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/ gcli Public

🖥 Go CLI application, tool library, running CLI commands, support console color, user interaction, progress display, data formatting display, generate bash/zsh completion add more features. Go的命令行应用,工具库,运行CLI命令,支持命令行色彩,用户交互,进度显示,数据格式化显示,生成bash/zsh命令补全脚本


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A simple and easy-to-use command-line application and tool library written in Golang. Including running commands, color styles, data display, progress display, interactive methods, etc.

中文说明请看 README.zh-CN




  • Rich in functions and easy to use
  • Support for adding multiple commands and supporting command aliases
  • Support binding command options from structure
    • example flag:"name=int0;shorts=i;required=true;desc=int option message"
  • Support for adding multi-level commands, each level of command supports binding its own options
  • option/flag - support option binding --long, support for adding short options(-s)
    • POSIX-style short flag combining (-a -b = -ab)
    • Support setting Required, indicating a required option parameter
    • Support setting Validator, which can customize the validation input parameters
  • argument - support binding argument to specify name
    • Support required, optional, array settings
    • It will be automatically detected and collected when the command is run.
  • colorable - supports rich color output. provide by gookit/color
    • Supports html tab-style color rendering, compatible with Windows
    • Built-in info, error, success, danger and other styles, can be used directly
  • interact Built-in user interaction methods: ReadLine, Confirm, Select, MultiSelect ...
  • progress Built-in progress display methods: Txt, Bar, Loading, RoundTrip, DynamicText ...
  • Automatically generate command help information and support color display
  • When the command entered is incorrect, a similar command will be prompted(including an alias prompt)
  • Supports generation of zsh and bash command completion script files
  • Supports a single command as a stand-alone application

Flag Options:

  • Options start with - or --, and the first character must be a letter
  • Support long option. eg: --long --long value
  • Support short option. eg: -s -a value
  • Support define array option
    • eg: --tag php --tag go will get tag: [php, go]

Flag Arguments:

  • Support binding named argument
  • Support define array argument



go get

Quick start

an example for quick start:

package main

import (

// for test run: go build ./_examples/cliapp.go && ./cliapp
func main() {
    app := gcli.NewApp()
    app.Version = "1.0.3"
    app.Desc = "this is my cli application"
    // app.SetVerbose(gcli.VerbDebug)

        Name: "demo",
        // allow color tag and {$cmd} will be replace to 'demo'
        Desc: "this is a description <info>message</> for {$cmd}", 
        Subs: []*gcli.Command {
            // ... allow add subcommands
        Aliases: []string{"dm"},
        Func: func (cmd *gcli.Command, args []string) error {
            gcli.Print("hello, in the demo command\n")
            return nil

    // .... add more ...


Binding flags

flags binding and manage by builtin gflag.go, allow binding flag options and arguments.

Bind options

gcli support multi method to binding flag options.

Use flag methods

Available methods:

BoolOpt(p *bool, name, shorts string, defValue bool, desc string)
BoolVar(p *bool, meta FlagMeta)
Float64Opt(p *float64, name, shorts string, defValue float64, desc string)
Float64Var(p *float64, meta FlagMeta)
Int64Opt(p *int64, name, shorts string, defValue int64, desc string)
Int64Var(p *int64, meta FlagMeta)
IntOpt(p *int, name, shorts string, defValue int, desc string)
IntVar(p *int, meta FlagMeta)
StrOpt(p *string, name, shorts, defValue, desc string)
StrVar(p *string, meta FlagMeta)
Uint64Opt(p *uint64, name, shorts string, defValue uint64, desc string)
Uint64Var(p *uint64, meta FlagMeta)
UintOpt(p *uint, name, shorts string, defValue uint, desc string)
UintVar(p *uint, meta FlagMeta)
Var(p flag.Value, meta FlagMeta)
VarOpt(p flag.Value, name, shorts, desc string)

