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Quick Reference

  • Updating profile: _data/members.yml
  • Adding publications: _publications/paper_name.yml

The BibTeX and citation should be copied verbatim from the ACM DL, if possible. Thumbnail pictures should be 16x9, at least 300 px wide.

Updating profile

Edit Metadata

Modify _data/members.yml. Fields:

  • id: This should be your last name. This is what you'll use throughout the site to refer to you. If you have a website listed, it will replace references of your name with a link to your website.
  • name: Full name
  • image: Path to your profile picture. Images should be square and ideally 165x165px.
  • website: Full link to your personal website
  • affiliation: Either HCII, ISR or SCS. See _data/affiliations.yml for details and to make modifications.
  • status: One of current, alumni, master_alumni, ugrad_alumni, or summer_alumni
  • degree: Free text. Suggested values: 'Ph.D. Student', 'Masters Student', 'Undergraduate'

Upload image

Images should be uploaded to images/members/. Images should be square and (ideally) 165x165px. If you upload something else, it will be cropped.

Adding Publication

Create a new file in _publications/. I recommend copying an existing file (such as

  • authors: This should be a list of full names. If an author is a lab member (or former lab member), use the member's id instead of their name to link it to their website.
  • award: Should be either '', 'Best Paper Award', or 'Honorable Mention Award'.
  • bibtex: Copy from the ACM DL, not from Google.
  • caption: This will go under the image on the project detail page.
  • citation: Copy from the ACM DL, not from Google.
  • conference: This should be in the format: ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), 2011
  • date: Publication/presentation date
  • image: Hi res image for the project detail page (accompanies caption). Add to images/pubs/. Try to keep the image to a 3:2 aspect ratio
  • news: (optional) List of different press releases, which contains
    • name: the name of the news entity
    • url: the url to the article
    • headline: the headline
    • date: the date the article was published
  • pdf: Copy from the ACM DL, not anywhere else.
  • thumbnail: Must be 16x9 and 300px wide. Add to images/pubs/.
  • title: Verbatim paper title
  • video: (optional) Link to external video, such as YouTube or Vimeo.
  • video_embed: (optional) HTML embed code for video player
  • onhomepage : true if want to showcase on homepage
  • name : short name (e.g., SpiroCall or EarBit)
  • blurb : one sentence summary of the project

Scraping the ACM DL

If your paper is published by the ACM, you can create most of this metadata automatically using resources/ Edit the BibTeX at the end of the file and run it. It will download the PDF and create the markdown file for you.

Local Development

  1. Install Ruby if not already installed (installed by default on OS X). On Windows, use On Linux, run sudo apt-get install ruby-full. This should come with the gem package manager.
  2. Install Jekyll and plug-ins in one fell swoop. gem install github-pages (OS X users may need to sudo gem install github-pages) This mirrors the plug-ins used by GitHub Pages on your local machine including Jekyll, Sass, etc.
  3. Clone down your fork git clone [email protected]:cmusmashlab/
  4. Serve the site and watch for markup/sass changes jekyll serve
  5. View your website at
  6. Install bibtexparser (if you want to populate your pubs automatically)
  7. Commit any changes and push everything to the master branch of your GitHub user repository. GitHub Pages will then rebuild and serve your website.


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