All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.0.7 (2022-01-03)
- 🔥 fix of nuxt module for vue use (b6520b8)
- deps: bump actions/stale from 3.0.18 to 4 (3ed0d92)
- deps: bump handlebars from 4.7.6 to 4.7.7 (5f44494)
- deps: bump hosted-git-info from 2.8.8 to 2.8.9 (23bd0ab)
- deps: bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21 (e52401d)
- deps: bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 (ce38445)
- update auth information and change reviewer in dependabot pr (27a1ec4)