diff --git a/src/FsSpreadsheet.PythonIO/Cell.fs b/src/FsSpreadsheet.PythonIO/Cell.fs
index a6f0c31..a208429 100644
--- a/src/FsSpreadsheet.PythonIO/Cell.fs
+++ b/src/FsSpreadsheet.PythonIO/Cell.fs
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ module PyCell =
/// Here it will actually show the correct DateTime. But when writing, exceljs will apply local offset.
//let dt = fsCell.ValueAsDateTime() |> System.DateTimeOffset
///// Therefore we add offset and it should work.
- //let dt = dt + dt.Offset |> box |> Some
+ //let dt = dt.ToUniversalTime() + dt.Offset |> box |> Some
- fsCell.ValueAsDateTime() |> box |> Some
+ fsCell.ValueAsDateTime().ToUniversalTime() |> box |> Some
| String ->
fsCell.Value |> Some
| anyElse ->
@@ -36,48 +36,17 @@ module PyCell =
let toFsCell worksheetName rowIndex columnIndex (pyCell: Cell) =
- let t = CellType.fromCellType pyCell.cellType |> PyCellType.toDataType
+ //printfn "toFsCell worksheetName: %s, rowIndex: %i, columnIndex: %i, %A" worksheetName rowIndex columnIndex (pyCell.value, pyCell.cellType)
let fsadress = FsAddress(rowIndex,columnIndex)
- let createFscell = fun dt v -> FsCell(v,dt,address = fsadress)
- let vTemp = string pyCell.value
+ let dt,v =
+ let dt,v = DataType.InferCellValue pyCell.value
+ if v = "=TRUE()" || v = "=True()" then
+ Boolean,box true
+ elif v = "=FALSE()" || v = "=False()" then
+ Boolean,box false
+ else
+ dt,v
+ FsCell(v,dt,address = fsadress)
- let fscell =
- match t with
- | DataType.Boolean ->
- let b = System.Boolean.Parse vTemp
- createFscell DataType.Boolean b
- | DataType.Number -> float vTemp |> createFscell DataType.Number
- | DataType.Date ->
- let dt = System.DateTime.Parse(vTemp)//.ToUniversalTime()
- /// Without this step universal time get changed to local time? Exceljs tests will hit this.
- ///
- /// Expected item (from test object): C2 : Sat Oct 14 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit) | Date
- ///
- /// Actual item (created here): C2 : Sat Oct 14 2023 02:00:00 GMT+0200 (Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit) | Date
- ///
- /// But logging hour minute showed that the values were given correctly and needed to be reinitialized.
- //let dt = System.DateTime(dt.Year,dt.Month,dt.Day,dt.Hour,dt.Minute, dt.Second)
- dt |> createFscell DataType.Date
- | DataType.String -> vTemp |> createFscell DataType.String
- //| ValueType.Formula ->
- // match jsCell.formula with
- // | "TRUE()" ->
- // let b = true
- // createFscell DataType.Boolean b
- // | "FALSE()" ->
- // let b = false
- // createFscell DataType.Boolean b
- // | anyElse ->
- // let msg = sprintf "ValueType 'Format' (%s) is not fully implemented in FsSpreadsheet and is handled as string input. In %s: (%i,%i)" anyElse worksheetName rowIndex columnIndex
- // log msg
- // anyElse |> createFscell DataType.String
- //| ValueType.Hyperlink ->
- // //log (c.value.Value?text)
- // jsCell.value.Value?hyperlink |> createFscell DataType.String
- | anyElse ->
- let msg = sprintf "ValueType `%A` (%s) is not fully implemented in FsSpreadsheet and is handled as string input. In %s: (%i,%i)" anyElse vTemp worksheetName rowIndex columnIndex
- printfn "%s" msg
- createFscell DataType.String vTemp
- fscell
diff --git a/src/FsSpreadsheet.PythonIO/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelPy.fsproj b/src/FsSpreadsheet.PythonIO/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelPy.fsproj
index 13c653c..51371c1 100644
--- a/src/FsSpreadsheet.PythonIO/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelPy.fsproj
+++ b/src/FsSpreadsheet.PythonIO/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelPy.fsproj
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
diff --git a/src/FsSpreadsheet.PythonIO/Table.fs b/src/FsSpreadsheet.PythonIO/Table.fs
index 2c4f572..5b7e79f 100644
--- a/src/FsSpreadsheet.PythonIO/Table.fs
+++ b/src/FsSpreadsheet.PythonIO/Table.fs
@@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ module PyTable =
let toFsTable(table:Table) =
let name = if isNull table.displayName then table.name else table.displayName
- let ref = table?ref
+ let ref = table.ref
diff --git a/src/FsSpreadsheet.PythonIO/Workbook.fs b/src/FsSpreadsheet.PythonIO/Workbook.fs
index 9ab58a4..5679b6c 100644