Usage examples:

var id int
var b bool
var opt, dir string
var f1 float64
var names gcli.Strings

// bind options
cmd.IntOpt(&id, "id", "", 2, "the id option")
cmd.BoolOpt(&b, "bl", "b", false, "the bool option")
// notice `DIRECTORY` will replace to option value type
cmd.StrOpt(&dir, "dir", "d", "", "the `DIRECTORY` option")
// setting option name and short-option name
cmd.StrOpt(&opt, "opt", "o", "", "the option message")
// setting a special option var, it must implement the flag.Value interface
cmd.VarOpt(&names, "names", "n", "the option message")

Use struct tags

package main

import (


type userOpts struct {
	Int  int    `flag:"name=int0;shorts=i;required=true;desc=int option message"`
	Bol  bool   `flag:"name=bol;shorts=b;desc=bool option message"`
	Str1 string `flag:"name=str1;shorts=o,h;required=true;desc=str1 message"`
	// use ptr
	Str2 *string `flag:"name=str2;required=true;desc=str2 message"`
	// custom type and implement flag.Value
	Verb0 gcli.VerbLevel `flag:"name=verb0;shorts=V;desc=verb0 message"`
	// use ptr
	Verb1 *gcli.VerbLevel `flag:"name=verb1;desc=verb1 message"`

func main() {
	astr := "xyz"
	verb := gcli.VerbWarn

	cmd := gcli.NewCommand("test", "desc")
	// fs := gcli.NewFlags("test")
	// err := fs.FromStruct(&userOpts{
	err := cmd.FromStruct(&userOpts{
		Str2:  &astr,
		Verb1: &verb,

Bind arguments

About arguments:

  • Required argument cannot be defined after optional argument
  • Support binding array argument
  • The (array)argument of multiple values can only be defined at the end

Available methods:

Add(arg Argument) *Argument
AddArg(name, desc string, requiredAndArrayed ...bool) *Argument
AddArgByRule(name, rule string) *Argument
AddArgument(arg *Argument) *Argument
BindArg(arg Argument) *Argument

Usage examples:

cmd.AddArg("arg0", "the first argument, is required", true)
cmd.AddArg("arg1", "the second argument, is required", true)
cmd.AddArg("arg2", "the optional argument, is optional")
cmd.AddArg("arrArg", "the array argument, is array", false, true)

can also use Arg()/BindArg() add a gcli.Argument object:

cmd.Arg("arg0", gcli.Argument{
	Name: "ag0",
	Desc: "the first argument, is required",
	Require: true,
cmd.BindArg("arg2", gcli.Argument{
	Name: "ag0",
	Desc: "the third argument, is is optional",
cmd.BindArg("arrArg", gcli.Argument{
	Name: "arrArg",
	Desc: "the third argument, is is array",
	Arrayed: true,

use AddArgByRule:

cmd.AddArgByRule("arg2", "add an arg by string rule;required;23")

New application

app := gcli.NewApp()
app.Version = "1.0.3"
app.Desc = "this is my cli application"
// app.SetVerbose(gcli.VerbDebug)

Add commands

    Name: "demo",
    // allow color tag and {$cmd} will be replace to 'demo'
    Desc: "this is a description <info>message</> for {$cmd}", 
    Subs: []*gcli.Command {
        // level1: sub commands...
            Name:    "remote",
            Desc:    "remote command for git",
            Aliases: []string{"rmt"},
            Func: func(c *gcli.Command, args []string) error {
                return nil
            Subs: []*gcli.Command{
                // level2: sub commands...
                // {}
        // ... allow add subcommands
    Aliases: []string{"dm"},
    Func: func (cmd *gcli.Command, args []string) error {
        gcli.Print("hello, in the demo command\n")
        return nil

Run application

Build the example application as demo

$ go build ./_examples/cliapp                                                         

Display version

$ ./cliapp --version      
# or use -V                                                 
$ ./cliapp -V                                                     


Display app help

by ./cliapp or ./cliapp -h or ./cliapp --help


./cliapp -h # can also
./cliapp --help # can also


Run command



Run example:

$ ./cliapp example -c some.txt -d ./dir --id 34 -n tom -n john val0 val1 val2 arrVal0 arrVal1 arrVal2

You can see:


Display command help

by ./cliapp example -h or ./cliapp example --help


Error command tips

command tips

Generate Auto Completion Scripts

import  ""

