.Valuer must come before xml.Marshaler so that it is guaranteed to be used
+ // when both are implemented https://github.com/jackc/pgx/issues/1805
+ case driver.Valuer:
+ return &encodePlanDriverValuer{m: m, oid: oid, formatCode: format}
+ // Must come before trying wrap encode plans because a pointer to a struct may be unwrapped to a struct that can be
+ // marshalled.
+ //
+ // https://github.com/jackc/pgx/issues/1681
+ case xml.Marshaler:
+ return &encodePlanXMLCodecEitherFormatMarshal{
+ marshal: c.Marshal,
+ }
+ }
+ // Because anything can be marshalled the normal wrapping in Map.PlanScan doesn't get a chance to run. So try the
+ // appropriate wrappers here.
+ for _, f := range []TryWrapEncodePlanFunc{
+ TryWrapDerefPointerEncodePlan,
+ TryWrapFindUnderlyingTypeEncodePlan,
+ } {
+ if wrapperPlan, nextValue, ok := f(value); ok {
+ if nextPlan := c.PlanEncode(m, oid, format, nextValue); nextPlan != nil {
+ wrapperPlan.SetNext(nextPlan)
+ return wrapperPlan
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return &encodePlanXMLCodecEitherFormatMarshal{
+ marshal: c.Marshal,
+ }
+type encodePlanXMLCodecEitherFormatString struct{}
+func (encodePlanXMLCodecEitherFormatString) Encode(value any, buf []byte) (newBuf []byte, err error) {
+ xmlString := value.(string)
+ buf = append(buf, xmlString...)
+ return buf, nil
+type encodePlanXMLCodecEitherFormatByteSlice struct{}
+func (encodePlanXMLCodecEitherFormatByteSlice) Encode(value any, buf []byte) (newBuf []byte, err error) {
+ xmlBytes := value.([]byte)
+ if xmlBytes == nil {
+ return nil, nil
+ }
+ buf = append(buf, xmlBytes...)
+ return buf, nil
+type encodePlanXMLCodecEitherFormatMarshal struct {
+ marshal func(v any) ([]byte, error)
+func (e *encodePlanXMLCodecEitherFormatMarshal) Encode(value any, buf []byte) (newBuf []byte, err error) {
+ xmlBytes, err := e.marshal(value)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ buf = append(buf, xmlBytes...)
+ return buf, nil
+func (c *XMLCodec) PlanScan(m *Map, oid uint32, format int16, target any) ScanPlan {
+ switch target.(type) {
+ case *string:
+ return scanPlanAnyToString{}
+ case **string:
+ // This is to fix **string scanning. It seems wrong to special case **string, but it's not clear what a better
+ // solution would be.
+ //
+ // https://github.com/jackc/pgx/issues/1470 -- **string
+ // https://github.com/jackc/pgx/issues/1691 -- ** anything else
+ if wrapperPlan, nextDst, ok := TryPointerPointerScanPlan(target); ok {
+ if nextPlan := m.planScan(oid, format, nextDst); nextPlan != nil {
+ if _, failed := nextPlan.(*scanPlanFail); !failed {
+ wrapperPlan.SetNext(nextPlan)
+ return wrapperPlan
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ case *[]byte:
+ return scanPlanXMLToByteSlice{}
+ case BytesScanner:
+ return scanPlanBinaryBytesToBytesScanner{}
+ // Cannot rely on sql.Scanner being handled later because scanPlanXMLToXMLUnmarshal will take precedence.
+ //
+ // https://github.com/jackc/pgx/issues/1418
+ case sql.Scanner:
+ return &scanPlanSQLScanner{formatCode: format}
+ }
+ return &scanPlanXMLToXMLUnmarshal{
+ unmarshal: c.Unmarshal,
+ }
+type scanPlanXMLToByteSlice struct{}
+func (scanPlanXMLToByteSlice) Scan(src []byte, dst any) error {
+ dstBuf := dst.(*[]byte)
+ if src == nil {
+ *dstBuf = nil
+ return nil
+ }
+ *dstBuf = make([]byte, len(src))
+ copy(*dstBuf, src)
+ return nil
+type scanPlanXMLToXMLUnmarshal struct {
+ unmarshal func(data []byte, v any) error
+func (s *scanPlanXMLToXMLUnmarshal) Scan(src []byte, dst any) error {
+ if src == nil {
+ dstValue := reflect.ValueOf(dst)
+ if dstValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+ el := dstValue.Elem()
+ switch el.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice, reflect.Map, reflect.Interface, reflect.Struct:
+ el.Set(reflect.Zero(el.Type()))
+ return nil
+ }
+ }
+ return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan NULL into %T", dst)
+ }
+ elem := reflect.ValueOf(dst).Elem()
+ elem.Set(reflect.Zero(elem.Type()))
+ return s.unmarshal(src, dst)
+func (c *XMLCodec) DecodeDatabaseSQLValue(m *Map, oid uint32, format int16, src []byte) (driver.Value, error) {
+ if src == nil {
+ return nil, nil
+ }
+ dstBuf := make([]byte, len(src))
+ copy(dstBuf, src)
+ return dstBuf, nil
+func (c *XMLCodec) DecodeValue(m *Map, oid uint32, format int16, src []byte) (any, error) {
+ if src == nil {
+ return nil, nil
+ }
+ var dst any
+ err := c.Unmarshal(src, &dst)
+ return dst, err
diff --git a/pgtype/xml_test.go b/pgtype/xml_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f755e96f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pgtype/xml_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+package pgtype_test
+import (
+ "context"
+ "database/sql"
+ "encoding/xml"
+ "testing"
+ pgx "github.com/jackc/pgx/v5"
+ "github.com/jackc/pgx/v5/pgxtest"
+ "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
+ "github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
+type xmlStruct struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"person"`
+ Name string `xml:"name"`
+ Age int `xml:"age,attr"`
+func TestXMLCodec(t *testing.T) {
+ skipCockroachDB(t, "CockroachDB does not support XML.")