--- a/src/FsSpreadsheet.PythonIO/Workbook.fs
+++ b/src/FsSpreadsheet.PythonIO/Workbook.fs
@@ -8,16 +8,21 @@ module PyWorkbook =
open Fable.Core.PyInterop
let fromFsWorkbook (fsWB: FsWorkbook) : Workbook =
+ if fsWB.GetWorksheets().Count = 0 then
+ failwith "Workbook must contain at least one worksheet"
let pyWB = Workbook.create()
+ pyWB.remove(pyWB.active)
|> Seq.iter (fun ws ->
PyWorksheet.fromFsWorksheet pyWB ws |> ignore
+ //if fsWB.TryGetWorksheetByName("Sheet").IsNone then
+ // pyWB
let toFsWorkbook(pyWB:Workbook) : FsWorkbook =
let fsWB = new FsWorkbook()
- pyWB?worksheets |> Array.iter (fun (ws : Worksheet) ->
+ pyWB.worksheets |> Array.iter (fun (ws : Worksheet) ->
if ws.title <> "Sheet" && ws.values.Length <> 0 then
let w = PyWorksheet.toFsWorksheet ws
fsWB.AddWorksheet(w) |> ignore
diff --git a/src/FsSpreadsheet.PythonIO/Worksheet.fs b/src/FsSpreadsheet.PythonIO/Worksheet.fs
index 9568fe7..dc60225 100644
--- a/src/FsSpreadsheet.PythonIO/Worksheet.fs
+++ b/src/FsSpreadsheet.PythonIO/Worksheet.fs
@@ -7,15 +7,8 @@ module PyWorksheet =
open Fable.Openpyxl
open Fable.Core.PyInterop
- type WorksheetStatic =
- []
- abstract member create: parent:Workbook * title:string -> Worksheet
- []
- let Worksheet : WorksheetStatic = nativeOnly
- let fromFsWorksheet (parent : Workbook) (fsWS: FsWorksheet) : Worksheet =
- let pyWS = Worksheet.create(parent,fsWS.Name)
+ let fromFsWorksheet (parent : Workbook) (fsWS: FsWorksheet) : Worksheet =
+ let pyWS = parent.create_sheet(fsWS.Name)
|> Seq.iter (fun table ->
let pyTable = PyTable.fromFsTable table
@@ -37,8 +30,9 @@ module PyWorksheet =
pyWS.rows |> Array.iteri (fun rowIndex row ->
row |> Array.iteri (fun colIndex cell ->
- let c = PyCell.toFsCell pyWS.title rowIndex colIndex cell
- fsWS.AddCell(c) |> ignore
+ if cell.cellType <> "NoneType" then
+ let c = PyCell.toFsCell pyWS.title (rowIndex + 1) (colIndex + 1) cell
+ fsWS.AddCell(c) |> ignore
diff --git a/tests/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelPy.Tests/Workbook.Tests.fs b/tests/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelPy.Tests/Workbook.Tests.fs
index 75d8cd1..41d7fb9 100644
--- a/tests/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelPy.Tests/Workbook.Tests.fs
+++ b/tests/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelPy.Tests/Workbook.Tests.fs
@@ -122,10 +122,9 @@ let private tests_toFsWorkbook = testList "toFsWorkbook" [
let tests_toPyWorkbook = testList "toPyWorkbook" [
testCase "empty" <| fun _ ->
let fsWB = new FsWorkbook()
- let pyWB = PyWorkbook.fromFsWorkbook fsWB
- let jswslist = pyWB?worksheets |> Array.length
- Expect.equal jswslist 0 "both no worksheet"
+ Expect.fails (fun () -> PyWorkbook.fromFsWorkbook fsWB |> ignore) "no worksheet given"
testCase "worksheet" <| fun _ ->
let fsWB = new FsWorkbook()
let _ = fsWB.InitWorksheet("my awesome worksheet")
diff --git a/tests/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelPy.Tests/Worksheet.Tests.fs b/tests/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelPy.Tests/Worksheet.Tests.fs
index 1470df4..4c65b3b 100644
--- a/tests/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelPy.Tests/Worksheet.Tests.fs
+++ b/tests/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelPy.Tests/Worksheet.Tests.fs
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ let fromFsWorksheet = testList "fromFsWorksheet" [
let toFsWorksheet = testList "toFsWorksheet" [
testCase "Empty" <| fun _ ->
let wb = Workbook.create()
- let pyWS = PyWorksheet.Worksheet.create(wb,wsName)
+ let pyWS = wb.create_sheet(wsName)
let fsWS = PyWorksheet.toFsWorksheet pyWS
Expect.equal fsWS.Name wsName "Name did not match"
Expect.equal (fsWS.CellCollection.GetCells() |> Seq.length) 0 "Cells did not match"
diff --git a/tests/TestUtils/TestingUtils.fs b/tests/TestUtils/TestingUtils.fs
index 101cba9..e5a2bb4 100644
--- a/tests/TestUtils/TestingUtils.fs
+++ b/tests/TestUtils/TestingUtils.fs
@@ -122,6 +122,13 @@ module Expect =
let passWithMsg (message: string) = equal true true message
+ let fails (f : unit -> unit) message =
+ try
+ f()
+ failwith $"Function should have failed but did not: {message}"
+ with
+ | _ -> ()
/// Fable compatible Expecto/Mocha unification
module Test =