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This document contains developer documentation for BioImage Suite Web. Follow this link for the end-user documentation/manual.

A web page version (as opposed to browsing the source) of this page can be found at this link.


BioImage Suite Web (BisWeb) is a web-based medical image analysis tool geared towards processing neural images. We gratefully acknowledge support from the NIH Brain Initiative under grant R24 MH114805 (Papademetris X. and Scheinost D. PIs). A good overview of the software can be found in slides from a presentation at the 2018 NIH Brain Initiative Meeting, which was the first public introduction of the software.

The architecture of BioImage Suite Web is shown below:

BioImage Suite Web Software Architecture

BioImage Suite Web uses a mixture of JavaScript for the user interfaces and C++ for the image processing with optional Python and Matlab wrappers. Additional information about aspects of the software can be found in other files in this directory, such as:

  • Some background material on why JavaScript is the primary language for Biomage Suite Web in
  • Aspects of JavaScript that are particularly relevant to the project in
  • How to program using the base BioImage Suite Web Libraries in JS in
  • The interface from JavaScript to WebAssembly in
  • Using the base BioImage Suite Web libraries from Python in
  • Using the base BioImage Suite Web libraries from Matlab This code is primitive compared to the rest of the code base and more importantly is unsupported. Use at your own risk!
  • Descriptions of the module architecture in two separate documents
  • Details about how the Electron desktop applications are constructed in

Setting up your Development Environment

The goal of this section is to help the reader set up a proper software development environment. BioImage Suite Web uses the following tools:

  • Git : A popular version control system.
  • Node.js : The command line JavaScript interpreter. Packaged with npm which is the package manager that comes with node.js.
  • Gulp: An automation tool designed to ease JavaScript build tasks.
  • webpack: A packaging tool that enables Node.js style modules in browser applications.
  • Mocha: A scripting library designed to automate regression testing.
  • JSHint: "A tool that helps to detect errors and potential problems in your JavaScript code" (from the webpage).
  • JSDoc: A parsing tool that generates documentation from comments in code.
  • Electron: A tool that uses the HTML/CSS/JS that makes up a webpage to create a desktop application.

Editing code also requires a text editor. Users with no prior experience may want to try Microsoft's Visual Code editor. Sublime and Atom are also fine choices. Emacs or Vim may be considered for the truly dedicated/crazy, but users of such esoterica tend to know who they are already.

More information about each of these tools may be found in the links contained in this section.

Setting up your Development Environment

Option 1. Docker Environment (Advanced)

If you are comfortable with Docker, then you can create and build bisweb in a docker environment. See our docker repository.

In particular you will need to

  1. Install the container

    docker pull bisweb/devel

  2. Log in to the container

     docker run -it --rm -p 8080:80 -p 24000:24000 \
       --mount src=${HOME},target=/hostfiles,type=bind \
       -e LOCAL_USER_ID=`id -u $USER` \
       --name bisweb \

This creates a new user bisweb with the same uid as the host user running the container and mounts their home directory ($HOME) in a directory called /container

Once you start the container you will meet a prompt of the form

 ------------------------ In Bisweb docker image ----------------------------------------
To create a bisweb source directory
1. Navigate to the desired directory
2. Run the script:
------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------


If everything goes well you are in your home directory on the host machine. From here create your directory e.g.

mkdir bisweb
cd bisweb

and run the script

This will download the bisweb source tree and configure and build it as needed. Once this is completed, you now have a full bisweb source directory configured in your directory of choice (we will call this /hostfiles/bisweb).

Look below under Building and Running BioImage Suite web for more details. Essentially all the steps are configured though.

Option 2. Linux/Ubuntu

Compiling BisWeb requires a number of prerequisites.

For Ubuntu you will need to run the following commands (unless these packages are already on your system)

sudo apt-get -yqq update
sudo apt-get install -yqq python-pip python-dev python3 python3-pip unzip g++ gcc cmake cmake-curses-gui
sudo apt-get install -yqq doxygen graphviz
sudo apt-get install -yqq curl openjdk-8-jdk git make dos2unix
sudo curl -sL | sudo bash
sudo apt-get install -yq nodejs

Then install the following 2 python packages (if you are interested in python)

sudo python3 -m pip install --update pip setuptools

Then install the following npm dependencies:

sudo npm install -g gulp mocha rimraf
sudo npm install -g electron --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root
sudo npm install -g electron-packager

These steps are identical to what is used for the Docker-based devel setup described above.

Aside: Microsoft Windows

We suggest using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Install the Ubuntu VM and follow the same steps as for Linux/Ubuntu above.

If you really want to use MS-Windows Native tools

  1. Install Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition (2019). Make sure you enable C++ development. Do not install Python development.
  2. Install CMake and make sure it is added to your path.
  3. Install Node.js v12 and make sure it is added to your path. Also install the windows build essentials (there is an option in the node installer) which will include Python 3.8.x. Go to c:\python38 and copy python.exe to python3.exe (some build tools look for python3)
  4. Install git for windows and make sure it is in your path.

