From c571aa22d9c0e2bddafcd790b45ac9978fec50d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ethan Mallove Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2021 16:46:53 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Remove trace statements (for easier review) Signed-off-by: Ethan Mallove --- vars/unitTestPost.groovy | 73 ---------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 73 deletions(-) diff --git a/vars/unitTestPost.groovy b/vars/unitTestPost.groovy index 209c443b0..39dce04c0 100755 --- a/vars/unitTestPost.groovy +++ b/vars/unitTestPost.groovy @@ -34,27 +34,9 @@ def call(Map config = [:]) { - def str = config.inspect() - println "TRACE: unitTestPost:38\n" - println "TRACE: str = " + str + "\n" - String always_script = config.get('always_script', 'ci/unit/') - //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - println "TRACE: unitTestPost:41\n" - println "TRACE: config['skip_post_script']" + config['skip_post_script'] + "\n" - println "TRACE: unitTestPost:43\n" - println "TRACE: config['valgrind_stash']" + config['valgrind_stash'] + "\n" - - echo "TRACE: find \"config['testResults']\"\n" - sh "find \"" + config['testResults'] + "\" || :" - echo "TRACE: find .\n" - sh "find ." - echo "TRACE: pwd\n" - sh "pwd" - //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - if (!config['skip_post_script']) { sh label: 'Job Cleanup', script: always_script @@ -63,47 +45,28 @@ def call(Map config = [:]) { Map stage_info = parseStageInfo(config) if (config['testResults'] != 'None' ) { - println "TRACE: unitTestP214ost.groovy:60\n" double health_scale = 1.0 if (config['ignore_failure']) { - println "TRACE: unitTestPost.groovy:63\n" health_scale = 0.0 } def cb_result = currentBuild.result - //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - println "TRACE: cb_result " + cb_result + "\n" - //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - junit testResults: config.get('testResults', 'test_results/*.xml'), healthScaleFactor: health_scale if (cb_result != currentBuild.result) { - println "TRACE: unitTestPost.groovy:77\n" println "The junit plugin changed result to ${currentBuild.result}." } } if (stage_info['with_valgrind']) { - println "TRACE: unitTestPost.groovy:84\n" - println "TRACE: stage_info['NLT']" + stage_info['NLT'] + "\n" - println "TRACE: stage_info['test']" + stage_info['test'] + "\n" - println "TRACE: stage_info['target']" + stage_info['target'] + "\n" - println "TRACE: stage_info['compiler']" + stage_info['compiler'] + "\n" - String target_dir String src_files String log_msg int rc = 0 - ////////////////////////////// - // TRACING - sh "echo 'find .'" - sh "find ." - ////////////////////////////// - // NLT Valgrind testing target_dir = "unit_test_memcheck_logs" src_files = "unit-test-*.memcheck.xml" @@ -112,8 +75,6 @@ def call(Map config = [:]) { includes: src_files, targetLocation: target_dir)]) - println "TRACE: unitTestPost.groovy:109\n" - tar_cmd = "tar -czf ${target_dir}.tar.gz ${target_dir}" rc = sh(script: tar_cmd, returnStatus: true) if (rc != 0) { @@ -125,32 +86,12 @@ def call(Map config = [:]) { src_files = "**/valgrind.*.memcheck.xml" target_dir = "valgrind_logs" - //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - echo "TRACE: find \"target_dir\" (line 123)\n" - sh "find \"" + target_dir + "\" || :" - echo "TRACE: find . (line 123)\n" - sh "find ." - echo "TRACE: pwd (line 123)\n" - sh "pwd" - //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - fileOperations([fileCopyOperation(excludes: '', renameFiles: true, flattenFiles: false, includes: src_files, targetLocation: target_dir)]) - //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - echo "TRACE: find \"target_dir\" (line 138)\n" - sh "find \"" + target_dir + "\" || :" - echo "TRACE: find . (line 138)\n" - sh "find ." - echo "TRACE: pwd (line 138)\n" - sh "pwd" - //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - println "TRACE: unitTestPost.groovy:146\n" - tar_cmd = "tar -czf ${target_dir}.tar.gz ${target_dir}" rc = sh(script: tar_cmd, returnStatus: true) if (rc != 0) { @@ -163,38 +104,26 @@ def call(Map config = [:]) { def artifact_list = config.get('artifacts', ['*']) def ignore_failure = config.get('ignore_failure', false) artifact_list.each { - println "TRACE: unitTestPost.groovy:160\n" archiveArtifacts artifacts: it, allowEmptyArchive: ignore_failure } def target_stash = "${stage_info['target']}-${stage_info['compiler']}" if (stage_info['build_type']) { - println "TRACE: unitTestPost.groovy:167\n" target_stash += '-' + stage_info['build_type'] } // Coverage instrumented tests and Vagrind are probably mutually exclusive if (stage_info['compiler'] == 'covc') { - println "TRACE: unitTestPost.groovy:173\n" return } - println "TRACE: unitTestPost:177\n" - println "TRACE: config['valgrind_stash']" + config['valgrind_stash'] + "\n" - if (config['valgrind_stash']) { - - println "TRACE: unitTestPost.groovy:182\n" def valgrind_pattern = config.get('valgrind_pattern', '*.memcheck.xml') - - println "TRACE: valgrind_pattern" + valgrind_pattern + "\n" stash name: config['valgrind_stash'], includes: valgrind_pattern } if (stage_info['NLT']) { - - println "TRACE: unitTestPost.groovy:191\n" def cb_result = currentBuild.result discoverGitReferenceBuild referenceJob: config.get('referenceJobName', 'daos-stack/daos/master'), @@ -217,9 +146,7 @@ def call(Map config = [:]) { id: 'VM_test') if (cb_result != currentBuild.result) { - println "TRACE: unitTestPost.groovy:214\n" println "The recordIssues step changed result to ${currentBuild.result}." } } - }