groksrc search is a demo project that shows you how to set up nuxt.js on Firebase
Live Demo: or
This nuxt.js issue was very helpful: nuxt/nuxt#1634
You might also like David East's video:
This project does not follow the video. Instead inspiration is taken from qm3ster in the comments on nuxt.js issue #1634.
Make sure you have the Firebase CLI installed. If you want to recreate this project from scratch you'll also need the Vue CLI tools.
# install external dependencies
$ npm install -g firebase-tools
$ npm install -g vue-cli # optional
$ git clone [email protected]:groksrc/groksrc-search.git
# install project dependencies
$ yarn install # or npm install
# before you deploy you must init the project with your firebase project to create a .firebaserc
# NOTE: this command may overwrite firebase.json. Make sure that no important lines are lost
$ firebase init
# serve with hot module reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev
# compile for Firebase
$ yarn package-functions
# serve via the firebase cli to test locally
$ firebase serve --only hosting,functions
# build for production and push live
$ yarn push
For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout my blog article about this project.