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Eric Rowell edited this page Mar 22, 2014 · 899 revisions

5.1.0 Late Mar 2014

  • API Changes
    • evt.targetNode has changed to when using event delegation
    • the native mouse/touch event object is now referenced by the evt key in the Kinetic event object. i.e., if you want to access the mouse x position relative to the entire page, you would do this: shape.on('mousemove', function(evt) { var mouseX = evt.evt.clientX});
  • New Features
    • new FastLayer for ultra fast rendering. If you don't need node nesting, mouse and touch interactions, or event pub/sub, you should use FastLayer instead of Layer to create your layers. It renders about 2x faster than normal layers.
    • Now passing a Kinetic event object to event handlers which contains a target, type, and evt key that points to the native event object
    • you can now configure if Kinetic should use degrees or radians via the Kinetic.angleDeg flag. By default it is true. You can set it to false if you'd like to use radians.
  • Bug Fixes
    • when users have a browser zoom not equal to 100%, the stage now renders correctly
    • drag and drop on Android now works much better
    • Fix memory leak on stage destroy
    • hasShadow now works correctly after setting shadowEnabled attribute
    • clone method doesn't clone id attribute
    • you can clone stage. New container will be automaticaly create, but not added to page.
  • Enhancements
    • Animations are now much much smoother. Made several optimizations in the Animation class.
    • improved mobile drag and drop performance
    • Now you can change frame rate of sprite during animation
    • HammerJS support for KineticJS nodes.
    • Experimental NodeJS support
    • isRunning function for Sprite
    • optional filter function for getChildren method
    • add multiple children to container at once: layer.add(rect, circle, group)
    • add works as moveTo if node already has parent container
    • improved performance of starting and stopping multiple tweens at once
    • size method is now overloaded. You can use it to get or set node sizes

5.1.1 Late Apr 2014

  • Pending
    • for attrs that require a width and height, or x and y, enable overloaded for these cases only.
    • investigate out of sync tween behavior of clown lab
    • opacity doesn't affect cached shapes
    •'') does not work if you fire an event with a namespace. this hsould trigger node.on('foo'), node.on(''), and node.on('.bar');
    • support both rotation() and rotationDeg
    • hide() causes mouseout and contentMouseout events. maybe we shouldn't physically remove the layer from the dom (maybe try visibility hidden instead)
    • add array handler builders to Util class for Line and Sprite. Kinetic.Util.addPointsHandlers(Kinetic.Line);
    • shape.size() doesn't work. overloader is probably not hooked up.
    • it's not possible to define custom filters because of the Node dependency order issue Need to come up with a clean way to solve this.
    • iOS image squash bug
    • pixel ratio issue with cache
    • if line points are undefined, you get a js error
    • drag and drop layer issues. high priority
    • text defaults are pretty terrible. Should default to black color, etc.
    • consider creating new fill priority, 'rgb' and 'hsv' to handle rgb and hsv components
    • provide config option to only apply shadows to the fill, and to apply opacity to both fill and stroke without the buffer canvas, for perf reasons.
    • investigate making toImage() synchronous like filters. Also look into stage.toDataURL
    • cornerRadius should work for Line, and all shapes. When shapes have cornerRadius defined, it should use the Line algorithm. Shapes dependent on this would be Rect, Wedge, Line (Spline), Polygon (Blob) close this pull request when done:
    • replace tension with interpolation
    • support rgba with util color getter
    • new HSVcolor components
    • docs overview section


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