diff --git a/swagger.yaml b/swagger.yaml
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+openapi: 3.0.1
+ title: Binti API
+ version: v1
+ contact:
+ name: Binti Integrations Team
+ email: integrations+nospam@binti.com
+ description: |
+ Binti has developed and implemented a modern bi-directional API to
+ share data with your previous deployed systems. Binti's API is
+ HTTPS-based, utilizes JSON, and is organized around Representational
+ State Transfer (REST).
+ For a smooth transition and integration with your previous system,
+ Binti will work with your agency during the launch process to import
+ historic licensing data into Binti initially, and configure the API for
+ ongoing data integration. This would allow the platform to integrate
+ key data fields with that system on an ongoing basis as needed.
+ Please contact your agency's account manager with any questions about
+ Binti's API.
+ **Recent Changes**
+ 2024
+ * 2024-08-21: Added document links to the `GET /applications/:application_id/documents` response body
+ * 2024-08-07: Added `external_group_id` field to the `children` type
+ * 2024-08-07: Added `GET application_key_dates` and `GET application_key_dates/{:application_key_date_id}`
+ * 2024-07-10: Added `email` field to the `agency-workers` type
+ * 2024-07-10: Added `POST /family_finding_searches` and `POST /children/:child_id/relationships/family_finding_searches` endpoints for creating new Family Finding Searches.
+ * 2024-07-02: Added `name` field to the `GET /applications/:application_id/documents` response body
+ * 2024-06-25: Added 'portal-self' and 'portal-relationships-dashboard' links to Children
+ * 2024-06-25: Added `GET /family_finding_searches`, `GET /family_finding_searches/:family_finding_search_id`, and `GET /children/:child_id/relationships/family_finding_searches` endpoints.
+ * 2024-06-19: Added `/contact_logs`, `/contact_logs/:id`, and `/children/:child_id/relationships/contact_logs` `GET` endpoints.
+ * 2024-06-19: Added 'licenses' to 'case-notes' type
+ * 2024-06-19: Added 'protected-tribe' and 'protected-tribe-names' to 'user-agency-profiles' type
+ * 2024-06-19: Added `POST /social_connections` and `POST /children/:child_id/relationships/social_connections` endpoints for creating new Social Connections.
+ * 2024-05-30: Added `/social_connections`, `/social_connections/:social_connection_id`, and `/children/:child_id/relationships/social_connections` `GET` endpoints.
+ * 2024-05-30: Added GET `/people` and GET `/people/:id` endpoints
+ * 2024-05-15: Added the ability to filter by `document_slug` on the `GET /applications/:application_id/documents` endpoint.
+ * 2024-05-01: Added `owner-agency-slug` to `/applications`, `/documents`, and `/applications/:application_id/documents` `GET` endpoints.
+ * 2024-04-10: Added `provider-external-identifier` to `agency-placements`
+ * 2024-01-10: Updated docs to include all `relationships` for `initial-applications` and `renewal-applications`
+ 2023
+ * 2023-12-05: Added ability to set applicant address information and lead source information via `POST /applications` endpoint.
+ * 2023-10-04: Added new fields to `PUT /user_agency_profiles` to update demographic data.
+ * 2023-10-04: Added the option to sort by `status_date` on our `GET /applications` endpoint.
+ * 2023-09-20: Added new "Partner Agency Access" section to group endpoints avaliable for partner agencies to use.
+ * 2023-08-31: Updated "placement_providers" schema to include a reference to a provider's license(s). Added "application-type" to "application_template" schema
+ * 2023-07-27: Originally slated for 2022-01-07, the URL query parameter "api_token" is now officially deprecated and undocumented (but will continue to function for the foreseeable future.)
+ * 2023-07-12: Training Curriculums can now be listed via the `GET /training_curriculums` endpoint.
+ * 2023-07-05: It is now possible to delete Worker Assignments on Applications via the `DELETE /worker_assignments/:worker_assignment_id` endpoint.
+ * 2023-06-30: Placement Providers can now be listed via the `GET /placement_providers` endpoint.
+ * 2023-06-21: Worker Assignments can now be created for arbitrary Applications.
+ * 2023-06-21: Worker Assignments can now be included when creating a new Application.
+ * 2023-05-19: GET /applications endpoints now return status override state, reason and explanation when present.
+ * 2023-05-19: Worker Assignments index can now be filtered by `created_start_date` and `created_end_date`.
+ * 2023-05-12: Agency-configured Application Templates are now enumerable via the `GET /application_templates` endpoint.
+ * 2023-05-04: Added ability to associate and dissociate tags with Applications (Licenses) via `POST|DELETE /applications/:application_id/tags`.
+ * 2023-05-04: Added the fields *parental-rights-status* and *date-parental-rights-terminated* to the child API.
+ * 2023-04-28: License payloads now include a `tag-summary`.
+ * 2023-04-24: Added POST /background_check_logs and GET /background_check_log/:id endpoints.
+ * 2023-04-24: Agency-configured Tags are now enumerable via the `GET /tags` endpoint.
+ * 2023-04-14: Added *days-of-notice*, *placement-ended-reason-explanation*, *placement-ended-requester*, and new options to *placement-ended-reason* to the placement periods API.
+ * 2023-04-11: The /placement-periods endpoints now return (and accept) `pre-adoption` as an optional boolean flag.
+ * 2023-03-18: Added ability to assign workers to applications via POST /applications/:id/relationships/worker_assignments.
+ * 2023-03-15: Index and show endpoints can now make use of the `?included=a,b,c` query param to limit how much associated data is returned in the payload. Pass `?included` with no arguments to **exclude** all associated data. For backwards compatibility, the default behavior when this query param is _absent_ continues to be "include all available associations". These docs have been updated to include lists of available associations for each endpoint.
+ * 2023-03-02: Added ability to set "recruiting" status on POST /applications.
+ * 2023-02-14: Added a new field "training-or-waiver-date" to /training_requirements body
+ * 2023-01-31: Added POST and PUT for /case-notes endpoint.
+ 2022
+ * 2022-12-30: Added ability to suppress Application welcome emails on POST /applications.
+ * 2022-12-20: Added placement holds as a relationship to agency placement endpoints
+ * 2022-11-17: Added a new top-level `meta:` key to collection endpoints that contains data such as total records, current page, number of pages, page size and current sorting params.
+ * 2022-11-03: Updated /children and /placement-periods to require top level attributes in POST and PUT bodies. Adding POST /children endpoint.
+ * 2022-10-31: Added child-in-home to the agency-placement PUT endpoint.
+ * 2022-09-15: Added agency worker information to the data included in user-agency-profile GET payloads.
+ * 2022-09-09: Added ability to supply license external identifier via Application POST and PUT.
+ * 2022-09-01: Added expiry date to application endpoint.
+ * 2022-08-31: Added the ability get application form data via the API.
+ * 2022-08-09: Added the fields *gender-expression* and *sexual-orientation* to the child API.
+ * 2022-07-14: Added the ability to filter agency placements with/without placement holds.
+ * 2022-07-11: Added the ability to fetch training requirements via the API.
+ * 2022-07-05: Added the ability to fetch case notes via the API.
+ * 2022-06-30: Added the ability to create and update placement holds for a specific agency placement.
+ * 2022-05-26: Added the ability to get placement holds for a specific agency placement.
+ * 2022-04-22: Added the ability to look up agency placements via the API.
+ * 2022-01-07: Planned date for deprecating support for query parameter "api_token". Concurrently supporting Authorization Header with "Bearer {api_token}"
+ 2021
+ * 2021-11-19: Deprecation date for therapeutic_care boolean in the Children endpoint response.
+ * 2021-09-10: Added backwards compatible feature to split full name into
+ first name, middle name, and last name for families for Applications and
+ User Agency Profiles endpoints.
+ * 2021-07-26: Added the ability to intake applications via the API.
+ * 2021-07-08: Improved documentation for paginating collections in the API.
+ * 2021-07-05: Added the field *ethnicities_array* to the child API.
+ * 2021-07-01: Fix: Reference documents now have slugs (they previously were *null*).
+ * 2021-06-21: Added tz=utc query parameter to return UTC timezone timestamp.
+ * 2021-06-10: Added the ability to update applications via the API.
+ * 2021-05-13: Added the field *how-did-you-hear-about-us-label* to the applications API.
+ * 2021-05-06: Added the field *medically-trained* to the applications API.
+ * 2021-04-14: Added the fields *capacity*, *approved-age-lower*,
+ *approved-age-higher*, *community-foster*, and *respite-provider*
+ to the applications API.
+ "/api/v1/agency_placements":
+ get:
+ summary: List agency placements
+ tags:
+ - Agency placements
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ placement-holds'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Sort the results by various fields. The prefix `-` sorts results
+ in descending order; no prefix sorts results in ascending order.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - "-created_at"
+ - created_at
+ - "-updated_at"
+ - updated_at
+ description: Avalable sorting values.
+ - name: external_identifier
+ in: query
+ description: Filter by their external identifier
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: External Placement ID.
+ - name: provider_external_identifier
+ in: query
+ description: Filter by provider external identifier
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Provider External ID
+ - name: on_hold
+ in: query
+ description: Filter by existence of placement holds
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Boolean true/false, or string "true"/"false".
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/agency_placements
+ description: List agency placements
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: agency-placements
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:42.824Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:43.736Z'
+ name: Oliver Lehner
+ license-id: new_family_123
+ provider-external-identifier: new_family_123
+ contact-information:
+ external-identifier: external_identifier_1234
+ respite-provider:
+ status: applying
+ capacity:
+ availability-updated-at:
+ availability-updated-by-id:
+ managed-by-type: Agency
+ managed-by-id: 1
+ user-agency-profile-id: 1
+ child-in-home:
+ relationships:
+ placement-holds:
+ data:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: placement-holds
+ - id: '2'
+ type: placement-holds
+ - id: '4'
+ type: placement-holds
+ - id: '6'
+ type: placement-holds
+ - id: '2'
+ type: agency-placements
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:45.962Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:46.627Z'
+ name: Jessie Roob
+ license-id: BAB000002
+ provider-external-identifier:
+ contact-information:
+ external-identifier: external_identifier_7890
+ respite-provider:
+ status: applying
+ capacity:
+ availability-updated-at:
+ availability-updated-by-id:
+ managed-by-type: Agency
+ managed-by-id: 1
+ user-agency-profile-id: 2
+ child-in-home:
+ relationships:
+ placement-holds:
+ data:
+ - id: '3'
+ type: placement-holds
+ - id: '3'
+ type: agency-placements
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:48.914Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:49.529Z'
+ name: Warner Bartell
+ license-id: BAB000003
+ provider-external-identifier:
+ contact-information:
+ external-identifier: external_identifier_abcd
+ respite-provider:
+ status: applying
+ capacity:
+ availability-updated-at:
+ availability-updated-by-id:
+ managed-by-type: Agency
+ managed-by-id: 1
+ user-agency-profile-id: 3
+ child-in-home:
+ relationships:
+ placement-holds:
+ data:
+ - id: '5'
+ type: placement-holds
+ included:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: placement-holds
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:49.967Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:49.967Z'
+ reason-requested: consequuntur
+ requested-at: '2021-03-06'
+ resolved-at: '2021-05-06'
+ voluntary: false
+ creator-id: 5
+ relationships:
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '1'
+ type: agency-placements
+ - id: '2'
+ type: placement-holds
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:50.245Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:50.245Z'
+ reason-requested: et
+ requested-at: '2022-01-01'
+ resolved-at: '2022-03-01'
+ voluntary: false
+ creator-id: 6
+ relationships:
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '1'
+ type: agency-placements
+ - id: '4'
+ type: placement-holds
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:50.523Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:50.523Z'
+ reason-requested: nesciunt
+ requested-at: '2022-01-01'
+ resolved-at: '2200-01-01'
+ voluntary: false
+ creator-id: 8
+ relationships:
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '1'
+ type: agency-placements
+ - id: '6'
+ type: placement-holds
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:50.761Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:50.761Z'
+ reason-requested: sint
+ requested-at: '2022-01-01'
+ resolved-at:
+ voluntary: false
+ creator-id: 10
+ relationships:
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '1'
+ type: agency-placements
+ - id: '3'
+ type: placement-holds
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:50.365Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:50.365Z'
+ reason-requested: id
+ requested-at: '2022-01-01'
+ resolved-at: '2200-01-01'
+ voluntary: false
+ creator-id: 7
+ relationships:
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '2'
+ type: agency-placements
+ - id: '5'
+ type: placement-holds
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:50.641Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:50.641Z'
+ reason-requested: modi
+ requested-at: '2010-01-01'
+ resolved-at: '2012-01-01'
+ voluntary: false
+ creator-id: 9
+ relationships:
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '3'
+ type: agency-placements
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/agency_placements?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/agency_placements?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/agency_placements?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 3
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/agency-placements"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ "/api/v1/agency_placements/{agency_placement_id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific agency placement
+ tags:
+ - Agency placements
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: agency_placement_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Agency Placement ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ placement-holds'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/agency_placements/agency_placement_id
+ description: Get a specific agency placement
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '17'
+ type: agency-placements
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:34.981Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:35.460Z'
+ name: Ernie McDermott
+ license-id: BBK000002
+ provider-external-identifier:
+ contact-information:
+ external-identifier: external_identifier_7890
+ respite-provider:
+ status: applying
+ capacity:
+ availability-updated-at:
+ availability-updated-by-id:
+ managed-by-type: Agency
+ managed-by-id: 36
+ user-agency-profile-id: 17
+ child-in-home:
+ relationships:
+ placement-holds:
+ data:
+ - id: '33'
+ type: placement-holds
+ included:
+ - id: '33'
+ type: placement-holds
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:37.867Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:37.867Z'
+ reason-requested: beatae
+ requested-at: '2022-01-01'
+ resolved-at: '2200-01-01'
+ voluntary: false
+ creator-id: 62
+ relationships:
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '17'
+ type: agency-placements
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/agency-placements"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ put:
+ summary: Update agency placement
+ tags:
+ - Agency placements
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: agency_placement_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Agency Placement ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: PUT/api/v1/agency_placements/agency_placement_id
+ description: Update agency placement
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '20'
+ type: agency-placements
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:42.543Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:43.019Z'
+ name: Gary Wuckert
+ license-id: BBR000002
+ provider-external-identifier:
+ contact-information:
+ external-identifier: external_identifier_7890
+ respite-provider:
+ status: applying
+ capacity:
+ availability-updated-at:
+ availability-updated-by-id:
+ managed-by-type: Agency
+ managed-by-id: 43
+ user-agency-profile-id: 20
+ child-in-home: false
+ relationships:
+ placement-holds:
+ data:
+ - id: '39'
+ type: placement-holds
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/agency-placements"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ child_in_home:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Indicates whether there are any children currently
+ placed in the home. Null indicates that this value is
+ not known.
+ nullable: true
+ description: Primary attributes of the record requested.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Related objects. When performing a PUT request,
+ do not include keys for relationships you do not intend to
+ change. If you want to remove a relationship, include the
+ key and set the "data" attribute to null.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Request-specific modifiers that can control side
+ effects of the current operation.
+ required:
+ - attributes
+ description: Updated information about an existing Agency Placement.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: Agency Placement payload.
+ required: true
+ "/api/v1/agency_placements/{agency_placement_id}/placement_holds":
+ get:
+ summary: Get placement holds for a specific agency placement
+ tags:
+ - Agency placements
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: agency_placement_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Agency Placement ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Sort the results by various fields. The prefix `-` sorts results
+ in descending order; no prefix sorts results in ascending order.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - "-created_at"
+ - created_at
+ - "-updated_at"
+ - updated_at
+ - "-requested_at"
+ - requested_at
+ - "-resolved_at"
+ - resolved_at
+ description: Avalable sorting values.
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/agency_placements/agency_placement_id/placement_holds
+ description: Get placement holds for a specific agency placement
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '49'
+ type: placement-holds
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:02.421Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:02.421Z'
+ reason-requested: et
+ requested-at: '2021-03-06'
+ resolved-at: '2021-05-06'
+ voluntary: false
+ creator-id: 93
+ relationships:
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '25'
+ type: agency-placements
+ - id: '50'
+ type: placement-holds
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:02.519Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:02.519Z'
+ reason-requested: sint
+ requested-at: '2022-01-01'
+ resolved-at: '2022-03-01'
+ voluntary: false
+ creator-id: 94
+ relationships:
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '25'
+ type: agency-placements
+ - id: '52'
+ type: placement-holds
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:02.683Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:02.683Z'
+ reason-requested: consequatur
+ requested-at: '2022-01-01'
+ resolved-at: '2200-01-01'
+ voluntary: false
+ creator-id: 96
+ relationships:
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '25'
+ type: agency-placements
+ - id: '54'
+ type: placement-holds
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:02.866Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:02.866Z'
+ reason-requested: laborum
+ requested-at: '2022-01-01'
+ resolved-at:
+ voluntary: false
+ creator-id: 98
+ relationships:
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '25'
+ type: agency-placements
+ included:
+ - id: '25'
+ type: agency-placements
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:57.050Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:57.578Z'
+ name: Antwan Funk
+ license-id: new_family_123
+ provider-external-identifier: new_family_123
+ contact-information:
+ external-identifier: external_identifier_1234
+ respite-provider:
+ status: applying
+ capacity:
+ availability-updated-at:
+ availability-updated-by-id:
+ managed-by-type: Agency
+ managed-by-id: 57
+ user-agency-profile-id: 25
+ child-in-home:
+ relationships:
+ placement-holds:
+ data:
+ - id: '49'
+ type: placement-holds
+ - id: '50'
+ type: placement-holds
+ - id: '52'
+ type: placement-holds
+ - id: '54'
+ type: placement-holds
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/agency_placements/25/placement_holds?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/agency_placements/25/placement_holds?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/agency_placements/25/placement_holds?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 4
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/placement-holds"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ post:
+ summary: Create placement hold for a specific agency placement
+ tags:
+ - Agency placements
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: agency_placement_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Agency Placement ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: POST/api/v1/agency_placements/agency_placement_id/placement_holds
+ description: Create placement hold for a specific agency placement
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '61'
+ type: placement-holds
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:11.461Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:11.461Z'
+ reason-requested: Need a break
+ requested-at: '2024-08-22'
+ resolved-at:
+ voluntary: true
+ creator-id: 111
+ relationships:
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '28'
+ type: agency-placements
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/placement-holds"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ '422':
+ description: missing required attribute
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ errors:
+ - source:
+ pointer: "/data/attributes/requested-at"
+ detail: can't be blank
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ errors:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ title:
+ type: string
+ description: High level error type.
+ detail:
+ type: string
+ description: Human-readable string describing the error
+ status:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: HTTP status code.
+ id:
+ type: string
+ description: Request-specific ID that can be shared with
+ Binti for debugging.
+ source:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ pointer:
+ type: string
+ description: A locator string like /data/attributes/ethnicity;
+ when available it can show you the key in your request
+ that was rejected.
+ description: Information to help you find the source of
+ the error
+ description: A single error entry.
+ description: A list of errors we encountered while processing
+ your request.
+ required:
+ - errors
+ description: Errors object.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - placement-holds
+ description: Mandatory JSON:API type specifier.
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ requested_at:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date that the availability change was started.
+ reason_requested:
+ type: string
+ description: Reason for the voluntary or involuntary availability
+ change.
+ resolved_at:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date when the availability change was closed,
+ resolved or removed. Empty if not resolved/deleted/closed.
+ nullable: true
+ voluntary:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Boolean representing if the avalability change
+ is considered voluntary, or involuntary. A voluntary change
+ is considered non-compliance related such as reserving
+ for an incoming child placement. An involuntary change
+ could be due to compliance issues or problems at home.
+ required:
+ - requested_at
+ - reason_requested
+ - voluntary
+ description: Primary attributes of the record requested.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Related objects. When performing a PUT request,
+ do not include keys for relationships you do not intend to
+ change. If you want to remove a relationship, include the
+ key and set the "data" attribute to null.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Request-specific modifiers that can control side
+ effects of the current operation.
+ required:
+ - attributes
+ description: Information about a new Placement Hold associated with
+ an existing Agency Placement.
+ required:
+ - type
+ - data
+ description: Information about a new Placement Hold associated with
+ an existing Agency Placement.
+ required: true
+ "/api/v1/agency_placements/{agency_placement_id}/placement_holds/{id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific placement hold for a specific agency placement
+ tags:
+ - Agency placements
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: agency_placement_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Agency Placement ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Placement Hold ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/agency_placements/agency_placement_id/placement_holds/id
+ description: Get a specific placement hold for a specific agency placement
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '68'
+ type: placement-holds
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:26.483Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:26.483Z'
+ reason-requested: tempora
+ requested-at: '2021-03-06'
+ resolved-at: '2021-05-06'
+ voluntary: false
+ creator-id: 126
+ relationships:
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '34'
+ type: agency-placements
+ included:
+ - id: '34'
+ type: agency-placements
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:21.478Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:21.990Z'
+ name: Fay Ziemann
+ license-id: new_family_123
+ provider-external-identifier: new_family_123
+ contact-information:
+ external-identifier: external_identifier_1234
+ respite-provider:
+ status: applying
+ capacity:
+ availability-updated-at:
+ availability-updated-by-id:
+ managed-by-type: Agency
+ managed-by-id: 78
+ user-agency-profile-id: 34
+ child-in-home:
+ relationships:
+ placement-holds:
+ data:
+ - id: '68'
+ type: placement-holds
+ - id: '69'
+ type: placement-holds
+ - id: '71'
+ type: placement-holds
+ - id: '73'
+ type: placement-holds
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/placement-holds"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ put:
+ summary: Update an existing placement hold for an agency placement
+ tags:
+ - Agency placements
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: agency_placement_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Agency Placement ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Placement Hold ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: PUT/api/v1/agency_placements/agency_placement_id/placement_holds/id
+ description: Update an existing placement hold for an agency placement
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '74'
+ type: placement-holds
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:33.922Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:34.663Z'
+ reason-requested: perferendis
+ requested-at: '2024-08-22'
+ resolved-at: '2021-05-06'
+ voluntary: true
+ creator-id: 137
+ relationships:
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '37'
+ type: agency-placements
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/placement-holds"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ '422':
+ description: bad data
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ errors:
+ - source:
+ pointer: "/data/attributes/voluntary"
+ detail: is not included in the list
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ errors:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ title:
+ type: string
+ description: High level error type.
+ detail:
+ type: string
+ description: Human-readable string describing the error
+ status:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: HTTP status code.
+ id:
+ type: string
+ description: Request-specific ID that can be shared with
+ Binti for debugging.
+ source:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ pointer:
+ type: string
+ description: A locator string like /data/attributes/ethnicity;
+ when available it can show you the key in your request
+ that was rejected.
+ description: Information to help you find the source of
+ the error
+ description: A single error entry.
+ description: A list of errors we encountered while processing
+ your request.
+ required:
+ - errors
+ description: Errors object.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - placement-holds
+ description: Mandatory JSON:API type specifier.
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ requested_at:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date that the availability change was started.
+ reason_requested:
+ type: string
+ description: Reason for the voluntary or involuntary availability
+ change.
+ resolved_at:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date when the availability change was closed,
+ resolved or removed. Empty if not resolved/deleted/closed.
+ nullable: true
+ voluntary:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Boolean representing if the avalability change
+ is considered voluntary, or involuntary. A voluntary change
+ is considered non-compliance related such as reserving
+ for an incoming child placement. An involuntary change
+ could be due to compliance issues or problems at home.