Next Install Prerequisites: Open a command line and type

python3 -m pip install --update pip setuptools
npm install -g gulp mocha rimraf
npm install -g electron --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root
npm install -g electron-packager

Option 3. MacOS 10.14

This is similar to Linux. First install Xcode and homebrew if you do not already have these installed.

Also install node v12 or v14.

brew install cmake doxygen graphviz
brew cask install java

Then install the python and npm dependencies as in the Ubuntu case using:

pip3 install numpy nibabel
npm install -g gulp mocha rimraf
npm install -g electron --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root
npm install -g electron-packager

Building and Running BioImage Suite Web

BioImage Suite Web is currently compiled/packaged in directories inside the source tree. The contents are as follows:

  • node_modules — The location of dependent node_modules. This will be populated by npm.

  • build — The core build directory.

    • build/wasm — The build directory for the WebAssembly code. You can move this out if your prefer; however, the key output files will be redirected to the build directory so that webpack can find them.
    • build/dist — The output directory for .zip files or packaged Electron applications.
    • build/native — (optional) This is where the native libraries for accessing the C++ code from Python and Matlab will be built.
    • build/web — The output directory for creating the final web-applications and associated .css, .html files etc.
  • compiletools — Scripts and configuration files to help with compiling.

  • config — Configuration files for webpack, JSDoc etc.

  • cpp — C++ code.

  • doc — Directory containing this and other documentation files.

  • docker — The docker configuration files

  • js — Directory containing all js code

  • lib — Directory containing js external libraries and some css/html that are either not distributed via npm or are customized in some way.

  • matlab — Directory containing the primitive Matlab wrapper code.

  • python — Directory containing the Python code.

  • test — Directory containing the regression tests and data.

  • various — Miscellaneous files.

    • various/download — Versions of Emscripten (this is a skeleton version) and Eigen for installation.
    • various/wasm — Pre-built version of the Wasm-related JS files to expedite getting started. These can be copied to build/wasm to eliminate the need to compile C++ to Web Assembly. These are updated periodically though so to use up-to-date code they will have to be recompiled.
    • various/config — Configuration files for Emacs, Bash and Visual Studio Code that may be useful.
  • web — The directory containing the .html /.css files for the web and desktop applications. This also contains the configuration files for Electron desktop applications.

In addition there are two key files that live in the main directory

  • package.json — The package description file for npm that lists the dependencies of our software. Generates a companion file, package-lock.json
  • gulpfile.js — The configuration file for Gulp.

Getting the BioImage Suite Web code

First create an empty director. Avoid paths that have spaces in them; a folder named 'bisweb' or something similar in the home directory will work well.

cd ~
mkdir bisweb
git clone bisweb

You should also get the gpl plugin

git clone gpl

The source code for the project may be found on Github.

Building the Code

Assuming the steps above, the BioImageSuite Web code should be inside a folder named bisweb. This will be used as the name of the root directory for the project, but you can name it whatever you'd like so long as you're consistent.

cd bisweb

Note the presence of package.json. This contains references to the dependencies required by BioImageSuite Web. Ensure that these are up to date by typing:

npm install

or, for more verbose output:

npm install -d

Note: Dependencies may change over time. If Bisweb does not perform as expected try checking if there are updates to the dependencies.

Note 2: If npm install fails to install tensorfow.js (probably because you do not have a proper node-gyp) setup, simply delete the line containing tensorflow from package.json and try again. This is optional at this point.

To create the WebAssembly binaries and build folder structure from the source files, use the createbuild.js script

node ./config/createbuild.js

This will create a number of sub-directories, (e.g. build/web, build/wasm, build/dist, build/native, build/doc build/install) and also install emscripten as needed.

Create an initial build

Then you can perform a full initial build using

cd build

Note: If building natively on MS-Windows: Open the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019 command shell:

cd bisweb

Open the Web Applications

To do this type:


This does three things:

  • It creates a light-weight web server.
  • It runs JSHint that performs syntax checking on all the JS files
  • It runs webpack which packages all the .js files into a single web-compatible JS output

Open a web-browser and go to http://localhost:8080/web. If it all works the main screen should pop up.

Note: The observant reader may notice that the .html files live in the web directory. Executing gulp build modifies these and places them in build/web for eventual distribution/packaging. This does some re-writing of the HTML header to change paths etc.

Running Regression Tests

The regression tests should function by this point. These should be executed to test proper integration of the WebAssembly code. To do so, type:

cd bisweb/test
mocha test

This will take a few minutes to finish. At this point the JS-development directory should be fully functional.

Under the Hood

The script calls 4 container scripts

  1. -- this builds the C++ code as a WebAssembly Library
  2. -- this builds the JS bunles for the Web application (this depends on
  3. -- this builds the Python and Matlab bindings (this also depends on being run at least once)
  4. -- this runs a small subset of the regression tests.

If you simply want to rebuild one of these components, just run the individual script (e.g. to rebuild the web application)

Note: On MS-Windows replace .sh with .bat in the names above.

Configuring and Building -- The Manual Way

The WASM Code

This requires some understanding of CMake. There is lots of info online on this.

