This is a live session from which you can run example notebooks showing how to use the libraries in the Bluesky Project---including bluesky, ophyd, and databroker---and how to use them with popular scientific Python libraries such as scipy, pandas, and dask to solve problems in data acquisition and analysis.
To get started, double click on a notebook on the left, like Hello Bluesky.ipynb
, and start running through the Jupyter notebook cells.
If you are not very familiar with Python or Jupyter, start with Hello Python and Jupyter.ipynb
, a very brief tour of the Python language, IPython, and Jupyter.
Links are available within each notebook for additional documentation on that topic.
For more information about the Bluesky Project in general please visit
For more information about this tutorial please visit
This session is running on, a service designed and maintained by the Jupyter community, generously funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and currently running on Google Cloud Platform.