+ description: Primary attributes of the record requested.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Related objects. When performing a PUT request,
+ do not include keys for relationships you do not intend to
+ change. If you want to remove a relationship, include the
+ key and set the "data" attribute to null.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Request-specific modifiers that can control side
+ effects of the current operation.
+ required:
+ - attributes
+ description: Updated information about an existing Placement Hold.
+ required:
+ - type
+ - data
+ description: Updated information about an existing Placement Hold.
+ required: true
+ "/api/v1/agency_workers":
+ get:
+ summary: List agency workers
+ tags:
+ - Agency workers
+ - Partner Agency Access
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ agency-admin-assignment'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Sort the results by various fields. The prefix `-` sorts results
+ in descending order; no prefix sorts results in ascending order.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - "-created_at"
+ - created_at
+ - "-updated_at"
+ - updated_at
+ description: Avalable sorting values.
+ - name: external_identifier
+ in: query
+ description: Filter by their external identifier
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: External Worker ID.
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/agency_workers
+ description: List agency workers
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '4'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:38.054Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:38.054Z'
+ name: Oliver Lehner
+ email: 5857907209dadbcaf1celewis@reichert.test
+ supervisors:
+ - id: 5
+ name: Hal Lakin
+ managers-of-supervisors: []
+ agency-role: approvals
+ role-for-permissions:
+ id: 3
+ name: Approvals Worker
+ external-identifier:
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ relationships:
+ agency-admin-assignment:
+ data:
+ id: '3'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ - id: '5'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:38.449Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:38.449Z'
+ name: Hal Lakin
+ email: 731c5d08d959f4a82b38bennie_keeling@greenholt-weber.test
+ supervisors: []
+ managers-of-supervisors: []
+ agency-role: approvals
+ role-for-permissions:
+ id: 3
+ name: Approvals Worker
+ external-identifier:
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ relationships:
+ agency-admin-assignment:
+ data:
+ id: '4'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ - id: '2'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:37.861Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:39.463Z'
+ name: Daryl Breitenberg
+ email: c7f001db40700ca25844gwendolyn@jaskolski.example
+ supervisors: []
+ managers-of-supervisors: []
+ agency-role: admin
+ role-for-permissions:
+ id: 1
+ name: Agency Admin
+ external-identifier:
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ relationships:
+ agency-admin-assignment:
+ data:
+ id: '1'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ - id: '3'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:37.974Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:37.974Z'
+ name: Jenette Schoen
+ email: d8f25fef6759b7f3c501marvis.bashirian@johns.example
+ supervisors:
+ - id: 4
+ name: Oliver Lehner
+ managers-of-supervisors:
+ - id: 5
+ name: Hal Lakin
+ agency-role: approvals
+ role-for-permissions:
+ id: 3
+ name: Approvals Worker
+ external-identifier:
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ relationships:
+ agency-admin-assignment:
+ data:
+ id: '2'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/agency_workers?included=&page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/agency_workers?included=&page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/agency_workers?included=&page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 4
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/agency-workers"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ "/api/v1/agency_workers/{agency_worker_id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific agency worker
+ tags:
+ - Agency workers
+ - Partner Agency Access
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: agency_worker_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Agency Worker ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ agency-admin-assignment'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/agency_workers/agency_worker_id
+ description: Get a specific agency worker
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '69'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:04.654Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:04.654Z'
+ name: Kristan Hane
+ email: 40e3e52adcac9308e689kareem@reinger.test
+ supervisors:
+ - id: 70
+ name: Lindsay MacGyver
+ managers-of-supervisors:
+ - id: 71
+ name: Faviola Quigley
+ agency-role: approvals
+ role-for-permissions:
+ id: 3
+ name: Approvals Worker
+ external-identifier:
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ relationships:
+ agency-admin-assignment:
+ data:
+ id: '48'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ included:
+ - id: '48'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ attributes:
+ agency-role: approvals
+ role-id: 3
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/agency-workers"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ "/api/v1/application_forms":
+ get:
+ summary: List application forms
+ tags:
+ - Application Forms
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ application, license, required-signatures, user-agency-profile'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Sort the results by various fields. The prefix `-` sorts results
+ in descending order; no prefix sorts results in ascending order.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - "-created_at"
+ - created_at
+ - "-updated_at"
+ - updated_at
+ - "-signed_at"
+ - signed_at
+ description: Avalable sorting values.
+ - name: updated_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those updated after provided start time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: updated_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those updated before provided end time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: form_slug
+ in: query
+ description: The machine readable name of the form you would like data from.
+ Required.
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Binti Form slug.
+ - name: application_external_identifier
+ in: query
+ description: Filters list of application forms for a single external application
+ identifer
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: External Application ID.
+ - name: license_external_identifier
+ in: query
+ description: Filters list of application forms for single license by license
+ external identifier
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: External License ID.
+ - name: state
+ in: query
+ description: Filters list of application forms by state
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - compeleted
+ - all_signed
+ description: Available Form states.
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/application_forms
+ description: List application forms
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '3'
+ type: application-forms
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:45.128Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:45.563Z'
+ form-slug: applicant-api
+ form-name: Intake Form
+ signed-at:
+ state: completed
+ not-applicable: false
+ progress-percentage: 100
+ completed-offline: false
+ sub-forms-completed-offline: []
+ sub-forms-not-applicable: []
+ application-id: 1
+ application-external-identifier: EXT001
+ license-external-identifier: BAB000001
+ questionnaire-data:
+ bedrooms:
+ number-bedrooms: 'number_bedrooms: "ς,'' alert(''error! red
+ alert!'')
+ alert(''error! red alert!'') something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' dob'
+ gender: Female
+ in-home:
+ placement-date: 'placement_date: "ς,'' na'
+ - client-id: 'client_id: "ς,'' dob'
+ gender: Female
+ in-home:
+ placement-date: 'placement_date: "ς,'' na'
+ - client-id: 'client_id: "ς,'' dob'
+ gender: Female
+ in-home:
+ placement-date: 'placement_date: "ς,'' na'
+ - client-id: 'client_id: "ς,'' dob'
+ gender: Female
+ in-home:
+ placement-date: 'placement_date: "ς,'' na'
+ "-conditional-block-precondition-connect-to-child": 'Yes'
+ cms:
+ cms-done:
+ - I certify that I have logged all required information into
+ CWS/CMS for this caregiver.
+ cpr:
+ cpr: hardcopy
+ language:
+ language:
+ completed:
+ - I certify that I have coordinated with the RFA team, the
+ training team and any other relavent team members to ensure
+ the language access need by this applicant is met.
+ language: 'language: "ς,'' alert(''error!
+ red alert!'') <'
+ sleeping: 'sleeping: "ς,'' alert(''error! red
+ alert!'')
+ alert(''error! red alert!'') something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' dob'
+ gender: Female
+ in-home:
+ placement-date: 'placement_date: "ς,'' na'
+ - client-id: 'client_id: "ς,'' dob'
+ gender: Female
+ in-home:
+ placement-date: 'placement_date: "ς,'' na'
+ - client-id: 'client_id: "ς,'' dob'
+ gender: Female
+ in-home:
+ placement-date: 'placement_date: "ς,'' na'
+ - client-id: 'client_id: "ς,'' dob'
+ gender: Female
+ in-home:
+ placement-date: 'placement_date: "ς,'' na'
+ "-conditional-block-precondition-connect-to-child": 'Yes'
+ cms:
+ cms-done:
+ - I certify that I have logged all required information into
+ CWS/CMS for this caregiver.
+ cpr:
+ cpr: hardcopy
+ language:
+ language:
+ completed:
+ - I certify that I have coordinated with the RFA team, the
+ training team and any other relavent team members to ensure
+ the language access need by this applicant is met.
+ language: 'language: "ς,''
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ application, license, required-signatures, user-agency-profile'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/application_forms/application_form_id
+ description: Get a specific application form instance
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '52'
+ type: application-forms
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:43.564Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:43.863Z'
+ form-slug: applicant-api
+ form-name: Intake Form
+ signed-at:
+ state: completed
+ not-applicable: false
+ progress-percentage: 100
+ completed-offline: false
+ sub-forms-completed-offline: []
+ sub-forms-not-applicable: []
+ application-id: 15
+ application-external-identifier: EXT001
+ license-external-identifier: BAI000001
+ questionnaire-data:
+ caregiver-info:
+ care-loc: In county
+ family-id: 'family_id: "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' something_interesting:
+ "ς,'' alert(''error!
+ red alert!'') <'
+ sleeping: 'sleeping: "ς,'' alert(''error!
+ red alert!'') alert(''error! red alert!'')
+ dob'
+ gender: Female
+ in-home:
+ placement-date: 'placement_date: "ς,'' na'
+ - client-id: 'client_id: "ς,'' dob'
+ gender: Female
+ in-home:
+ placement-date: 'placement_date: "ς,'' na'
+ - client-id: 'client_id: "ς,'' dob'
+ gender: Female
+ in-home:
+ placement-date: 'placement_date: "ς,'' na'
+ - client-id: 'client_id: "ς,'' dob'
+ gender: Female
+ in-home:
+ placement-date: 'placement_date: "ς,'' na'
+ "-conditional-block-precondition-connect-to-child": 'Yes'
+ relationships:
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '15'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '15'
+ type: initial-applications
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '15'
+ type: licenses
+ required-signatures:
+ data: []
+ included:
+ - id: '15'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:41.976Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:42.637Z'
+ first-name: Lore
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Wisozk
+ suffix:
+ email: 433af13d735ae0fe0ae6beatris@davis.example
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ license-external-identifier: BAI000001
+ confidential: false
+ external-identifier:
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ - id: '15'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:43.013Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:43.013Z'
+ type: InitialApplication
+ template-slug: application-template-30
+ family-type:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ expiry-date:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ confidential: false
+ license-external-identifier: BAI000001
+ - id: '15'
+ type: licenses
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:41.878Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:43.157Z'
+ external-identifier: BAI000001
+ confidential: false
+ expiry-date:
+ tag-summary: []
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/application-forms"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ "/api/v1/application_key_dates":
+ get:
+ summary: List Application key date
+ tags:
+ - Application Key Dates
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ application'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: application_id
+ in: query
+ description: Filter by application ID
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Application ID.
+ - name: license_external_identifier
+ in: query
+ description: Filter by license external identifier
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: External License ID.
+ - name: application_external_identifier
+ in: query
+ description: Filter by application external identifier
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: External Application ID.
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/application_key_dates
+ description: List Application key date
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: application-key-dates
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:07Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:07Z'
+ inquiry-date: '2024-08-12'
+ approval-start-time: '2024-08-12T00:00:00Z'
+ approval-complete-time: '2024-08-21T00:00:00Z'
+ applicant-forms-start-time: '2024-08-23T20:27:53Z'
+ applicant-forms-complete-time: '2024-08-23T20:27:53Z'
+ background-check-start-time:
+ background-check-complete-time:
+ caseworker-forms-start-time:
+ caseworker-forms-complete-time:
+ online-orientation-date:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ psycho-social-start-time: '2024-08-23T20:27:53Z'
+ psycho-social-complete-time: '2024-08-23T20:27:53Z'
+ references-start-time:
+ references-complete-time:
+ supporting-documents-start-time:
+ supporting-documents-complete-time:
+ trainings-start-time:
+ trainings-complete-time:
+ related-attributes:
+ application-id: '1'
+ application-created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:52Z'
+ application-external-identifier: APP01
+ application-type: Initial
+ application-status: approved
+ license-external-identifier: FAMILY01
+ family-id: FAMILY01
+ status-changes:
+ - status-before:
+ status-after: applying
+ status-date:
+ changed-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:52Z'
+ - status-before: applying
+ status-after: approved
+ status-date: '2024-08-21'
+ changed-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:54Z'
+ agency-key-dates: []
+ relationships:
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '1'
+ type: initial-applications
+ - id: '2'
+ type: application-key-dates
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:07Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:07Z'
+ inquiry-date: '2024-08-12'
+ approval-start-time: '2024-08-12T00:00:00Z'
+ approval-complete-time: '2024-08-21T00:00:00Z'
+ applicant-forms-start-time: '2024-08-23T20:27:59Z'
+ applicant-forms-complete-time: '2024-08-23T20:27:59Z'
+ background-check-start-time:
+ background-check-complete-time:
+ caseworker-forms-start-time:
+ caseworker-forms-complete-time:
+ online-orientation-date:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ psycho-social-start-time: '2024-08-23T20:27:59Z'
+ psycho-social-complete-time: '2024-08-23T20:27:59Z'
+ references-start-time:
+ references-complete-time:
+ supporting-documents-start-time:
+ supporting-documents-complete-time:
+ trainings-start-time:
+ trainings-complete-time:
+ related-attributes:
+ application-id: '3'
+ application-created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:58Z'
+ application-external-identifier:
+ application-type: Initial
+ application-status: approved
+ license-external-identifier: FAMILY02
+ family-id: FAMILY02
+ status-changes:
+ - status-before:
+ status-after: applying
+ status-date:
+ changed-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:58Z'
+ - status-before: applying
+ status-after: approved
+ status-date: '2024-08-21'
+ changed-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:00Z'
+ agency-key-dates: []
+ relationships:
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '3'
+ type: initial-applications
+ included:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:52.346Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:54.217Z'
+ type: InitialApplication
+ template-slug: application-template-2
+ family-type:
+ status: approved
+ status-date: '2024-08-21'
+ expiry-date: '2025-08-21'
+ renewal-due-date:
+ confidential: false
+ license-external-identifier: FAMILY01
+ - id: '3'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:58.540Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:00.135Z'
+ type: InitialApplication
+ template-slug: application-template-4
+ family-type:
+ status: approved
+ status-date: '2024-08-21'
+ expiry-date: '2025-08-21'
+ renewal-due-date:
+ confidential: false
+ license-external-identifier: FAMILY02
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/application_key_dates?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/application_key_dates?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/application_key_dates?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 2
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/application-key-dates"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ "/api/v1/application_key_dates/{application_key_dates_id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific Barriers To Licensing Calculation
+ tags:
+ - Application Key Dates
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: application_key_dates_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binit barriers_to_licensing_calculation ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ application'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/application_key_dates/application_key_dates_id
+ description: Get a specific Barriers To Licensing Calculation
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '13'
+ type: application-key-dates
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:04Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:04Z'
+ inquiry-date: '2024-08-12'
+ approval-start-time: '2024-08-12T00:00:00Z'
+ approval-complete-time: '2024-08-21T00:00:00Z'
+ applicant-forms-start-time: '2024-08-23T20:28:54Z'
+ applicant-forms-complete-time: '2024-08-23T20:28:54Z'
+ background-check-start-time:
+ background-check-complete-time:
+ caseworker-forms-start-time:
+ caseworker-forms-complete-time:
+ online-orientation-date:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ psycho-social-start-time: '2024-08-23T20:28:54Z'
+ psycho-social-complete-time: '2024-08-23T20:28:54Z'
+ references-start-time:
+ references-complete-time:
+ supporting-documents-start-time:
+ supporting-documents-complete-time:
+ trainings-start-time:
+ trainings-complete-time:
+ related-attributes:
+ application-id: '25'
+ application-created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:53Z'
+ application-external-identifier: APP01
+ application-type: Initial
+ application-status: approved
+ license-external-identifier: FAMILY01
+ family-id: FAMILY01
+ status-changes:
+ - status-before:
+ status-after: applying
+ status-date:
+ changed-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:53Z'
+ - status-before: applying
+ status-after: approved
+ status-date: '2024-08-21'
+ changed-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:54Z'
+ agency-key-dates: []
+ relationships:
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '25'
+ type: initial-applications
+ included:
+ - id: '25'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:53.541Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:54.565Z'
+ type: InitialApplication
+ template-slug: application-template-26
+ family-type:
+ status: approved
+ status-date: '2024-08-21'
+ expiry-date: '2025-08-21'
+ renewal-due-date:
+ confidential: false
+ license-external-identifier: FAMILY01
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/application-key-dates"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ "/api/v1/application_templates":
+ get:
+ summary: List Application Templates
+ tags:
+ - Application Templates
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, ""'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Sort the results by various fields. The prefix `-` sorts results
+ in descending order; no prefix sorts results in ascending order.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - "-created_at"
+ - created_at
+ - "-updated_at"
+ - updated_at
+ - "-activated_at"
+ - activated_at
+ description: Avalable sorting values.
+ - name: updated_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those updated after provided start time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: updated_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those updated before provided end time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: activated_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those activated after provided start time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: activated_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those activated before provided end time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: state
+ in: query
+ description: Filters list of Application Templates by state.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - unpublished
+ - active
+ - deprecated
+ description: Available template states.
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/application_templates
+ description: List Application Templates
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: application-templates
+ attributes:
+ slug: application-template-1
+ state: active
+ application-type: initial
+ activated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:37.517Z'
+ deprecated-at:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:37.249Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:37.527Z'
+ - id: '2'
+ type: application-templates
+ attributes:
+ slug: application-template-2
+ state: deprecated
+ application-type: initial
+ activated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:37.728Z'
+ deprecated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:37.748Z'
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:37.628Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:37.765Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/application_templates?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/application_templates?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/application_templates?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 2
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/application-templates"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ "/api/v1/applications":
+ get:
+ summary: List applications
+ tags:
+ - Applications
+ - Partner Agency Access
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ agency-placement, applicant-agency-profile, barriers-to-licensing-calculation,
+ children-in-home-profiles, co-applicant-agency-profile, good-causes, license,
+ other-adult-profiles, sub-agencies, worker-assignments'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Sort the results by various fields. The prefix `-` sorts results
+ in descending order; no prefix sorts results in ascending order.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - "-created_at"
+ - created_at
+ - "-date_of_inquiry"
+ - date_of_inquiry
+ - "-updated_at"
+ - updated_at
+ - "-status_date"
+ - status_date
+ description: Avalable sorting values.
+ - name: updated_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those updated after provided start time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: updated_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those updated before provided end time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: status
+ in: query
+ description: Filter applications by their status
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - applying
+ - approved
+ - awaiting_referral
+ - closed
+ - denied
+ - in_adoption_process
+ - inactive
+ - eligible_for_conversion
+ - recruiting_dropout
+ - recruiting
+ - withdrawn
+ - ready_for_review
+ description: Available Application statuses.
+ - name: agency_placement_external_identifier
+ in: query
+ description: Filter applications by their agency placement external identifier
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Agency Placement ID.
+ - name: license_external_identifier
+ in: query
+ description: Filter applications by their license external identifier
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: External License ID.
+ - name: external_identifier
+ in: query
+ description: Filter applications by their external identifier
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: External Application ID.
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/applications
+ description: List applications
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: jaskolski-and-sons
+ created-at: '2024-08-24T20:27:41.941Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-24T20:27:42.619Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 0
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower:
+ approved-age-higher:
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity: 4
+ case-type:
+ casework-completed-percentage: 0
+ caseworker-assigned-date:
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster: true
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed:
+ date-of-inquiry: '2024-08-24'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed:
+ expiry-date:
+ external-identifier:
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: false
+ family-type: community
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date:
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier:
+ medically-trained: false
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: recruiting
+ status-date:
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 0
+ template-slug: application-template-1
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: InitialApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '1'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '1'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data: []
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ sub-agencies:
+ data: []
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '1'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ - id: '2'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: jaskolski-and-sons
+ created-at: '2024-08-25T20:27:43.518Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-25T20:27:44.144Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 0
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower:
+ approved-age-higher:
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity: 4
+ case-type:
+ casework-completed-percentage: 0
+ caseworker-assigned-date:
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster: true
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed:
+ date-of-inquiry: '2024-08-25'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed:
+ expiry-date:
+ external-identifier:
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: false
+ family-type: community
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date: '2024-08-25T13:27:43.471-07:00'
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier: BAB000001
+ medically-trained: false
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 0
+ template-slug: application-template-1
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: InitialApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '2'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '2'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data: []
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ sub-agencies:
+ data: []
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '2'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ - id: '3'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: jaskolski-and-sons
+ created-at: '2024-08-26T20:27:45.020Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-26T20:27:45.943Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 0
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower: 3
+ approved-age-higher: 18
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity: 4
+ case-type:
+ casework-completed-percentage: 0
+ caseworker-assigned-date:
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster: true
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed: '2024-04-26'
+ date-of-inquiry: '2024-08-26'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed: 30
+ expiry-date:
+ external-identifier:
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: false
+ family-type: community
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date: '2024-08-26T13:27:45.015-07:00'
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier: BAB000002
+ medically-trained: false
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: approved
+ status-date: '2024-05-26'
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 0
+ template-slug: application-template-1
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: InitialApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '3'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '3'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data: []
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ sub-agencies:
+ data: []
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '3'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ included:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-24T20:27:40.067Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-24T20:27:42.619Z'
+ name: Oliver Lehner
+ first-name: Oliver
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Lehner
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth:
+ gender:
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: e4513e98512a52c5e2cbbennie_keeling@greenholt-weber.test
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ address:
+ address-city: New Montyfurt
+ address-state: TN
+ address-county: ''
+ address-street: 9905 Heidenreich Key
+ address-zipcode: '34742'
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: New Montyfurt
+ geocoded-address-state: TN
+ geocoded-address-street: 9905 Heidenreich Key
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: '34742'
+ mailing-address:
+ mailing-address-city: South Lakesha
+ mailing-address-state: KS
+ mailing-address-street: 3261 Teresa Walk
+ mailing-address-zipcode: 81742-4845
+ family-id:
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: English
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ license-external-identifier:
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: initial-applications
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data: []
+ child-placements:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ agency-workers:
+ data: []
+ - id: '1'
+ type: licenses
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-24T20:27:40.422Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-24T20:27:42.619Z'
+ external-identifier:
+ confidential: false
+ expiry-date:
+ tag-summary: []
+ - id: '1'
+ type: agency-placements
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-24T20:27:42.035Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-24T20:27:42.513Z'
+ name: Oliver Lehner
+ license-id:
+ provider-external-identifier:
+ contact-information:
+ external-identifier:
+ respite-provider:
+ status: closed
+ capacity: 4
+ availability-updated-at: '2024-08-24T20:27:42.360Z'
+ availability-updated-by-id:
+ managed-by-type: Agency
+ managed-by-id: 1
+ user-agency-profile-id: 1
+ child-in-home:
+ relationships:
+ placement-holds:
+ data: []
+ - id: '2'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-25T20:27:42.941Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-25T20:27:44.144Z'
+ name: Jessie Roob
+ first-name: Jessie
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Roob
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth:
+ gender:
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: c598e277d9c4663a565ckiera.thiel@mraz-bernier.test
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ address:
+ address-city: Lewistown
+ address-state: PA
+ address-county: ''
+ address-street: 296 Sean Prairie
+ address-zipcode: '10084'
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: Lewistown
+ geocoded-address-state: PA
+ geocoded-address-street: 296 Sean Prairie
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: '10084'
+ mailing-address:
+ mailing-address-city: Johnsberg
+ mailing-address-state: HI
+ mailing-address-street: 4230 Nelda Plains
+ mailing-address-zipcode: '33791'
+ family-id: BAB000001
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: English
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ license-external-identifier: BAB000001
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data:
+ - id: '2'
+ type: initial-applications
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data: []
+ child-placements:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ agency-workers:
+ data: []
+ - id: '2'
+ type: licenses
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-25T20:27:43.032Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-25T20:27:44.144Z'
+ external-identifier: BAB000001
+ confidential: false
+ expiry-date:
+ tag-summary: []
+ - id: '2'
+ type: agency-placements
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-25T20:27:43.550Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-25T20:27:43.932Z'
+ name: Jessie Roob
+ license-id: BAB000001
+ provider-external-identifier:
+ contact-information:
+ external-identifier:
+ respite-provider:
+ status: applying
+ capacity: 4
+ availability-updated-at: '2024-08-25T20:27:43.824Z'
+ availability-updated-by-id:
+ managed-by-type: Agency
+ managed-by-id: 1
+ user-agency-profile-id: 2
+ child-in-home:
+ relationships:
+ placement-holds:
+ data: []
+ - id: '3'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-26T20:27:44.463Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-26T20:27:45.549Z'
+ name: Warner Bartell
+ first-name: Warner
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Bartell
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth:
+ gender:
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: fcb8db29ca55e1bc924adennise@koepp.example
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ address:
+ address-city: New Charlesettaland
+ address-state: VT
+ address-county: ''
+ address-street: 16082 Cheryll Harbors
+ address-zipcode: 69800-5893
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: New Charlesettaland
+ geocoded-address-state: VT
+ geocoded-address-street: 16082 Cheryll Harbors
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: 69800-5893
+ mailing-address:
+ mailing-address-city: Bobbyfort
+ mailing-address-state: IN
+ mailing-address-street: 3902 O'Kon Course
+ mailing-address-zipcode: 48079-0317
+ family-id: BAB000002
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: English
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ license-external-identifier: BAB000002
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data:
+ - id: '3'
+ type: initial-applications
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data: []
+ child-placements:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ agency-workers:
+ data: []
+ - id: '3'
+ type: licenses
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-26T20:27:44.548Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-26T20:27:45.549Z'
+ external-identifier: BAB000002
+ confidential: false
+ expiry-date:
+ tag-summary: []
+ - id: '3'
+ type: agency-placements
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-26T20:27:45.049Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-26T20:27:46.327Z'
+ name: Warner Bartell
+ license-id: BAB000002
+ provider-external-identifier:
+ contact-information:
+ external-identifier:
+ respite-provider:
+ status: approved
+ capacity: 4
+ availability-updated-at: '2024-08-26T20:27:45.260Z'
+ availability-updated-by-id:
+ managed-by-type: Agency
+ managed-by-id: 1
+ user-agency-profile-id: 3
+ child-in-home:
+ relationships:
+ placement-holds:
+ data: []
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/applications?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&status=&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/applications?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&status=&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/applications?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&status=&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 3
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ anyOf:
+ - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/initial-applications"
+ - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/renewal-applications"
+ description: "`initial-applications` are Applications undergoing
+ the initial licensing process, while `renewal-applications`
+ have already been licensed and are in the process of completing
+ requirements for the License's renewal."
