D3GRN is a Data Driven Dynamic network construction method to infer Gene Regulatory Networks.
Ubuntu/Linux Bash, Matlab 2015b.
Step 1, DREAM4 Network1-5:
nohup bash ./main_arni_dream4_multifactorial_network1_5.sh &
the results of bootstraping runs will be generated for further evaluation.
Or if you want to run the algorithm for DREAM5 Network 1 (sudo privilege perhaps needed according to your running environment):
nohup bash ./main_arni_dream5_network1.sh &
As the DREAM5 networks are large in scale so it will be time consuming, so the task is recommended to run in the background mode.
Step 2, Evaluation:
It is recommended to run the following Matlab script in your desktop IDE, the command will calculate the AUPR as well as plot the curves.
- For DREAM4 Network1-5:
- For DREAM5 Network 1:
Any question, please do not hesitate to contact me with following address with bash command for decryption:
echo "Y2hlbnhvZmhpdEBnbWFpbC5jb20K"|base64 -d (use -D instead for Mac users)
or submit issue in the repository directly.