diff --git a/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/Dockerfile.j2 b/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/Dockerfile.j2
index 578f27c24004..a08e74145fe1 100644
--- a/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/Dockerfile.j2
+++ b/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/Dockerfile.j2
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ RUN apt-get clean -y         && \
 COPY ["docker_init.sh", "start.sh", "/usr/bin/"]
 COPY ["docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf.j2", "port-name-alias-map.txt.j2", "wait_for_intf.sh.j2", "/usr/share/sonic/templates/"]
+COPY ["dhcp-relay.programs.j2", "dhcpv4-relay.agents.j2", "dhcpv6-relay.agents.j2", "dhcpv6-relay.monitors.j2", "/usr/share/sonic/templates/"]
 COPY ["files/supervisor-proc-exit-listener", "/usr/bin"]
 COPY ["critical_processes", "/etc/supervisor"]
 COPY ["cli", "/cli/"]
diff --git a/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/dhcp-relay.programs.j2 b/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/dhcp-relay.programs.j2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d6c0d805a4cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/dhcp-relay.programs.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+{%- set add_preceding_comma = { 'flag': False } %}
+{% for vlan_name in VLAN_INTERFACE %}
+{# Append DHCPv4 agents #}
+{% if VLAN and vlan_name in VLAN and 'dhcp_servers' in VLAN[vlan_name] and VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcp_servers']|length > 0 %}
+{% if add_preceding_comma.flag %},{% endif %}
+{% set _dummy = add_preceding_comma.update({'flag': True}) %}
+isc-dhcpv4-relay-{{ vlan_name }}
+{%- endif %}
+{# Append DHCPv6 agents #}
+{% if VLAN and vlan_name in VLAN and 'dhcpv6_servers' in VLAN[vlan_name] and VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcpv6_servers']|length > 0 %}
+{% if add_preceding_comma.flag %},{% endif %}
+{% set _dummy = add_preceding_comma.update({'flag': True}) %}
+isc-dhcpv6-relay-{{ vlan_name }}
+{%- endif %}
+{% endfor %}
diff --git a/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/dhcpv4-relay.agents.j2 b/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/dhcpv4-relay.agents.j2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bf756ff63817
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/dhcpv4-relay.agents.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+{# Append DHCPv4 agents #}
+{% if VLAN and vlan_name in VLAN and 'dhcp_servers' in VLAN[vlan_name] and VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcp_servers']|length > 0 %}
+{% for dhcp_server in VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcp_servers'] %}
+{% if dhcp_server | ipv4 %}
+{% set _dummy = relay_for_ipv4.update({'flag': True}) %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% if relay_for_ipv4.flag %}
+{% set _dummy = relay_for_ipv4.update({'flag': False}) %}
+[program:isc-dhcpv4-relay-{{ vlan_name }}]
+{# We treat this VLAN as a downstream interface (-id), as we only want to listen for requests #}
+command=/usr/sbin/dhcrelay -d -m discard -a %%h:%%p %%P --name-alias-map-file /tmp/port-name-alias-map.txt -id {{ vlan_name }}
+{#- Dual ToR Option #}
+{% if 'subtype' in DEVICE_METADATA['localhost'] and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['subtype'] == 'DualToR' %} -U Loopback0 -dt{% endif -%}
+{#- si option to use intf addr in relay #}
+{% if DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['deployment_id'] == '8' %} -si{% endif -%}
+{#- We treat all other interfaces as upstream interfaces (-iu), as we only want to listen for replies #}
+{% for (name, prefix) in VLAN_INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
+{% if prefix | ipv4 and name != vlan_name %} -iu {{ name }}{% endif -%}
+{% endfor %}
+{% for (name, prefix) in INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
