This model describes a general recipe for developing sustainable governance of the explicit content and perceived behaviors in any specific media channel, or any network of co-governed channels (including forums with hierarchically structured topics.)
This model derives from several sources including:
- Bridge the Divide Discussion Group Guidelines
- These guidelines were collaboratively developed through community discussion and inputs in 2013, and have been used ever since with some minor edits.
- Bridge the Divide's acting policies and procedures for admins
- Using those policies and procedures, BTD has only used official disciplinary actions by 100% written consent of acting admins since March 2015.
- Enspiral Personal Conduct Agreement
- Enspiral Harassment and Abuse Policy
I contributed to the development of the BTD Group Guidelines, and I was the primary author of the other three linked documents-- although I left the Enspiral creative team before final revisions and adoption of those two formal agreements.
This model is being simplified from existing models, made generic for channels with any topic, and will support purely peer-based media governance for channels in varied technical formats, without facebook's extremely limited (crippling) group administration tools.
Current model is here: Inclusive Channel Policy
Note: This model for governing content in specific channels is meant to directly supplement Inclusive Network Governance, while being separately usable.
--Greg Cassel