- Query and filters optimisations to fix the performance issues
- Removed blueprint code from index pages to make the loading faster
- Fixed a bug where new version number of the game were ignored
- Added missing assets for items and recipes (by LRFalk01 #61)
- Added new Dark Fog items and recipes (by LRFalk01 #61)
- Added a node script to easily diff game extracted files and the website's data files
- Added ETag caching to alleviate server load
- Fixed a bug where the cards layout would break when blueprints titles were too long (by Martin-Pitt #55)
- Updated gameEntities and gameRecipes (by Martin-Pitt #57, #58)
- Track blueprint usage (copies and downloads).
- Tracking is only counted once per hour when a user copies or downloads a blueprint ("cooldown" is per blueprint)
- Display usage on blueprints' cards
- Display usage on blueprints pages
- Add a filter to sort by "Most used"
- Updated Help page
- Updated collection's "Download as ZIP" to work with mechas blueprints
- Fixed a bug with the "Download as ZIP" when a collection name or blueprint name contained a
- Added filters to collections' pages
- Changed minimum image upload size from 3 MB to 5 MB
- Updated home page filters
- Fixed a bug with mechas pictures not being promoted and instead being purged after 24h
- Updated "Support us" page with up to date information
- Fixed a few bugs with color extraction for specific colors
- Fixed a bug with the color picker not working when going back one page
- Sorting blueprints now automatically refresh the page, no need to submit the form
- Lots of code reorganization and refactoring
- Handle new blueprints types: Dyson Spheres and Mechas
- Validation for Dyson Spheres and Mechas blueprints
- Mechas preview extraction
- Ability to color search mechas blueprints
- New blueprints tags can be added by the users
- Small UI improvements
- Added game version:
- Added new entities: Traffic monitor, Spray coater, Geothermal power station, Advanced mining machine and Automatic piler
- Added new recipes: Traffic monitor, Spray coater, Proliferator, Geothermal power station, Advanced mining machine and Automatic piler
- If a blueprint is too large, a link to open the blueprint's code in a new page will be displayed instead of the copy button. - sho918
- Fixes a small bug that made some specific search crash
- Blueprint breakdown preview - sho918
- Added a blueprint size warning for large blueprints
- Added new supporters to the wall of fame page
- Fixed Mass Construction (2) to be 150 structures instead of 120
- You can now support Dyson Sphere Blueprint via Github Sponsor / Patreon, a new page has been added to the website
- Fixed n+1 query issue introduced in 3.2.0
- Moved from malloc to jemalloc to optimise RAM consumption
- SQL optimisations
- Fix issue with bulk blueprint download - David Westerink
- You can now click on tags to search for them - sho918
- Minor style fixes
- Add ability to bulk download blueprint collections as zip. Thanks to David Westerink
- SMTP Setup
- Add back the "Forgot my password" page
- Big code clean up by sho918, thanks a lot to him.
- Added docker file for development purposes. Done by sho918 as well.
- Added Plane Smelter recipe and renamed Smelter to Arc Smelter
- Now fetches the game versions from Steam News API
- Added Plane Smelter and its icon
- Renamed Smelter into Arc Smelter
- Ability to search by maximum structure count
- Ability to search by author
- Displays the minimum "Mass Construction" research needed on the blueprints' cards on the homepage
- Fixed a bug where the "Mass Construction" tags would not display their icon properly in a blueprint's page
- Added game versions:,
- New blueprint parser
- New help page
- Improved contribution documentation
- New tags for Mass Construction research
- Added game versions:,,,,
- Handle native blueprints minimaly for game version
- Rewrote all image handling code in the site
- Updated the blueprint creation form with a new image upload UI
- Moved all the pictures to the new host AWS S3
- Rewrote the blueprint validators and parsers entirely.
- Improved the blueprint summary, blueprints "Requirements" will now also show [assemblers / smelters / refineries / colliders / chemical plants] recipes and the number of buildings that have been affected the recipe.
- Added new tags when creating blueprints: "Early-game", "Mid-game", "Late-game", "Lettering" and "Conveyor Belt Art".
- Small UI improvements / Optimizations and code cleanup.
- Fix the multiple rendering of the blueprints data on a blueprints page, which was causing slow downs for big blueprints.
- Multiple CSS improvements, especially in the overall coherence of button styles and hovers
- Image optimization
- Blueprints can now be prefixed with a name (my_blueprint_name:<BASE_64_ENCODED_BLUEPRINT>) without crashing the parser
- Added a button to quickly access "My collection" from the collections index page.
- Added "Compatible with" mod version search, the search will now find any blueprint that is compatible with the specified mod version.
- Fixed sentry issues
- Improved search UI
- Added a page to display a user's favorites blueprints, accessible from the user menu as "My favorites".
- Display a range of compatible mod versions for a blueprint instead of just the mod's version the blueprint was created for
- On a blueprint's page when hovering the version in the sidebar, it will display a "Compatibility summary"
- Fix crashes that happened when you deleted all your collections and tried to create a new blueprint
- Updated pagination UI
- Multiple bug fixes
- Fix some crashes
- UI/UX improvements
- Release