+{% if prefix | ipv4 %} -iu {{ name }}{% endif -%}
+{% endfor %}
+{% for (name, prefix) in PORTCHANNEL_INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
+{% if prefix | ipv4 %} -iu {{ name }}{% endif -%}
+{% endfor %}
+{% for dhcp_server in VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcp_servers'] %}
+{%- if dhcp_server | ipv4 %} {{ dhcp_server }}{% endif -%}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/dhcpv6-relay.agents.j2 b/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/dhcpv6-relay.agents.j2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2d95b383c093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/dhcpv6-relay.agents.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+{# Append DHCPv6 agents #}
+{% if VLAN and vlan_name in VLAN and 'dhcpv6_servers' in VLAN[vlan_name] and VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcpv6_servers']|length > 0 %}
+{% for dhcpv6_server in VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcpv6_servers'] %}
+{% if dhcpv6_server | ipv6 %}
+{% set _dummy = relay_for_ipv6.update({'flag': True}) %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% if relay_for_ipv6.flag %}
+{% set _dummy = relay_for_ipv6.update({'flag': False}) %}
+[program:isc-dhcpv6-relay-{{ vlan_name }}]
+{# We treat this VLAN as a downstream interface (-l), as we only want to listen for requests #}
+command=/usr/sbin/dhcrelay -d -6 --name-alias-map-file /tmp/port-name-alias-map.txt -l {{ vlan_name }}
+{#- We treat all other interfaces as upstream interfaces (-u), as we only want to listen for replies #}
+{%- for dhcpv6_server in VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcpv6_servers'] %}
+{%- if dhcpv6_server | ipv6 %}
+{%- for (name, prefix) in VLAN_INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
+{%- if prefix | ipv6 and name != vlan_name %} -u {{ dhcpv6_server }}%%{{ name }} {% endif -%}
+{% endfor %}
+{% for (name, prefix) in INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
+{% if prefix | ipv6 %} -u {{ dhcpv6_server }}%%{{ name }} {% endif -%}
+{% endfor %}
+{% for (name, prefix) in PORTCHANNEL_INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
+{% if prefix | ipv6 %} -u {{ dhcpv6_server }}%%{{ name }} {% endif -%}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif -%}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/dhcpv6-relay.monitors.j2 b/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/dhcpv6-relay.monitors.j2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8bb9e5ad8136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/dhcpv6-relay.monitors.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+{%- set add_preceding_comma = { 'flag': False } %}
+{% set monitor_instance = { 'flag': False } %}
+{% for vlan_name in VLAN_INTERFACE %}
+{% if VLAN and vlan_name in VLAN and 'dhcp_servers' in VLAN[vlan_name] and VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcp_servers']|length > 0 %}
+{% set _dummy = monitor_instance.update({'flag': True}) %}
+{%- endif %}
+{% if VLAN and vlan_name in VLAN and 'dhcpv6_servers' in VLAN[vlan_name] and VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcpv6_servers']|length > 0 %}
+{% set _dummy = monitor_instance.update({'flag': True}) %}
+{%- endif %}
+{% if monitor_instance.flag %}
+{% if add_preceding_comma.flag %},{% endif %}
+{% set _dummy = add_preceding_comma.update({'flag': True}) %}
+dhcpmon-{{ vlan_name }}
+{%- set _dummy = monitor_instance.update({'flag': False}) %}
+{%- endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{# Create a program entry for each DHCP MONitor instance #}
+{% set relay_for_ipv4 = { 'flag': False } %}
+{% set relay_for_ipv6 = { 'flag': False } %}
+{% for vlan_name in VLAN_INTERFACE %}
+{# Check DHCPv4 agents #}
+{% if VLAN and vlan_name in VLAN and 'dhcp_servers' in VLAN[vlan_name] and VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcp_servers']|length > 0 %}
