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1. Introduction

Taikai is an automated architecture testing tool for Java projects designed to maintain clean and consistent architecture. It enforces predefined and custom architectural constraints, ensuring code quality, maintainability, and adherence to best practices.

2. Getting Started

To use Taikai, include it as a dependency in your Maven pom.xml:


Ensure to configure ${taikai.version} to the latest stable version compatible with your project's ArchUnit version.

3. Usage

3.1 Setting the Namespace

The namespace setting specifies the base package of your project. Taikai will analyze all classes within this namespace. The default mode is WITHOUT_TESTS, which excludes test classes from the import check.


3.2 Setting the JavaClasses

You can configure classes as well. This allows you to specify specific Java classes to analyze. Note that setting both namespace and classes simultaneously is not supported and will result in an IllegalArgumentException.

JavaClasses classes = new ClassFileImporter()


3.3 Enforcing Rules on Empty Sets

The failOnEmpty setting determines whether the build should fail if no classes match a given rule. This is useful to ensure that your rules are applied consistently and to avoid false positives. The default is false.


3.4 Excluding Classes Globally

You can globally exclude specific classes from all rule checks by using the excludeClasses methods in the builder. This ensures that the specified classes are not checked by any rule.

    .excludeClasses("", "")

3.5 Modifying an Existing Configuration

The toBuilder method allows you to create a new Builder instance from an existing Taikai configuration. This is useful if you need to modify an existing configuration.

Taikai taikai = Taikai.builder()
    .java(java -> java

// Modify the existing configuration
Taikai modifiedTaikai = taikai.toBuilder()
    .java(java -> java

// Perform the check with the modified configuration

4. Rules Overview

Taikai's architecture rules cover a wide range of categories to enforce best practices and maintain consistency.

Java Rules

The default mode is WITHOUT_TESTS, which excludes test classes from the import check.

Category Method Name Rule Description
General classesShouldImplementHashCodeAndEquals Classes should implement hashCode and equals together.
General classesShouldResideInPackage Classes matching specific naming patterns should reside in a specified package.
General classesShouldResideInPackage Classes should reside in a specified package. (e.g.,
General classesAnnotatedWithShouldResideInPackage Classes annotated with a specific annotation should reside in a specified package.
General classesShouldResideOutsidePackage Classes matching specific naming patterns should reside outside a specified package.
General classesShouldBeAnnotatedWith Classes matching specific naming patterns should be annotated with a specified annotation.
General classesShouldBeAnnotatedWithAll Classes annotated with a specific annotation should be annotated with a specified annotations.
General classesShouldNotBeAnnotatedWith Classes matching specific naming patterns should not be annotated with a specified annotation.
General classesShouldBeAssignableTo Classes matching specific naming patterns should be assignable to a certain type.
General classesShouldImplement Classes matching specific naming patterns should implement to a interface.
General fieldsShouldHaveModifiers Fields matching specific naming patterns should have specified modifiers.
General fieldsShouldNotBePublic Fields should not be public, except constants.
General methodsShouldNotDeclareGenericExceptions Methods should not declare generic exceptions, like Exception or RuntimeException.
General methodsShouldNotDeclareException Methods with names matching a specified pattern should not declare a specified exception type.
General methodsShouldBeAnnotatedWith Methods matching specific naming patterns should be annotated with a specified annotation.
General methodsShouldBeAnnotatedWithAll Methods annotated with a specific annotation should be annotated with a specified annotations.
General noUsageOf Disallow usage of specific classes.
General noUsageOfDeprecatedAPIs No usage of deprecated APIs annotated with @Deprecated.
General noUsageOfSystemOutOrErr Disallow usage of System.out or System.err.
General utilityClassesShouldBeFinalAndHavePrivateConstructor Utility classes with only static methods (except main) should be final and have a private constructor.
General finalClassesShouldNotHaveProtectedMembers Classes declared as final should not contain any protected members.
General serialVersionUIDShouldBeStaticFinalLong Fields named serialVersionUID should be declared as static final long.
Imports shouldHaveNoCycles No cyclic dependencies in imports.
Imports shouldNotImport Disallow specific imports (e.g., ..shaded..).
Naming packagesShouldMatchDefault Packages should match ^[a-z_]+(\.[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)*$ naming patterns.
Naming packagesShouldMatch Packages should match specific naming patterns.
Naming classesShouldNotMatch Classes should not match specific naming patterns (e.g., .*Impl).
Naming classesAnnotatedWithShouldMatch Classes annotated with a specific annotation should match specific naming patterns.
Naming methodsShouldNotMatch Methods should not match specific naming patterns.
Naming methodsAnnotatedWithShouldMatch Methods annotated with a specific annotation should match specific naming patterns.
Naming fieldsShouldNotMatch Fields should not match specific naming patterns.
Naming fieldsShouldMatch Fields should match specific naming patterns for specific classes.
Naming fieldsAnnotatedWithShouldMatch Fields annotated with a specific annotation should match specific naming patterns.
Naming constantsShouldFollowConventions Constants should follow naming conventions, except serialVersionUID.
Naming interfacesShouldNotHavePrefixI Interfaces should not have the prefix I.