    // ...
    // add gen command(gen successful you can remove it)

Build and run command(This command can be deleted after success.):

$ go build ./_examples/cliapp.go && ./cliapp genac -h // display help
$ go build ./_examples/cliapp.go && ./cliapp genac // run gen command

will see:

  {shell:zsh binName:cliapp output:auto-completion.zsh}

Now, will write content to file auto-completion.zsh
Continue? [yes|no](default yes): y

OK, auto-complete file generate successful

After running, it will generate an auto-completion.{zsh|bash} file in the current directory, and the shell environment name is automatically obtained. Of course, you can specify it manually at runtime

Generated shell script file ref:



Write a command

command allow setting fields:

  • Name the command name.
  • Desc the command description.
  • Aliases the command alias names.
  • Config the command config func, will call it on init.
  • Subs add subcommands, allow multi level subcommands
  • Func the command handle callback func
  • More, please see godoc

Quick create

var MyCmd = &gcli.Command{
    Name: "demo",
    // allow color tag and {$cmd} will be replace to 'demo'
    Desc: "this is a description <info>message</> for command {$cmd}", 
    Aliases: []string{"dm"},
    Func: func (cmd *gcli.Command, args []string) error {
        gcli.Print("hello, in the demo command\n")
        return nil
    // allow add multi level subcommands
    Subs: []*gcli.Command{},

Write go file

the source file at: example.go

package main

import (


// options for the command
var exampleOpts = struct {
	id  int
	c   string
	dir string
	opt string
	names gcli.Strings

// ExampleCommand command definition
var ExampleCommand = &gcli.Command{
	Name: "example",
	Desc: "this is a description message",
	Aliases: []string{"exp", "ex"}, // 命令别名
	// {$binName} {$cmd} is help vars. '{$cmd}' will replace to 'example'
	Examples: `{$binName} {$cmd} --id 12 -c val ag0 ag1
<cyan>{$fullCmd} --names tom --names john -n c</> test use special option`,
	Config: func(c *gcli.Command) {
	    // binding options
        // ...
        c.IntOpt(&, "id", "", 2, "the id option")
		c.StrOpt(&exampleOpts.c, "config", "c", "value", "the config option")
		// notice `DIRECTORY` will replace to option value type
		c.StrOpt(&exampleOpts.dir, "dir", "d", "", "the `DIRECTORY` option")
		// 支持设置选项短名称
		c.StrOpt(&exampleOpts.opt, "opt", "o", "", "the option message")
		// 支持绑定自定义变量, 但必须实现 flag.Value 接口
		c.VarOpt(&exampleOpts.names, "names", "n", "the option message")

      // binding arguments
		c.AddArg("arg0", "the first argument, is required", true)
		// ...
	Func:  exampleExecute,

// 命令执行主逻辑代码
// example run:
// 	go run ./_examples/cliapp.go ex -c some.txt -d ./dir --id 34 -n tom -n john val0 val1 val2 arrVal0 arrVal1 arrVal2
func exampleExecute(c *gcli.Command, args []string) error {
	color.Infoln("hello, in example command")

	if exampleOpts.showErr {
		return c.NewErrf("OO, An error has occurred!!")

	magentaln := color.Magenta.Println

	color.Cyanln("All Aptions:")
	// fmt.Printf("%+v\n", exampleOpts)

	color.Cyanln("Remain Args:")
	// fmt.Printf("%v\n", args)

	magentaln("Get arg by name:")
	arr := c.Arg("arg0")
	fmt.Printf("named arg '%s', value: %#v\n", arr.Name, arr.Value)

	magentaln("All named args:")
	for _, arg := range c.Args() {
		fmt.Printf("- named arg '%s': %+v\n", arg.Name, arg.Value)

	return nil
  • display the command help:
go build ./_examples/cliapp.go && ./cliapp example -h


Progress display

Package progress provide terminal progress bar display.

Such as: Txt, Bar, Loading, RoundTrip, DynamicText ...