+{% for dhcp_server in VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcp_servers'] %}
+{% if dhcp_server | ipv4 %}
+{% set _dummy = relay_for_ipv4.update({'flag': True}) %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{# Check DHCPv6 agents #}
+{% if VLAN and vlan_name in VLAN and 'dhcpv6_servers' in VLAN[vlan_name] and VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcpv6_servers']|length > 0 %}
+{% for dhcpv6_server in VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcpv6_servers'] %}
+{% if dhcpv6_server | ipv6 %}
+{% set _dummy = relay_for_ipv6.update({'flag': True}) %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if relay_for_ipv4.flag or relay_for_ipv6.flag %}
+[program:dhcpmon-{{ vlan_name }}]
+{# We treat this VLAN as a downstream interface (-id), as we only want to listen for requests #}
+command=/usr/sbin/dhcpmon -id {{ vlan_name }}
+{#- Dual ToR Option #}
+{% if 'subtype' in DEVICE_METADATA['localhost'] and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['subtype'] == 'DualToR' %} -u Loopback0{% endif -%}
+{#- We treat all other interfaces as upstream interfaces (-iu), as we only want to listen for replies #}
+{% for (name, prefix) in VLAN_INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
+{% if prefix | ipv4 and name != vlan_name %} -iu {{ name }}{% endif -%}
+{% endfor %}
+{% for (name, prefix) in INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
+{% if prefix | ipv4 %} -iu {{ name }}{% endif -%}
+{% endfor %}
+{% for (name, prefix) in PORTCHANNEL_INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
+{% if prefix | ipv4 %} -iu {{ name }}{% endif -%}
+{% endfor %}
+{% for (name, prefix) in MGMT_INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
+{% if prefix | ipv4 %} -im {{ name }}{% endif -%}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if relay_for_ipv4.flag %} -4{% endif %}
+{% if relay_for_ipv6.flag %} -6{% endif %}
+{%- if relay_for_ipv4.flag %}isc-dhcpv4-relay-{{ vlan_name }}:running {% endif %}
+{% if relay_for_ipv6.flag %}isc-dhcpv6-relay-{{ vlan_name }}:running{% endif %}
+{% set _dummy = relay_for_ipv4.update({'flag': False}) %}
+{% set _dummy = relay_for_ipv6.update({'flag': False}) %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
diff --git a/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf.j2 b/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf.j2
index a1811226a885..664e1f36c05e 100644
--- a/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf.j2
+++ b/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf.j2
@@ -42,125 +42,29 @@ dependent_startup_wait_for=rsyslogd:running
 {# If our configuration has VLANs... #}
 {# Count how many VLANs require a DHCP relay agent... #}
-{% set num_relays = { 'count': 0 } %}
+{% set ipv4_num_relays = { 'count': 0 } %}
+{% set ipv6_num_relays = { 'count': 0 } %}
 {% for vlan_name in VLAN_INTERFACE %}
 {% if VLAN and vlan_name in VLAN and 'dhcp_servers' in VLAN[vlan_name] and VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcp_servers']|length > 0 %}
-{% set _dummy = num_relays.update({'count': num_relays.count + 1}) %}
+{% set _dummy = ipv4_num_relays.update({'count': ipv4_num_relays.count + 1}) %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if VLAN and vlan_name in VLAN and 'dhcpv6_servers' in VLAN[vlan_name] and VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcpv6_servers']|length > 0 %}
+{% set _dummy = ipv6_num_relays.update({'count': ipv6_num_relays.count + 1}) %}
 {% endif %}
 {% endfor %}
 {# If one or more of the VLANs require a DHCP relay agent... #}
-{% if num_relays.count > 0 %}
-{%- set add_preceding_comma = { 'flag': False } %}
-{% for vlan_name in VLAN_INTERFACE %}
-{% if VLAN and vlan_name in VLAN and 'dhcp_servers' in VLAN[vlan_name] and VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcp_servers']|length > 0 %}
