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eFlows4HPC Software Stack Documentation

Online documentation:

This repository provides the source files and build scripts for the on-line documentation of the eFlows4HPC Software Stack.

Follow the next steps to build the documentation pages in your current machine.

1. Dependencies

  • python3
sudo zypper install python3
# or
sudo apt-get install python3

Some OS do not include pip3 (e.g. Ubuntu, which provides just pip). To make sure that you are using the Python 3 pip, create an alias:

alias pip3=`python3 -m pip`
  • Python 3 dependencies
pip3 install sphinx --user
pip3 install sphinxcontrib.contentui --user
pip3 install six --upgrade
pip3 install nbsphinx --user
pip3 install sphinx-copybutton --user
pip3 install sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter --user
pip3 install rst2pdf --user
pip3 install sphinxcontrib-bibtex --user
pip3 install pandoc --user
pip3 install ipywidgets --user
pip3 install sphinx-rtd-theme==0.5.0.rc1
pip3 install prompt-toolkit --user
pip3 install ipython --user
pip3 install --user
  • System dependencies

    • For Ubuntu:
    sudo apt-get install pandoc
    sudo apt-get install librsvg2-bin
    • For OpenSuse:

      sudo zypper install pandoc
      sudo zypper install python3-Sphinx-latex
      sudo zypper install rsvg-view
  • Latex packages:

    • For Ubuntu:
    sudo apt install texlive-latex-extra
    sudo apt-get install -y latexmk

    *For OpenSuse:

    sudo zypper install texlive-footnotebackref texlive-datetime texlive-epigraph texlive-eso-pic texlive-lipsum texlive-footnotebackref texlive-setspace texlive-amsmath texlive-amsfonts texlive-amstex texlive-lipsum texlive-fancyhdr texlive-anyfontsize

2. Build documentation

Note: Remember to install the dependencies before trying to build the documentation from sources.
