Ruby script to download the race results from IRONMAN / tracker website.
Data downloaded includes Name/Country/City/Bib/Age Group/Gender, the times for each segment (swim, t1, bike, t2, run) and the ranking (overall, by gender, by age group).
Data is stored as an Excel spreadsheet. Data is cached in the profiles folder, so that the script can be run multiple times without downloading the same data again.
This script is for personal use. Observe the API terms of
- Added some scripts to read data from Berlin Marathon and Halfmarathon.
Clone this repo locally:
git clone
Install dependencies (description for Ubuntu):
# Needs chrome
sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
# Install gems ferrum and axlsx
gem install ferrum axlsx
Edit ironman.rb to set the URL of your event to download (event_result_url
Run the script:
ruby ironman.rb