Here we'll display your golf scores.
Contact your local club president if you'd like to join or attach your portrait. These scores will update automatically, so long as you & other players keep your .scorecard
file up to date!
Click on a row name to display the player's solution, or their name to view their scorecard & solution repository!
Put a .scorecard
file in the directory you'll be golfing from & fill it out as you go. Here is an example for a fictional player named Keeper.
Within your .scorecard
you'll list your submissions in a format like below, lines beginning with @
or //
or #
are ignored:
@ Bogstandard
# Awaiting the frost
Day One: scorekeeper.test
Day Two: example-day/example-file.test
Then provide your local club president with a link to your .scorecard
in your public repository & they'll do the rest! Your .scorecard
doesn't need to be in the same repository as the club!
Read the Club readme for more information.
Last rebuilt Tue 30 Apr 2024 16:35