This is JavaScript client library to communicate with GenServer. It can be used for any project JavaScript based project like PhaserJS, Cocos2d-x, Cocos2 JS, Construct3, Telegram Game, Facebook Instant Game, etc.
If you need client library for Unity or C#, please see gen_game_unity
npm install gen_game_js
First, make sure GenGame server is started. See how to start here.
import { GenGame } from './gen_game'
const genGame = new GenGame('localhost', 4000)
await genGame.connect()
await genGame.authenticateDevice('your-device-id')
const { match_id } = await genGame.createMatch() // <---- save this match id so you can let other player join this game
genGame.onChangeState((payload: object) => {
console.log('there is update state with payload:', payload)
await genGame.setState({ move_x: 110 })
Let the 2nd player join the match:
import { GenGame } from './gen_game'
const genGame = new GenGame('localhost', 4000)
await genGame.connect()
await genGame.authenticateDevice('your-device-id')
await genGame.joinMatch('some-match-id')
await genGame.setState({ chat: 'hi, from player 2' })