diff --git a/src/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO.fsproj b/src/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO.fsproj
index d4f73109..c73a10e5 100644
--- a/src/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO.fsproj
+++ b/src/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO.fsproj
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
diff --git a/src/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO/ZipArchiveReader.fs b/src/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO/ZipArchiveReader.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f48e3ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO/ZipArchiveReader.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+module FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO.ZipArchiveReader
+open System.IO.Compression
+open System.Xml
+open FsSpreadsheet
+let inline bool (v : string) =
+ match v with
+ | null | "0" -> false
+ | "1" -> true
+ | _ ->
+ let v' = v.ToLower()
+ if v' = "true" then true
+ elif v' = "false" then false
+ else failwith "Invalid boolean value"
+module DType =
+ []
+ let boolean = "b"
+ []
+ let number = "n"
+ []
+ let error = "e"
+ []
+ let sharedString = "s"
+ []
+ let string = "str"
+ []
+ let inlineString = "5"
+ []
+ let date = "d"
+type Relationship =
+ { Id : string
+ Type : string
+ Target : string }
+type WorkBook = ZipArchive
+type SharedStrings = string []
+type Relationships = Map
+let dateTimeFormats = Set.ofList [14..22]
+let customFormats = Set.ofList [164 .. 180]
+type NumberFormat =
+ { Id : int
+ FormatCode : string }
+ static member isDateTime (numberFormat : NumberFormat) =
+ let format = numberFormat.FormatCode
+ let input = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(format, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
+ let dt = System.DateTime.ParseExact(
+ input,
+ format,
+ System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
+ System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.NoCurrentDateDefault
+ )
+ dt <> Unchecked.defaultof
+and CellFormat =
+ {
+ NumberFormatId : int
+ ApllyNumberFormat : bool
+ }
+ static member isDateTime (styles : Styles) (cf : CellFormat) =
+ // if numberformatid is between 14 and 18 it is standard date time format.
+ // custom formats are given in the range of 164 to 180, all none default date time formats fall in there.
+ if Set.contains cf.NumberFormatId dateTimeFormats then
+ true
+ elif Set.contains cf.NumberFormatId customFormats then
+ styles.NumberFormats.TryFind cf.NumberFormatId
+ |> Option.map NumberFormat.isDateTime
+ |> Option.defaultValue true
+ else
+ false
+and Styles =
+ {
+ NumberFormats : Map
+ CellFormats : CellFormat []
+ }
+module XmlReader =
+ let isElemWithName (reader : System.Xml.XmlReader) (name : string) =
+ reader.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Element && (reader.Name = name || reader.Name = "x:" + name)
+let parseRelationsships (relationships : ZipArchiveEntry) : Relationships =
+ try
+ use relationshipsStream = relationships.Open()
+ use relationshipsReader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(relationshipsStream)
+ let mutable rels = [||]
+ while relationshipsReader.Read() do
+ if XmlReader.isElemWithName relationshipsReader "Relationship" then
+ let id = relationshipsReader.GetAttribute("Id")
+ let typ = relationshipsReader.GetAttribute("Type")
+ let target =
+ let t = relationshipsReader.GetAttribute("Target")
+ if t.StartsWith "xl/" then t
+ elif t.StartsWith "/xl/" then t.Replace("/xl/","xl/")
+ elif t.StartsWith "../" then t.Replace("../","xl/")
+ else "xl/" + t
+ rels <- Array.append rels [|{Id = id; Type = typ; Target = target}|]
+ rels
+ |> Array.map (fun r -> r.Id, r) |> Map.ofArray
+ with
+ | _ -> Map.empty
+let getWbRelationships (wb : WorkBook) =
+ wb.GetEntry("xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels")