-{% if add_preceding_comma.flag %},{% endif %}
-{% set _dummy = add_preceding_comma.update({'flag': True}) %}
-isc-dhcp-relay-{{ vlan_name }}
-{%- endif %}
-{% endfor %}
+{% if ipv4_num_relays.count > 0 or ipv6_num_relays.count > 0 %}
+{% include 'dhcp-relay.programs.j2' %}
 {# Create a program entry for each DHCP relay agent instance #}
 {% set relay_for_ipv4 = { 'flag': False } %}
+{% set relay_for_ipv6 = { 'flag': False } %}
 {% for vlan_name in VLAN_INTERFACE %}
-{% if VLAN and vlan_name in VLAN and 'dhcp_servers' in VLAN[vlan_name] and VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcp_servers']|length > 0 %}
-{% for dhcp_server in VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcp_servers'] %}
-{% if dhcp_server | ipv4 %}
-{% set _dummy = relay_for_ipv4.update({'flag': True}) %}
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% if relay_for_ipv4.flag %}
-{% set _dummy = relay_for_ipv4.update({'flag': False}) %}
-[program:isc-dhcp-relay-{{ vlan_name }}]
-{# We treat this VLAN as a downstream interface (-id), as we only want to listen for requests #}
-command=/usr/sbin/dhcrelay -d -m discard -a %%h:%%p %%P --name-alias-map-file /tmp/port-name-alias-map.txt -id {{ vlan_name }}
-{#- Dual ToR Option #}
-{% if 'subtype' in DEVICE_METADATA['localhost'] and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['subtype'] == 'DualToR' %} -U Loopback0 -dt{% endif -%}
-{#- si option to use intf addr in relay #}
-{% if DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['deployment_id'] == '8' %} -si{% endif -%}
-{#- We treat all other interfaces as upstream interfaces (-iu), as we only want to listen for replies #}
-{% for (name, prefix) in VLAN_INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
-{% if prefix | ipv4 and name != vlan_name %} -iu {{ name }}{% endif -%}
-{% endfor %}
-{% for (name, prefix) in INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
-{% if prefix | ipv4 %} -iu {{ name }}{% endif -%}
-{% endfor %}
-{% for (name, prefix) in PORTCHANNEL_INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
-{% if prefix | ipv4 %} -iu {{ name }}{% endif -%}
-{% endfor %}
-{% for dhcp_server in VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcp_servers'] %}
-{%- if dhcp_server | ipv4 %} {{ dhcp_server }}{% endif -%}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{%- set add_preceding_comma = { 'flag': False } %}
-{% for vlan_name in VLAN_INTERFACE %}
-{% if VLAN and vlan_name in VLAN and 'dhcp_servers' in VLAN[vlan_name] and VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcp_servers']|length > 0 %}
-{% if add_preceding_comma.flag %},{% endif %}
-{% set _dummy = add_preceding_comma.update({'flag': True}) %}
-dhcpmon-{{ vlan_name }}
-{%- endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{# Create a program entry for each DHCP MONitor instance #}
-{% set relay_for_ipv4 = { 'flag': False } %}
-{% for vlan_name in VLAN_INTERFACE %}
-{% if VLAN and vlan_name in VLAN and 'dhcp_servers' in VLAN[vlan_name] and VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcp_servers']|length > 0 %}
-{% for dhcp_server in VLAN[vlan_name]['dhcp_servers'] %}
-{% if dhcp_server | ipv4 %}
-{% set _dummy = relay_for_ipv4.update({'flag': True}) %}
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% if relay_for_ipv4.flag %}
-{% set _dummy = relay_for_ipv4.update({'flag': False}) %}
-[program:dhcpmon-{{ vlan_name }}]
-{# We treat this VLAN as a downstream interface (-id), as we only want to listen for requests #}
-command=/usr/sbin/dhcpmon -id {{ vlan_name }}
-{#- Dual ToR Option #}
-{% if 'subtype' in DEVICE_METADATA['localhost'] and DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['subtype'] == 'DualToR' %} -u Loopback0{% endif -%}
-{#- We treat all other interfaces as upstream interfaces (-iu), as we only want to listen for replies #}
