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Hedera Account Service (HAS) System Contract Functions

The Hedera Account Service (HAS) System Contract is accessible at address 0x16a on the Hedera network. This contract interface introduces a new account proxy contract to interact with other contracts for functionality such as HBAR allowances. It enables querying and granting HBAR approval to a spender account from within smart contracts, allowing developers to grant, retrieve, and manage HBAR allowances directly in their code. Additionally, HAS can verify whether a given address (Hedera account or EVM address) is authorized based on a provided message hash and signature through the isAuthorizedRaw method.

The table below outlines the available Hedera Account Service System Contract functions:

Function Name Function Selector Hash Consensus Node Release Version HIP Method Interface
hbarAllowance 0xbbee989e 0.52 HIP 906 hbarAllowance(address spender)
hbarApprove 0x86aff07c 0.52 HIP 906 hbarApprove(address spender, int256 amount)
isAuthorizedRaw 0xb2a31da4 0.52 HIP 632 isAuthorizedRaw(address, bytes /*messageHash*/, bytes /*signatureBlob*/)
isAuthorized 0xb2526367 0.56 HIP 632 isAuthorizedRaw(address, bytes /*messageHash*/, bytes /*signatureBlob*/)

The Hedera network also make facade contract calls available to EOAs for improved experience. Facade function allow for EOAs to make calls without requiring a deployed contract The table below outlines the available Hedera Account Service (HAS) System Contract facade functions:

Function Name Function Selector Hash Consensus Node Release Version HIP Method Interface Comments
setUnlimitedAutomaticAssociations 0xf5677e99 0.56 HIP 904 setUnlimitedAutomaticAssociations(bool enableAutoAssociations) external returns (int64 responseCode)