  • progress.Bar progress bar

Demo: ./cliapp prog bar


  • progress.Txt text progress bar

Demo: ./cliapp prog txt


  • progress.LoadBar pending/loading progress bar


  • progress.Counter counter
  • progress.RoundTrip round trip progress bar
[===     ] -> [    === ] -> [ ===    ]


  • progress.DynamicText dynamic text message


package main

import (


func main()  {
	speed := 100
	maxSteps := 110
	p := progress.Bar(maxSteps)

	for i := 0; i < maxSteps; i++ {
		time.Sleep(time.Duration(speed) * time.Millisecond)


more demos please see progress_demo.go

run demos:

go run ./_examples/cliapp.go prog txt
go run ./_examples/cliapp.go prog bar
go run ./_examples/cliapp.go prog roundTrip


Interactive methods

console interactive methods

  • interact.ReadInput
  • interact.ReadLine
  • interact.ReadFirst
  • interact.Confirm
  • interact.Select/Choice
  • interact.MultiSelect/Checkbox
  • interact.Question/Ask
  • interact.ReadPassword


package main

import (


func main() {
	username, _ := interact.ReadLine("Your name?")
	password := interact.ReadPassword("Your password?")
	ok := interact.Confirm("ensure continue?")
	if !ok {
		// do something...
	fmt.Printf("username: %s, password: %s\n", username, password)

Read Input

read user input message

ans, _ := interact.ReadLine("Your name? ")

if ans != "" {
    color.Println("Your input: ", ans)
} else {
    color.Cyan.Println("No input!")



ans := interact.SelectOne(
    "Your city name(use array)?",
    []string{"chengdu", "beijing", "shanghai"},
color.Comment.Println("your select is: ", ans)


Multi Select/Checkbox

ans := interact.MultiSelect(
    "Your city name(use array)?",
    []string{"chengdu", "beijing", "shanghai"},
color.Comment.Println("your select is: ", ans)


Confirm Message

if interact.Confirm("Ensure continue") {
    fmt.Println(emoji.Render(":smile: Confirmed"))
} else {


Read Password

pwd := interact.ReadPassword()

color.Comment.Println("your input password is: ", pwd)


CLI Color

Terminal color use gookit/color Support windows cmd.exe powerShell

  • Color output display


Color usage

package main

import (

func main() {
	// simple usage
	color.Cyan.Printf("Simple to use %s\n", "color")

	// internal theme/style:
	// custom color
	color.New(color.FgWhite, color.BgBlack).Println("custom color style")

	// can also:
	color.Style{color.FgCyan, color.OpBold}.Println("custom color style")
	// use defined color tag
	color.Print("use color tag: <suc>he</><comment>llo</>, <cyan>wel</><red>come</>\n")

	// use custom color tag
	color.Print("custom color tag: <fg=yellow;bg=black;op=underscore;>hello, welcome</>\n")

	// set a style tag
	color.Tag("info").Println("info style text")

	// prompt message
	color.Info.Prompt("prompt style message")
	color.Warn.Prompt("prompt style message")

	// tips message
	color.Info.Tips("tips style message")
	color.Warn.Tips("tips style message")

For more information on the use of color libraries, please visit gookit/color

Gookit packages

  • gookit/ini Go config management, use INI files
  • gookit/rux Simple and fast request router for golang HTTP
  • gookit/gcli build CLI application, tool library, running CLI commands
  • gookit/event Lightweight event manager and dispatcher implements by Go
  • gookit/cache Generic cache use and cache manager for golang. support File, Memory, Redis, Memcached.
  • gookit/config Go config management. support JSON, YAML, TOML, INI, HCL, ENV and Flags
  • gookit/color A command-line color library with true color support, universal API methods and Windows support
  • gookit/filter Provide filtering, sanitizing, and conversion of golang data
  • gookit/validate Use for data validation and filtering. support Map, Struct, Form data
  • gookit/goutil Some utils for the Go: string, array/slice, map, format, cli, env, filesystem, test and more
  • More please see

See also




🖥 Go CLI application, tool library, running CLI commands, support console color, user interaction, progress display, data formatting display, generate bash/zsh completion add more features. Go的命令行应用,工具库,运行CLI命令,支持命令行色彩,用户交互,进度显示,数据格式化显示,生成bash/zsh命令补全脚本