You will need to run cmake to configure the project as a "cross-compiled" application. The easiest way to do this (if you follow our instructions completely) is as follows:

cd build/wasm

Then to accept all defaults type

../ .

Note: If you would like to customize things replace with to use the ccame GUI version of cmake. The core settings are

  • BIS_A_EMSCRIPTED -- if ON cross compile using Emscripten else build native library using native compilers (this is how the Python libraries are compiled)
  • BIS_WEB_OPT -- this is the optimization flags for the compiler (-O2 is default)
  • BUILDNAME -- this is the automatically generated build name
  • BUILD_TESTING -- set this to ON to enable ctest-style testing (in addition to mocha). CTest calls mocha.
  • EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH -- Make sure this goes to build/wasm as this is where webpack and the node.js will look for the final libraries.
  • EIGEN3_DIR -- set this to the location of the eigen cmake directory -- it should be set automatically for you.

This scripts simply sets some environment variables and runs cmake with the necessary flags. You can can do this manually and set the flags inside cmake but this is not for the faint-hearted.

One CMake is done, on the console simply type


or better use the -j flag to set multiple parallel jobs

make -j2

If it all goes well you will have a fresh set of files in your build/wasm directory:

  • libbiswasm_wrapper.js -- the JS wrapper code (more on this in another document)
  • libbiswasm.wasm -- the actual web assembly output file (which we do not use directly)
  • libbiswasm.js -- the Emscripten Module that packages the web assembly library
  • libbiswasm_wasm.js -- a custom script that embeds the WASM file.

Note: In the future, if you make any changes to the C++ code (or inherit some via git pull), source before typing make as this may invoke cmake which will not find (by default) the paths to Emscripten.

In addition you will have created the command line tools in build/wasm/lib

This is a set of bash and batch files plus two large-ish js files bisweb.js and bisweb-test.js that are the webpack-packaged versions of the command line code. You can install and package these in the usual cmake way using make install and make package if you know what to set up the proper configuration in CMake.

If you are feeling brave you can at this point type:

make test

This will run the regression tests. It will take a while but hopefully everything passes.

Building the C++ Code as a Native Shared Library for Python/Matlab

You will need to install Python 3.5 or higher for this to work.

This is simpler than the WebAssembly build BUT you need to have the WebAssembly libraries compiled first as the Python module descriptions (more on this in are created from the JS Code.

If you followed the steps above you will have a directory called build/native. Then cd to this and run the script as follows:

cd build/native
../cmake_native .

(Again if you would like to customize things replace with

Once you are done type:

make -j2

and then

make test

as before.

Creating the Code Documentation

For the JS code simply type

gulp jsdoc

This will create a set of html files in build/doc.

For the C++ code you will need to install doxygen and dot.l On Ubuntu this can be done as:

sudo apt-get install doxygen graphviz

On Mac OS (using brew) you can similarly get these using:

brew install doxygen graphviz

Then simply type

gulp cdoc

The final output will go in the directory build/doc/doxygen/html.

Installing and Packaging

Web Applications

The first is for the webpage itself. To do this type

gulp build -m 
gulp zip

The setting -m turns on minification of the JS code and turns off debug statements. The final result should be a zip file in build/dist that can simply be uploaded to a web server.

Electron Application

To package bisweb as a desktop application for electron simply type

gulp package

You will find the resulting file (.app,.exe,.zip depending on the platform) in build/dist.

Command Line Tools

For either Python tools or WASM commandline tools you can install these using

make install

This will send the files to the directory CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/bisweb. You can set the value of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX in cmake, the default is /usr/local.

You can also configure packaging using cpack within CMake. Then type:

make package

This will create the appropriate .tar.gz, .sh, .zip (depending on options selected) file for you to share.

A cool little trick is to make install both the WASM and the Python tools to the same directory. Then simply zip this and you will have a single JS/Python command line installation!

Dropbox and Google Drive Keys

The only source file that is not publicly supplied is the file containing keys for Google Drive and Dropbox access. A skeleton files is provided in js/nointernal/bis_keystore.js. If you intend to include this code in your own application you will need to register it with Dropbox/Google Drive as needed and obtain your own keys and add them to this file (which you should also keep private). The easiest way to do this in the current source setup is to:

  • Create a directory structure that contains two folders

    • bisweb (or anything you want) -- clone the BioImage Suite Web repository inside this directory.
    • internal (this must be called internal) -- this is for your own private code.
  • In internal create a subdirectory called js

  • Copy the files from bisweb/js/nointernal to internal/js directory and edit them to set the correct keys.

  • Run the build using

      cd bisweb
      gulp --internal 1

The parameter "--internal 1" instructs webpack to include the code from the internal directory and not include the boilerplate from js/nointernal -- see config/webpack.config.js if you are curious as to how this happens.

Web-based Tests


To run tests in the browser (this applies only to the module tests) type

  gulp serve

Then navigate to:


Then select the tests to run and click Run Tests to execute.


To run tests in Electron (this applies only to the module tests) type

  gulp build 

Then (assuming you are in the src directory) type:

  electron web biswebtest

Then select the tests to run and click Run Tests to execute.