SimpleJSON mainly has been written as a simple JSON parser. It can build a JSON string from the node-tree, or generate a node tree from any valid JSON string.
Written by Bunny83 2012-06-09
Add the following to your package.json "dependencies" section to import SimpleJSON: "com.github.bunny83.simplejson": "",
SimpleJSONBinary is an extension of the SimpleJSON framework to provide methods to serialize a JSON object tree into a compact binary format. Optionally the binary stream can be compressed with the SharpZipLib when using the define "USE_SharpZipLib"
Those methods where originally part of the framework but since it's rarely used I've extracted this part into this seperate module file.
You can use the define "SimpleJSON_ExcludeBinary" to selectively disable this extension without the need to remove the file from the project.
If you want to use compression when saving to file / stream / B64 you have to include SharpZipLib ( ) in your project and define "USE_SharpZipLib" at the top of the file
SimpleJSONUnity is a Unity extension for the SimpleJSON framework. It does only work together with the SimpleJSON.cs It provides several helpers and conversion operators to serialize/deserialize common Unity types such as Vector2/3/4, Rect, RectOffset, Quaternion and Matrix4x4 as JSONObject or JSONArray. This extension will add 3 static settings to the JSONNode class: ( VectorContainerType, QuaternionContainerType, RectContainerType ) which control what node type should be used for serializing the given type. So a Vector3 as array would look like [12,32,24] and {"x":12, "y":32, "z":24} as object.