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ description: "`initial-applications` are Applications undergoing the
+ initial licensing process, while `renewal-applications` have already
+ been licensed and are in the process of completing requirements
+ for the License's renewal."
+ post:
+ summary: Intake an application
+ tags:
+ - Applications
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: POST/api/v1/applications
+ description: Intake an application
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful - creating new applicant with split name
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '50'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: kohler-ernser
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:18.574Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:19.499Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 100
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower: 1
+ approved-age-higher: 16
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity: 5
+ case-type: dependency
+ casework-completed-percentage: 100
+ caseworker-assigned-date: '2024-08-23'
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster: true
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed: '2021-01-07'
+ date-of-inquiry: '2021-01-06'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed: 1324
+ expiry-date:
+ external-identifier: EXTERNAL01
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: true
+ family-type: guardian
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date:
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier: '7274251218'
+ medically-trained:
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: recruiting
+ status-date:
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 100
+ template-slug: application-template-41
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: InitialApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '58'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '50'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data: []
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data:
+ - id: '18'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ sub-agencies:
+ data: []
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '50'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ anyOf:
+ - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/initial-applications"
+ - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/renewal-applications"
+ description: "`initial-applications` are Applications undergoing
+ the initial licensing process, while `renewal-applications`
+ have already been licensed and are in the process of completing
+ requirements for the License's renewal."
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ '422':
+ description: both email and phone number are missing
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ errors:
+ - source:
+ pointer: "/data/attributes/base"
+ detail: You must provide either an email or a phone number for the
+ applicant
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ errors:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ title:
+ type: string
+ description: High level error type.
+ detail:
+ type: string
+ description: Human-readable string describing the error
+ status:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: HTTP status code.
+ id:
+ type: string
+ description: Request-specific ID that can be shared with
+ Binti for debugging.
+ source:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ pointer:
+ type: string
+ description: A locator string like /data/attributes/ethnicity;
+ when available it can show you the key in your request
+ that was rejected.
+ description: Information to help you find the source of
+ the error
+ description: A single error entry.
+ description: A list of errors we encountered while processing
+ your request.
+ required:
+ - errors
+ description: Errors object.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ case_type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - dependency
+ - probation
+ -
+ description: Whether this is a dependency or a probation
+ type, if your agency supports it.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ date_of_inquiry:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date of initial inquiry
+ date_application_signed:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date the Application was signed.
+ nullable: true
+ external_identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: External systems identifier for individual
+ Application. Must be unique for agency.
+ nullable: true
+ capacity:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: How many beds are available in the caregiver's
+ home.
+ nullable: true
+ approved_age_lower:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Youngest age of children for which this family
+ is approved to provide care.
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 20
+ nullable: true
+ approved_age_higher:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Highest age of children for which this family
+ is approved to provide care.
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 21
+ nullable: true
+ community_foster:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not this caregiver is open to taking
+ in non-relative children from the community. Note that
+ this is always `true` when `family_type` is `community`.
+ nullable: true
+ license_external_identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: External systems identifier for a License or
+ collection of Applications per family. Must be unique
+ for agency.
+ nullable: true
+ status:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - applying
+ - recruiting
+ -
+ description: Status of the new Application.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ template_slug:
+ type: string
+ description: A string that describes the blueprint for this
+ Application's forms, required documents, and trainings.
+ All Applications of the same "type" will share the same
+ value for this string. Contact your account manager for
+ the possible values for this field.
+ how_did_you_hear_about_us:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - advertisement.bus_ad
+ - advertisement.bus_stop_or_shelter_ad
+ - advertisement.billboard
+ - advertisement.mail_advertisement_or_brochure
+ - advertisement.online_advertisement
+ - advertisement.television
+ - advertisement.radio_am_fm
+ - advertisement.radio_internet_radio
+ - event.agency_hosted_event
+ - event.school_activity_or_event
+ - internet_search
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.in_state
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.ak
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.al
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.ar
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.as
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.az
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.ca
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.co
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.ct
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.de
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.fl
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.ga
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.gu
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.hi
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.ia
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.id
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.il
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.in
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.ks
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.ky
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.la
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.ma
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.md
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.me
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.mi
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.mn
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.mo
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.mp
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.ms
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.mt
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.nc
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.nd
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.ne
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.nh
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.nj
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.nm
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.nv
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.ny
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.oh
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.ok
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.or
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.pa
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.pr
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.ri
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.sc
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.sd
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.tn
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.tx
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.um
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.ut
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.va
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.vi
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.vt
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.wa
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.dc
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.wi
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.wv
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.wy
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.aa
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.ae
+ - relative_or_friend_of_child.out_of_state.ap
+ - social_media.facebook
+ - social_media.instagram
+ - social_media.linked_in
+ - social_media.twitter
+ - social_media.other
+ - transferred_from_another_agency
+ - word_of_mouth.church_or_faith_based_organization
+ - word_of_mouth.referred_by_another_foster_parent
+ - word_of_mouth.agency_recruiter
+ - word_of_mouth.other
+ - other
+ - not_sure
+ -
+ description: How the applicant heard about the agency.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ how_did_you_hear_about_us_details:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Additional details for how the applicant heard
+ about the agency, required for the following enum values:
+ transferred_from_another_agency, other'
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - case_type
+ - date_of_inquiry
+ - date_application_signed
+ - external_identifier
+ - capacity
+ - approved_age_lower
+ - approved_age_higher
+ - community_foster
+ - license_external_identifier
+ - status
+ - template_slug
+ description: Primary attributes of the record requested.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ anyOf:
+ - type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ first_name:
+ type: string
+ description: First or given name, as provided
+ to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ middle_name:
+ type: string
+ description: Middle name, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ last_name:
+ type: string
+ description: Last or family name, as provided
+ to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ suffix:
+ type: string
+ description: Suffix, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ email:
+ type: string
+ description: Email address.
+ nullable: true
+ phone_number:
+ type: string
+ description: Phone number, provided as freeform
+ text to Binti without formatting constraints.
+ nullable: true
+ family_id:
+ type: string
+ description: State-specific family identifier
+ - analogous to RFAID. This should only be set
+ on applicants during creation. Attempts to create
+ a UserAgencyProfile with a `family_id` for co-applicants
+ will fail.
+ nullable: true
+ external_identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier for the user model in
+ an external system.
+ nullable: true
+ street_address:
+ type: string
+ description: The street address, as provided
+ city:
+ type: string
+ description: The city of the address, as provided
+ state:
+ type: string
+ description: The two-letter state code of the
+ address
+ zipcode:
+ type: string
+ description: The zip code of the address, as provided
+ county:
+ type: string
+ description: The county of the address, as provided
+ additional_directions_to_home:
+ type: string
+ description: Additional directions to the address,
+ as provided
+ required:
+ - first_name
+ - last_name
+ description: 'PREFERRED: A user with fields for each
+ of `first_name`, `last_name`, and so on. When created
+ in this way, the user''s `name` will be a concatenation
+ of the name parts.'
+ - type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ name:
+ type: string
+ description: Full name, as provided to Binti.
+ email:
+ type: string
+ description: Email address.
+ nullable: true
+ phone_number:
+ type: string
+ description: Phone number, provided as freeform
+ text to Binti without formatting constraints.
+ nullable: true
+ family_id:
+ type: string
+ description: State-specific family identifier
+ - analogous to RFAID. This should only be set
+ on applicants during creation. Attempts to create
+ a UserAgencyProfile with a `family_id` for co-applicants
+ will fail.
+ nullable: true
+ external_identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier for the user model in
+ an external system.
+ nullable: true
+ street_address:
+ type: string
+ description: The street address, as provided
+ city:
+ type: string
+ description: The city of the address, as provided
+ state:
+ type: string
+ description: The two-letter state code of the
+ address
+ zipcode:
+ type: string
+ description: The zip code of the address, as provided
+ county:
+ type: string
+ description: The county of the address, as provided
+ additional_directions_to_home:
+ type: string
+ description: Additional directions to the address,
+ as provided
+ required:
+ - name
+ description: 'DEPRECATED: A user with a single string
+ specifying their name. When created in this way,
+ this user''s name fragments such as `first_name`
+ and `last_name` will not be available.'
+ description: Details to create a `UserAgencyProfile`
+ associated with this Application.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: Details to create a `UserAgencyProfile` associated
+ with this Application.
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ anyOf:
+ - type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ first_name:
+ type: string
+ description: First or given name, as provided
+ to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ middle_name:
+ type: string
+ description: Middle name, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ last_name:
+ type: string
+ description: Last or family name, as provided
+ to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ suffix:
+ type: string
+ description: Suffix, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ email:
+ type: string
+ description: Email address.
+ nullable: true
+ phone_number:
+ type: string
+ description: Phone number, provided as freeform
+ text to Binti without formatting constraints.
+ nullable: true
+ family_id:
+ type: string
+ description: State-specific family identifier
+ - analogous to RFAID. This should only be set
+ on applicants during creation. Attempts to create
+ a UserAgencyProfile with a `family_id` for co-applicants
+ will fail.
+ nullable: true
+ external_identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier for the user model in
+ an external system.
+ nullable: true
+ street_address:
+ type: string
+ description: The street address, as provided
+ city:
+ type: string
+ description: The city of the address, as provided
+ state:
+ type: string
+ description: The two-letter state code of the
+ address
+ zipcode:
+ type: string
+ description: The zip code of the address, as provided
+ county:
+ type: string
+ description: The county of the address, as provided
+ additional_directions_to_home:
+ type: string
+ description: Additional directions to the address,
+ as provided
+ required:
+ - first_name
+ - last_name
+ description: 'PREFERRED: A user with fields for each
+ of `first_name`, `last_name`, and so on. When created
+ in this way, the user''s `name` will be a concatenation
+ of the name parts.'
+ - type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ name:
+ type: string
+ description: Full name, as provided to Binti.
+ email:
+ type: string
+ description: Email address.
+ nullable: true
+ phone_number:
+ type: string
+ description: Phone number, provided as freeform
+ text to Binti without formatting constraints.
+ nullable: true
+ family_id:
+ type: string
+ description: State-specific family identifier
+ - analogous to RFAID. This should only be set
+ on applicants during creation. Attempts to create
+ a UserAgencyProfile with a `family_id` for co-applicants
+ will fail.
+ nullable: true
+ external_identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier for the user model in
+ an external system.
+ nullable: true
+ street_address:
+ type: string
+ description: The street address, as provided
+ city:
+ type: string
+ description: The city of the address, as provided
+ state:
+ type: string
+ description: The two-letter state code of the
+ address
+ zipcode:
+ type: string
+ description: The zip code of the address, as provided
+ county:
+ type: string
+ description: The county of the address, as provided
+ additional_directions_to_home:
+ type: string
+ description: Additional directions to the address,
+ as provided
+ required:
+ - name
+ description: 'DEPRECATED: A user with a single string
+ specifying their name. When created in this way,
+ this user''s name fragments such as `first_name`
+ and `last_name` will not be available.'
+ description: Details to create a `UserAgencyProfile`
+ associated with this Application.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: Details to create a `UserAgencyProfile` associated
+ with this Application.
+ worker-assignments:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ role:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - approvals
+ - support
+ description: 'The assigned worker''s role
+ on the Application. Note: We currently do
+ not support creating CBO assigments via
+ the API.'
+ required:
+ - role
+ description: Primary attributes of the record
+ requested.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ worker:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - agency-workers
+ description: Always agency-workers
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the Agency
+ Worker for this worker assignment.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single
+ entry.
+ required:
+ - worker
+ description: Related objects. When performing
+ a PUT request, do not include keys for relationships
+ you do not intend to change. If you want to
+ remove a relationship, include the key and set
+ the "data" attribute to null.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Request-specific modifiers that can
+ control side effects of the current operation.
+ required:
+ - attributes
+ description: Information for the new Worker Assignment.
+ description: An array containing one or more objects,
+ each containing a role attribute and worker relationship
+ with ID.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: Properties to create new Worker Assignments
+ on an Application.
+ required:
+ - applicant-agency-profile
+ description: Related objects. When performing a PUT request,
+ do not include keys for relationships you do not intend to
+ change. If you want to remove a relationship, include the
+ key and set the "data" attribute to null.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ suppress-welcome-email:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Provides the ability to suppress the Welcome
+ emails generated for newly-created `UserAgencyProfiles`.
+ Emails are sent by default. When this key is absent, Welcome
+ emails will be generated. Including this key and setting
+ its value to true will **prevent** the welcome email from
+ sending.
+ description: Request-specific modifiers that can control side
+ effects of the current operation.
+ required:
+ - attributes
+ description: Information for the new Application.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: Application payload.
+ required: true
+ "/api/v1/applications/{application_id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific application
+ parameters:
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ - name: application_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Application ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ agency-placement, applicant-agency-profile, barriers-to-licensing-calculation,
+ children-in-home-profiles, co-applicant-agency-profile, good-causes, license,
+ other-adult-profiles, sub-agencies, worker-assignments'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ tags:
+ - Applications
+ - Partner Agency Access
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/applications/application_id
+ description: Get a specific application
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: confidential attribute is false on non-confidential applications
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '112'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: emmerich-group
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:32:40.618Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:32:41.026Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 100
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower: 5
+ approved-age-higher: 8
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity: 2
+ case-type:
+ casework-completed-percentage: 100
+ caseworker-assigned-date:
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster: true
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed: '2022-01-07'
+ date-of-inquiry: '2022-01-06'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed: 959
+ expiry-date:
+ external-identifier: app001
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: true
+ family-type:
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date: '2024-08-23T13:32:40.615-07:00'
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier: LIC0009
+ medically-trained:
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 100
+ template-slug: application-template-139
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: InitialApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '122'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '112'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data: []
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ sub-agencies:
+ data: []
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '112'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ included:
+ - id: '122'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:32:40.248Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:32:40.478Z'
+ name: Roselle Prosacco
+ first-name: Roselle
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Prosacco
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth:
+ gender:
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: 2eb16be4c424950df2d7ivory@dicki.example
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ address:
+ address-city: North Mapleport
+ address-state: VT
+ address-county: ''
+ address-street: 513 Quinn Forest
+ address-zipcode: 28015-7100
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: North Mapleport
+ geocoded-address-state: VT
+ geocoded-address-street: 513 Quinn Forest
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: 28015-7100
+ mailing-address:
+ mailing-address-city: West Miquelbury
+ mailing-address-state: HI
+ mailing-address-street: 550 Josue Greens
+ mailing-address-zipcode: '24532'
+ family-id: LIC0009
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: ''
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ license-external-identifier: LIC0009
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data:
+ - id: '112'
+ type: initial-applications
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data: []
+ child-placements:
+ data:
+ - id: '5'
+ type: child-agency-placements
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ agency-workers:
+ data: []
+ - id: '112'
+ type: licenses
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:32:39.896Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:32:39.896Z'
+ external-identifier: LIC0009
+ confidential: false
+ expiry-date:
+ tag-summary:
+ - Tag 1
+ - Tag 2
+ - id: '112'
+ type: agency-placements
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:32:40.738Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:32:40.951Z'
+ name: Roselle Prosacco
+ license-id: LIC0009
+ provider-external-identifier:
+ contact-information:
+ external-identifier:
+ respite-provider:
+ status: applying
+ capacity: 2
+ availability-updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:32:40.913Z'
+ availability-updated-by-id:
+ managed-by-type: Agency
+ managed-by-id: 95
+ user-agency-profile-id: 122
+ child-in-home:
+ relationships:
+ placement-holds:
+ data: []
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ anyOf:
+ - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/initial-applications"
+ - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/renewal-applications"
+ description: "`initial-applications` are Applications undergoing
+ the initial licensing process, while `renewal-applications`
+ have already been licensed and are in the process of completing
+ requirements for the License's renewal."
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ put:
+ summary: Update an application
+ tags:
+ - Applications
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: application_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Application ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: PUT/api/v1/applications/application_id
+ description: Update an application
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '114'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: roob-inc
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:32:44.297Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:32:46.439Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 100
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower: 1
+ approved-age-higher: 16
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity: 5
+ case-type: dependency
+ casework-completed-percentage: 100
+ caseworker-assigned-date:
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster: true
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed: '2021-01-07'
+ date-of-inquiry: '2021-01-06'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed: 1324
+ expiry-date:
+ external-identifier: new_external
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: true
+ family-type: guardian
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date: '2024-08-23T13:32:44.293-07:00'
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier:
+ medically-trained:
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ respite-provider: false
+ spa:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 100
+ template-slug: application-template-143
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: InitialApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '124'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '114'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data: []
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ sub-agencies:
+ data: []
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '114'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ anyOf:
+ - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/initial-applications"
+ - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/renewal-applications"
+ description: "`initial-applications` are Applications undergoing
+ the initial licensing process, while `renewal-applications`
+ have already been licensed and are in the process of completing
+ requirements for the License's renewal."
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ '422':
+ description: bad data
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ errors:
+ - source:
+ pointer: "/data/attributes/date-of-inquiry"
+ detail: can't be blank
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ errors:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ title:
+ type: string
+ description: High level error type.
+ detail:
+ type: string
+ description: Human-readable string describing the error
+ status:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: HTTP status code.
+ id:
+ type: string
+ description: Request-specific ID that can be shared with
+ Binti for debugging.
+ source:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ pointer:
+ type: string
+ description: A locator string like /data/attributes/ethnicity;
+ when available it can show you the key in your request
+ that was rejected.
+ description: Information to help you find the source of
+ the error
+ description: A single error entry.
+ description: A list of errors we encountered while processing
+ your request.
+ required:
+ - errors
+ description: Errors object.
+ '404':
+ description: not found
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ errors:
+ - title: not_found
+ detail: Couldn't find Application with 'id'=definitely_not_found
+ [WHERE (applications.agency_id = 115 OR sub_agency_assignments.sub_agency_id
+ = 115) AND "applications"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "applications"."referral_type"
+ != $1 AND "applications"."belongs_to_binti_employee" = $2 AND
+ "applications"."status" IN ($3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11,
+ $12, $13, $14)]
+ status: 404
+ id: 10e2366d-0f7e-4351-9591-7fa8fcaa6e81
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ case_type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - dependency
+ - probation
+ -
+ description: Whether this is a dependency or a probation
+ type, if your agency supports it.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ date_of_inquiry:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date of initial inquiry
+ date_application_signed:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date the Application was signed.
+ nullable: true
+ external_identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: External systems identifier for individual
+ Application. Must be unique for agency.
+ nullable: true
+ capacity:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: How many beds are available in the caregiver's
+ home.
+ nullable: true
+ approved_age_lower:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Youngest age of children for which this family
+ is approved to provide care.
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 20
+ nullable: true
+ approved_age_higher:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Highest age of children for which this family
+ is approved to provide care.
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 21
+ nullable: true
+ community_foster:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not this caregiver is open to taking
+ in non-relative children from the community. Note that
+ this is always `true` when `family_type` is `community`.
+ nullable: true
+ license_external_identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: External systems identifier for a License or
+ collection of Applications per family. Must be unique
+ for agency.
+ nullable: true
+ respite_provider:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not the caregiver is open to being
+ a respite provider.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - respite_provider
+ description: Primary attributes of the record requested.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Related objects. When performing a PUT request,
+ do not include keys for relationships you do not intend to
+ change. If you want to remove a relationship, include the
+ key and set the "data" attribute to null.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Request-specific modifiers that can control side
+ effects of the current operation.
+ required:
+ - attributes
+ description: Properties of the updated Application.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: Application payload.
+ required: true
+ "/api/v1/applications/{application_id}/documents":
+ get:
+ summary: Get an application's documents, filtering by document slug
+ tags:
+ - Applications
+ - Documents
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: application_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Application ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: document_slug
+ in: query
+ description: Filter documents by their document slug
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Document slug to filter by
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ agency-placement, applicant-agency-profile, barriers-to-licensing-calculation,
+ children-in-home-profiles, co-applicant-agency-profile, good-causes, license,
+ other-adult-profiles, sub-agencies, worker-assignments'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Sort the results by various fields. The prefix `-` sorts results
+ in descending order; no prefix sorts results in ascending order.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - "-created_at"
+ - created_at
+ description: Avalable sorting values.
