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Desktop version repository

Installation in WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux Version 2)

In our testing, UniqueBible requires version 2 of WSL to work. It does not run with version 1 of WSL.

The following example works with pengwin 1.3.4 under WSL2.


To work with the GUI of

make sure you have "mesa-utils" installed:

sudo apt install mesa-utils

Install "PYTHONPI" via pengwin-setup > PROGRAMMING

Alternatively, run in terminal

sudo apt install python3 python3-setuptools python3-pip python3-venv diff_match_patch

Download UBA

git clone


python3 UniqueBible/

UBA offers automatic setup on first run.

Create a command alias [optional]:

You can run UBA with terminal without typing a fullpath, by creating an alias.

Below is an example:

This example only works if:

  1. You use bash

  2. The following example assumes that you install UBA in your home directory. You need to change the path if you install at a different location.

echo "alias uba='$HOME/UniqueBible/'" >> ~/.bashrc

Close and reopen your terminal app, you should then be able to run UBA with this simple command:


Our setup script automatically makes file "" executable, but in case it is not running, you may need to set permission on it manually:

chmod u+x $HOME/UniqueBible/

Create a Windows shortcut [recommended for pengwin version 1.3.4+]

  1. Make file "" executable:

chmod +x $HOME/UniqueBible/

  1. Run in terminal:

bash /usr/local/pengwin-setup.d/ -I

  1. Enter the following when input is prompted:

[input] Command to execute: ~/UniqueBible/

[input] Shortcut name [optional, ENTER for default]:

[input] Is it a GUI application? [if yes, input 1; if no, input 0]: 1
Remarks: : change the default 0 to 1 manually.

[input] Pre-executed command [optional, ENTER for default]: cd ~/UniqueBible;
Remarks: : Don't forget the ending ";" above.

[input] Custom icon Linux path (support ico/png/xpm/svg) [optional, ENTER for default]: /home/eliranwong/UniqueBible/htmlResources/theText.ico
Remarks: : Use literal full path for this option. Don't use "~" or "$HOME". Change "eliranwong" to your username.

Below is a screenshot on what it should look like:

  1. Find your created shortcut file on your desktop.

  2. [Optional] You can assign keyboard shortcuts, by:

  • Right-click the created shortcut file, select "Properties".
  • In the field of "Shortcut key:", pressing "Ctrl + Alt + B" at the same time.
  • Select "OK" or "Apply" to apply the change.

Create a Windows shortcut directly on Windows

After creating a Windows shortcut file, you can launch the app by:

  • double-clicking a shortcut file
  • using keyboard shortcuts

To create a Windows shortcut file for, for example:

  1. Make file "" executable:

chmod +x $HOME/UniqueBible/

  1. Right-click an empty area on desktop

  2. New > Shortcut

  3. Type the location of the item, for example.

C:\Windows\System32\wscript.exe C:\Users\elira\wslu\runHidden.vbs pengwin.exe run "cd $HOME/UniqueBible; bash -l -c $HOME/UniqueBible/"

Remarks: : Change "elira" above to your Windows username.

  1. Name your shortcut, e.g. " (WSL)", and select "Finish"

  2. Right-click the created shortcut file, select "Properties"

  3. Empty the string in "Start in"

  4. In the field of "Shortcut key:", pressing "Ctrl + Alt + B" at the same time

  5. Download this icon and assign it as the shortcut icon.

Change default font

You can change the app's default font to your favourite font installed on your system, by editing file "" with a text editor.

Find this line and change from:

font = ''


font = 'Calibri'

You may read more about "" at

Shared marvelData folder in Windows Drive C [optional]

You can install a copy in Windows drive C and a copy in WSL2.

Both copies can share a single marvelData folder without duplication of storage.

In our testing, we have a copy of marvelData in Windows drive C at:

In our testing, we edited the file of our LINUX copy [NOT Window copy] on line 4:

marvelData = '/home/eliran/winhome/OneDrive/Documents/UniqueBible/marvelData'

Remarks: DO NOT edit file while the app is running.

Remarks: While sharing a single folder in this example may offer convenience, be aware of the issue on slower cross os file speed in current preview build of wsl2, mentioned at . Until the issue is fixed by microsoft wsl team, we advise using with marvelData folder located under the same os.