Logging Rules

The default mode is WITHOUT_TESTS, which checks only test classes.

Category Method Name Rule Description
General loggersShouldFollowConventions Ensure that specified loggers follow specific naming patterns and have the required modifiers.
General classesShouldUseLogger Ensure that classes matching a given regex have a field of a specified logger type.

Test Rules

The default mode is ONLY_TESTS, which checks only test classes.

Category Method Name Rule Description
JUnit 5 classesShouldBePackagePrivate Ensure that classes whose names match a specific naming pattern are declared as package-private.
JUnit 5 classesShouldNotBeAnnotatedWithDisabled Ensure classes are not annotated with @Disabled.
JUnit 5 methodsShouldBePackagePrivate Ensure that test methods annotated with @Test or @ParameterizedTest are package-private.
JUnit 5 methodsShouldNotBeAnnotatedWithDisabled Ensure methods are not annotated with @Disabled.
JUnit 5 methodsShouldBeAnnotatedWithDisplayName Ensure that test methods annotated with @Test or @ParameterizedTest are annotated with @DisplayName.
JUnit 5 methodsShouldMatch Ensure that test methods annotated with @Test or @ParameterizedTest have names matching a specific regex pattern.
JUnit 5 methodsShouldNotDeclareExceptions Ensure that test methods annotated with @Test or @ParameterizedTest do not declare any thrown exceptions.
JUnit 5 methodsShouldContainAssertionsOrVerifications Ensure that test methods annotated with @Test or @ParameterizedTest contain at least one assertion or verification.

Spring Rules

The default mode is WITHOUT_TESTS, which excludes test classes from the import check.

Category Method Name Rule Description
General noAutowiredFields Fields should not be annotated with @Autowired, prefer constructor injection.
Boot springBootApplicationShouldBeIn Ensure @SpringBootApplication is in the default package.
Properties namesShouldEndWithProperties Properties annotated with @ConfigurationProperties should end with Properties.
Properties namesShouldMatch Properties annotated with @ConfigurationProperties should match a regex pattern.
Properties shouldBeAnnotatedWithValidated Properties annotated with @ConfigurationProperties should be annotated with @Validated.
Properties shouldBeAnnotatedWithConfigurationProperties Properties ending with Properties should be annotated with @ConfigurationProperties.
Configurations namesShouldEndWithConfiguration Configurations annotated with @Configuration should end with Configuration.
Configurations namesShouldMatch Configurations annotated with @Configuration should match a regex pattern.
Controllers namesShouldEndWithController Controllers annotated with @Controller or @RestController should end with Controller.
Controllers namesShouldMatch Controllers annotated with @Controller or @RestController should match a regex pattern.
Controllers shouldBeAnnotatedWithController Controllers ending with Controller should be annotated with @Controller.
Controllers shouldBeAnnotatedWithRestController Controllers ending with Controller should be annotated with @RestController.
Controllers shouldBeAnnotatedWithValidated Controllers annotated with @Controller or @RestController or match a regex pattern, containing methods having a parameter annotated with @PathVariable or @RequestParam and a validation annotation (e.g., @Min, @NotNull, etc.), must also be annotated with @Validated.
Controllers shouldBePackagePrivate Controllers annotated with @Controller or @RestController should be package-private.
Controllers shouldNotDependOnOtherControllers Controllers annotated with @Controller or @RestController should not depend on other controllers annotated with @Controller or @RestController.
Repositories namesShouldEndWithRepository Repositories annotated with @Repository should end with Repository.
Repositories namesShouldMatch Repositories annotated with @Repository should match a regex pattern.
Repositories shouldBeAnnotatedWithRepository Repositories ending with Repository should be annotated with @Repository.
Repositories shouldNotDependOnServices Repositories annotated with @Repository should not depend on service classes annotated with @Service.
Services namesShouldEndWithService Services annotated with @Service should end with Service.
Services namesShouldMatch Services annotated with @Service should match a regex pattern.
Services shouldBeAnnotatedWithService Services ending with Service should be annotated with @Service.
Services shouldNotDependOnControllers Services annotated with @Service should not depend on controllers annotated with @Controller or @RestController.