+ |> parseRelationsships
+let getWsRelationships (ws : string) (wb : WorkBook) =
+ wb.GetEntry(ws.Replace("worksheets/","worksheets/_rels/").Replace(".xml",".xml.rels"))
+ |> parseRelationsships
+let getSharedStrings (wb : WorkBook) : SharedStrings =
+ try
+ let sharedStrings = wb.GetEntry("xl/sharedStrings.xml")
+ use sharedStringsStream = sharedStrings.Open()
+ use sharedStringsReader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(sharedStringsStream)
+ [|
+ while sharedStringsReader.Read() do
+ if XmlReader.isElemWithName sharedStringsReader "si" then
+ use subReader = sharedStringsReader.ReadSubtree()
+ while subReader.Read() do
+ if XmlReader.isElemWithName subReader "t" then
+ yield subReader.ReadElementContentAsString()
+ |]
+ with
+ | _ -> [||]
+let getStyles (wb : WorkBook) =
+ let styles = wb.GetEntry("xl/styles.xml")
+ use stylesStream = styles.Open()
+ use stylesReader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(stylesStream)
+ let mutable numberFormats = Map.empty
+ let mutable cellFormats = Array.empty
+ while stylesReader.Read() do
+ if XmlReader.isElemWithName stylesReader "numFmts" then
+ use subReader = stylesReader.ReadSubtree()
+ let numFmts =
+ [|
+ while subReader.Read() do
+ if XmlReader.isElemWithName subReader "numFmt" then
+ let id = subReader.GetAttribute("numFmtId") |> int
+ let formatCode = subReader.GetAttribute("formatCode")
+ yield id, {Id = id; FormatCode = formatCode}
+ |]
+ numberFormats <- Map.ofArray numFmts
+ if XmlReader.isElemWithName stylesReader "cellXfs" then
+ use subReader = stylesReader.ReadSubtree()
+ let cellFmts =
+ [|
+ while subReader.Read() do
+ if XmlReader.isElemWithName subReader "xf" then
+ let numFmtId = subReader.GetAttribute("numFmtId") |> int
+ let applyNumberFormat = subReader.GetAttribute("applyNumberFormat") |> bool
+ yield {NumberFormatId = numFmtId; ApllyNumberFormat = applyNumberFormat}
+ |]
+ cellFormats <- cellFmts
+ {NumberFormats = numberFormats; CellFormats = cellFormats}
+let parseTable (sheet : ZipArchiveEntry) =
+ try
+ use stream = sheet.Open()
+ use reader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(stream)
+ let mutable t = None
+ while reader.Read() do
+ if XmlReader.isElemWithName reader "table" then
+ let area = reader.GetAttribute("ref")
+ let ra = FsRangeAddress(area)
+ let totalsRowShown =
+ let attribute = reader.GetAttribute("totalsRowShown")
+ match attribute with
+ | null
+ | "0" -> false
+ | "1" -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ let name =
+ let dn = reader.GetAttribute("displayName")
+ if dn = null then
+ reader.GetAttribute("name")
+ else dn
+ t <- Some (FsTable(name, ra, totalsRowShown, true))
+ if t.IsNone then
+ failwith "No table found"
+ else
+ t.Value
+ with
+ | err -> failwithf "Error while parsing table \"%s\":%s" sheet.FullName err.Message
+//|> Seq.map (fun e -> e.Name)
+//|> Seq.toArray
+// Apply the parseTable function to every zip entry starting with "xl/tables"
+let getTables (wb : WorkBook) =
+ wb.Entries
+ |> Seq.choose (fun e ->
+ if e.FullName.StartsWith("xl/tables") && e.FullName <> "xl/tables" && e.FullName <> "xl/tables/" then
+ parseTable e
+ |> Some
+ else None)
+ |> Seq.toArray
+let parseCell (sst : SharedStrings) (styles : Styles) (value : string) (dataType : string) (style : string) (formula : string) : obj*DataType =
+ // LibreOffice annotates boolean values as formulas instead of boolean datatypes
+ if formula <> null && formula = "TRUE()" then
+ true,DataType.Boolean
+ elif formula <> null && formula = "FALSE()" then
+ false,DataType.Boolean
+ else
+ let cellValueString = if dataType <> null && dataType = DType.sharedString then sst.[int value] else value
+ //https://stackoverflow.com/a/13178043/12858021
+ //https://stackoverflow.com/a/55425719/12858021
+ // if styleindex is not null and datatype is null we propably have a DateTime field.