-{% for (name, prefix) in VLAN_INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
-{% if prefix | ipv4 and name != vlan_name %} -iu {{ name }}{% endif -%}
-{% endfor %}
-{% for (name, prefix) in INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
-{% if prefix | ipv4 %} -iu {{ name }}{% endif -%}
-{% endfor %}
-{% for (name, prefix) in PORTCHANNEL_INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
-{% if prefix | ipv4 %} -iu {{ name }}{% endif -%}
-{% endfor %}
-{% for (name, prefix) in MGMT_INTERFACE|pfx_filter %}
-{% if prefix | ipv4 %} -im {{ name }}{% endif -%}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-dependent_startup_wait_for=isc-dhcp-relay-{{ vlan_name }}:running
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
+{% include 'dhcpv4-relay.agents.j2' %}
+{% include 'dhcpv6-relay.agents.j2' %}
 {% endfor %}
+{% include 'dhcpv6-relay.monitors.j2' %}
 {% endif %}
 {% endif %}
diff --git a/src/sonic-config-engine/tests/sample_output/py2/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf b/src/sonic-config-engine/tests/sample_output/py2/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf
index 3a1269c43533..35dfe5ea4b5d 100644
--- a/src/sonic-config-engine/tests/sample_output/py2/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf
+++ b/src/sonic-config-engine/tests/sample_output/py2/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ dependent_startup=true
 command=/usr/sbin/dhcrelay -d -m discard -a %%h:%%p %%P --name-alias-map-file /tmp/port-name-alias-map.txt -id Vlan1000 -iu Vlan2000 -iu PortChannel02 -iu PortChannel03 -iu PortChannel04 -iu PortChannel01
@@ -52,19 +52,28 @@ stderr_logfile=syslog
+command=/usr/sbin/dhcrelay -d -6 --name-alias-map-file /tmp/port-name-alias-map.txt -l Vlan1000 -u fc02:2000::1%%PortChannel04  -u fc02:2000::1%%PortChannel03  -u fc02:2000::1%%PortChannel01  -u fc02:2000::1%%PortChannel02  -u fc02:2000::2%%PortChannel04  -u fc02:2000::2%%PortChannel03  -u fc02:2000::2%%PortChannel01  -u fc02:2000::2%%PortChannel02 
-command=/usr/sbin/dhcpmon -id Vlan1000 -iu Vlan2000 -iu PortChannel02 -iu PortChannel03 -iu PortChannel04 -iu PortChannel01 -im eth0
+command=/usr/sbin/dhcpmon -id Vlan1000 -iu Vlan2000 -iu PortChannel02 -iu PortChannel03 -iu PortChannel04 -iu PortChannel01 -im eth0 -4 -6
+dependent_startup_wait_for=isc-dhcpv4-relay-Vlan1000:running isc-dhcpv6-relay-Vlan1000:running
diff --git a/src/sonic-config-engine/tests/sample_output/py3/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf b/src/sonic-config-engine/tests/sample_output/py3/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf
index e5e5462bde77..bc24433a14cf 100644
--- a/src/sonic-config-engine/tests/sample_output/py3/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf
+++ b/src/sonic-config-engine/tests/sample_output/py3/docker-dhcp-relay.supervisord.conf
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ dependent_startup=true
 command=/usr/sbin/dhcrelay -d -m discard -a %%h:%%p %%P --name-alias-map-file /tmp/port-name-alias-map.txt -id Vlan1000 -iu Vlan2000 -iu PortChannel01 -iu PortChannel02 -iu PortChannel03 -iu PortChannel04
@@ -52,19 +52,28 @@ stderr_logfile=syslog
+command=/usr/sbin/dhcrelay -d -6 --name-alias-map-file /tmp/port-name-alias-map.txt -l Vlan1000 -u fc02:2000::1%%PortChannel01  -u fc02:2000::1%%PortChannel02  -u fc02:2000::1%%PortChannel03  -u fc02:2000::1%%PortChannel04  -u fc02:2000::2%%PortChannel01  -u fc02:2000::2%%PortChannel02  -u fc02:2000::2%%PortChannel03  -u fc02:2000::2%%PortChannel04 
-command=/usr/sbin/dhcpmon -id Vlan1000 -iu Vlan2000 -iu PortChannel01 -iu PortChannel02 -iu PortChannel03 -iu PortChannel04 -im eth0
+command=/usr/sbin/dhcpmon -id Vlan1000 -iu Vlan2000 -iu PortChannel01 -iu PortChannel02 -iu PortChannel03 -iu PortChannel04 -im eth0 -4 -6
+dependent_startup_wait_for=isc-dhcpv4-relay-Vlan1000:running isc-dhcpv6-relay-Vlan1000:running