diff --git a/src/FsSpreadsheet/Cells/FsCellsCollection.fs b/src/FsSpreadsheet/Cells/FsCellsCollection.fs
index 462016b7..fee602dc 100644
--- a/src/FsSpreadsheet/Cells/FsCellsCollection.fs
+++ b/src/FsSpreadsheet/Cells/FsCellsCollection.fs
@@ -694,14 +694,12 @@ type FsCellsCollection() =
/// Returns the upper left corner of the FsCellsCollection.
member this.GetFirstAddress() =
- try
- let minRow = _rowsCollection.Keys |> Seq.min
- let minCol =
- _rowsCollection.Values
- |> Seq.minBy (fun d -> Seq.min d.Keys)
- |> fun d -> Seq.min d.Keys
- FsAddress(minRow, minCol)
- with :? System.ArgumentException -> FsAddress(0, 0)
+ let minRow = _rowsCollection.Keys |> Seq.min
+ let minCol =
+ _rowsCollection.Values
+ |> Seq.minBy (fun d -> Seq.min d.Keys)
+ |> fun d -> Seq.min d.Keys
+ FsAddress(minRow, minCol)
/// Returns the upper left corner of a given FsCellsCollection.
diff --git a/src/FsSpreadsheet/FsWorksheet.fs b/src/FsSpreadsheet/FsWorksheet.fs
index dbd83887..1665c6d8 100644
--- a/src/FsSpreadsheet/FsWorksheet.fs
+++ b/src/FsSpreadsheet/FsWorksheet.fs
@@ -286,10 +286,9 @@ type FsWorksheet (name, fsRows, fsTables, fsCellsCollection) =
/// Returns the highest index of any FsRow.
member self.GetMaxRowIndex() =
- try
- self.Rows
- |> List.maxBy (fun r -> r.Index)
- with :? System.ArgumentException -> failwith "The FsWorksheet has no FsRows."
+ if self.Rows.IsEmpty then failwith "The FsWorksheet has no FsRows."
+ self.Rows
+ |> List.maxBy (fun r -> r.Index)
/// Returns the highest index of any FsRow in a given FsWorksheet.