5. Java Rules

Java configuration involves defining constraints related to Java language features, coding standards, and architectural patterns.

  • No Usage of Deprecated APIs: Ensure that deprecated APIs annotated with @Deprecated not used in the codebase.
    .java(java -> java
  • Classes Should Implement hashCode and equals together: Ensure that classes override the hashCode and equals methods together.
    .java(java -> java
  • Classes Should Reside in Specified Package: Ensure that classes matching a specific regex pattern reside in the specified package.
    .java(java -> java
        .classesShouldResideInPackage(".*Utils", ""))
  • Classes Should Reside in Specified Package: Ensure that classes reside in the specified package.
    .java(java -> java
  • Classes Annotated with Specified Annotation Should Reside in Specified Package: Ensure that classes annotated with a specific annotation reside in the specified package.
    .java(java -> java
        .classesAnnotatedWithShouldResideInPackage(PublicApi.class, "")    
        .classesAnnotatedWithShouldResideInPackage("", ""))
  • Classes Should Reside outside Specified Package: Ensure that classes matching a specific regex pattern reside outside the specified package.
    .java(java -> java
        .classesShouldResideOutsidePackage(".*Dto", ""))
  • Classes Should Be Annotated with Specified Annotation: Ensure that classes matching a specific regex pattern are annotated with the specified annotation.
    .java(java -> java
        .classesShouldBeAnnotatedWith(".*Api", PublicApi.class)
        .classesShouldBeAnnotatedWith(".*Api", ""))
  • Classes Annotated with a Specified Annotation Should Be Annotated with Specified Annotations: Ensure that classes annotated with a specific annotations should be annotated with the specified annotations.
    .java(java -> java
        .classesShouldBeAnnotatedWithAll(RestController.class, List.of(RequestMapping.class))
        .classesShouldBeAnnotatedWithAll("org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController", List.of("org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping"))
  • Classes Should Not Be Annotated with Specified Annotation: Ensure that classes matching a specific regex pattern are not annotated with the specified annotation.
    .java(java -> java
        .classesShouldNotBeAnnotatedWith(".*Internal", PublicApi.class)
        .classesShouldNotBeAnnotatedWith(".*Internal", ""))
  • Classes Should Be Assignable to a Specified Type: Ensure that classes matching a specific regex pattern assignable to a certain type.
    .java(java -> java
        .classesShouldBeAssignableTo(".*Repository", BaseRepository.class)
        .classesShouldBeAssignableTo(".*Repository", ""))
  • Classes Should Implement a Specified Interface: Ensure that classes matching a specific regex pattern implement a certain interface.
    .java(java -> java
        .classesShouldImplement(".*Repository", CrudRepository.class)
        .classesShouldImplement(".*Repository", ""))
  • Methods Should Not Throw Generic Exception: Ensure that methods do not throw generic exceptions like Exception and RuntimeException and use specific exception types instead.
    .java(java -> java
  • Methods Should Not Declare Specific Exception: Ensure that methods with names matching a specified pattern do not declare a specified exception type.
    .java(java -> java
        .methodsShouldNotDeclareException("should*", SpecificException.class)
        .methodsShouldNotDeclareException("should*", ""))
  • Methods Should Be Annotated with Specified Annotation: Ensure that methods matching a specific regex pattern are annotated with the specified annotation.
    .java(java -> java
        .methodsShouldBeAnnotatedWith(".*Api", PublicApi.class)
        .methodsShouldBeAnnotatedWith(".*Api", ""))
  • Methods Annotated with a Specified Annotation Should Be Annotated with Specified Annotations: Ensure that methods annotated with a specific annotations should be annotated with the specified annotations.
    .java(java -> java
        .methodsShouldBeAnnotatedWithAll(Modifying.class, List.of(Transactional.class, Query.class))
        .methodsShouldBeAnnotatedWithAll("", List.of("org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional", ""))
  • Utility Classes Should Be Final and Have Private Constructor: Ensure that utility classes with only static methods except main should be declared as final and have private constructors to prevent instantiation.
    .java(java -> java
  • Fields Should Have Modifiers: Ensure that fields matching a specific naming pattern have the required modifiers.
    .java(java -> java
        .fieldsShouldHaveModifiers("^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*$", List.of(STATIC, FINAL)))
  • Fields Should Not Be Public: Ensure that no fields in your Java classes are declared as public, except constants.
    .java(java -> java
  • Ensure serialVersionUID is static final long: Ensure that fields named serialVersionUID are declared as static final long.
    .java(java -> java
  • Imports Configuration: Ensure that there are no cyclic dependencies in imports and disallow specific imports.
    .java(java -> java
        .imports(imports -> imports
            .shouldNotImport(".*Service", "")))
  • Naming Configuration: Define naming conventions for packages, classes, methods, fields, constants and interfaces.
    .java(java -> java
        .naming(naming -> naming
            .classesAnnotatedWithShouldMatch(Annotation.class, "coolClass")   
            .classesAnnotatedWithShouldMatch("", "coolClass")            
            .methodsAnnotatedWithShouldMatch(Annotation.class, "coolMethods")
            .methodsAnnotatedWithShouldMatch("", "coolMethods")  
            .fieldsShouldMatch(Annotation.class, "coolField")
            .fieldsShouldMatch("", "coolField")
            .fieldsAnnotatedWithShouldMatch(Annotation.class, "coolField")
            .fieldsAnnotatedWithShouldMatch("", "coolField")  
  • No Usage of Specific Classes: Ensure that certain classes are not used in your codebase.
    .java(java -> java
        .noUsageOf(UnwantedClass.class, "in.specific.package")
        .noUsageOf("com.example.UnwantedClass", "in.specific.package"))
  • No Usage of System.out or System.err: Enforce disallowing the use of System.out and System.err for logging, encouraging the use of proper logging frameworks instead.
    .java(java -> java
  • Ensure Final Classes Do Not Have Protected Members: Ensures that classes declared as final do not contain any protected members. Since final classes cannot be subclassed, having protected members is unnecessary.
    .java(java -> java

