These tests are dedicated test applications. They are no unit tests.
Unit tests are in their own module and available via
make tests
Run these test applications with
make __directoryname__-run
Test the voxel animation module with a default character and items of the stock module
Test the dearimgui integration
Test geometry shader integration
Test the OpenCL 3d texture integration of a 3d voxel volume (rendered as 2d side view)
OpenCL mesh extraction - not finished yet.
Test the depth buffer integration with shadow maps and debug renderings
Renders a test 2d image.
Render a mesh with shadows and bones and normals.
Test camera options and collisions.
Display a true type font as 3d voxel volume.
Renders a plane object.
Renders the octree internals.
Uses GLSL compute shader to render a circle.
Conversion of OpenCL marching cubes taken from:
Renders the turbobadger demo.
Visit the frustum in the octree.
Just an empty template for new test applications.
A test application around the http module server for e.g. fuzzy testing purposes.
A test application that just visualizes the biomes.