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/applications/application_id/documents
+ description: Get an application's documents, filtering by document slug
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '4'
+ type: documents
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: ullrich-mosciski
+ category: signed_application
+ name: Fintone Application 91 (Israel Zboncak)
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:21.685Z'
+ file-content-type: application/pdf
+ file-filename: signed_doc.pdf
+ file-size: 1000000
+ slug: distant-condition_81
+ license-external-identifier: BEU000001
+ relationships:
+ signatures:
+ data:
+ - id: '3'
+ type: required-signatures
+ - id: '4'
+ type: required-signatures
+ links:
+ self: "/attachments/8eca6e8a6144afd6bf02c0d96f7b608bedddc4c7/store/1734561bea19b7f6772c4c430ed8c31cff11d8b644086553b0aa14e949b7/signed_doc.pdf?expires_at=1724448803"
+ included:
+ - id: '3'
+ type: required-signatures
+ attributes:
+ role: applicant
+ order: 0
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:22.892Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:22.892Z'
+ completed-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:22.881Z'
+ signer:
+ id: 146
+ created_at: '2024-08-23T20:33:20.449Z'
+ updated_at: '2024-08-23T20:33:20.661Z'
+ first_name: Israel
+ middle_name:
+ last_name: Zboncak
+ suffix:
+ email: 1a30aec8a4347f40517fconrad_cruickshank@champlin.example
+ phone_number: "+15309450048"
+ license_external_identifier: BEU000001
+ confidential: false
+ external_identifier:
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ - id: '4'
+ type: required-signatures
+ attributes:
+ role: caseworker
+ order: 0
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:22.907Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:22.914Z'
+ completed-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:22.911Z'
+ signer:
+ id: 335
+ created_at: '2024-08-23T20:33:19.500Z'
+ updated_at: '2024-08-23T20:33:19.500Z'
+ first_name: Carlo
+ middle_name:
+ last_name: Hills
+ suffix:
+ external_identifier:
+ email: 4271d55d486f66b25b67kelly@stehr-hirthe.example
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/documents"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ "/api/v1/applications/{application_id}/relationships/application_key_dates":
+ get:
+ summary: Get an application's key dates
+ tags:
+ - Applications
+ - Application Key Dates
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: application_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Application ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/applications/application_id/relationships/application_key_dates
+ description: Get an application's key dates
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: application-key-dates
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:39Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:39Z'
+ inquiry-date: '2024-08-12'
+ approval-start-time: '2024-08-12T00:00:00Z'
+ approval-complete-time: '2024-08-21T00:00:00Z'
+ applicant-forms-start-time: '2024-08-23T20:33:38Z'
+ applicant-forms-complete-time: '2024-08-23T20:33:38Z'
+ background-check-start-time:
+ background-check-complete-time:
+ caseworker-forms-start-time:
+ caseworker-forms-complete-time:
+ online-orientation-date:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ psycho-social-start-time: '2024-08-23T20:33:38Z'
+ psycho-social-complete-time: '2024-08-23T20:33:38Z'
+ references-start-time:
+ references-complete-time:
+ supporting-documents-start-time:
+ supporting-documents-complete-time:
+ trainings-start-time:
+ trainings-complete-time:
+ related-attributes:
+ application-id: '143'
+ application-created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:37Z'
+ application-external-identifier: APP01
+ application-type: Initial
+ application-status: approved
+ license-external-identifier: FAMILY01
+ family-id: FAMILY01
+ status-changes:
+ - status-before:
+ status-after: applying
+ status-date:
+ changed-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:37Z'
+ - status-before: applying
+ status-after: approved
+ status-date: '2024-08-21'
+ changed-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:38Z'
+ agency-key-dates: []
+ relationships:
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '143'
+ type: initial-applications
+ included:
+ - id: '143'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:37.604Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:38.211Z'
+ type: InitialApplication
+ template-slug: application-template-189
+ family-type:
+ status: approved
+ status-date: '2024-08-21'
+ expiry-date: '2025-08-21'
+ renewal-due-date:
+ confidential: false
+ license-external-identifier: FAMILY01
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/applications/143/relationships/application_key_dates?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/applications/143/relationships/application_key_dates?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/applications/143/relationships/application_key_dates?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 1
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/application-key-dates"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ "/api/v1/applications/{application_id}/relationships/worker_assignments":
+ get:
+ summary: List all agency workers for a particular application
+ tags:
+ - Applications
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Sort the results by various fields. The prefix `-` sorts results
+ in descending order; no prefix sorts results in ascending order.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - "-created_at"
+ - created_at
+ - "-updated_at"
+ - updated_at
+ description: Avalable sorting values.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ worker'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: updated_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those updated after provided start time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: updated_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those updated before provided end time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: created_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those created after provided start time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: created_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those created before provided end time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: role
+ in: query
+ description: Filter workers by role on application
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - cbo
+ - support
+ - approvals
+ description: Available worker roles.
+ - name: application_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Application ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/applications/application_id/relationships/worker_assignments
+ description: List all agency workers for a particular application
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '6'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ attributes:
+ role: approvals
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:14.418Z'
+ relationships:
+ applicant-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '11'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '3'
+ type: initial-applications
+ worker:
+ data:
+ id: '40'
+ type: agency-workers
+ - id: '7'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ attributes:
+ role: support
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:14.740Z'
+ relationships:
+ applicant-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '11'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '3'
+ type: initial-applications
+ worker:
+ data:
+ id: '41'
+ type: agency-workers
+ - id: '8'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ attributes:
+ role: cbo
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:15.046Z'
+ relationships:
+ applicant-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '11'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '3'
+ type: initial-applications
+ worker:
+ data:
+ id: '42'
+ type: agency-workers
+ included:
+ - id: '11'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:12.538Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:13.722Z'
+ name: Mallie Stehr
+ first-name: Mallie
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Stehr
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth:
+ gender:
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: 786e626b46ec6f0386bdheidi@padberg.test
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ address:
+ address-city: Port Freemanmouth
+ address-state: MI
+ address-county: ''
+ address-street: 9449 Balistreri Run
+ address-zipcode: '64206'
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: Port Freemanmouth
+ geocoded-address-state: MI
+ geocoded-address-street: 9449 Balistreri Run
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: '64206'
+ mailing-address:
+ mailing-address-city: Port Cassondratown
+ mailing-address-state: ID
+ mailing-address-street: 79258 Luettgen Course
+ mailing-address-zipcode: '11591'
+ family-id: BAV000001
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: ''
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ license-external-identifier: BAV000001
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data:
+ - id: '3'
+ type: initial-applications
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data: []
+ child-placements:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data:
+ - id: '6'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ - id: '7'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ - id: '8'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ agency-workers:
+ data:
+ - id: '40'
+ type: agency-workers
+ - id: '41'
+ type: agency-workers
+ - id: '42'
+ type: agency-workers
+ - id: '3'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: morissette-haag-and-mosciski
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:13.355Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:14.726Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 100
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower:
+ approved-age-higher:
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity:
+ case-type:
+ casework-completed-percentage: 100
+ caseworker-assigned-date: '2024-08-23'
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster:
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed:
+ date-of-inquiry: '2024-08-23'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed:
+ expiry-date:
+ external-identifier:
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: true
+ family-type:
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date: '2024-08-23T13:28:13.350-07:00'
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier: BAV000001
+ medically-trained:
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 100
+ template-slug: application-template-6
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: InitialApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '11'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '3'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data: []
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data:
+ - id: '6'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ - id: '7'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ - id: '8'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ sub-agencies:
+ data: []
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '3'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ - id: '40'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:14.271Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:14.271Z'
+ name: Noe Cole
+ email: e5358b40cbb53a2cae8bkurtis@bartoletti-crist.example
+ supervisors: []
+ managers-of-supervisors: []
+ agency-role: approvals
+ role-for-permissions:
+ id: 3
+ name: Approvals Worker
+ external-identifier:
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ relationships:
+ agency-admin-assignment:
+ data:
+ id: '28'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ - id: '41'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:14.560Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:14.560Z'
+ name: Leland Frami
+ email: de94468e90b9b48e5328shonta.hessel@koelpin-durgan.test
+ supervisors: []
+ managers-of-supervisors: []
+ agency-role: approvals
+ role-for-permissions:
+ id: 3
+ name: Approvals Worker
+ external-identifier:
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ relationships:
+ agency-admin-assignment:
+ data:
+ id: '29'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ - id: '42'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:15.016Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:15.016Z'
+ name: Jaye Botsford
+ email: 18cd0fdc8414c18f2aa9maximo@dooley.test
+ supervisors: []
+ managers-of-supervisors: []
+ agency-role: approvals
+ role-for-permissions:
+ id: 3
+ name: Approvals Worker
+ external-identifier:
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ relationships:
+ agency-admin-assignment:
+ data:
+ id: '30'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/applications/3/relationships/worker_assignments?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/applications/3/relationships/worker_assignments?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/applications/3/relationships/worker_assignments?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 3
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/worker-assignments"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ post:
+ summary: Create new worker assignment for particular application
+ tags:
+ - Applications
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: application_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Application ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: POST/api/v1/applications/application_id/relationships/worker_assignments
+ description: Create new worker assignment for particular application
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: created
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '12'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ attributes:
+ role: approvals
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:24.466Z'
+ relationships:
+ applicant-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '13'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '5'
+ type: initial-applications
+ worker:
+ data:
+ id: '54'
+ type: agency-workers
+ included:
+ - id: '13'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:22.154Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:23.247Z'
+ name: Rona Cole
+ first-name: Rona
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Cole
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth:
+ gender:
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: 69e04629dc9fd9154757kendall_bradtke@von.test
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ address:
+ address-city: Reynoldstown
+ address-state: OR
+ address-county: ''
+ address-street: 31402 Terisa Walks
+ address-zipcode: '36054'
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: Reynoldstown
+ geocoded-address-state: OR
+ geocoded-address-street: 31402 Terisa Walks
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: '36054'
+ mailing-address:
+ mailing-address-city: Marloport
+ mailing-address-state: NH
+ mailing-address-street: 12373 Cummerata Plains
+ mailing-address-zipcode: 99650-4804
+ family-id: BAZ000001
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: ''
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ license-external-identifier: BAZ000001
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data:
+ - id: '5'
+ type: initial-applications
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data: []
+ child-placements:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data:
+ - id: '12'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ agency-workers:
+ data:
+ - id: '54'
+ type: agency-workers
+ - id: '5'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: okon-group
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:23.026Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:24.449Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 100
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower:
+ approved-age-higher:
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity:
+ case-type:
+ casework-completed-percentage: 100
+ caseworker-assigned-date: '2024-08-23'
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster:
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed:
+ date-of-inquiry: '2024-08-23'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed:
+ expiry-date:
+ external-identifier:
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: true
+ family-type:
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date: '2024-08-23T13:28:23.019-07:00'
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier: BAZ000001
+ medically-trained:
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 100
+ template-slug: application-template-10
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: InitialApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '13'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '5'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data: []
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data:
+ - id: '12'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ sub-agencies:
+ data: []
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '5'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ - id: '54'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:23.979Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:23.979Z'
+ name: Kathern Kling
+ email: ab59e5ff874865f9fa81gary@morar.test
+ supervisors: []
+ managers-of-supervisors: []
+ agency-role: approvals
+ role-for-permissions:
+ id: 3
+ name: Approvals Worker
+ external-identifier:
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ relationships:
+ agency-admin-assignment:
+ data:
+ id: '40'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/applications/5/relationships/worker_assignments?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/applications/5/relationships/worker_assignments?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/applications/5/relationships/worker_assignments?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 1
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/worker-assignments"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ '200':
+ description: return succcess even when worker already assigned
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '16'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ attributes:
+ role: approvals
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:36.146Z'
+ relationships:
+ applicant-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '16'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '8'
+ type: initial-applications
+ worker:
+ data:
+ id: '65'
+ type: agency-workers
+ included:
+ - id: '16'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:34.680Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:35.628Z'
+ name: Erminia Hackett
+ first-name: Erminia
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Hackett
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth:
+ gender:
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: 2e3537231c7db97037d8odell@roob.example
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ address:
+ address-city: Duncanburgh
+ address-state: HI
+ address-county: ''
+ address-street: 637 Freeda Fields
+ address-zipcode: 85066-8277
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: Duncanburgh
+ geocoded-address-state: HI
+ geocoded-address-street: 637 Freeda Fields
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: 85066-8277
+ mailing-address:
+ mailing-address-city: West Arnulfo
+ mailing-address-state: AK
+ mailing-address-street: 382 Carley Knolls
+ mailing-address-zipcode: '55899'
+ family-id: BBC000001
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: ''
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ license-external-identifier: BBC000001
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data:
+ - id: '8'
+ type: initial-applications
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data: []
+ child-placements:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data:
+ - id: '16'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ agency-workers:
+ data:
+ - id: '65'
+ type: agency-workers
+ - id: '8'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: cole-turcotte-and-vandervort
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:35.430Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:36.134Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 100
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower:
+ approved-age-higher:
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity:
+ case-type:
+ casework-completed-percentage: 100
+ caseworker-assigned-date: '2024-08-23'
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster:
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed:
+ date-of-inquiry: '2024-08-23'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed:
+ expiry-date:
+ external-identifier:
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: true
+ family-type:
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date: '2024-08-23T13:28:35.425-07:00'
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier: BBC000001
+ medically-trained:
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 100
+ template-slug: application-template-16
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: InitialApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '16'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '8'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data: []
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data:
+ - id: '16'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ sub-agencies:
+ data: []
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '8'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ - id: '65'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:36.054Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:36.054Z'
+ name: Lane Bahringer
+ email: ec61c18a83388572249disrael_wiegand@brakus-heller.example
+ supervisors: []
+ managers-of-supervisors: []
+ agency-role: approvals
+ role-for-permissions:
+ id: 3
+ name: Approvals Worker
+ external-identifier:
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ relationships:
+ agency-admin-assignment:
+ data:
+ id: '48'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/applications/8/relationships/worker_assignments?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/applications/8/relationships/worker_assignments?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/applications/8/relationships/worker_assignments?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 1
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/worker-assignments"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - worker-assignments
+ description: Mandatory JSON:API type specifier.
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ role:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - approvals
+ - support
+ description: 'The assigned worker''s role on the Application.
+ Note: We currently do not support creating CBO assigments
+ via the API.'
+ required:
+ - role
+ description: Primary attributes of the record requested.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ worker:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - agency-workers
+ description: Always agency-workers
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the Agency Worker for
+ this worker assignment.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ required:
+ - worker
+ description: Related objects. When performing a PUT request,
+ do not include keys for relationships you do not intend
+ to change. If you want to remove a relationship, include
+ the key and set the "data" attribute to null.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Request-specific modifiers that can control side
+ effects of the current operation.
+ required:
+ - attributes
+ description: Information for the new Worker Assignment.
+ description: An array containing one or more objects, each containing
+ a role attribute and worker relationship with ID.
+ required:
+ - type
+ - data
+ description: Properties to create new Worker Assignments on an Application.
+ required: true
+ "/api/v1/applications/{application_id}/tags":
+ post:
+ summary: Add tags to a particular application
+ tags:
+ - Applications
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: application_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Application ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: POST/api/v1/applications/application_id/tags
+ description: Add tags to a particular application
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: created
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '12'
+ type: tags
+ attributes:
+ name: Existing Tag
+ category: license_tags
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:43.217Z'
+ - id: '13'
+ type: tags
+ attributes:
+ name: Added Tag 1
+ category: license_tags
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:44.619Z'
+ - id: '14'
+ type: tags
+ attributes:
+ name: Added Tag 2
+ category: license_tags
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:44.621Z'
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/tags"
+ description: Array of records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: Collection of Tags.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - tags
+ description: Mandatory JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ name:
+ type: string
+ description: Name of the agency's existing Tag to add
+ to or remove from the associated record.
+ required:
+ - name
+ description: Tag payload.
+ required:
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: JSON:API payload.
+ description: Array of records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: An array of Tag records to associate with or dissociate
+ from another record.
+ required: true
+ delete:
+ summary: Remove tags from a particular application
+ tags:
+ - Applications
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: application_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Application ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: DELETE/api/v1/applications/application_id/tags
+ description: Remove tags from a particular application
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: deleted
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '38'
+ type: tags
+ attributes:
+ name: Existing Tag 2
+ category: license_tags
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:52.139Z'
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/tags"
+ description: Array of records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: Collection of Tags.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - tags
+ description: Mandatory JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ name:
+ type: string
+ description: Name of the agency's existing Tag to add
+ to or remove from the associated record.
+ required:
+ - name
+ description: Tag payload.
+ required:
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: JSON:API payload.
+ description: Array of records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: An array of Tag records to associate with or dissociate
+ from another record.
+ required: true
+ "/api/v1/background_check_logs":
+ get:
+ summary: List background check logs
+ tags:
+ - Background check logs
+ - Partner Agency Access
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ adult-profile, application, background-check'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Sort the results by various fields. The prefix `-` sorts results
+ in descending order; no prefix sorts results in ascending order.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - "-created_at"
+ - created_at
+ - "-updated_at"
+ - updated_at
+ description: Avalable sorting values.
+ - name: updated_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those updated after provided start time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: updated_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those updated before provided end time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: created_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those created after provided start time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: created_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those created before provided end time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: completed_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those completed after provided start time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: completed_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those completed before provided end time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: adult_profile_id
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Filter by adult profile id
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Profile ID.
+ - name: application_id
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Filter by application id
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Application ID.
+ - name: background_check_id
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Filter by background check id
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Background Check ID.
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/background_check_logs
+ description: List background check logs
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: sub agency workers can see background check logs if parent
+ agency allows it
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '23'
+ type: background-check-logs
+ attributes:
+ application-id: 54
+ adult-profile-id: 65
+ background-check-id: 23
+ status:
+ notes: ''
+ completed-at: '2024-08-23'
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:48.280Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:48.280Z'
+ relationships:
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '54'
+ type: initial-applications
+ background-check:
+ data:
+ id: '23'
+ type: background-checks
+ adult-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '65'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ - id: '24'
+ type: background-check-logs
+ attributes:
+ application-id: 54
+ adult-profile-id: 65
+ background-check-id: 24
+ status:
+ notes: ''
+ completed-at: '2024-08-23'
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:48.348Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:48.348Z'
+ relationships:
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '54'
+ type: initial-applications
+ background-check:
+ data:
+ id: '24'
+ type: background-checks
+ adult-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '65'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ included:
+ - id: '54'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: oconnell-llc
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:47.178Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:48.138Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 0
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower:
+ approved-age-higher:
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required:
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity:
+ case-type:
+ casework-completed-percentage: 0
+ caseworker-assigned-date: '2024-08-23'
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster:
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed:
+ date-of-inquiry: '2024-08-23'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed:
+ expiry-date:
+ external-identifier:
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: true
+ family-type:
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date: '2024-08-23T13:30:47.173-07:00'
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier: paa-license-2
+ medically-trained:
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 0
+ template-slug: application-template-108
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: InitialApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '65'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '66'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '54'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data: []
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data:
+ - id: '28'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ - id: '29'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ - id: '30'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ sub-agencies:
+ data:
+ - id: '159'
+ type: agencies
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '54'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ - id: '23'
+ type: background-checks
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:43.349Z'
+ name: Test BG check 23
+ required: true
+ renewal-required: false
+ step: received
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:43.349Z'
+ - id: '65'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:43.415Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:45.857Z'
+ name: Derick Boyle
+ first-name: Derick
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Boyle
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth:
+ gender:
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: fc48e722d79536211fb8erica_schulist@wilkinson.example
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ address:
+ address-city: Lake Carliechester
+ address-state: MD
+ address-county: ''
+ address-street: 3749 Miller Loaf
+ address-zipcode: 76176-8738
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: Lake Carliechester
+ geocoded-address-state: MD
+ geocoded-address-street: 3749 Miller Loaf
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: 76176-8738
+ mailing-address:
+ mailing-address-city: West Abbeymouth
+ mailing-address-state: HI
+ mailing-address-street: 63400 Hartmann Terrace
+ mailing-address-zipcode: 60354-8255
+ family-id: paa-license-2
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: ''
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ license-external-identifier: paa-license-2
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data:
+ - id: '54'
+ type: initial-applications
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data: []
+ child-placements:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data:
+ - id: '28'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ - id: '29'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ - id: '30'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ agency-workers:
+ data:
+ - id: '251'
+ type: agency-workers
+ - id: '253'
+ type: agency-workers
+ - id: '254'
+ type: agency-workers
+ - id: '24'
+ type: background-checks
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:48.285Z'
+ name: Test BG check 24
+ required: false
+ renewal-required: false
+ step: received
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:48.285Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/background_check_logs?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/background_check_logs?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/background_check_logs?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 2
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/background-check-logs"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ post:
+ summary: Create new Background Check Log
+ tags:
+ - Background check logs
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: POST/api/v1/background_check_logs
+ description: Create new Background Check Log
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: created
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '53'
+ type: background-check-logs
+ attributes:
+ application-id: 67
+ adult-profile-id: 91
+ background-check-id: 49
+ status: complete_no_exemption
+ notes: no hits
+ completed-at: '2023-04-01'
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:56.951Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:56.951Z'
+ relationships:
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '67'
+ type: initial-applications
+ background-check:
+ data:
+ id: '49'
+ type: background-checks
+ adult-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '91'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/background-check-logs"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ '422':
+ description: required details are missing
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ errors:
+ - source:
+ pointer: "/data/attributes/background-check"
+ detail: can't be blank
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ errors:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ title:
+ type: string
+ description: High level error type.
+ detail:
+ type: string
+ description: Human-readable string describing the error
+ status:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: HTTP status code.
+ id:
+ type: string
+ description: Request-specific ID that can be shared with
+ Binti for debugging.
+ source:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ pointer:
+ type: string
+ description: A locator string like /data/attributes/ethnicity;
+ when available it can show you the key in your request
+ that was rejected.
+ description: Information to help you find the source of
+ the error
+ description: A single error entry.
+ description: A list of errors we encountered while processing
+ your request.
+ required:
+ - errors
+ description: Errors object.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - background-check-logs
+ description: Mandatory JSON:API type specifier.
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ status:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - requested
+ - complete_no_exemption
+ - complete_exemption_required
+ - complete_non_exemptible_crime
+ - rejected
+ - not_applicable
+ - needs_review
+ - not_started
+ - complete_exemption_denied
+ - complete_exemption_granted
+ - received_needs_review
+ - received_exemption_required
+ - complete
+ - not_applicable_full_cycle
+ - complete_non_exemptible_finding
+ -
+ description: Status of Background Check Log.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ completed-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date the Background Check Log was completed.
+ nullable: true
+ notes:
+ type: string
+ description: Notes associated with Background Check Log.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - status
+ - completed-at
+ - notes
+ description: Primary attributes of the record requested.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ adult-profile:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - user-agency-profiles
+ description: Always user-agency-profiles
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: The user agency profile on whom the background
+ check was preformed
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ background-check:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - background-checks
+ description: Always background-checks
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: Background check preformed.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ application:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - initial-applications
+ - renewal-applications
+ description: Always initial-applications / renewal-applications
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the Application this background
+ check was preformed for.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - adult-profile
+ - background-check
+ - application
+ description: Related objects. When performing a PUT request,
+ do not include keys for relationships you do not intend to
+ change. If you want to remove a relationship, include the
+ key and set the "data" attribute to null.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Request-specific modifiers that can control side
+ effects of the current operation.
+ required:
+ - attributes
+ description: Information to create a new background check log entry.
