My first hands on experience on learning the css library Bulma & JS Framework VueJS. This demo website is a way to test out the features of the two libraries.
Please click here for the demo website
# clone the repository
git clone
# Navigate to the folder
cd bulma-vuejs-demo-website
# install dependencies [ Navigate to the link if npm is not installed on your machine ]
npm install
# run the website locally
npm run dev
# Once started, on your browser navigate to the below URL
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
- VueJS router has issue with the "history" mode, more details here
- To fix this, the server used is "express" server and used the "connect-history-api-fallback" to fallback, the configuration is on the file "server.js" which is part of the repo.
- After the production build
npm run build
, run the commandnode server.js
to start the webserver and see if all the routes work perfectly. - When pushing to Heroku or Cloud foundry, make sure to change the line after the build
npm run build
is completed in the package.json file
"build": "node build/build.js"
"build": "node server.js"
Most of the code are raw vueJS & Bulma CSS (that was the intention for learning purpose). The only plugin used are
- ChartKick for charts
- vuetrend for trend lines
- JsonPlaceHolder for all the fake data.
- Templates reference