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Compatibility and Dependencies

Wesley Roozing edited this page Nov 26, 2018 · 5 revisions

Home -> Technical Documentation -> Compatibility and Dependencies

Compatibility with different OS

The Toolbox has been tested on MATLAB on the following operating systems:

  • Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04
  • Debian GNU/Linux 9
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 10

If you can confirm compatibility with other OS, please let us know and we are happy to list them here.

Compatibility with different MATLAB/Simulink releases:

The Toolbox has been tested on the following MATLAB Versions:

  • 2017b
  • 2017a
  • 2016a

We have used the Compliant Joint Toolbox on versions down to 2014a, however, we do not actively support those and bugs may exist. If you would like to use the toolbox on such an older MATLAB version, and intend on using the Simulink components, remember to adjust your Simulink preferences so it will not actively refuse to open the models, which are saved for compatibility down to 2016a.


The Compliant Joint Toolbox has the following dependencies:

  • LaTeX: The `dataSheetGenerator' module requires a LaTeX installation to be present on the system search path to compile datasheet with actuator information. It might be necessary to install additional LaTeX packages on your system.

  • Mathworks Symbolic Math Toolbox: Symbolic actuator analysis, transfer functions, state-space models etc...

  • Mathworks Simulink Real-Time: Interfacing with and controlling real actuator hardware in real-time.