+ required:
+ - type
+ - data
+ description: Properties to create a background check log entry
+ required: true
+ "/api/v1/background_check_logs/{background_check_log_id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific background check log
+ tags:
+ - Background check logs
+ - Partner Agency Access
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: background_check_log_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Background Check Log ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ adult-profile, application, background-check'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/background_check_logs/background_check_log_id
+ description: Get a specific background check log
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: sub agency workers can see background check logs if parent
+ agency allows it
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '81'
+ type: background-check-logs
+ attributes:
+ application-id: 82
+ adult-profile-id: 121
+ background-check-id: 79
+ status:
+ notes: ''
+ completed-at: '2024-08-23'
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:32:53.787Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:32:53.787Z'
+ relationships:
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '82'
+ type: initial-applications
+ background-check:
+ data:
+ id: '79'
+ type: background-checks
+ adult-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '121'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ included:
+ - id: '82'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: pagac-schaden
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:32:53.042Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:32:53.688Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 0
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower:
+ approved-age-higher:
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required:
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity:
+ case-type:
+ casework-completed-percentage: 0
+ caseworker-assigned-date: '2024-08-23'
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster:
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed:
+ date-of-inquiry: '2024-08-23'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed:
+ expiry-date:
+ external-identifier:
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: true
+ family-type:
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date: '2024-08-23T13:32:53.039-07:00'
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier: paa-license-2
+ medically-trained:
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 0
+ template-slug: application-template-164
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: InitialApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '121'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '122'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '82'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data: []
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data:
+ - id: '98'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ - id: '99'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ - id: '100'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ sub-agencies:
+ data:
+ - id: '313'
+ type: agencies
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '82'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ - id: '79'
+ type: background-checks
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:32:50.408Z'
+ name: Test BG check 79
+ required: true
+ renewal-required: false
+ step: received
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:32:50.408Z'
+ - id: '121'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:32:50.462Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:32:52.090Z'
+ name: Jacalyn Kutch
+ first-name: Jacalyn
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Kutch
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth:
+ gender:
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: 3b5a783a0bd5ef81f8d7sherrill@swift.test
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ address:
+ address-city: Jeannetteville
+ address-state: IN
+ address-county: ''
+ address-street: 126 Ashton Expressway
+ address-zipcode: 42702-1878
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: Jeannetteville
+ geocoded-address-state: IN
+ geocoded-address-street: 126 Ashton Expressway
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: 42702-1878
+ mailing-address:
+ mailing-address-city: Kiehnburgh
+ mailing-address-state: IA
+ mailing-address-street: 236 Gutmann Fork
+ mailing-address-zipcode: 36676-1280
+ family-id: paa-license-2
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: ''
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ license-external-identifier: paa-license-2
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data:
+ - id: '82'
+ type: initial-applications
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data: []
+ child-placements:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data:
+ - id: '98'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ - id: '99'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ - id: '100'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ agency-workers:
+ data:
+ - id: '489'
+ type: agency-workers
+ - id: '491'
+ type: agency-workers
+ - id: '492'
+ type: agency-workers
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/background-check-logs"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ "/api/v1/background_checks":
+ get:
+ summary: List background checks
+ tags:
+ - Background checks
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, ""'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Sort the results by various fields. The prefix `-` sorts results
+ in descending order; no prefix sorts results in ascending order.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - "-created_at"
+ - created_at
+ - "-updated_at"
+ - updated_at
+ description: Avalable sorting values.
+ - name: name
+ in: query
+ description: Filter by background check name
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Binti Background Check name.
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/background_checks
+ description: List background checks
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: background-checks
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:10.444Z'
+ name: Test BG check 1
+ required: true
+ renewal-required: false
+ step: received
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:10.444Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/background_checks?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/background_checks?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/background_checks?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 1
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/background-checks"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ "/api/v1/background_checks/{background_check_id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific background check
+ tags:
+ - Background checks
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: background_check_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Background Check ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, ""'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/background_checks/background_check_id
+ description: Get a specific background check
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '4'
+ type: background-checks
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:12.731Z'
+ name: Test BG check 4
+ required: true
+ renewal-required: false
+ step: received
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:12.731Z'
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/background-checks"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ "/api/v1/case_notes":
+ get:
+ summary: List case notes
+ tags:
+ - Case Notes
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ adult-profile, caseworker, child, licenses'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Sort the results by various fields. The prefix `-` sorts results
+ in descending order; no prefix sorts results in ascending order.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - "-created_at"
+ - created_at
+ - "-updated_at"
+ - updated_at
+ description: Avalable sorting values.
+ - name: updated_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter case notes for those updated after provided start date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: updated_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter cases notes for those updated before provider end date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: license_external_identifier
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: External License ID.
+ description: Filters for case notes associated with the provided license external
+ identifer
+ - name: child_external_identifier
+ in: query
+ description: Filters for case notes associated with the provided child external
+ identifier
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: External Child ID.
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/case_notes
+ description: List case notes
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: case-notes
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:05.439Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:05.439Z'
+ case-note-type: placement
+ contact-method: contact_email
+ date: '2024-08-23'
+ estimated-approval-date:
+ support-service-type:
+ amount-spent:
+ case-note-body: Case note body 1
+ license-external-identifier: BAJ000001
+ relationships:
+ caseworker:
+ data:
+ id: '37'
+ type: agency-workers
+ adult-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '17'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '1'
+ type: children
+ licenses:
+ data:
+ - id: '17'
+ type: licenses
+ - id: '2'
+ type: case-notes
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:05.541Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:05.541Z'
+ case-note-type: other
+ contact-method: contact_email
+ date: '2024-08-23'
+ estimated-approval-date:
+ support-service-type:
+ amount-spent:
+ case-note-body: Case note body 2
+ license-external-identifier: BAJ000002
+ relationships:
+ caseworker:
+ data:
+ id: '39'
+ type: agency-workers
+ adult-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '19'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ child:
+ data:
+ licenses:
+ data:
+ - id: '18'
+ type: licenses
+ included:
+ - id: '37'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:04.040Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:04.040Z'
+ first-name: Karlyn
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Upton
+ suffix:
+ external-identifier:
+ email: 938ee8dee480e14067bdfumiko.bartoletti@lesch-corwin.test
+ - id: '17'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:49.433Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:56.838Z'
+ first-name: Tiara
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Feest
+ suffix:
+ email: '08e2e9e4b8e40fed2ddcalexis@mitchell.test'
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ license-external-identifier: BAJ000001
+ confidential: false
+ external-identifier:
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ - id: '1'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:04.835Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:05.360Z'
+ first-name: Lora
+ middle-name: D'Amore
+ last-name: Leannon
+ suffix: DO
+ external-identifier: client12
+ - id: '17'
+ type: licenses
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:47.878Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:57.645Z'
+ external-identifier: BAJ000001
+ confidential: false
+ expiry-date: '2025-08-23'
+ tag-summary: []
+ - id: '39'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:05.472Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:05.472Z'
+ first-name: Cortez
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Macejkovic
+ suffix:
+ external-identifier:
+ email: 4310e770af813a6b4794jordan.kuvalis@sanford.example
+ - id: '19'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:59.771Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:03.382Z'
+ first-name: Gustavo
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Douglas
+ suffix:
+ email: 279831751be9d1afe5e4edison.bosco@lebsack.test
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ license-external-identifier: BAJ000002
+ confidential: false
+ external-identifier:
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ - reference_user
+ - id: '18'
+ type: licenses
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:59.668Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:02.749Z'
+ external-identifier: BAJ000002
+ confidential: false
+ expiry-date: '2025-08-23'
+ tag-summary: []
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/case_notes?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/case_notes?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/case_notes?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 2
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/case-notes"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ post:
+ summary: Create a new Case Note
+ tags:
+ - Case Notes
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: POST/api/v1/case_notes
+ description: Create a new Case Note
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: created with child
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '12'
+ type: case-notes
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:01.084Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:01.084Z'
+ case-note-type: placement
+ contact-method: contact_video_conference
+ date: '2022-12-04'
+ estimated-approval-date:
+ support-service-type:
+ amount-spent:
+ case-note-body: This is a case note.
+ license-external-identifier:
+ relationships:
+ caseworker:
+ data:
+ id: '69'
+ type: agency-workers
+ adult-profile:
+ data:
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '5'
+ type: children
+ licenses:
+ data: []
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/case-notes"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ '422':
+ description: required details are missing
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ errors:
+ - source:
+ pointer: "/data/attributes/date"
+ detail: can't be blank
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ errors:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ title:
+ type: string
+ description: High level error type.
+ detail:
+ type: string
+ description: Human-readable string describing the error
+ status:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: HTTP status code.
+ id:
+ type: string
+ description: Request-specific ID that can be shared with
+ Binti for debugging.
+ source:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ pointer:
+ type: string
+ description: A locator string like /data/attributes/ethnicity;
+ when available it can show you the key in your request
+ that was rejected.
+ description: Information to help you find the source of
+ the error
+ description: A single error entry.
+ description: A list of errors we encountered while processing
+ your request.
+ required:
+ - errors
+ description: Errors object.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - case-notes
+ description: Mandatory JSON:API type specifier.
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ amount-spent:
+ type: number
+ format: currency
+ description: Amount spent on services.
+ nullable: true
+ case-note-body:
+ type: string
+ description: Case Note content. Free text field.
+ case-note-type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - visit
+ - phone_call
+ - email
+ - other
+ - supervision
+ - case_update
+ - complaint_or_violation
+ - placement
+ - approval_date_estimate
+ - family_evaluation
+ - recruiting
+ - support_services
+ - next_planned_contact
+ - placement_approval
+ - training
+ - renewal_progress_update
+ - reference_update
+ - email_campaign
+ - automated_email
+ description: Case Note category.
+ contact-method:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - contact_email
+ - contact_phone_call
+ - contact_visit
+ - contact_written_letter
+ - contact_attempted_visit
+ - contact_scheduled_visit
+ - contact_case_management_meeting
+ - contact_text_message
+ - contact_video_conference
+ - contact_other
+ -
+ description: Means of contact with family if applicable.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date the events of this Case Note took place.
+ estimated-approval-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date of estimated application approval, if
+ relevent.
+ nullable: true
+ support-service-type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - education
+ - employment
+ - child_care
+ - legal
+ - case_management
+ - clothing
+ - food
+ - mental_health
+ - family_team
+ - furniture
+ - healthcare
+ - safety_items
+ - support_groups
+ - mentoring
+ - visitation
+ - dpss_wic
+ - recreation
+ - rent
+ - transportation
+ -
+ description: Support service provided with Case Note.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ required:
+ - amount-spent
+ - case-note-body
+ - case-note-type
+ - contact-method
+ - date
+ - estimated-approval-date
+ - support-service-type
+ description: Primary attributes of the record requested.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ caseworker:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - agency-workers
+ description: Always agency-workers
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the Agency Worker who authored
+ this Case Note.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ adult-profile:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - user-agency-profiles
+ description: Always user-agency-profiles
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the user to which this Case
+ Note refers.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ child:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - children
+ description: Always children
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the Child to which this
+ Case Note refers.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ licenses:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - licenses
+ description: Always licenses
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A collection of licenses the user in
+ this case note has held a role on. This is determined
+ by the user referenced and not directly linked via
+ the case note.
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ required:
+ - caseworker
+ - adult-profile
+ - child
+ - licenses
+ description: Related objects. When performing a PUT request,
+ do not include keys for relationships you do not intend to
+ change. If you want to remove a relationship, include the
+ key and set the "data" attribute to null.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Request-specific modifiers that can control side
+ effects of the current operation.
+ required:
+ - attributes
+ description: Information for the new Case Note.
+ required:
+ - type
+ - data
+ description: Properties to create a new Case Note.
+ required: true
+ "/api/v1/case_notes/{case_note_id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific case note
+ tags:
+ - Case Notes
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: case_note_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Case Note ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ adult-profile, caseworker, child, licenses'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/case_notes/case_note_id
+ description: Get a specific case note
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '29'
+ type: case-notes
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:45.090Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:45.090Z'
+ case-note-type: placement
+ contact-method: contact_email
+ date: '2024-08-23'
+ estimated-approval-date:
+ support-service-type:
+ amount-spent:
+ case-note-body: Case note body 27
+ license-external-identifier: BBJ000001
+ relationships:
+ caseworker:
+ data:
+ id: '141'
+ type: agency-workers
+ adult-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '56'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '14'
+ type: children
+ licenses:
+ data:
+ - id: '43'
+ type: licenses
+ included:
+ - id: '141'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:44.949Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:44.949Z'
+ first-name: Fletcher
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Dare
+ suffix:
+ external-identifier:
+ email: 8c69dc33e69f7bd5238bandres.cole@funk.test
+ - id: '56'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:36.629Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:40.830Z'
+ first-name: Bryant
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Schuster
+ suffix:
+ email: 6ed44386320eff913d6amarianne@breitenberg-simonis.example
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ license-external-identifier: BBJ000001
+ confidential: false
+ external-identifier:
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ - id: '14'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:44.971Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:45.051Z'
+ first-name: Dorthy
+ middle-name: Kohler
+ last-name: DuBuque
+ suffix: JD
+ external-identifier: client12
+ - id: '43'
+ type: licenses
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:35.913Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:41.243Z'
+ external-identifier: BBJ000001
+ confidential: false
+ expiry-date: '2025-08-23'
+ tag-summary: []
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/case-notes"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ put:
+ summary: Update a specific case note
+ tags:
+ - Case Notes
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: case_note_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Case Note ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: PUT/api/v1/case_notes/case_note_id
+ description: Update a specific case note
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '31'
+ type: case-notes
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:55.219Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:55.574Z'
+ case-note-type: placement
+ contact-method: contact_email
+ date: '2024-08-23'
+ estimated-approval-date:
+ support-service-type:
+ amount-spent:
+ case-note-body: Updated body.
+ license-external-identifier: BBL000001
+ relationships:
+ caseworker:
+ data:
+ id: '149'
+ type: agency-workers
+ adult-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '59'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '15'
+ type: children
+ licenses:
+ data:
+ - id: '45'
+ type: licenses
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/case-notes"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - case-notes
+ description: Mandatory JSON:API type specifier.
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ amount-spent:
+ type: number
+ format: currency
+ description: Amount spent on services.
+ nullable: true
+ case-note-body:
+ type: string
+ description: Case Note content. Free text field.
+ case-note-type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - visit
+ - phone_call
+ - email
+ - other
+ - supervision
+ - case_update
+ - complaint_or_violation
+ - placement
+ - approval_date_estimate
+ - family_evaluation
+ - recruiting
+ - support_services
+ - next_planned_contact
+ - placement_approval
+ - training
+ - renewal_progress_update
+ - reference_update
+ - email_campaign
+ - automated_email
+ description: Case Note category.
+ contact-method:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - contact_email
+ - contact_phone_call
+ - contact_visit
+ - contact_written_letter
+ - contact_attempted_visit
+ - contact_scheduled_visit
+ - contact_case_management_meeting
+ - contact_text_message
+ - contact_video_conference
+ - contact_other
+ -
+ description: Means of contact with family if applicable.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date the events of this Case Note took place.
+ estimated-approval-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date of estimated application approval, if
+ relevent.
+ nullable: true
+ support-service-type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - education
+ - employment
+ - child_care
+ - legal
+ - case_management
+ - clothing
+ - food
+ - mental_health
+ - family_team
+ - furniture
+ - healthcare
+ - safety_items
+ - support_groups
+ - mentoring
+ - visitation
+ - dpss_wic
+ - recreation
+ - rent
+ - transportation
+ -
+ description: Support service provided with Case Note.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ description: Primary attributes of the record requested.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Related objects. When performing a PUT request,
+ do not include keys for relationships you do not intend to
+ change. If you want to remove a relationship, include the
+ key and set the "data" attribute to null.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Request-specific modifiers that can control side
+ effects of the current operation.
+ required:
+ - attributes
+ description: Properties to update in the Case Note.
+ required:
+ - type
+ - data
+ description: Properties to update in an existing Case Note.
+ required: true
+ "/api/v1/children":
+ get:
+ summary: List of children
+ tags:
+ - Children
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, ""'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Sort the results by various fields. The prefix `-` sorts results
+ in descending order; no prefix sorts results in ascending order.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - "-created_at"
+ - created_at
+ - "-date_of_birth"
+ - date_of_birth
+ - "-first_name"
+ - first_name
+ - "-middle_name"
+ - middle_name
+ - "-last_name"
+ - last_name
+ - "-suffix"
+ - suffix
+ - "-updated_at"
+ - updated_at
+ - "-updated_by"
+ - updated_by
+ description: Avalable sorting values.
+ - name: full_name_contains
+ description: Search with an exact or partial name match
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Exact/partial name.
+ - name: client_id
+ description: Search by client_id
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier used in external system that can be used to match
+ a singular child in Binti with a child record in another system. Must
+ be unique for each child at an agency.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: external_group_id
+ description: Search by external_group_id
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier used in external system that can be used to match
+ a group of children in Binti with any record in another system. The same
+ external group ID can be used for multiple child records. There is no
+ uniqueness requirement for this field.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: external_identifier
+ in: query
+ description: Filter by their external identifier (same as client id)
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: External Child ID.
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/children
+ description: List of children
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Get a list of all children
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '16'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-03T07:00:00.000Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-03T07:00:00.000Z'
+ first-name: Jack
+ middle-name: Kohler
+ last-name: Mil
+ suffix: JD
+ date-of-birth: '2023-10-17'
+ gender: Male
+ ethnicities:
+ unknown:
+ black-or-african-american:
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander:
+ ethnicities-array:
+ - ethnicity: unknown
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: black-or-african-american
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander
+ details:
+ primary-language:
+ ssn:
+ gender-expression:
+ further-gender-information:
+ sexual-orientation:
+ client-id: '20'
+ external-group-id: '98765'
+ nickname:
+ visitation-description:
+ community-of-origin-zipcode:
+ school-id:
+ nps:
+ grade-level:
+ diagnoses:
+ medication:
+ strengths:
+ allergies:
+ therapist:
+ therapist-phone-number:
+ doctor:
+ doctor-phone-number:
+ dentist:
+ dentist-phone-number:
+ behavior-and-medical:
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ can-be-in-home-with-pets:
+ parental-rights-terminated:
+ parental-rights-status: not_terminated
+ date-parental-rights-terminated:
+ has-child:
+ other-youth-needs:
+ in-school:
+ sibling-ids: []
+ protected-tribe:
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ updated-by:
+ sex-assigned-at-birth: Female
+ links:
+ portal-self: http://www.example.com/admin/children/16
+ portal-relationships-dashboard: http://www.example.com/admin/children/16/relationships_dashboard
+ - id: '15'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:39.946Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:40.002Z'
+ first-name: Jill
+ middle-name: Funk
+ last-name: Hill
+ suffix: CPA
+ date-of-birth: '2021-07-23'
+ gender: Not listed above
+ ethnicities:
+ unknown:
+ black-or-african-american:
+ middle-eastern-or-north-african:
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander:
+ ethnicities-array:
+ - ethnicity: unknown
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: black-or-african-american
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: middle-eastern-or-north-african
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander
+ details:
+ primary-language:
+ ssn:
+ gender-expression:
+ further-gender-information:
+ sexual-orientation:
+ client-id:
+ external-group-id:
+ nickname:
+ visitation-description:
+ community-of-origin-zipcode:
+ school-id:
+ nps:
+ grade-level:
+ diagnoses:
+ medication:
+ strengths:
+ allergies:
+ therapist:
+ therapist-phone-number:
+ doctor:
+ doctor-phone-number:
+ dentist:
+ dentist-phone-number:
+ behavior-and-medical:
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ can-be-in-home-with-pets:
+ parental-rights-terminated:
+ parental-rights-status: not_terminated
+ date-parental-rights-terminated:
+ has-child:
+ other-youth-needs:
+ in-school:
+ sibling-ids: []
+ protected-tribe:
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ updated-by:
+ sex-assigned-at-birth: Intersex
+ links:
+ portal-self: http://www.example.com/admin/children/15
+ portal-relationships-dashboard: http://www.example.com/admin/children/15/relationships_dashboard
+ - id: '17'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-13T07:00:00.000Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-13T07:00:00.000Z'
+ first-name: Jack
+ middle-name: Marks
+ last-name: Jones
+ suffix: DC
+ date-of-birth: '2020-05-04'
+ gender: Have not asked child (other reason)
+ ethnicities:
+ white:
+ ethnicities-array:
+ - ethnicity: white
+ details:
+ primary-language:
+ ssn:
+ gender-expression:
+ further-gender-information:
+ sexual-orientation:
+ client-id:
+ external-group-id:
+ nickname:
+ visitation-description:
+ community-of-origin-zipcode:
+ school-id:
+ nps:
+ grade-level:
+ diagnoses:
+ medication:
+ strengths:
+ allergies:
+ therapist:
+ therapist-phone-number:
+ doctor:
+ doctor-phone-number:
+ dentist:
+ dentist-phone-number:
+ behavior-and-medical:
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ can-be-in-home-with-pets:
+ parental-rights-terminated:
+ parental-rights-status: not_terminated
+ date-parental-rights-terminated:
+ has-child:
+ other-youth-needs:
+ in-school:
+ sibling-ids: []
+ protected-tribe:
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ updated-by:
+ sex-assigned-at-birth: Female
+ links:
+ portal-self: http://www.example.com/admin/children/17
+ portal-relationships-dashboard: http://www.example.com/admin/children/17/relationships_dashboard
+ - id: '18'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-22T07:00:00.000Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-22T07:00:00.000Z'
+ first-name: Jack
+ middle-name: Jerry
+ last-name: Jones
+ suffix: Jr
+ date-of-birth: '2011-03-27'
+ gender: Non-binary
+ ethnicities:
+ prefer-not-to-answer:
+ ethnicities-array:
+ - ethnicity: prefer-not-to-answer
+ details:
+ primary-language:
+ ssn:
+ gender-expression:
+ further-gender-information:
+ sexual-orientation:
+ client-id:
+ external-group-id: '98765'
+ nickname:
+ visitation-description:
+ community-of-origin-zipcode:
+ school-id:
+ nps:
+ grade-level:
+ diagnoses:
+ medication:
+ strengths:
+ allergies:
+ therapist:
+ therapist-phone-number:
+ doctor:
+ doctor-phone-number:
+ dentist:
+ dentist-phone-number:
+ behavior-and-medical:
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ can-be-in-home-with-pets:
+ parental-rights-terminated:
+ parental-rights-status: not_terminated
+ date-parental-rights-terminated:
+ has-child:
+ other-youth-needs:
+ in-school:
+ sibling-ids: []
+ protected-tribe:
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ updated-by:
+ sex-assigned-at-birth: Male
+ links:
+ portal-self: http://www.example.com/admin/children/18
+ portal-relationships-dashboard: http://www.example.com/admin/children/18/relationships_dashboard
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/children?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/children?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/children?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 4
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/children"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ post:
+ summary: Create a child record
+ tags:
+ - Children
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: POST/api/v1/children
+ description: Create a child record
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: creating a child with parental_rights_terminated false
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '85'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:06.728Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:06.728Z'
+ first-name: Bobby
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: McGee
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth:
+ gender:
+ ethnicities:
+ asian:
+ other: Description for Other goes here
+ white:
+ asian.east-asian:
+ asian.south-asian:
+ asian.south-east-asian:
+ black-or-african-american:
+ middle-eastern-or-north-african:
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander:
+ american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations:
+ ethnicities-array: []
+ primary-language:
+ ssn:
+ gender-expression:
+ further-gender-information:
+ sexual-orientation:
+ client-id:
+ external-group-id:
+ nickname:
+ visitation-description:
+ community-of-origin-zipcode:
+ school-id:
+ nps:
+ grade-level:
+ diagnoses:
+ medication:
+ strengths:
+ allergies:
+ therapist:
+ therapist-phone-number:
+ doctor:
+ doctor-phone-number:
+ dentist:
+ dentist-phone-number:
+ behavior-and-medical: []
+ can-be-in-home-with-pets:
+ parental-rights-terminated: false
+ parental-rights-status: not_terminated
+ date-parental-rights-terminated:
+ has-child:
+ other-youth-needs:
+ in-school:
+ sibling-ids: []
+ protected-tribe:
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ updated-by:
+ sex-assigned-at-birth:
+ links:
+ portal-self: http://www.example.com/admin/children/85
+ portal-relationships-dashboard: http://www.example.com/admin/children/85/relationships_dashboard
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/children"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ '422':
+ description: Unacceptable Parameters
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ errors:
+ - source:
+ pointer: "/data/attributes/sad-muffin"
+ detail: Unacceptable parameters found
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ errors:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ title:
+ type: string
+ description: High level error type.
