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Notes for build2 users

The following examples are for build2 beginners who just want to work with this project using build2, and for maintainers who want to maintain the build2 packages of this project.

For more info, read build2's documentation, in particular the build-system's manual.

Add range-v3 as a dependency to your build2 project

  1. If you don't already have a build2 project, use bdep new to immediately create a new "hello world" project. For example:

    bdep new myproject
    cd myproject
  2. Add this line in your project's ./manifest:

    depends: range-v3 ~0.11.0

    (Of course you can use another version if it's available, see build2's documentation for the versions constraints)

  3. Then optionally specify how to find the package by adding in ./repositories.manifest either:

    • to get it from (assuming a published package exist in the apha repo - it will be in stable once it reaches v1.x):
      role: prerequisite
    • to get it from this git repository (here we'll us the master branch as an example):
      role: prerequisite

    Specifying the repository in repositories.manifest will make all developers who want to work on your project to automatically fetch that package the specified repository without other operations, so it's a good default.

    • Another option (more for advanced build2 users) is to add one of the repositories to your configuration manually using bpkg add [...].
  4. To make one of your target depends on the library, in the buildfile defining that target:

    import rangev3 = range-v3%lib{range-v3}
    lib{mylibrary} : $rangev3

    The first line imports the library target lib{range-v3} from the package range-v3. The second line specify that lib{range-v3} is a prerequisite of lib{mylibrary}.

At this point, the C++ files defined as prerequisite of lib{mylibrary} can use:

#include <range/v3/all.hpp> // For example, get everything.

You can now try to build your project (using b or bdep update), which will automatically first invoke bdep sync -f to update your dependencies as specified.

(There are variations to these instructions. See build2's build-system manual for details.)

Start development on range-v3 locally with build2:

  1. Clone this repository (at a branch providing build2 files), for example:

    git clone range-v3
    cd range-v3
  2. Initialize the project in a configuration:

    This means create or reuse a configuration directory and add the project in it to be configured. As a shortcut, it can be done in one command: bdep init ....

    As an example, let's initialize the project to build with clang in C++17:

    bdep init -C ../build-myconfig cc config.cxx=clang++ config.c=clang config.cxx.std=17

    Note that you can initialize one project in more than one configurations.

  3. You can now start to work on the project:

    • b or b update to build, b clean to clean the generated files;
    • b test to build the test and run them all;
    • b install config.install.root=../path/to/install/dir to install the built project somewhere;
    • b clean update test install config.install.root=../path/to/install/dir to do these operations sequentially;

    See build2's documentation for more.

  4. You can initialize the project in different configurations (clang in debug, msvc in release, etc.), then use bdep update -a, bdep test -a, etc. to build and test on all these configurations. See bdep documentation or the build2 toolchain introduction.

Just build and install range-v3 (no development) using build2:

You can just build, test, install the library without setting up a project using build2 (which is useful for implementing CI, for example, or when you just wanting to install a specific version in the system).

  1. Create (or reuse) a build2 configuration that will be used to build, test and install the package. As an example, let's make a configuration building with clang in C++17:

    mkdir build-clang
    cd build-clang
    bpkg create cc config.cxx=clang++ config.c=clang config.cxx.std=17 [...]
  2. Then depending on how you prefer to acquire the package, either:

    • Fetch and build range-v3, for example the version currently in branch master :
      bpkg build
    • Or add repository, fetch and build the package - for example if the package is available in the alpha repo:
      bpkg add bpkg add
      bpkg fetch
      bpkg build range-v3
  3. At this point, you might want to check that the tests run, at least for that configuration:

    bpkg test range-v3
  4. Install that version of range-v3 in ../path/to/install/dir

    bpkg install range-v3 config.install.root=../path/to/install/dir

Send a (modified) version of range-v3 to build2's community CI

build2 provide a CI server open for submissions from any open-source project.

When working with a unpublished version of this range-v3 repository, you can send this specific revision for CI by:

  1. Make the current revision accessible publicly so that the server can retrieve it. For example, push that specific commit somewhere in a repository which is publicly accessible.

  2. In the directory of the project:

    bdep ci

    And just follow the instructions.

See bdep ci's manual for more details.

Publish a new version of the range-v3 package for build2 on

This is for the owners/maintainers of this project.

Note: you must have write-acccess to the repository to be allowed to complete the publication submission.

  1. Before submitting the package, make sure the information of the package are up to date:

    • Update the version field in ./manifest (and commit);
    • Make sure you are at the right git revision and make sure it's available publicly online.
    • Ideally (this is optional but helps tooling), make sure there is a version tag pointing at the commit to publish.

    Note: these could be done automatically using bdep release but this project is not maintained using build2 so it's probably better to update the manifest manually.

  2. Submit the package for publication (to by default):

    bdep publish

    And follow the instructions.

See bdep publish's manual for details.