+ // if datatype would not be null it could also be boolean, as far as i tested it ~Kevin F 13.10.2023
+ if style <> null && (dataType = null || dataType = DType.number) then
+ try
+ let cellFormat : CellFormat = styles.CellFormats.[int style]
+ if (*cellFormat <> null &&*) CellFormat.isDateTime styles cellFormat then
+ System.DateTime.FromOADate(float cellValueString), DataType.Date
+ else
+ float value, DataType.Number
+ with
+ | _ -> value, DataType.Number
+ else
+ match dataType with
+ | DType.boolean ->
+ match cellValueString.ToLower() with
+ | "1" | "true" -> true
+ | "0" | "false" -> false
+ | _ -> cellValueString
+ ,
+ DataType.Boolean
+ | DType.date ->
+ try
+ // datetime is written as float counting days since 1900.
+ // We use the .NET helper because we really do not want to deal with datetime issues.
+ System.DateTime.FromOADate(float cellValueString), DataType.Date
+ with
+ | _ -> cellValueString, DataType.Date
+ | DType.error -> cellValueString, DataType.Empty
+ | DType.inlineString
+ | DType.sharedString
+ | DType.string -> cellValueString, DataType.String
+ | _ ->
+ try
+ float cellValueString
+ with
+ | _ -> cellValueString
+ ,
+ DataType.Number
+let parseWorksheet (name : string) (styles : Styles) (sharedStrings : SharedStrings) (sheet : ZipArchiveEntry) (wb : WorkBook) =
+ try
+ let ws = FsWorksheet(name)
+ let relationships = getWsRelationships sheet.FullName wb
+ use stream = sheet.Open()
+ use reader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(stream)
+ while reader.Read() do
+ if XmlReader.isElemWithName reader "c" then
+ let r = reader.GetAttribute("r")
+ let t = reader.GetAttribute("t")
+ let s = reader.GetAttribute("s")
+ let mutable v = null
+ let mutable f = null
+ use cellReader = reader.ReadSubtree()
+ while cellReader.Read() do
+ if XmlReader.isElemWithName cellReader "v" then
+ v <- cellReader.ReadElementContentAsString()
+ if XmlReader.isElemWithName cellReader "f" then
+ f <- cellReader.ReadElementContentAsString()
+ if v <> null && v <> "" || f <> null then
+ let cellValue,dataType = parseCell sharedStrings styles v t s f
+ let cell = FsCell(cellValue,dataType = dataType,address = FsAddress(r))
+ ws.AddCell(cell) |> ignore
+ if XmlReader.isElemWithName reader "tablePart" then
+ let id = reader.GetAttribute("r:id")
+ let rel = relationships.[id]
+ let table =
+ wb.GetEntry(rel.Target)
+ |> parseTable
+ ws.AddTable(table) |> ignore
+ reader.Close()
+ ws
+ with
+ | err -> failwithf "Error while parsing worksheet \"%s\":%s" name err.Message
+let parseWorkbook (wb : ZipArchive) =
+ let newWb = new FsWorkbook()
+ let styles = getStyles wb
+ let sst = getSharedStrings wb
+ //let tables = getTables wb
+ let relationships = getWbRelationships wb
+ let wbPart = wb.GetEntry("xl/workbook.xml")
+ use wbStream = wbPart.Open()
+ use wbReader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(wbStream)
+ while wbReader.Read() do
+ if XmlReader.isElemWithName wbReader "sheet" then
+ let name = wbReader.GetAttribute("name")
+ let id = wbReader.GetAttribute("r:id")
+ let rel = relationships.[id]
+ let sheet = wb.GetEntry(rel.Target)
+ let ws = parseWorksheet name styles sst sheet wb
+ ws.RescanRows()
+ newWb.AddWorksheet (ws) |> ignore
+ newWb
+module FsWorkbook =
+ open System.IO
+ let fromZipArchive (wb : ZipArchive) =
+ parseWorkbook wb
+ let fromStream (stream : Stream) =
+ use zip = new ZipArchive(stream)
+ fromZipArchive zip
+ let fromBytes (bytes : byte []) =
+ use ms = new MemoryStream(bytes)
+ fromStream ms
+ let fromFile (path : string) =
+ use fs = File.OpenRead(path)
+ fromStream fs
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/FsSpreadsheet/FsAddress.fs b/src/FsSpreadsheet/FsAddress.fs
index 26e2348e..872d28bd 100644
--- a/src/FsSpreadsheet/FsAddress.fs
+++ b/src/FsSpreadsheet/FsAddress.fs
@@ -37,16 +37,24 @@ module CellReference =
let ofIndices column (row : uint32) =
sprintf "%s%i" (indexToColAdress column) row
/// Maps a "A1" style excel cell reference to a column * row index tuple (1 Based indices).