+ detail:
+ type: string
+ description: Human-readable string describing the error
+ status:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: HTTP status code.
+ id:
+ type: string
+ description: Request-specific ID that can be shared with
+ Binti for debugging.
+ source:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ pointer:
+ type: string
+ description: A locator string like /data/attributes/ethnicity;
+ when available it can show you the key in your request
+ that was rejected.
+ description: Information to help you find the source of
+ the error
+ description: A single error entry.
+ description: A list of errors we encountered while processing
+ your request.
+ required:
+ - errors
+ description: Errors object.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ child:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ first_name:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's first name.
+ middle_name:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's middle name.
+ nullable: true
+ last_name:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's last name.
+ suffix:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's suffix.
+ nullable: true
+ ethnicities:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations.'
+ nullable: true
+ american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations.american_indian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations.american_indian.'
+ nullable: true
+ american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations.alaska_native:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations.alaska_native.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_asian.asian_indian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_asian.asian_indian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_asian.bangladeshi:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_asian.bangladeshi.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_asian.pakistani:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_asian.pakistani.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_asian.other_south_asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_asian.other_south_asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.east_asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.east_asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.east_asian.chinese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.east_asian.chinese.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.east_asian.japanese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.east_asian.japanese.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.east_asian.korean:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.east_asian.korean.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.east_asian.other_east_asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.east_asian.other_east_asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_east_asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_east_asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_east_asian.cambodian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_east_asian.cambodian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_east_asian.filipino:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_east_asian.filipino.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_east_asian.hmong:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_east_asian.hmong.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_east_asian.indonesian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_east_asian.indonesian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_east_asian.laotian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_east_asian.laotian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_east_asian.thai:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_east_asian.thai.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_east_asian.vietnamese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_east_asian.vietnamese.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_east_asian.other_south_east_asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_east_asian.other_south_east_asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.other_asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.other_asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ black_or_african_american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black_or_african_american.'
+ nullable: true
+ black_or_african_american.ethiopian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black_or_african_american.ethiopian.'
+ nullable: true
+ black_or_african_american.caribbean:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black_or_african_american.caribbean.'
+ nullable: true
+ black_or_african_american.haitian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black_or_african_american.haitian.'
+ nullable: true
+ black_or_african_american.jamaican:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black_or_african_american.jamaican.'
+ nullable: true
+ black_or_african_american.nigerian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black_or_african_american.nigerian.'
+ nullable: true
+ black_or_african_american.somalian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black_or_african_american.somalian.'
+ nullable: true
+ black_or_african_american.other_black_or_african_american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black_or_african_american.other_black_or_african_american.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.central_american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.cuban:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.cuban.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.dominican:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.dominican.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.ecuadorian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.ecuadorian.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.mexican:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.mexican.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.puerto_rican:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.puerto_rican.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.salvadoran:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.salvadoran.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.other_central_american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.other_central_american.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.south_american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.brazilian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.brazilian.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.colombian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.colombian.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.guatemalan:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.guatemalan.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.peruvian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.peruvian.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.other_south_american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.other_south_american.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.other_hispanic_or_latinx:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.other_hispanic_or_latinx.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle_eastern_or_north_african:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle_eastern_or_north_african.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.armenian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.armenian.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.lebanese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.lebanese.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.other_middle_eastern:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.other_middle_eastern.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african.egyptian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african.egyptian.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african.other_northern_african:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african.other_northern_african.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle_eastern_or_north_african.other_middle_eastern_or_northern_african:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle_eastern_or_north_african.other_middle_eastern_or_northern_african.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.guamanian_chamorro:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.guamanian_chamorro.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.chuukese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.chuukese.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.fijian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.fijian.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.native_hawaiian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.native_hawaiian.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.kosraean:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.kosraean.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.marshallese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.marshallese.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.mixed:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.mixed.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.palauan:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.palauan.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.pohnpeian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.pohnpeian.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.polynesian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.polynesian.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.samoan:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.samoan.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.tongan:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.tongan.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.yapese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.yapese.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.other_pacific_islander:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.other_pacific_islander.'
+ nullable: true
+ white:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.central_american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.central_american.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.english:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.english.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.italian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.italian.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.german:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.german.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.irish:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.irish.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.scottish:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.scottish.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.romanian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.romanian.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.other_european:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.other_european.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.middle_eastern:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.middle_eastern.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.russian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.russian.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.other_white_or_caucasian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.other_white_or_caucasian.'
+ nullable: true
+ other:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: other.'
+ nullable: true
+ prefer_not_to_answer:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: prefer_not_to_answer.'
+ nullable: true
+ unknown:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: unknown.'
+ nullable: true
+ description: Child's race/ethnicity. Multiple options can be
+ selected.
+ nullable: true
+ ethnicities_array:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ ethnicity:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations
+ - american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations.american_indian
+ - american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations.alaska_native
+ - asian
+ - asian.south_asian
+ - asian.south_asian.asian_indian
+ - asian.south_asian.bangladeshi
+ - asian.south_asian.pakistani
+ - asian.south_asian.other_south_asian
+ - asian.east_asian
+ - asian.east_asian.chinese
+ - asian.east_asian.japanese
+ - asian.east_asian.korean
+ - asian.east_asian.other_east_asian
+ - asian.south_east_asian
+ - asian.south_east_asian.cambodian
+ - asian.south_east_asian.filipino
+ - asian.south_east_asian.hmong
+ - asian.south_east_asian.indonesian
+ - asian.south_east_asian.laotian
+ - asian.south_east_asian.thai
+ - asian.south_east_asian.vietnamese
+ - asian.south_east_asian.other_south_east_asian
+ - asian.other_asian
+ - black_or_african_american
+ - black_or_african_american.ethiopian
+ - black_or_african_american.caribbean
+ - black_or_african_american.haitian
+ - black_or_african_american.jamaican
+ - black_or_african_american.nigerian
+ - black_or_african_american.somalian
+ - black_or_african_american.other_black_or_african_american
+ - hispanic_or_latinx
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.cuban
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.dominican
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.ecuadorian
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.mexican
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.puerto_rican
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.salvadoran
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.other_central_american
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.south_american
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.brazilian
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.colombian
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.guatemalan
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.peruvian
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.other_south_american
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.other_hispanic_or_latinx
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.armenian
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.lebanese
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.other_middle_eastern
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african.egyptian
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african.other_northern_african
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.other_middle_eastern_or_northern_african
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.guamanian_chamorro
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.chuukese
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.fijian
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.native_hawaiian
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.kosraean
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.marshallese
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.mixed
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.palauan
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.pohnpeian
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.polynesian
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.samoan
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.tongan
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.yapese
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.other_pacific_islander
+ - white
+ - white.central_american
+ - white.european
+ - white.european.english
+ - white.european.italian
+ - white.european.german
+ - white.european.irish
+ - white.european.scottish
+ - white.european.romanian
+ - white.european.other_european
+ - white.middle_eastern
+ - white.russian
+ - white.other_white_or_caucasian
+ - other
+ - prefer_not_to_answer
+ - unknown
+ description: Available ethnicity options.
+ details:
+ type: string
+ description: Ethnicity details.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - ethnicity
+ - details
+ description: A single ethnicity option.
+ description: An array of Child ethnicities objects that can
+ be used instead of the ETHNICITIES attribute.
+ client_id:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier used in external system that can be
+ used to match a singular child in Binti with a child record
+ in another system. Must be unique for each child at an agency.
+ nullable: true
+ external_group_id:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier used in external system that can be
+ used to match a group of children in Binti with any record
+ in another system. The same external group ID can be used
+ for multiple child records. There is no uniqueness requirement
+ for this field.
+ nullable: true
+ date_of_birth:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Child's date of birth.
+ nullable: true
+ gender:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - Female
+ - Male
+ - Transgender
+ - Non-binary
+ - Not listed above
+ - Have not asked child (child too young)
+ - Have not asked child (other reason)
+ - Prefer not to answer
+ -
+ description: One of the data options, or empty, to describe
+ the Child's gender.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ gender_expression:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - androgynous_gender_non_conforming
+ - both_masculine_and_feminine
+ - feminine
+ - masculine
+ - have_not_asked_child_too_young
+ - have_not_asked_child_other_reason
+ - prefers_not_to_answer
+ -
+ description: One of the data options, or empty, to describe
+ the Child's gender expression.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ further_gender_information:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input to further describe the Child's
+ gender.
+ nullable: true
+ sexual_orientation:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - asexual
+ - bisexual
+ - gay
+ - lesbian
+ - pansexual
+ - queer
+ - straight_or_heterosexual
+ - not_listed_above
+ - child_does_not_know
+ - have_not_asked_child_too_young
+ - have_not_asked_child_other
+ - prefer_not_to_answer
+ -
+ description: One of the data options, or empty, to describe
+ the Child's sexual orientation.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ primary_language:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's primary language.
+ nullable: true
+ ssn:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's Social Security number.
+ nullable: true
+ nickname:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's nickname.
+ nullable: true
+ visitation_description:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input to describe the Child's visitation
+ schedule.
+ nullable: true
+ community_of_origin_zipcode:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the zip code of the Child's
+ community of origin - used in determining matches.
+ nullable: true
+ nps:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'A boolean for if the Child can be in a non-public
+ school (True: the Child can be in a non-public school.)'
+ nullable: true
+ grade_level:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's grade level (Kindergarten-Twelfth or Postsecondary
+ Education).
+ nullable: true
+ diagnoses:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's medical diagnoses.
+ nullable: true
+ medication:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's current medications.
+ nullable: true
+ strengths:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's strengths.
+ nullable: true
+ allergies:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's allergies.
+ nullable: true
+ therapist:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's therapist.
+ nullable: true
+ therapist_phone_number:
+ type: string
+ description: The Child's therapist's phone number.
+ nullable: true
+ doctor:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's doctor.
+ nullable: true
+ doctor_phone_number:
+ type: string
+ description: The Child's doctor's phone number.
+ nullable: true
+ dentist:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's dentist.
+ nullable: true
+ dentist_phone_number:
+ type: string
+ description: The Child's dentist's phone number.
+ nullable: true
+ behavior_and_medical:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - Academic Delays
+ - Alcohol/drug use
+ - Asthma
+ - Autism spectrum disorder
+ - Bedwetting or wets/soils themself
+ - Bipolar disorder
+ - Conduct disorder
+ - Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
+ - Depression
+ - Experienced neglect
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ - Experienced sexual abuse
+ - Family visitation or contact
+ - Hearing impaired
+ - History of perpetrating assault or physical aggression
+ - History of cruelty to animals
+ - History of developmentally inappropriate sexual behavior
+ - History of manipulation or excessive lying
+ - History of mental illness
+ - History of perpetrating sexual assault
+ - History of running away
+ - History of behavior problems in school
+ - History of setting fires
+ - History of stealing
+ - Hygiene assistance needed
+ - Intellectually challenged
+ - Juvenile/probation youth
+ - Learning disability
+ - Medically fragile
+ - Non-ambulatory
+ - Not potty trained
+ - Oppositional defiant disorder
+ - Physically disabled
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Requires transportation to activities or appointments
+ - Schizophrenia
+ - Self harm
+ - Sleep disorder
+ - Speech delays
+ - Suicidal ideation
+ - Vision impaired
+ description: Available behavioral and medical conditions.
+ description: Array showing a specific list of Child behaviors
+ and medical information.
+ nullable: true
+ can_be_in_home_with_pets:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'A boolean for if the Child can be in a home with
+ pets. (true: the Child can be in a home with pets.)'
+ nullable: true
+ parental_rights_terminated:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'A boolean for if the Child''s family of origin
+ has lost their parental rights. (true: the Child''s family
+ of origin has lost their parental rights.) We have a new field,
+ `parental-rights-status`, that this field now maps to - `true`
+ values will map to `terminated_finalized`, and `false` values
+ will map to `not_terminated`.'
+ nullable: true
+ parental_rights_status:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - not_terminated
+ - terminated_can_appeal
+ - terminated_finalized
+ description: One of the data options, to describe if the Child's
+ family of origin has lost their parental rights. Defaults
+ to not_terminated.
+ date_parental_rights_terminated:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date that the Child's family of origin lost their
+ parental rights.
+ nullable: true
+ has_child:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'A boolean for if the youth has a child of their
+ own. (true: the youth has a child.)'
+ nullable: true
+ other_youth_needs:
+ type: string
+ description: A space for cultural and comfort needs; and potential
+ triggers for the Child. e.g. bedtime routines, favorite foods,
+ security items, special songs/tv shows/poems, etc.
+ nullable: true
+ in_school:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'A boolean for if the Child is currently enrolled
+ in school. (true: the Child is enrolled in school.)'
+ nullable: true
+ school_id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti's unique ID for the Child's school. Search
+ for a school's ID using /api/v1/schools
+ nullable: true
+ sibling_ids:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: A single sibling Child ID.
+ description: An array of Binti Child IDs for any sibling the
+ Child has who are also in foster care.
+ nullable: true
+ protected_tribe:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'A boolean for if the Child is a member of a protected
+ Native American tribe. (true: the Child is in a protected
+ tribe.)'
+ nullable: true
+ protected_tribe_names:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - Absentee-Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma Indians
+ - Afognak, Native Village of
+ - Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove
+ - Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of the Agua Caliente
+ Indian Reservation
+ - Ak-Chin Indian Community
+ - Akhiok, Native Village of
+ - Akiachak Native Community
+ - Akiak Native Community
+ - Akutan, Native Village of
+ - Alabama Quassarte Tribal Town
+ - Alakanuk, Village of
+ - Alatna Village
+ - Aleknagik, Native Village of
+ - Algaaciq Native Village (St. Mary's)
+ - Allakaket Village
+ - Alturas Indian Rancheria
+ - Alutiiq Tribe of Old Harbor Village (previously listed as
+ Native Village of Old Harbor and Village of Old Harbor)
+ - Ambler, Native Village of
+ - Anaktuvuk Pass, Village of
+ - Andreafski (aka Yupiit of Andreafski)
+ - Angoon Community Association
+ - Aniak, Village of
+ - Anvik Village
+ - Apache Tribe of Oklahoma (Kiowa)
+ - Arctic Village
+ - Aroostook Band of Micmac Indians
+ - Asa'carsarmiut Tribe (formerly Native Village of Mountain
+ Village)
+ - Atka, Native Village of
+ - Atmautluak, Village of
+ - Atqasuk Village
+ - Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians
+ - Bad River Band of the Lake Superior
+ - Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Native Village of
+ - Battle Mountain Band Council
+ - Bay Mills Indian Community
+ - Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Rancheria
+ - Beaver Village
+ - Belkofski, Native Village of
+ - Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians
+ - Bethel (aka Orutsararmuit Native Council)
+ - Bettles Field (aka Evansville Village)
+ - Big Lagoon Rancheria
+ - Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley
+ - Big Sandy Rancheria of Western Mono Indians of California
+ - Big Valley of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria
+ - Bill Moore's Slough, Village of
+ - Birch Creek Tribe
+ - Bishop Paiute Tribe
+ - Blackfeet Tribe of Montana
+ - Bois Forte Reservation Business Committee
+ - Brevig Mission, Native Village of
+ - Bridgeport Indian Colony
+ - Buckland, Native Village of
+ - Buena Vista Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians
+ - Burns Paiute Tribe
+ - Cabazon Band of Mission Indians
+ - Cachil DeHe Band of Wintun Indians of the Colusa Indian
+ Community of the Colusa Rancheria
+ - Caddo Nation of Oklahoma (Wichita & Affiliated Tribes)
+ - Cahto Tribe of the Laytonville Rancheria
+ - Cahuilla Band of Mission Indians
+ - California Valley Miwok Tribe
+ - Campo Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Campo Indian
+ Reservation
+ - Cantwell, Native Village of (Copper River Native Association)
+ - Capitan Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of California
+ (Barona Group of Capitan Grande Band of Mission Indians
+ of the Barona Reservation)
+ - 'Capitan Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of California:
+ Viejas'
+ - Catawba Indian Nation of South Carolina
+ - Cayuga Nation of New York
+ - Cedarville Rancheria
+ - Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes
+ - Chalkyitsik Village
+ - Cheesh-Na Tribe
+ - Chefornak, Village of
+ - Chemehuevi Indian Tribe
+ - Chenega, Native Village of
+ - Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria
+ - Cherokee Nation
+ - Chevak Native Village
+ - Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma
+ - Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
+ - Chickahominy Indian Tribe
+ - Chickahominy Indians-Eastern Division
+ - Chickaloon Native Village
+ - Chicken Ranch Rancheria of Me-wuk Indians of California
+ - Chignik Bay Tribal Council
+ - Chignik Lagoon, Native Village of
+ - Chignik Lake Village
+ - Chilkat Indian Village (Klukwan)
+ - Chilkoot Indian Association (Haines)
+ - Chinik Eskimo Community (aka Golovin)
+ - Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy's Reservation of Montana
+ - Chistochina (aka Cheesh-na Tribe).
+ - Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana
+ - Chitina, Native Village of
+ - Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
+ - Chuathbaluk Native Village of (Russian Mission, Kuskokwin)
+ - Chuathbaluk, Native Village of
+ - Chuloonawick Native Village
+ - Circle Native Community
+ - Citizen Potawatomi Nation
+ - Clarks Point, Village of
+ - Cloverdale Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
+ - Cocopah Indian Tribe
+ - Coeur d'Alene Tribe
+ - Cold Springs Rancheria of Mono Indians of California
+ - Colorado River Indian Tribes
+ - Comanche Nation-Oklahoma
+ - Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes
+ - Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation
+ - Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua & Siuslaw Indians
+ - Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians
+ - Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation
+ - Confederated Tribes of the Colville
+ - Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation
+ - Confederated Tribes of the Grande Ronde Community of Oregon
+ - Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
+ - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation
+ - Copper Center (aka Native Village of Kluti-Kaah).
+ - Coquille Indian Tribe
+ - Cordova (aka Eyak)
+ - Council, Native Village of
+ - Coushatta Indian Tribe
+ - Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians
+ - Cowlitz Indian Tribe
+ - Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians
+ - Craig Tribal Association
+ - Crooked Creek, Village of
+ - Crow Agency
+ - Crow Creek River Sioux Tribe
+ - Curyung Tribal Council (formerly the Native Village of Dillingham)
+ - Death Valley Timbi-sha Shoshone Tribe
+ - Deering, Native Village of
+ - Delaware Nation
+ - Delaware Tribe of Indians
+ - Dillingham (aka Curyung Tribal Council).
+ - Diomede (aka Inalik), Native Village of
+ - Dot Lake, Village of
+ - Douglas Indian Association
+ - Dry Creek Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians
+ - Duckwater Shoshone Tribe
+ - Eagle, Native Village of
+ - Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
+ - Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Eastern Shoshone Tribe of the Wind River Reservation
+ - Edzeno (aka Nikolai Village).
+ - Eek, Native Village of
+ - Egegik Village
+ - Eklutna Native Village
+ - Ekuk, Native Village of
+ - Ekwok, Native Village of (previously listed as Ekowok Village)
+ - Elem Indian Colony
+ - Elim, Native Village of
+ - Elk Valley Rancheria
+ - Elko Band Council of Te-Moak Tribe
+ - Ely Shoshone Tribe
+ - Emmonak Village
+ - English Bay (aka Native Village of Nanwalek).
+ - Enterprise Rancheria of Maidu Indians
+ - Evansville Village (aka Bettles Field)
+ - Ewiiaapaayp (Cuyapaipe) Band of Kumeyaay Indians
+ - Eyak, Native Village of (Cordova)
+ - Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe
+ - False Pass, Native Village of
+ - Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria
+ - Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe
+ - Fond du Lac Reservation Business Committee
+ - Forest County Potawatomi
+ - Fort Belknap Indian Community
+ - Fort Bidwell Indian Community of the Fort Bidwell Reservation
+ - Fort Independence Indian Community of Paiute Indians of
+ the Fort Independence Reservation
+ - Fort McDermitt Paiute-Shoshone Tribe
+ - Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation
+ - Fort Mojave Indian Tribe
+ - Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes
+ - Fort Sill Apache Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Fort Yukon, Native Village (See Gwichyaa Zhee Gwich'in)
+ - Fortuna Ledge (aka Native Village of Marshall)
+ - Gakona, Native Village of
+ - Galena Village (aka Louden Village)
+ - Gambell, Native Village of
+ - Georgetown, Native Village of
+ - Gila River Indian Community
+ - Golovin (aka Chinik Eskimo Community).
+ - Goodnews Bay, Native Village of
+ - Grand Portage Reservation Business Center
+ - Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians
+ - Grayling (aka Organized Village of Grayling)
+ - Greenville Rancheria
+ - Grindstone Indian Rancheria
+ - Guidiville Rancheria
+ - Gulkana Village Council (previously listed as Gulkana Village)
+ - Gwichyaa Zhee Gwich'in (formerly Native Village of Fort
+ Yukon)
+ - Gwichyaa Zhee Gwich'in (aka as Native Village of Fort Yukon)
+ - Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake Rancheria
+ - Haines (aka Chilkoot Indian Association).
+ - Hamilton, Native Village of
+ - Hannahville Indian Community
+ - Havasupai Tribe
+ - Healy Lake Village
+ - Ho-Chunk Nation
+ - Hoh Indian Tribe
+ - Holikachuk (aka Grayling)
+ - Holy Cross Tribe
+ - Hoonah Indian Association
+ - Hoopa Valley Tribe
+ - Hooper Bay, Native Village of
+ - Hopi Tribe
+ - Hopland Band of Pomo Indians
+ - Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians
+ - Hualapai Tribe
+ - Hughes Village
+ - Huslia Village
+ - Hydaburg Cooperative Association
+ - Igiugig Village
+ - Iipay Nation of Santa Ysabel
+ - Iliamna, Village of
+ - Inaja Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Inaja and
+ Cosmit Reservation
+ - Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope
+ - Ione Band of Miwok Indians of California
+ - Iowa Tribe of Kansas
+ - Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Iqurmuit Traditional Council (aka Russian Mission)
+ - 'Ivanoff Bay Tribe '
+ - Jackson Band of Miwuk Indians
+ - Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe
+ - Jamul Indian Village of California
+ - Jena Band of Choctaw Indians
+ - Jicarilla Apache Nation
+ - Kaguyak Village
+ - Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians
+ - Kake (aka Organized Village of Kake)
+ - Kaktovik, Village of (aka Barter Island)
+ - Kalispel Tribe of Indians
+ - Kalskag, Village of (aka Upper Kalskag)
+ - Kaltag, Village of
+ - Kanatak, Native Village
+ - Karluk, Native Village of
+ - Karuk Tribe
+ - Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria
+ - Kashnumiut Tribe (aka Chevak)
+ - Kasigluk Traditional Elders Council
+ - Kassan (aka Organized Village of Kasaan)
+ - Kaw Nation
+ - Kenaitze Indian Tribe (aka Chevak Native Village)
+ - Ketchikan Indian Corporation
+ - Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
+ - Kialegee Tribal Town
+ - Kiana, Native Village of
+ - Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas
+ - Kickapoo Tribe of Indians of The Kickapoo Reservation in
+ Kansas
+ - Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - King Cove (aka Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove)
+ - King Island Native Community
+ - King Salmon Tribe
+ - Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Kipnuk, Native Village of
+ - Kivalina, Native Village of
+ - Klamath Tribes
+ - Klawock Cooperative Association
+ - Kletsel Dehe Band of Wintun Indians
+ - Kletsel Dehe Band of Wintun Indians (Cortina Indian Rancheria)
+ - Klukwan (aka Chilkat Indian Village).
