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Movie Application

This folder contains a SpringBoot application for searching and retrieving movie information from TMDB.

How to run

In order to run the application locally you will need an access token from TMDB, see more here.

When you have your access token simply run the following

TMDB_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your-token> ./gradlew bootRun
  • Movie application will be available at localhost:8080

Mocked environment

In case you want to run the application pointing to WireMock service instead you need to run WireMock via docker compose file and then use the mock profile when running the application.

# From root repository folder
docker compose up -d --build
cd MovieApp
SPRING_PFOILES_ACTIVE=mock ./gradlew bootRun
  • WireMock will be available at localhost:8090
  • Movie application will be available at localhost:8080

Movie requests

Search movies

GET localhost:8080/movies?query=<query>

Get movie details

GET localhost:8080/movies/<movie-id>

WireMock requests

Check mappings

GET localhost:8090/__admin/mappings

Check requests made

GET localhost:8090/__admin/requests