- #35 Inventory Page
- #34 Utilize Strength/Intelligence/Charisma
- #33 Level-up HP (and S/I/C)
- #31 Karma, Influence, Butterfly Effect (KIB)
- #29 Make selected house and transit "scroll into view".
- #28 Alert user when house or transit item is used up.
- #26 Change mouse pointer.
- #24 Overthrow Trump.
- #22.3 Show "map" of player's current city.
- #22.2 Show "map" of locations with associated events and player's current "Home".
- #22.1 Move locations.
- #22 Events only affect certain regions.
- #19 Add width to self.body = { … }.
- #9 Counteracting the effects of events. (Too difficult for gameplay?)
- #7 eod_mods Summary Screen (enhanced StoryScreen)
########## In Progress ##########
- #32 DayScreen Summary Lists
- #30 Score.
- #25 Audio.
- #21.1 Add jobs.
- #21 Add lots more items.
- #20 Add lots more events.
- #16 Manual character creation.
- #6 eod_mods
########## Done ##########
- #36 Snake Game.--Done
- #8 Low or zero sanity.--Mostly done
- #11 Add un-process events.--Done
- #27 Change to dynamic sizing of the window.--Done (partial: F11 appears working)
- #10 Add process events in eod_mods(). --Done
- #23 Change HP font size.--Done
- #X Make hours not go negative on work.--Done
- #20.1 Refactor events into
- #18 Refactor jobs import to make uppercase.--Done
- #17 Add story_text to events.--Done
- #3 Take off hours for driving to work. Depends on (#2: Job and Jobs class).--Done
- #4 Buff events rather than add duplicate events.--Done
- #5 Make EventsScreen surface bigger to fit more events.--Done
- #14 Killing the character again not fully working.--Done
- #8 Font color for main box needs fixing.--Done
- #13 Only allow to work the number of hours remaining in the day.--Done
- #12 Make ) function and refactor code. --Done
- #15 Add character.job.income to bonuses_by_ratio.--Done
- #1 Staying with Friends: Distance to stores change ...randomly.--Done
- #2 Add a job class for character.--Done
########## Other Ideas ##########
- #998 Genre
- #999 Different screens flow or state diagram
- Direct port to:
- Android (not great--see SDL2 branch)
- Windows EXE (having issues with py2exe only working with python3)
- Other: ...; ...; ... ?
- Stores re-stock.
- Re-stock stores monthly? Yearly? Once per term?
- Change jobs.
- User may choose from another job in current location.
- Currently, Location().random_job() assigns between 10-20 jobs per location.
- Modify WorkScreen?
- Difficulty settings.
- For example: Hard, Medium, Easy, Kid's Play
- Ideas for difficulty:
- Modify months_remaining on inactive_events.
- -1 MR / Month = Easy
- -0.5 MR / Month = Medium
- -0.25 MR / Month = Hard
- Modify months_remaining on inactive_events.
- Click for more information to notice and warnings.
- Click or mouseover.
- Create a PygameUI Alert that has "Press any key to dismiss this."
- Then user's may: click a notice; read info; press any key to dismiss.
- Idea: Add mini icons on DayScreen for active events.
- Idea: Maybe only first Work is sanity += 1.
- Afterward it is sanity -= 1.
- Idea: Use "W" and "S" for "Up" and "Down" on the main menu and "D" as "Enter".
- Good for touchpad users.
- Add various "characters".
- Trump, Clinton, Bush, ..., ..., A. Lincoln, G. Washington, ...
- How to integrate?
- Boss battles?
- Buyable "Heroes"?
- Event months remaining:
- DONE--Idea: All inactive events go down one month remaining each month.
- DONE--Idea: Add (#) beside each event to show how many months they have remaining.
- Make an alert if there are still day hours remaining and the user presses "Next Month".
- Just in case they do it on accident.
- Go to next month? Yes, No.
- On CharacterHUD items list, only show important items.
- DONE--No need to show transit and housing items.
- Show: Food, Clothing, Cash, First Aid Kits
- Create Inventory Page to show everything else, such as gardens, seeds, etc.
- Idea: HP living reward
- Each day HP goes up +0.1 until maxxed.
- Age, Gender
- How to utilize these?
- Age: ____
- Gender: ____
- Mini-games.
- After event activated on EventScreen, it goes back to DayScreen.
- Optional: Have it stay on EventScreen.
- Text to show when there are no events?
- Idea: "There are no events to display."
- Bug: Food going negative on store inventories.
- Idea: Implement A.I. Q-Learning somewhere.
- Done: Add +1 sanity each time you go to work.
- Done: Do not allow both lists on EventScreen to be selected at the same time.
- Fixed: Bug: On EventsScreen: After "Use first aid pack", inactive events is stale.
- Done: Character HUD main lists: Change bgcolor of selected to bgcolor of game, so it is "not selectable".
- Done: Document code for Friday's code review. Every class and many functions.