Helper script to access Atlassian Confluence. Currently you can
- create and update pages
- read page information (version, labels, space key, ...)
- search for users
You need the ruby scripting language on your system. On Linux and Mac it usually already is available. On Windows you can use the
Maybe you need additional modules, also called "gems", e.g. the rest-client. In ruby you can install these with
gem install rest-client
Usage: confluence.rb [options]
-c, --create_page PARENT_URL Create page.
-d, --get_details PAGE_URL Get page details (ID and space)
-f, --content_file FILENAME Content to upload
-p, --page_count PAGENAME Count pages in space
-s, --search_user USERNAME Search user
-t, --page_title TITLE Page title for new or updated pages
-u, --update_page PAGE_URL Update page, set also title (-t) and content (-f)
-v, --verbose Run verbosely
-h, --help Prints this help
The script reads $HOME/.mylogin as configuration file. This file contains credentials and base URL of your Confluence instance.
An example is provided in