- Nothing changed yet.
- Made it compatible with eea.facetednavigation >= 10.0. Branch 1.x is compatible with eea.facetednavigation < 10.0 [sgeulette]
- 'collective.contact.contactlist.lists' vocabulary is sorted by title when creators are different. + few fixes on list order [thomasdesvenain]
- Test eea widget. [thomasdesvenain]
- API: Added a source binder that allows developers to restrict ContactChoice fields on contents of contact lists. [thomasdesvenain]
- get_contacts with 'and' operator was broken. [thomasdesvenain]
- Minor optimizations and PEP8. [thomasdesvenain]
- API: deprecate update_list function and create extend_list instead, which is less ambiguous. [thomasdesvenain]
- Fix get_contacts API for empty list [ebrehault]
- More robust unit tests. [thomasdesvenain]
- Add get_lists_for_contact method to get all lists that contain contact. [cedricmessiant]
- Fix relations. [cedricmessiant]
- Put 'Create a new list' on top of the select widget. [cedricmessiant]
- Fix update_list API for empty list [ebrehault]
- Fix permissions in API [ebrehault]
- Initial release. [tdesvenain]