v. 1.1
- resolved bug with block announcement
- confirmations in blockfinder output
- removed non existent cointrade api's
v. 1.0
- changed from file to sqlite
- rewritten functions to sqlite
- new blockfinder.tcl for specific coins
- added settings to keep certain amount of blocks in database
- delete blocks after given amount of time
v. 0.9
- output variables
- user defined messages
- adding color codes
- added license info
- timer problem solved
- more output variables
- output only to channels set in config
- command output only in channels set in config
- custom output per coin or use default
v. 0.8
- added Multipool environment
- splitted functions to separate files
- added Hashrate modifiers to config
- added license info
- solved bug with findblocks
v. 0.7
- code cleanup
- config.tcl for script settings
- new marketapis for vircurex and coins-e
- solved bug with marketdata.tcl
- support for fast finding block pools
- solved bug where only every second block is announced
v. 0.6
- added https detection
- new script -> marketdata
- added marketinfo for coin price
- deleted https as config option
- added userbalance to commands
v. 0.4
- added workers for specified user
- check for access with supplied api key
- setting output to channel or private notice
- added ssl support for mpos api
- error handling
v. 0.3
- added blockchecktime to advertise only if blocks confirmed
- writing new blocks to file, preventing double advertising
- added debugoutput in settings
v. 0.2
- added some more settings
- channels the bot sits in and should post news
- blockchecktime (used to check for new blocks)
- added blockchecking and announcing new block to channel
v. 0.1 ALPHA
- initial release