3.0.0 (2024-07-15)
- FocusManager: autoFocus, restoreFocus and contain are now set to true by default
- FocusManager: the
was reimplemented. Since we no longer use a React context state management solution to travel between elements, the hook was re-implemented as an optional way to facilitate the creation of aFocusTrap
instance, but without using the provided element by the package.
2.0.1 (2024-07-12)
- deps: added @feedzai/js-utilities as peer dependency (dc58a51)
- deps: upgraded @feedzai/js-utilities to 1.4.2 and replaced imports (121a5e8)
- docs: fixed Rover Provider link (da59716)
2.0.0 (2024-04-21)
- bundle: added dep to replace internal helpers and hooks (e0fec1d)
- SkipLink: added styles as scss modules (720d8ed)
- bundle: Removed internal hooks (useAutoId, useMergedRefs, usePrevious and useSafeLayoutEffect) as exported modules
- bundle: Removed internal hooks (callIfExists, cloneValidElement, emptyFunction, inRange, isBoolean, isBrowser, isFunction, isNil, isNumber, isString, keycodes, classNames, makeId) as exported modules
- bundle: Removed "react/jsx-runtime" as a bundled dependency
1.5.2 (2024-03-15)
- package.json: fixed wrong exports file extensions (a2838c7)
1.5.1 (2024-03-15)
- package.json: removed postinstall script that (4a98f56)
1.5.0 (2024-03-04)
- bundle: changed bundle from exporting CommonJS to UMD (e112162)
- eslint: upgraded @typescript-eslint to version 7 (df35f88)