6. Logging Rules

Logging configuration involves specifying constraints related to logging frameworks and practices.

  • Ensure Logger Field Conforms to Standards: Ensure that classes use a logger field of the specified type, with the correct name and optionally required modifiers.
    .logging(logging -> logging
        .loggersShouldFollowConventions(org.slf4j.Logger.class, "logger")
        .loggersShouldFollowConventions("org.slf4j.Logger", "logger")
        .loggersShouldFollowConventions(org.slf4j.Logger.class, "logger", List.of(PRIVATE, FINAL))
        .loggersShouldFollowConventions("org.slf4j.Logger", "logger", List.of(PRIVATE, FINAL)))
  • Ensure Classes Use Specified Logger: Ensure that classes matching a given regex have a field of a specified logger type.
    .logging(logging -> logging
        .classesShouldUseLogger(org.slf4j.Logger.class, ".*Service")
        .classesShouldUseLogger("org.slf4j.Logger", ".*Service"))

7. Test Rules

Test configuration involves specifying constraints related to testing frameworks and practices.

  • JUnit 5 Configuration: Ensure that JUnit 5 test classes and methods are not annotated with @Disabled.
    .test(test -> test
        .junit5(junit5 -> junit5
  • Ensure Test Methods are Package-Private: Ensure that JUnit 5 test methods annotated with @Test or @ParameterizedTest are package-private.
    .test(test -> test
        .junit5(junit5 -> junit5
  • Ensure Test Methods are Annotated with @DisplayName: Ensure that JUnit 5 test methods annotated with @Test or @ParameterizedTest are also annotated with @DisplayName to provide descriptive test names.
    .test(test -> test
        .junit5(junit5 -> junit5
  • Ensure Test Methods Follow Naming Convention: Ensure that JUnit 5 test methods annotated with @Test or @ParameterizedTest have names matching a specific regex pattern.
    .test(test -> test
        .junit5(junit5 -> junit5
  • Ensure Test Methods Do Not Declare Thrown Exceptions: Ensure that JUnit 5 test methods annotated with @Test or @ParameterizedTest do not declare any thrown exceptions.
    .test(test -> test
        .junit5(junit5 -> junit5
  • Ensure Classes with Matching Names are Package-Private: Ensure that classes whose names match a specified regex pattern are declared as package-private.
    .test(test -> test
        .junit5(junit5 -> junit5
  • Ensure Test Methods Contain Assertions or Verifications: : Ensure that test methods annotated with @Test or @ParameterizedTest contain at least one assertion or verification.

