Create a simple CRUD application with Reactjs & MUI that implements the models below:
User {
- Write your unit tests. You can use Link 1, Link 2 for an understanding of how to write your own unit tests.
- Write clean git commits that show your work progress.
- Use Material UI. Make sure you check our components under this directory.
- Implement clean architecture
- Create a local browser storage to store the list of Users.
- During Create process, validate all the fields (you can use Google's LibPhoneNumber library to validate mobile number).
- Users must be unique in the database (local storage): By firstName, lastName, dateOfBirth, and phone.
- Email and phone numbers must be unique in the local storage or memory array.
Follow those steps to deliver your work:
- Properly clone this repository in a new GitHub repository in private mode. Make sure you do not erase previous commits (for code review purposes).
- Share the repository with the users
in private mode on
There are a few great links about Git, GitHub collaboration and naming convention. Make sure your read those documents before you start your work.