+ pgxtest.RunValueRoundTripTests(context.Background(), t, defaultConnTestRunner, nil, "xml", []pgxtest.ValueRoundTripTest{
+ {nil, new(*xmlStruct), isExpectedEq((*xmlStruct)(nil))},
+ {map[string]any(nil), new(*string), isExpectedEq((*string)(nil))},
+ {map[string]any(nil), new([]byte), isExpectedEqBytes([]byte(nil))},
+ {[]byte(nil), new([]byte), isExpectedEqBytes([]byte(nil))},
+ {nil, new([]byte), isExpectedEqBytes([]byte(nil))},
+ // Test sql.Scanner.
+ {"", new(sql.NullString), isExpectedEq(sql.NullString{String: "", Valid: true})},
+ // Test driver.Valuer.
+ {sql.NullString{String: "", Valid: true}, new(sql.NullString), isExpectedEq(sql.NullString{String: "", Valid: true})},
+ })
+ pgxtest.RunValueRoundTripTests(context.Background(), t, defaultConnTestRunner, pgxtest.KnownOIDQueryExecModes, "xml", []pgxtest.ValueRoundTripTest{
+ {[]byte(``), new([]byte), isExpectedEqBytes([]byte(``))},
+ {[]byte(``), new([]byte), isExpectedEqBytes([]byte(``))},
+ {[]byte(``), new(string), isExpectedEq(``)},
+ {[]byte(``), new([]byte), isExpectedEqBytes([]byte(``))},
+ {[]byte(``), new(string), isExpectedEq(``)},
+ {[]byte(""), new([]byte), isExpectedEqBytes([]byte(""))},
+ {xmlStruct{Name: "Adam", Age: 10}, new(xmlStruct), isExpectedEq(xmlStruct{XMLName: xml.Name{Local: "person"}, Name: "Adam", Age: 10})},
+ {xmlStruct{XMLName: xml.Name{Local: "person"}, Name: "Adam", Age: 10}, new(xmlStruct), isExpectedEq(xmlStruct{XMLName: xml.Name{Local: "person"}, Name: "Adam", Age: 10})},
+ {[]byte(`Adam`), new(xmlStruct), isExpectedEq(xmlStruct{XMLName: xml.Name{Local: "person"}, Name: "Adam", Age: 10})},
+ })
+// https://github.com/jackc/pgx/issues/1273#issuecomment-1221414648
+func TestXMLCodecUnmarshalSQLNull(t *testing.T) {
+ skipCockroachDB(t, "CockroachDB does not support XML.")
+ defaultConnTestRunner.RunTest(context.Background(), t, func(ctx context.Context, t testing.TB, conn *pgx.Conn) {
+ // Byte arrays are nilified
+ slice := []byte{10, 4}
+ err := conn.QueryRow(ctx, "select null::xml").Scan(&slice)
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
+ assert.Nil(t, slice)
+ // Non-pointer structs are zeroed
+ m := xmlStruct{Name: "Adam"}
+ err = conn.QueryRow(ctx, "select null::xml").Scan(&m)
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
+ assert.Empty(t, m)
+ // Pointers to structs are nilified
+ pm := &xmlStruct{Name: "Adam"}
+ err = conn.QueryRow(ctx, "select null::xml").Scan(&pm)
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
+ assert.Nil(t, pm)
+ // Pointer to pointer are nilified
+ n := ""
+ p := &n
+ err = conn.QueryRow(ctx, "select null::xml").Scan(&p)
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
+ assert.Nil(t, p)
+ // A string cannot scan a NULL.
+ str := "foobar"
+ err = conn.QueryRow(ctx, "select null::xml").Scan(&str)
+ assert.EqualError(t, err, "can't scan into dest[0]: cannot scan NULL into *string")
+ })
+func TestXMLCodecPointerToPointerToString(t *testing.T) {
+ skipCockroachDB(t, "CockroachDB does not support XML.")
+ defaultConnTestRunner.RunTest(context.Background(), t, func(ctx context.Context, t testing.TB, conn *pgx.Conn) {
+ var s *string
+ err := conn.QueryRow(ctx, "select ''::xml").Scan(&s)
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ require.NotNil(t, s)
+ require.Equal(t, "", *s)
+ err = conn.QueryRow(ctx, "select null::xml").Scan(&s)
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ require.Nil(t, s)
+ })
diff --git a/stdlib/sql.go b/stdlib/sql.go
index cf76900a5..c1d00ab40 100644
--- a/stdlib/sql.go
+++ b/stdlib/sql.go
@@ -795,6 +795,16 @@ func (r *Rows) Next(dest []driver.Value) error {
return d.Value()
+ case pgtype.XMLOID:
+ var d []byte
+ scanPlan := m.PlanScan(dataTypeOID, format, &d)
+ r.valueFuncs[i] = func(src []byte) (driver.Value, error) {
+ err := scanPlan.Scan(src, &d)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return d, nil
+ }
var d string
scanPlan := m.PlanScan(dataTypeOID, format, &d)