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Changing Multiple Streams

Charles Solar edited this page Jan 3, 2017 · 1 revision

Highly Discouraged

Aggregates.NET will warn you about changing multiple streams if it detects such behavior. This is not an error situation, but a best practice measure.

The issue at hand is if you change two streams then go to save its possible one will fail to save due to a version conflict or any other reason. Leaving you with possibly one stream committed and one failure causing the command to be retried and you potentially double-committing an event.

The persistence store GetEventStore has its own protections against this Aggregates.NET utilizes - the event id on each event is consistent no matter how many times the event is saved - so duplicate events shouldn't happen normally. But committing multiple streams at once is bad practice in general. Try to refactor your app to only save one stream per command.

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