let toIndices (reference : string) =
- let inp = reference.ToUpper()
- let regex = indexRegex.Match(inp)
+ let charPart = System.Text.StringBuilder()
+ let numPart = System.Text.StringBuilder()
- if regex.Success then
- regex.Groups
- |> fun a -> colAdressToIndex a.[1].Value, uint32 a.[2].Value
- else
- failwithf "Reference %s does not match Excel A1-style" reference
+ reference
+ |> Seq.iter (fun c ->
+ if System.Char.IsLetter c then
+ charPart.Append c |> ignore
+ elif System.Char.IsDigit c then
+ numPart.Append c |> ignore
+ else
+ failwithf "Reference %s does not match Excel A1-style" reference
+ )
+ colAdressToIndex (charPart.ToString()), uint32 (numPart.ToString())
/// Maps a "A1" style excel cell reference to a column (1 Based indices).
let toColIndex (reference : string) =
diff --git a/src/FsSpreadsheet/FsWorksheet.fs b/src/FsSpreadsheet/FsWorksheet.fs
index 1473c198..c787e99c 100644
--- a/src/FsSpreadsheet/FsWorksheet.fs
+++ b/src/FsSpreadsheet/FsWorksheet.fs
@@ -366,13 +366,19 @@ type FsWorksheet (name, ?fsRows, ?fsTables, ?fsCellsCollection) =
|> Seq.groupBy (fun c -> c.RowNumber)
|> Seq.iter (fun (rowIndex,cells) ->
+ let mutable min = 1
+ let mutable max = 1
+ cells
+ |> Seq.iter (fun c ->
+ let cn = c.ColumnNumber
+ if cn < min then min <- cn
+ if cn > max then max <- cn
+ )
let newRange =
- cells
- |> Seq.sortBy (fun c -> c.ColumnNumber)
- |> fun cells ->
- FsAddress(rowIndex,Seq.head cells |> fun c -> c.ColumnNumber),
- FsAddress(rowIndex,Seq.last cells |> fun c -> c.ColumnNumber)
- |> FsRangeAddress
+ FsRangeAddress(
+ FsAddress(rowIndex,min),
+ FsAddress(rowIndex,max)
+ )
match Map.tryFind rowIndex rows with
| Some row ->
row.RangeAddress <- newRange
diff --git a/tests/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO.Tests/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO.Tests.fsproj b/tests/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO.Tests/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO.Tests.fsproj
index d904c7ba..4dce63d4 100644
--- a/tests/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO.Tests/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO.Tests.fsproj
+++ b/tests/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO.Tests/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO.Tests.fsproj
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
diff --git a/tests/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO.Tests/ZipArchiveReader.fs b/tests/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO.Tests/ZipArchiveReader.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ac28337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO.Tests/ZipArchiveReader.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+module ZipArchiveReader
+open TestingUtils
+open FsSpreadsheet
+open FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO.ZipArchiveReader
+let tests_Read = testList "Read" [
+ let readFromTestFile (testFile: DefaultTestObject.TestFiles) =
+ try
+ FsWorkbook.fromFile(testFile.asRelativePath)
+ with
+ | _ -> FsWorkbook.fromFile($"{DefaultTestObject.testFolder}/{testFile.asFileName}")
+ testCase "FsCell equality" <| fun _ ->
+ let c1 = FsCell(1, DataType.Number, FsAddress("A2"))
+ let c2 = FsCell(1, DataType.Number, FsAddress("A2"))
+ let isStructEqual = c1.StructurallyEquals(c2)
+ Expect.isTrue isStructEqual ""
+ testCase "Excel" <| fun _ ->
+ let wb = readFromTestFile DefaultTestObject.TestFiles.Excel