+ - Kluti-Kaah, Native Village of (aka Copper Center)
+ - Knik Tribe
+ - Kobuk, Native Village of
+ - Kodiak, Native Village of (aka Sun'aq Tribe of Kodiak).
+ - Koi Nation of Northern California (Previously Lower Lake
+ Rancheria)
+ - Kokhanok Village
+ - Koliganek Village (aka New Kolignanek Village Council)
+ - Kongiganak, Native Village of
+ - Kootenai Tribe of Idaho
+ - Kotlik, Village of
+ - Kotzebue, Native Village of
+ - Koyuk, Native Village of
+ - Koyukuk Native Village
+ - Kwethluk (aka Organized Village of Kwethluk)
+ - Kwigillingok, Native Village of
+ - Kwinhagak, Native Village of (aka Quinhagak)
+ - La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians
+ - La Posta Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the La Posta
+ Indian Reservation
+ - Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indian
+ of Wisconsin
+ - Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians
+ - Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
+ - Larsen Bay, Native Village of
+ - Las Vegas Paiute Tribe
+ - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
+ - Lesnoi Village (aka Tangirnaq aka Woody Island)
+ - Levelock Village
+ - Lime Village
+ - Little River Band of Ottawa Indians
+ - Little Traverse Bay Band of Odawa Indians
+ - Lone Pine Paiute Shoshone Tribe
+ - Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla & Cupeno Indians
+ - Louden (aka Galena)
+ - Lovelock Paiute Tribe
+ - Lower Brule Sioux Tribe
+ - Lower Elwha Tribal Community Council
+ - Lower Kalskag (aka Lower Kalskag)
+ - Lower Kalskag, Village of
+ - Lower Sioux Indian Community of Minnesota
+ - Lummi Nation
+ - Lytton Rancheria
+ - Makah Indian Tribal Council
+ - Manley Hot Springs Village
+ - Manokotak Village
+ - Manzanita Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Manzanita
+ Reservation
+ - Marshall, Native Village of
+ - Mary's Igloo, Native Village of
+ - Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation
+ - Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
+ - Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Potawatomi Indians of Michigan
+ (Gun Lake Tribe)
+ - McGrath Native Village
+ - Mechoopda Indian Tribe of the Chico Rancheria
+ - Mekoryuk, Native Village of
+ - Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin
+ - Mentasta Traditional Council
+ - Mesa Grande Band of Mission Indians of the Mesa Grande Reservation
+ - Mescalero Apache Tribe
+ - Metlakatla
+ - Metlakatla Indian Community
+ - Mi'kmaq Nation
+ - Miami Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida
+ - Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
+ - Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe
+ - Minnesota Chippewa Tribe of Minnesota (Bois Forte Band,
+ Fond Du Lac band; Grand Portage Band; Leech Lake Band; Mille
+ Lacs Band; White Earth Band)
+ - Minto, Native Village of
+ - Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians
+ - Moapa Band of Paiutes
+ - Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Mohegan Indian Tribe
+ - Monacan Indian Nation
+ - Mooretown Rancheria of Maidu Indians of California
+ - Morongo Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians
+ - Mountain Village aka Asa'carsarmiut
+ - Mowachactaw of Southern Alabama
+ - Muckleshoot
+ - Naknek Native Village
+ - Nansemond Indian Tribe
+ - Nanwalek, Native Village of
+ - Napaimute, Native Village of
+ - Napakiak, Native Village of
+ - Napaskiak, Native Village of
+ - Narragansett Indian Tribe
+ - Native Village Port Lions
+ - Navajo Nation Tribe
+ - Nelson Lagoon, Native Village of
+ - Nenana Native Association
+ - New Koliganek Village Council
+ - New Stuyahok Village
+ - Newhalen Village
+ - Newtok Village
+ - Nez Perce Tribe
+ - Nightmute, Native Village of
+ - Nikolai Village (aka Edzeno)
+ - Nikolski, Native Village of
+ - Ninilchik Village
+ - Nisqually Indian Community
+ - Noatak, Native Village of
+ - Nome Eskimo Community
+ - Nondalton Village
+ - Nooksack Indian Tribe of Washington
+ - Noorvik Native Community
+ - Northern Arapaho Tribe of the Wind River Reservation
+ - Northern Cheyenne Tribe
+ - Northfork Rancheria of Mono Indians of California
+ - Northway Village
+ - Northwestern Band of Shoshone Nation
+ - Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi
+ - Nuiqsut, Native Village of
+ - Nulato Village
+ - Nunakauyarmiut Tribe (formerly Toksook Bay Native Village)
+ - 'Nunam Iqua, Native Village of '
+ - Nunapitchuk, Native Village of
+ - Oglala Sioux Tribe
+ - Ohkay Owingeh
+ - Ohogamiut, Native Village of
+ - Omaha Tribe of Nebraska
+ - Oneida Indian Nation
+ - Oneida Nation
+ - Onondaga Nation
+ - Organized Village of Grayling (aka Holikachuk)
+ - Organized Village of Kake
+ - Organized Village of Kasaan
+ - Organized Village of Kwethluk
+ - Organized Village of Saxman
+ - 'Orutsararmiut Traditional Native Council ak Bethel '
+ - Osage Tribe
+ - Oscarville Traditional Village
+ - Otoe-Missouria Indian Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Ouzinkie, Native Village of
+ - Paimiut, Native Village of
+ - Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah
+ - Pala Band of Mission Indians
+ - Pamunkey Indian Tribe
+ - Pascua Yaqui Tribe
+ - Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians
+ - Passamaquoddy Tribe of Maine—Indian Township
+ - Passamaquoddy Tribe—Pleasant Point
+ - Pauloff Harbor Village
+ - Pauma Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pauma & Yuima
+ Reservation
+ - Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma
+ - Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pechanga
+ Reservation
+ - Pedro Bay Village
+ - Penobscot Nation
+ - Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma
+ - Perryville, Native Village of
+ - Petersburg Indian Association
+ - Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians of California
+ - Pilot Point, Native Village of
+ - Pilot Station Traditional Village
+ - Pinoleville Pomo Nation
+ - Pit River Tribe
+ - Pitka's Point, Native Village of
+ - Platinum Traditional Village
+ - Poarch Band of Creek Indians
+ - Point Hope, Native Village of
+ - Point Lay, Native Village of
+ - Pokagon Band of Potawatomi
+ - Ponca Tribe of Nebraska
+ - Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Port Gamble Indian Community
+ - Port Graham, Native Village of
+ - Port Heiden, Native Village of
+ - Portage Creek Village (aka Ohgensakale)
+ - Potter Valley Tribe
+ - Prairie Band of Potawatomi Nation
+ - Prairie Island Indian Community Mdewakanton Dakota Sioux
+ of Minnesota
+ - Pribilof Islands Aleut Community of Saint Paul & Saint George
+ Islands
+ - Pueblo of Acoma
+ - Pueblo of Cochiti
+ - Pueblo of Isleta
+ - Pueblo of Jemez
+ - Pueblo of Laguna
+ - Pueblo of Nambe
+ - Pueblo of Picuris
+ - Pueblo of Pojoaque
+ - Pueblo of San Felipe
+ - Pueblo of San Ildelfonso
+ - Pueblo of Sandia
+ - Pueblo of Santa Ana
+ - Pueblo of Santa Clara
+ - Pueblo of Santo Domingo-Kewa
+ - Pueblo of Taos
+ - Pueblo of Tesuque
+ - Pueblo of Zia
+ - Pueblo of Zuni
+ - Puyallup Tribe
+ - Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
+ - Qagan Tayaguyngin Tribe of Sand Point Village
+ - Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska
+ - Qissunaimut Tribe (aka Chevak Native Village)
+ - Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Quartz Valley Indian Community of the Quartz Valley Reservation
+ - Quechan Indian Tribe
+ - Quileute Tribal Council
+ - Quinault Indian Nation
+ - Quinhagak (aka Kwinhagak).
+ - Ramona Band of Cahuilla
+ - Rampart Village
+ - Rappahannock Tribe, Inc
+ - Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin
+ - Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians
+ - Redding Rancheria
+ - Redwood Valley or Little River Band of Pomo Indians of the
+ Redwood Valley Rancheria
+ - Reno-Sparks Indian Colony
+ - Resighini Rancheria
+ - Rincon Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Rincon Reservation
+ - Robinson Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians
+ - Rosebud Sioux Tribe
+ - Round Valley Indian Tribes, Round Valley Reservation
+ - Ruby, Native Village of
+ - Russian Mission (aka Iqurmuit Native Village)
+ - Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa
+ - Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa—Meskwaki
+ - Sac and Fox Nation in Kansas and Nebraska
+ - Sac and Fox Nation, Oklahoma
+ - Saginaw Chippewa Tribe of Michigan
+ - Saint George, Native Village of
+ - Saint Michael, Native Village of
+ - Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
+ - Salamatoff Tribe (previously listed as the Village of Salamatoff)
+ - Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community
+ - Samish Indian Nation
+ - San Carlos Apache Tribe
+ - San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe
+ - San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
+ - San Pasqual Band of Diegueno Mission Indians
+ - Sand Point (aka Qagan Tayaguyngin Tribe of Sand Point Village)
+ - Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians
+ - Santa Rosa Indian Community of the Santa Rosa Rancheria
+ - Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians of the Santa
+ Ynez Reservation
+ - Santa Ynez Band of Mission Indians
+ - Santa Ysabel Band of Mission Indians-Iipay Nation
+ - Santee Sioux Nation
+ - Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe of Washington
+ - Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Michigan
+ - Savoonga, Native Village of
+ - Saxman (aka Organized Village of Saxman)
+ - Scammon Bay, Native Village of
+ - Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians
+ - Selawik, Native Village of
+ - Seldovia Village Tribe
+ - Seminole Nation of Oklahoma
+ - Seminole Tribe of Florida
+ - Seneca Nation of Indians
+ - Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Shageluk Native Village
+ - Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
+ - Shaktoolik, Native Village of
+ - Sheldon's Point (aka Nunam Iqua)
+ - Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
+ - Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians (Shingle Springs Rancheria)
+ - Shinnecock Indian Nation of New York
+ - Shishmaref, Native Village of
+ - Shoalwater Bay Tribal Council
+ - Shoshone Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation
+ - Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservation
+ - Shungnak, Native Village of
+ - Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe
+ - Sitka Tribe of Alaska
+ - Skagway Village
+ - Skokomish Tribe
+ - Skull Valley Band of Goshute Indians
+ - Sleetmute, Village of
+ - Snoqualmie Tribe
+ - Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians
+ - Sokaogon Chippewa Community of Wisconsin
+ - Solomon, Village of
+ - South Fork Band, Te-Moak of Western Shoshone
+ - South Naknek Village
+ - Southern Ute Indian Tribe
+ - Spirit Lake Sioux Tribe
+ - Spokane Tribe of Indians
+ - Squaxin Island
+ - St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin
+ - St. George, Native Village of.
+ - 'St. Mary''s Igloo: aka Native Village of Teller.'
+ - 'St. Mary''s: aka Algaaciq.'
+ - St. Michael, Native Village of
+ - Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
+ - Stebbins Community Association
+ - Stevens, Native Village of
+ - Stillaguamish Tribe of Washington
+ - Stockbridge-Munsee Community of Wisconsin
+ - Summit Lake Paiute Tribe
+ - Sun'aq Tribe of Kodiak
+ - Suquamish Tribe of the Port Madison Reservation
+ - Susanville Indian Rancheria
+ - Swinomish Indians Tribal Community
+ - Sycuan Band of Mission Indians
+ - Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation
+ - Table Mountain Rancheria
+ - Takotna Village
+ - Tanacross, Native Village of
+ - Tanana, Native Village of
+ - Tangirnaq (Lesnoi Village aka Woody Island)
+ - Tatitlek, Native Village of
+ - Tazlina, Native Village of
+ - Tejon Indian Tribe
+ - Telida Village
+ - Teller, Native Village of
+ - Tetlin, Native Village of
+ - The Chickasaw Nation
+ - The Muscogee (Creek) Nation
+ - Thlopthlocco Tribal Town
+ - Three Affiliated Tribes (Mandan, Arikara & Hidatsa)
+ - Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (aka Central Council
+ Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes).
+ - Togiak, Traditional Village of
+ - Tohono O'odham Nation
+ - Toksook Bay (aka Nunakauyarmiut Tribe).
+ - Tolowa Dee-ni' Nation
+ - Tonawanda Band of Seneca
+ - Tonkawa Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Tonto Apache Tribe of Arizona
+ - Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians
+ - Tulalip Tribe
+ - Tule River Indian Tribe of the Tule River Reservation
+ - Tuluksak Native Community
+ - Tunica-Biloxi Indian Tribe of Louisiana
+ - Tuntutuliak, Native Village of
+ - Tununak, Native Village of
+ - Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians of the Tuolumne Rancheria
+ of California
+ - Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians
+ - Tuscarora Nation of New York
+ - Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians
+ - Twin Hills Village Council
+ - Tyonek, Native Village of
+ - Ugashik Village
+ - Umkumiut Native Village
+ - Unalakleet, Native Village of
+ - Unalaska (aka Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska).
+ - Unga, Native Village of
+ - United Auburn Indian Community of the Auburn Rancheria of
+ California
+ - United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma
+ - Upper Kalskag Native Village (aka Kalskag).
+ - Upper Mattaponi Tribe
+ - Upper Sioux Community of Minnesota
+ - Upper Skagit Indian Tribe of Washington
+ - Ute Indian Tribe
+ - Ute Mountain Ute Tribe (Colorado & Utah)
+ - Utu Utu Gwaitu Paiute Tribe of the Benton Reservation
+ - Village of Red Devil
+ - Village of Stony River
+ - Village of Venetie
+ - Village of Wainwright
+ - Wales, Native Village of
+ - Walker River Paiute Tribe
+ - Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah)
+ - Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California
+ - Wells Band Council, Te-Moak of Western Shoshone
+ - White Earth Reservation Business Committee
+ - White Mountain Apache Tribe
+ - White Mountain, Native Village of
+ - Wichita and Affiliated Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Wilton Rancheria
+ - Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska
+ - Winnemucca Tribe
+ - Wiyot Tribe
+ - Woody Island (aka Tangirnaq Native Village)
+ - Wrangell Cooperative Association
+ - Wyandotte Nation
+ - Yakutat Tlingit Tribe
+ - Yankton Sioux Tribe of South Dakota
+ - Yavapai-Apache Nation
+ - Yavapai-Prescott Indian Tribe
+ - Yerington Paiute Tribe
+ - Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation
+ - Yomba Shoshone Tribe
+ - Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo
+ - Yupiit of Andreafski
+ - Yurok Tribe of the Yurok Reservation
+ description: Available protected tribes.
+ description: An array of the protected tribe(s) of which the
+ Child is a member.
+ nullable: true
+ sex_assigned_at_birth:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - Male
+ - Female
+ - Intersex
+ -
+ description: The sex the Child was assigned at birth.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ required:
+ - first_name
+ - last_name
+ description: Properties of a Child to be created for an agency.
+ required:
+ - child
+ description: A Child to be created for an agency.
+ required: true
+ description: The details of a the child to create
+ "/api/v1/children/{child_id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific child record
+ tags:
+ - Children
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: child_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Child ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, ""'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/children/child_id
+ description: Get a specific child record
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Get a specific record
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '117'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:17.714Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:17.777Z'
+ first-name: Jill
+ middle-name: Douglas
+ last-name: Hill
+ suffix: Ret.
+ date-of-birth: '2023-05-10'
+ gender: Transgender
+ ethnicities:
+ asian:
+ other: Tierra Hettinger
+ white:
+ hispanic-or-latinx:
+ black-or-african-american:
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander:
+ american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations:
+ ethnicities-array:
+ - ethnicity: asian
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: other
+ details: Tierra Hettinger
+ - ethnicity: white
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: hispanic-or-latinx
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: black-or-african-american
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations
+ details:
+ primary-language:
+ ssn:
+ gender-expression:
+ further-gender-information:
+ sexual-orientation:
+ client-id:
+ external-group-id:
+ nickname:
+ visitation-description:
+ community-of-origin-zipcode:
+ school-id:
+ nps:
+ grade-level:
+ diagnoses:
+ medication:
+ strengths:
+ allergies:
+ therapist:
+ therapist-phone-number:
+ doctor:
+ doctor-phone-number:
+ dentist:
+ dentist-phone-number:
+ behavior-and-medical:
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ can-be-in-home-with-pets:
+ parental-rights-terminated:
+ parental-rights-status: not_terminated
+ date-parental-rights-terminated:
+ has-child:
+ other-youth-needs:
+ in-school:
+ sibling-ids: []
+ protected-tribe:
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ updated-by:
+ sex-assigned-at-birth: Female
+ links:
+ portal-self: http://www.example.com/admin/children/117
+ portal-relationships-dashboard: http://www.example.com/admin/children/117/relationships_dashboard
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/children"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ '404':
+ description: Child not found
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ errors:
+ - title: not_found
+ detail: Couldn't find Child with 'id'=definitely_not_found [WHERE
+ "children"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "children"."agency_id" = $1]
+ status: 404
+ id: 29b5de64-908a-49b4-bdbf-fa0a941ae854
+ put:
+ summary: Update a specific child record
+ tags:
+ - Children
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: child_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Child ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: PUT/api/v1/children/child_id
+ description: Update a specific child record
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: updating a child with just parental_rights_terminated true
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '133'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:24.528Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:26.613Z'
+ first-name: Jill
+ middle-name: Thiel
+ last-name: Hill
+ suffix: PhD
+ date-of-birth: '2014-04-29'
+ gender: Not listed above
+ ethnicities:
+ white:
+ unknown:
+ hispanic-or-latinx:
+ black-or-african-american:
+ middle-eastern-or-north-african:
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander:
+ american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations:
+ ethnicities-array:
+ - ethnicity: unknown
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: black-or-african-american
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations
+ details:
+ primary-language:
+ ssn:
+ gender-expression:
+ further-gender-information:
+ sexual-orientation:
+ client-id:
+ external-group-id:
+ nickname:
+ visitation-description:
+ community-of-origin-zipcode:
+ school-id:
+ nps:
+ grade-level:
+ diagnoses:
+ medication:
+ strengths:
+ allergies:
+ therapist:
+ therapist-phone-number:
+ doctor:
+ doctor-phone-number:
+ dentist:
+ dentist-phone-number:
+ behavior-and-medical:
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ can-be-in-home-with-pets:
+ parental-rights-terminated: true
+ parental-rights-status: terminated_finalized
+ date-parental-rights-terminated:
+ has-child:
+ other-youth-needs:
+ in-school:
+ sibling-ids: []
+ protected-tribe:
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ updated-by:
+ sex-assigned-at-birth: Male
+ links:
+ portal-self: http://www.example.com/admin/children/133
+ portal-relationships-dashboard: http://www.example.com/admin/children/133/relationships_dashboard
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/children"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ '422':
+ description: updating a child with both parental rights params
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ errors:
+ - source:
+ pointer: "/data/attributes/base"
+ detail: Do not use both parental_rights_terminated and parental_rights_status
+ - use just one or the other (preferably parental_rights_status)
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ child:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ first_name:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's first name.
+ middle_name:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's middle name.
+ nullable: true
+ last_name:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's last name.
+ suffix:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's suffix.
+ nullable: true
+ ethnicities:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations.'
+ nullable: true
+ american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations.american_indian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations.american_indian.'
+ nullable: true
+ american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations.alaska_native:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations.alaska_native.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_asian.asian_indian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_asian.asian_indian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_asian.bangladeshi:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_asian.bangladeshi.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_asian.pakistani:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_asian.pakistani.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_asian.other_south_asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_asian.other_south_asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.east_asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.east_asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.east_asian.chinese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.east_asian.chinese.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.east_asian.japanese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.east_asian.japanese.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.east_asian.korean:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.east_asian.korean.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.east_asian.other_east_asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.east_asian.other_east_asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_east_asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_east_asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_east_asian.cambodian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_east_asian.cambodian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_east_asian.filipino:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_east_asian.filipino.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_east_asian.hmong:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_east_asian.hmong.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_east_asian.indonesian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_east_asian.indonesian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_east_asian.laotian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_east_asian.laotian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_east_asian.thai:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_east_asian.thai.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_east_asian.vietnamese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_east_asian.vietnamese.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south_east_asian.other_south_east_asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south_east_asian.other_south_east_asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.other_asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.other_asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ black_or_african_american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black_or_african_american.'
+ nullable: true
+ black_or_african_american.ethiopian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black_or_african_american.ethiopian.'
+ nullable: true
+ black_or_african_american.caribbean:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black_or_african_american.caribbean.'
+ nullable: true
+ black_or_african_american.haitian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black_or_african_american.haitian.'
+ nullable: true
+ black_or_african_american.jamaican:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black_or_african_american.jamaican.'
+ nullable: true
+ black_or_african_american.nigerian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black_or_african_american.nigerian.'
+ nullable: true
+ black_or_african_american.somalian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black_or_african_american.somalian.'
+ nullable: true
+ black_or_african_american.other_black_or_african_american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black_or_african_american.other_black_or_african_american.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.central_american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.cuban:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.cuban.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.dominican:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.dominican.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.ecuadorian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.ecuadorian.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.mexican:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.mexican.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.puerto_rican:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.puerto_rican.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.salvadoran:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.salvadoran.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.other_central_american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.other_central_american.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.south_american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.brazilian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.brazilian.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.colombian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.colombian.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.guatemalan:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.guatemalan.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.peruvian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.peruvian.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.other_south_american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.other_south_american.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic_or_latinx.other_hispanic_or_latinx:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic_or_latinx.other_hispanic_or_latinx.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle_eastern_or_north_african:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle_eastern_or_north_african.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.armenian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.armenian.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.lebanese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.lebanese.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.other_middle_eastern:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.other_middle_eastern.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african.egyptian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african.egyptian.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african.other_northern_african:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african.other_northern_african.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle_eastern_or_north_african.other_middle_eastern_or_northern_african:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle_eastern_or_north_african.other_middle_eastern_or_northern_african.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.guamanian_chamorro:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.guamanian_chamorro.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.chuukese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.chuukese.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.fijian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.fijian.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.native_hawaiian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.native_hawaiian.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.kosraean:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.kosraean.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.marshallese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.marshallese.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.mixed:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.mixed.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.palauan:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.palauan.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.pohnpeian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.pohnpeian.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.polynesian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.polynesian.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.samoan:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.samoan.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.tongan:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.tongan.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.yapese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.yapese.'