    • JUnit 5: Ensure the use of assertions from org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.
    • Mockito: Ensure the use of verification methods from org.mockito.Mockito like verify, inOrder, or capture.
    • Hamcrest: Ensure the use of assertions from org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.
    • AssertJ: Ensure the use of assertions from org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.
    • Truth: Ensure the use of assertions from
    • Cucumber: Ensure the use of assertions from or
    • Spring MockMvc: Ensure the use of assertions from org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc like andExpect or andDo.
    • ArchUnit: Ensure the use of the check method from com.tngtech.archunit.lang.ArchRule.
    • Taikai: Ensure the use of the check method from com.enofex.taikai.Taikai.
    .test(test -> test
        .junit5(junit5 -> junit5

8. Spring Rules

Spring configuration involves defining constraints specific to Spring Framework usage.

  • No Autowired Fields Configuration: Ensure that fields are not annotated with @Autowired and constructor injection is preferred.
    .spring(spring -> spring
  • Spring Boot Configuration: Ensure that the main application class annotated with @SpringBootApplication is located in the default package.
    .spring(spring -> spring
        .boot(boot -> boot
  • Properties Configuration: Ensure that configuration property classes end with Properties or match a specific regex pattern, are annotated with @ConfigurationProperties or annotated with @Validated.
    .spring(spring -> spring
        .properties(properties -> properties
  • Configurations Configuration: Ensure that configuration classes end with Configuration or match a specific regex pattern.
    .spring(spring -> spring
        .configurations(configuration -> configuration
  • Controllers Configuration: Ensure that controller classes end with Controller or match a specific regex pattern, are annotated with @RestController, do not depend on other controllers, has set @Validated correctly, or are package-private.
    .spring(spring -> spring
        .controllers(controllers -> controllers
  • Services Configuration: Ensure that service classes end with Service or match a specific regex pattern and are annotated with @Service and do not depend on other controllers.
    .spring(spring -> spring
        .services(services -> services
  • Repositories Configuration: Ensure that repository classes end with Repository or match a specific regex pattern and are annotated with @Repository and not depend on classes annotated with @Service.
    .spring(spring -> spring
        .repositories(repositories -> repositories

9. Customization

Custom Configuration for Import Rules

For every rule, you have the flexibility to add a custom configuration. This allows you to specify the namespace, import options, and exclude specific classes from the checks.

The Configuration class offers various static methods to create custom configurations:

  • Configuration.of(String namespace) to set a custom namespace.
  • Configuration.of(Namespace.IMPORT namespaceImport) to specify import options such as WITHOUT_TESTS, WITH_TESTS, or ONLY_TESTS.
  • Configuration.of(String namespace, Namespace.IMPORT namespaceImport) to set both namespace and import options.
  • Configuration.of(JavaClasses javaClasses) to directly provide a set of Java classes.
  • Configuration.of(Collection<String> excludedClasses) to exclude specific classes from the checks.
  • Additional overloaded methods to combine these options in various ways.

If a namespaceImport is not explicitly provided, it defaults to Namespace.IMPORT.WITHOUT_TESTS.

Here's an example of how you can use these methods to create a custom configuration:

    .java(java -> java
        .imports(imports -> imports
            .shouldNotImport("..shaded..", Configuration.of("", Namespace.IMPORT.WITHOUT_TESTS))
            .shouldNotImport("..lombok..", Configuration.of(Namespace.IMPORT.ONLY_TESTS))))

In this example, the import rule is configured to apply to classes within the specified namespace, excluding test classes.

Adding Custom ArchUnit Rules

In addition to the predefined rules provided by Taikai, you can also add custom ArchUnit rules to tailor the architecture testing to your specific project requirements. Here's how you can integrate custom rules into your Taikai configuration:

    .addRule(TaikaiRule.of(...)) // Add custom ArchUnit rule here

By using the addRule() method and providing a custom ArchUnit rule, you can extend Taikai's capabilities to enforce additional architectural constraints that are not covered by the predefined rules. This flexibility allows you to adapt Taikai to suit the unique architectural needs of your Java project.

10. Examples

Below are some examples demonstrating the usage of Taikai to define and enforce architectural rules in Java projects, including Spring-specific configurations:

class ArchitectureTest {

  void shouldFulfilConstrains() {
        .java(java -> java
        .test(test -> test
            .junit5(junit5 -> junit5
        .logging(logging -> logging
            .loggersShouldFollowConventions(Logger.class, "logger", List.of(PRIVATE, FINAL)))
        .spring(spring -> spring
            .boot(boot -> boot
            .configurations(configuration -> configuration
            .controllers(controllers -> controllers
            .services(services -> services
            .repositories(repositories -> repositories