+ Expect.isDefaultTestObject wb
+ testCase "Libre" <| fun _ ->
+ let wb = readFromTestFile DefaultTestObject.TestFiles.Libre
+ Expect.isDefaultTestObject wb
+ testCase "FableExceljs" <| fun _ ->
+ let wb = readFromTestFile DefaultTestObject.TestFiles.FableExceljs
+ Expect.isDefaultTestObject wb
+ testCase "ClosedXML" <| fun _ ->
+ let wb = readFromTestFile DefaultTestObject.TestFiles.ClosedXML
+ Expect.isDefaultTestObject wb
+ testCase "FsSpreadsheet" <| fun _ ->
+ let wb = readFromTestFile DefaultTestObject.TestFiles.FsSpreadsheetNET
+ wb.GetWorksheets().[0].GetCellAt(5,1) |> fun x -> (x.Value, x.DataType) |> printfn "%A"
+ Expect.isDefaultTestObject wb
+open FsSpreadsheet.ExcelIO
+let performanceTest = testList "Performance" [
+ testCase "BigFile" <| fun _ ->
+ let readF() = FsWorkbook.fromFile("./TestFiles/BigFile.xlsx") |> ignore
+ let refReadF() = FsWorkbook.fromXlsxFile("./TestFiles/BigFile.xlsx") |> ignore
+ Expect.isFasterThan readF refReadF "ZipArchiveReader should be faster than standard reader"
+ //Expect.equal (wb.GetWorksheetAt(1).Rows.Count) 153991 "Row count should be equal"
+let main = testList "ZipArchiveReader" [
+ performanceTest
+ tests_Read
diff --git a/tests/FsSpreadsheet.Tests/FsWorksheetTests.fs b/tests/FsSpreadsheet.Tests/FsWorksheetTests.fs
index e621ed10..0e8c7400 100644
--- a/tests/FsSpreadsheet.Tests/FsWorksheetTests.fs
+++ b/tests/FsSpreadsheet.Tests/FsWorksheetTests.fs
@@ -38,9 +38,22 @@ let tests_SortRows = testList "SortRows" [
Utils.Expect.mySequenceEqual ws.Rows rows "equal"
+let tests_rescanRows = testList "RescanRows" [
+ testCase "empty" <| fun _ ->
+ dummySheet1.RescanRows()
+ Expect.hasLength dummySheet1.Rows 0 "row count"
+ testCase "rows" <| fun _ ->
+ let ws = createBigDummySheet()
+ let rows = ResizeArray(ws.Rows) // create copy
+ ws.RescanRows()
+ Utils.Expect.mySequenceEqual ws.Rows rows "equal"
let main =
testSequenced <| testList "FsWorksheet" [
+ tests_rescanRows
testList "FsCell data" [
// TO DO: Ask TM: useful? or was that a mistake? (since the same test is seen in FsCell.fs)
testList "Data | DataType | Adress" [
diff --git a/tests/Speedtest/Program.fs b/tests/Speedtest/Program.fs
index c01019f0..acb53bef 100644
--- a/tests/Speedtest/Program.fs
+++ b/tests/Speedtest/Program.fs
@@ -21,6 +21,20 @@ let main argv =
readStudy() |> ignore
readInvestigation() |> ignore
+ let zipArchiveReader() =
+ let readAssay() = ZipArchiveReader.FsWorkbook.fromFile assayPath
+ let readStudy() = ZipArchiveReader.FsWorkbook.fromFile studyPath
+ let readInvestigation() = ZipArchiveReader.FsWorkbook.fromFile investigationPath
+ let bigFile() = ZipArchiveReader.FsWorkbook.fromFile @"C:\Users\HLWei\source\repos\IO\FsSpreadsheet\tests\TestUtils\TestFiles\BigFile.xlsx"
+ readInvestigation() |> ignore
+ readAssay() |> ignore
+ readStudy() |> ignore
+ bigFile() |> ignore
let closedXML() =
// Read xlsx file using closedxml
@@ -32,8 +46,36 @@ let main argv =
readStudy() |> ignore
readInvestigation() |> ignore
+ let randomReadArchives () =
- fsSpreadsheet()
- closedXML()
+ let readArchive(p : string) =
+ let zip = System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.OpenRead(p)
+ let e1 = zip.GetEntry("xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml")
+ use stream1 = e1.Open()
+ use reader1 = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(stream1)
+ while reader1.Read() do
+ ()
+ let e2 = zip.GetEntry("xl/worksheets/sheet2.xml")
+ use stream2 = e2.Open()
+ use reader2 = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(stream2)
+ while reader2.Read() do
+ ()
+ let e3 = zip.GetEntry("xl/worksheets/sheet3.xml")
+ use stream3 = e3.Open()
+ use reader3 = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(stream3)
+ while reader3.Read() do
+ ()
+ let readAssay() = readArchive(assayPath)
+ let readStudy() = readArchive(studyPath)
+ let readInvestigation() = readArchive(investigationPath)
+ readAssay() |> ignore
+ readStudy() |> ignore
+ readInvestigation() |> ignore
+ closedXML()
+ fsSpreadsheet()
+ zipArchiveReader()
+ //randomReadArchives ()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/TestUtils/TestingUtils.fs b/tests/TestUtils/TestingUtils.fs
index b854976d..063cf1de 100644
--- a/tests/TestUtils/TestingUtils.fs
+++ b/tests/TestUtils/TestingUtils.fs
@@ -29,6 +29,22 @@ module Utils =
Seq.mapi2 (fun i s p -> i,s,p) s1 s2
|> Seq.find (function |_,Some s,Some p when s=p -> false |_-> true)
+open System
+type Stopwatch() =
+ member val StartTime: DateTime option = None with get, set
+ member val StopTime: DateTime option = None with get, set
+ member this.Start() = this.StartTime <- Some DateTime.Now
+ member this.Stop() =
+ match this.StartTime with
+ | Some _ -> this.StopTime <- Some DateTime.Now
+ | None -> failwith "Error. Unable to call `Stop` before `Start`."
+ member this.Elapsed : TimeSpan =
+ match this.StartTime, this.StopTime with
+ | Some start, Some stop -> stop - start
+ | _, _ -> failwith "Error. Unable to call `Elapsed` without calling `Start` and `Stop` before."
/// Fable compatible Expecto/Mocha unification
module Expect =
@@ -57,6 +73,30 @@ module Expect =
let comp = Utils.firstDiff actual expected
_sequenceEqual message comp
+ let wantFaster (f : unit -> 'T) (maxMilliseconds : int) (message : string) =
+ let stopwatch = Stopwatch()
+ stopwatch.Start()
+ let res = f()
+ stopwatch.Stop()
+ let elapsed = stopwatch.Elapsed
+ if elapsed.TotalMilliseconds > float maxMilliseconds then
+ failwithf $"{message}. Expected to be faster than {maxMilliseconds}ms, but took {elapsed.TotalMilliseconds}ms"
+ res
+ let isFasterThan (f1 : unit -> _) (f2 : unit -> _) (message : string) =
+ let stopwatch = Stopwatch()
+ stopwatch.Start()
+ f1()
+ stopwatch.Stop()
+ let elapsed1 = stopwatch.Elapsed
+ stopwatch.Start()
+ f2()
+ stopwatch.Stop()
+ let elapsed2 = stopwatch.Elapsed
+ if elapsed1.TotalMilliseconds > elapsed2.TotalMilliseconds then
+ failwithf $"{message}. Expected {elapsed1.TotalMilliseconds}ms to be faster than {elapsed2.TotalMilliseconds}ms"
+ ()
let cellSequenceEquals (actual: FsCell seq) (expected: FsCell seq) message =
let cellDiff (s1: FsCell seq) (s2: FsCell seq) =
let s1 = Seq.append (Seq.map Some s1) (Seq.initInfinite (fun _ -> None))
@@ -143,18 +183,3 @@ module Test =
let testList = testList
-open System
-type Stopwatch() =
- member val StartTime: DateTime option = None with get, set
- member val StopTime: DateTime option = None with get, set
- member this.Start() = this.StartTime <- Some DateTime.Now
- member this.Stop() =
- match this.StartTime with
- | Some _ -> this.StopTime <- Some DateTime.Now
- | None -> failwith "Error. Unable to call `Stop` before `Start`."
- member this.Elapsed : TimeSpan =
- match this.StartTime, this.StopTime with
- | Some start, Some stop -> stop - start
- | _, _ -> failwith "Error. Unable to call `Elapsed` without calling `Start` and `Stop` before."
\ No newline at end of file