+ nullable: true
+ native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.other_pacific_islander:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.other_pacific_islander.'
+ nullable: true
+ white:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.central_american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.central_american.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.english:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.english.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.italian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.italian.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.german:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.german.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.irish:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.irish.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.scottish:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.scottish.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.romanian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.romanian.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.other_european:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.other_european.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.middle_eastern:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.middle_eastern.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.russian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.russian.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.other_white_or_caucasian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.other_white_or_caucasian.'
+ nullable: true
+ other:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: other.'
+ nullable: true
+ prefer_not_to_answer:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: prefer_not_to_answer.'
+ nullable: true
+ unknown:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: unknown.'
+ nullable: true
+ description: Child's race/ethnicity. Multiple options can be
+ selected.
+ nullable: true
+ ethnicities_array:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ ethnicity:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations
+ - american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations.american_indian
+ - american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations.alaska_native
+ - asian
+ - asian.south_asian
+ - asian.south_asian.asian_indian
+ - asian.south_asian.bangladeshi
+ - asian.south_asian.pakistani
+ - asian.south_asian.other_south_asian
+ - asian.east_asian
+ - asian.east_asian.chinese
+ - asian.east_asian.japanese
+ - asian.east_asian.korean
+ - asian.east_asian.other_east_asian
+ - asian.south_east_asian
+ - asian.south_east_asian.cambodian
+ - asian.south_east_asian.filipino
+ - asian.south_east_asian.hmong
+ - asian.south_east_asian.indonesian
+ - asian.south_east_asian.laotian
+ - asian.south_east_asian.thai
+ - asian.south_east_asian.vietnamese
+ - asian.south_east_asian.other_south_east_asian
+ - asian.other_asian
+ - black_or_african_american
+ - black_or_african_american.ethiopian
+ - black_or_african_american.caribbean
+ - black_or_african_american.haitian
+ - black_or_african_american.jamaican
+ - black_or_african_american.nigerian
+ - black_or_african_american.somalian
+ - black_or_african_american.other_black_or_african_american
+ - hispanic_or_latinx
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.cuban
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.dominican
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.ecuadorian
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.mexican
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.puerto_rican
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.salvadoran
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.other_central_american
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.south_american
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.brazilian
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.colombian
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.guatemalan
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.peruvian
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.other_south_american
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.other_hispanic_or_latinx
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.armenian
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.lebanese
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.other_middle_eastern
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african.egyptian
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african.other_northern_african
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.other_middle_eastern_or_northern_african
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.guamanian_chamorro
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.chuukese
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.fijian
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.native_hawaiian
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.kosraean
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.marshallese
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.mixed
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.palauan
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.pohnpeian
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.polynesian
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.samoan
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.tongan
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.yapese
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.other_pacific_islander
+ - white
+ - white.central_american
+ - white.european
+ - white.european.english
+ - white.european.italian
+ - white.european.german
+ - white.european.irish
+ - white.european.scottish
+ - white.european.romanian
+ - white.european.other_european
+ - white.middle_eastern
+ - white.russian
+ - white.other_white_or_caucasian
+ - other
+ - prefer_not_to_answer
+ - unknown
+ description: Available ethnicity options.
+ details:
+ type: string
+ description: Ethnicity details.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - ethnicity
+ - details
+ description: A single ethnicity option.
+ description: An array of Child ethnicities objects that can
+ be used instead of the ETHNICITIES attribute.
+ client_id:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier used in external system that can be
+ used to match a singular child in Binti with a child record
+ in another system. Must be unique for each child at an agency.
+ nullable: true
+ external_group_id:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier used in external system that can be
+ used to match a group of children in Binti with any record
+ in another system. The same external group ID can be used
+ for multiple child records. There is no uniqueness requirement
+ for this field.
+ nullable: true
+ date_of_birth:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Child's date of birth.
+ nullable: true
+ gender:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - Female
+ - Male
+ - Transgender
+ - Non-binary
+ - Not listed above
+ - Have not asked child (child too young)
+ - Have not asked child (other reason)
+ - Prefer not to answer
+ -
+ description: One of the data options, or empty, to describe
+ the Child's gender.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ gender_expression:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - androgynous_gender_non_conforming
+ - both_masculine_and_feminine
+ - feminine
+ - masculine
+ - have_not_asked_child_too_young
+ - have_not_asked_child_other_reason
+ - prefers_not_to_answer
+ -
+ description: One of the data options, or empty, to describe
+ the Child's gender expression.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ further_gender_information:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input to further describe the Child's
+ gender.
+ nullable: true
+ sexual_orientation:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - asexual
+ - bisexual
+ - gay
+ - lesbian
+ - pansexual
+ - queer
+ - straight_or_heterosexual
+ - not_listed_above
+ - child_does_not_know
+ - have_not_asked_child_too_young
+ - have_not_asked_child_other
+ - prefer_not_to_answer
+ -
+ description: One of the data options, or empty, to describe
+ the Child's sexual orientation.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ primary_language:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's primary language.
+ nullable: true
+ ssn:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's Social Security number.
+ nullable: true
+ nickname:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's nickname.
+ nullable: true
+ visitation_description:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input to describe the Child's visitation
+ schedule.
+ nullable: true
+ community_of_origin_zipcode:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the zip code of the Child's
+ community of origin - used in determining matches.
+ nullable: true
+ nps:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'A boolean for if the Child can be in a non-public
+ school (True: the Child can be in a non-public school.)'
+ nullable: true
+ grade_level:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's grade level (Kindergarten-Twelfth or Postsecondary
+ Education).
+ nullable: true
+ diagnoses:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's medical diagnoses.
+ nullable: true
+ medication:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's current medications.
+ nullable: true
+ strengths:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's strengths.
+ nullable: true
+ allergies:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's allergies.
+ nullable: true
+ therapist:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's therapist.
+ nullable: true
+ therapist_phone_number:
+ type: string
+ description: The Child's therapist's phone number.
+ nullable: true
+ doctor:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's doctor.
+ nullable: true
+ doctor_phone_number:
+ type: string
+ description: The Child's doctor's phone number.
+ nullable: true
+ dentist:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's dentist.
+ nullable: true
+ dentist_phone_number:
+ type: string
+ description: The Child's dentist's phone number.
+ nullable: true
+ behavior_and_medical:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - Academic Delays
+ - Alcohol/drug use
+ - Asthma
+ - Autism spectrum disorder
+ - Bedwetting or wets/soils themself
+ - Bipolar disorder
+ - Conduct disorder
+ - Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
+ - Depression
+ - Experienced neglect
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ - Experienced sexual abuse
+ - Family visitation or contact
+ - Hearing impaired
+ - History of perpetrating assault or physical aggression
+ - History of cruelty to animals
+ - History of developmentally inappropriate sexual behavior
+ - History of manipulation or excessive lying
+ - History of mental illness
+ - History of perpetrating sexual assault
+ - History of running away
+ - History of behavior problems in school
+ - History of setting fires
+ - History of stealing
+ - Hygiene assistance needed
+ - Intellectually challenged
+ - Juvenile/probation youth
+ - Learning disability
+ - Medically fragile
+ - Non-ambulatory
+ - Not potty trained
+ - Oppositional defiant disorder
+ - Physically disabled
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Requires transportation to activities or appointments
+ - Schizophrenia
+ - Self harm
+ - Sleep disorder
+ - Speech delays
+ - Suicidal ideation
+ - Vision impaired
+ description: Available behavioral and medical conditions.
+ description: Array showing a specific list of Child behaviors
+ and medical information.
+ nullable: true
+ can_be_in_home_with_pets:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'A boolean for if the Child can be in a home with
+ pets. (true: the Child can be in a home with pets.)'
+ nullable: true
+ parental_rights_terminated:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'A boolean for if the Child''s family of origin
+ has lost their parental rights. (true: the Child''s family
+ of origin has lost their parental rights.) We have a new field,
+ `parental-rights-status`, that this field now maps to - `true`
+ values will map to `terminated_finalized`, and `false` values
+ will map to `not_terminated`.'
+ nullable: true
+ parental_rights_status:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - not_terminated
+ - terminated_can_appeal
+ - terminated_finalized
+ description: One of the data options, to describe if the Child's
+ family of origin has lost their parental rights. Defaults
+ to not_terminated.
+ date_parental_rights_terminated:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date that the Child's family of origin lost their
+ parental rights.
+ nullable: true
+ has_child:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'A boolean for if the youth has a child of their
+ own. (true: the youth has a child.)'
+ nullable: true
+ other_youth_needs:
+ type: string
+ description: A space for cultural and comfort needs; and potential
+ triggers for the Child. e.g. bedtime routines, favorite foods,
+ security items, special songs/tv shows/poems, etc.
+ nullable: true
+ in_school:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'A boolean for if the Child is currently enrolled
+ in school. (true: the Child is enrolled in school.)'
+ nullable: true
+ school_id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti's unique ID for the Child's school. Search
+ for a school's ID using /api/v1/schools
+ nullable: true
+ sibling_ids:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: A single sibling Child ID.
+ description: An array of Binti Child IDs for any sibling the
+ Child has who are also in foster care.
+ nullable: true
+ protected_tribe:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'A boolean for if the Child is a member of a protected
+ Native American tribe. (true: the Child is in a protected
+ tribe.)'
+ nullable: true
+ protected_tribe_names:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - Absentee-Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma Indians
+ - Afognak, Native Village of
+ - Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove
+ - Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of the Agua Caliente
+ Indian Reservation
+ - Ak-Chin Indian Community
+ - Akhiok, Native Village of
+ - Akiachak Native Community
+ - Akiak Native Community
+ - Akutan, Native Village of
+ - Alabama Quassarte Tribal Town
+ - Alakanuk, Village of
+ - Alatna Village
+ - Aleknagik, Native Village of
+ - Algaaciq Native Village (St. Mary's)
+ - Allakaket Village
+ - Alturas Indian Rancheria
+ - Alutiiq Tribe of Old Harbor Village (previously listed as
+ Native Village of Old Harbor and Village of Old Harbor)
+ - Ambler, Native Village of
+ - Anaktuvuk Pass, Village of
+ - Andreafski (aka Yupiit of Andreafski)
+ - Angoon Community Association
+ - Aniak, Village of
+ - Anvik Village
+ - Apache Tribe of Oklahoma (Kiowa)
+ - Arctic Village
+ - Aroostook Band of Micmac Indians
+ - Asa'carsarmiut Tribe (formerly Native Village of Mountain
+ Village)
+ - Atka, Native Village of
+ - Atmautluak, Village of
+ - Atqasuk Village
+ - Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians
+ - Bad River Band of the Lake Superior
+ - Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Native Village of
+ - Battle Mountain Band Council
+ - Bay Mills Indian Community
+ - Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Rancheria
+ - Beaver Village
+ - Belkofski, Native Village of
+ - Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians
+ - Bethel (aka Orutsararmuit Native Council)
+ - Bettles Field (aka Evansville Village)
+ - Big Lagoon Rancheria
+ - Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley
+ - Big Sandy Rancheria of Western Mono Indians of California
+ - Big Valley of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria
+ - Bill Moore's Slough, Village of
+ - Birch Creek Tribe
+ - Bishop Paiute Tribe
+ - Blackfeet Tribe of Montana
+ - Bois Forte Reservation Business Committee
+ - Brevig Mission, Native Village of
+ - Bridgeport Indian Colony
+ - Buckland, Native Village of
+ - Buena Vista Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians
+ - Burns Paiute Tribe
+ - Cabazon Band of Mission Indians
+ - Cachil DeHe Band of Wintun Indians of the Colusa Indian
+ Community of the Colusa Rancheria
+ - Caddo Nation of Oklahoma (Wichita & Affiliated Tribes)
+ - Cahto Tribe of the Laytonville Rancheria
+ - Cahuilla Band of Mission Indians
+ - California Valley Miwok Tribe
+ - Campo Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Campo Indian
+ Reservation
+ - Cantwell, Native Village of (Copper River Native Association)
+ - Capitan Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of California
+ (Barona Group of Capitan Grande Band of Mission Indians
+ of the Barona Reservation)
+ - 'Capitan Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of California:
+ Viejas'
+ - Catawba Indian Nation of South Carolina
+ - Cayuga Nation of New York
+ - Cedarville Rancheria
+ - Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes
+ - Chalkyitsik Village
+ - Cheesh-Na Tribe
+ - Chefornak, Village of
+ - Chemehuevi Indian Tribe
+ - Chenega, Native Village of
+ - Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria
+ - Cherokee Nation
+ - Chevak Native Village
+ - Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma
+ - Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
+ - Chickahominy Indian Tribe
+ - Chickahominy Indians-Eastern Division
+ - Chickaloon Native Village
+ - Chicken Ranch Rancheria of Me-wuk Indians of California
+ - Chignik Bay Tribal Council
+ - Chignik Lagoon, Native Village of
+ - Chignik Lake Village
+ - Chilkat Indian Village (Klukwan)
+ - Chilkoot Indian Association (Haines)
+ - Chinik Eskimo Community (aka Golovin)
+ - Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy's Reservation of Montana
+ - Chistochina (aka Cheesh-na Tribe).
+ - Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana
+ - Chitina, Native Village of
+ - Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
+ - Chuathbaluk Native Village of (Russian Mission, Kuskokwin)
+ - Chuathbaluk, Native Village of
+ - Chuloonawick Native Village
+ - Circle Native Community
+ - Citizen Potawatomi Nation
+ - Clarks Point, Village of
+ - Cloverdale Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
+ - Cocopah Indian Tribe
+ - Coeur d'Alene Tribe
+ - Cold Springs Rancheria of Mono Indians of California
+ - Colorado River Indian Tribes
+ - Comanche Nation-Oklahoma
+ - Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes
+ - Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation
+ - Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua & Siuslaw Indians
+ - Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians
+ - Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation
+ - Confederated Tribes of the Colville
+ - Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation
+ - Confederated Tribes of the Grande Ronde Community of Oregon
+ - Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
+ - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation
+ - Copper Center (aka Native Village of Kluti-Kaah).
+ - Coquille Indian Tribe
+ - Cordova (aka Eyak)
+ - Council, Native Village of
+ - Coushatta Indian Tribe
+ - Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians
+ - Cowlitz Indian Tribe
+ - Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians
+ - Craig Tribal Association
+ - Crooked Creek, Village of
+ - Crow Agency
+ - Crow Creek River Sioux Tribe
+ - Curyung Tribal Council (formerly the Native Village of Dillingham)
+ - Death Valley Timbi-sha Shoshone Tribe
+ - Deering, Native Village of
+ - Delaware Nation
+ - Delaware Tribe of Indians
+ - Dillingham (aka Curyung Tribal Council).
+ - Diomede (aka Inalik), Native Village of
+ - Dot Lake, Village of
+ - Douglas Indian Association
+ - Dry Creek Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians
+ - Duckwater Shoshone Tribe
+ - Eagle, Native Village of
+ - Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
+ - Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Eastern Shoshone Tribe of the Wind River Reservation
+ - Edzeno (aka Nikolai Village).
+ - Eek, Native Village of
+ - Egegik Village
+ - Eklutna Native Village
+ - Ekuk, Native Village of
+ - Ekwok, Native Village of (previously listed as Ekowok Village)
+ - Elem Indian Colony
+ - Elim, Native Village of
+ - Elk Valley Rancheria
+ - Elko Band Council of Te-Moak Tribe
+ - Ely Shoshone Tribe
+ - Emmonak Village
+ - English Bay (aka Native Village of Nanwalek).
+ - Enterprise Rancheria of Maidu Indians
+ - Evansville Village (aka Bettles Field)
+ - Ewiiaapaayp (Cuyapaipe) Band of Kumeyaay Indians
+ - Eyak, Native Village of (Cordova)
+ - Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe
+ - False Pass, Native Village of
+ - Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria
+ - Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe
+ - Fond du Lac Reservation Business Committee
+ - Forest County Potawatomi
+ - Fort Belknap Indian Community
+ - Fort Bidwell Indian Community of the Fort Bidwell Reservation
+ - Fort Independence Indian Community of Paiute Indians of
+ the Fort Independence Reservation
+ - Fort McDermitt Paiute-Shoshone Tribe
+ - Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation
+ - Fort Mojave Indian Tribe
+ - Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes
+ - Fort Sill Apache Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Fort Yukon, Native Village (See Gwichyaa Zhee Gwich'in)
+ - Fortuna Ledge (aka Native Village of Marshall)
+ - Gakona, Native Village of
+ - Galena Village (aka Louden Village)
+ - Gambell, Native Village of
+ - Georgetown, Native Village of
+ - Gila River Indian Community
+ - Golovin (aka Chinik Eskimo Community).
+ - Goodnews Bay, Native Village of
+ - Grand Portage Reservation Business Center
+ - Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians
+ - Grayling (aka Organized Village of Grayling)
+ - Greenville Rancheria
+ - Grindstone Indian Rancheria
+ - Guidiville Rancheria
+ - Gulkana Village Council (previously listed as Gulkana Village)
+ - Gwichyaa Zhee Gwich'in (formerly Native Village of Fort
+ Yukon)
+ - Gwichyaa Zhee Gwich'in (aka as Native Village of Fort Yukon)
+ - Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake Rancheria
+ - Haines (aka Chilkoot Indian Association).
+ - Hamilton, Native Village of
+ - Hannahville Indian Community
+ - Havasupai Tribe
+ - Healy Lake Village
+ - Ho-Chunk Nation
+ - Hoh Indian Tribe
+ - Holikachuk (aka Grayling)
+ - Holy Cross Tribe
+ - Hoonah Indian Association
+ - Hoopa Valley Tribe
+ - Hooper Bay, Native Village of
+ - Hopi Tribe
+ - Hopland Band of Pomo Indians
+ - Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians
+ - Hualapai Tribe
+ - Hughes Village
+ - Huslia Village
+ - Hydaburg Cooperative Association
+ - Igiugig Village
+ - Iipay Nation of Santa Ysabel
+ - Iliamna, Village of
+ - Inaja Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Inaja and
+ Cosmit Reservation
+ - Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope
+ - Ione Band of Miwok Indians of California
+ - Iowa Tribe of Kansas
+ - Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Iqurmuit Traditional Council (aka Russian Mission)
+ - 'Ivanoff Bay Tribe '
+ - Jackson Band of Miwuk Indians
+ - Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe
+ - Jamul Indian Village of California
+ - Jena Band of Choctaw Indians
+ - Jicarilla Apache Nation
+ - Kaguyak Village
+ - Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians
+ - Kake (aka Organized Village of Kake)
+ - Kaktovik, Village of (aka Barter Island)
+ - Kalispel Tribe of Indians
+ - Kalskag, Village of (aka Upper Kalskag)
+ - Kaltag, Village of
+ - Kanatak, Native Village
+ - Karluk, Native Village of
+ - Karuk Tribe
+ - Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria
+ - Kashnumiut Tribe (aka Chevak)
+ - Kasigluk Traditional Elders Council
+ - Kassan (aka Organized Village of Kasaan)
+ - Kaw Nation
+ - Kenaitze Indian Tribe (aka Chevak Native Village)
+ - Ketchikan Indian Corporation
+ - Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
+ - Kialegee Tribal Town
+ - Kiana, Native Village of
+ - Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas
+ - Kickapoo Tribe of Indians of The Kickapoo Reservation in
+ Kansas
+ - Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - King Cove (aka Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove)
+ - King Island Native Community
+ - King Salmon Tribe
+ - Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Kipnuk, Native Village of
+ - Kivalina, Native Village of
+ - Klamath Tribes
+ - Klawock Cooperative Association
+ - Kletsel Dehe Band of Wintun Indians
+ - Kletsel Dehe Band of Wintun Indians (Cortina Indian Rancheria)
+ - Klukwan (aka Chilkat Indian Village).
+ - Kluti-Kaah, Native Village of (aka Copper Center)
+ - Knik Tribe
+ - Kobuk, Native Village of
+ - Kodiak, Native Village of (aka Sun'aq Tribe of Kodiak).
+ - Koi Nation of Northern California (Previously Lower Lake
+ Rancheria)
+ - Kokhanok Village
+ - Koliganek Village (aka New Kolignanek Village Council)
+ - Kongiganak, Native Village of
+ - Kootenai Tribe of Idaho
+ - Kotlik, Village of
+ - Kotzebue, Native Village of
+ - Koyuk, Native Village of
+ - Koyukuk Native Village
+ - Kwethluk (aka Organized Village of Kwethluk)
+ - Kwigillingok, Native Village of
+ - Kwinhagak, Native Village of (aka Quinhagak)
+ - La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians
+ - La Posta Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the La Posta
+ Indian Reservation
+ - Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indian
+ of Wisconsin
+ - Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians
+ - Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
+ - Larsen Bay, Native Village of
+ - Las Vegas Paiute Tribe
+ - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
+ - Lesnoi Village (aka Tangirnaq aka Woody Island)
+ - Levelock Village
+ - Lime Village
+ - Little River Band of Ottawa Indians
+ - Little Traverse Bay Band of Odawa Indians
+ - Lone Pine Paiute Shoshone Tribe
+ - Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla & Cupeno Indians
+ - Louden (aka Galena)
+ - Lovelock Paiute Tribe
+ - Lower Brule Sioux Tribe
+ - Lower Elwha Tribal Community Council
+ - Lower Kalskag (aka Lower Kalskag)
+ - Lower Kalskag, Village of
+ - Lower Sioux Indian Community of Minnesota
+ - Lummi Nation
+ - Lytton Rancheria
+ - Makah Indian Tribal Council
+ - Manley Hot Springs Village
+ - Manokotak Village
+ - Manzanita Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Manzanita
+ Reservation
+ - Marshall, Native Village of
+ - Mary's Igloo, Native Village of
+ - Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation
+ - Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
+ - Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Potawatomi Indians of Michigan
+ (Gun Lake Tribe)
+ - McGrath Native Village
+ - Mechoopda Indian Tribe of the Chico Rancheria
+ - Mekoryuk, Native Village of
+ - Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin
+ - Mentasta Traditional Council
+ - Mesa Grande Band of Mission Indians of the Mesa Grande Reservation
+ - Mescalero Apache Tribe
+ - Metlakatla
+ - Metlakatla Indian Community
+ - Mi'kmaq Nation
+ - Miami Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida
+ - Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
+ - Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe
+ - Minnesota Chippewa Tribe of Minnesota (Bois Forte Band,
+ Fond Du Lac band; Grand Portage Band; Leech Lake Band; Mille
+ Lacs Band; White Earth Band)
+ - Minto, Native Village of
+ - Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians
+ - Moapa Band of Paiutes
+ - Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Mohegan Indian Tribe
+ - Monacan Indian Nation
+ - Mooretown Rancheria of Maidu Indians of California
+ - Morongo Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians
+ - Mountain Village aka Asa'carsarmiut
+ - Mowachactaw of Southern Alabama
+ - Muckleshoot
+ - Naknek Native Village
+ - Nansemond Indian Tribe
+ - Nanwalek, Native Village of
+ - Napaimute, Native Village of
+ - Napakiak, Native Village of
+ - Napaskiak, Native Village of
+ - Narragansett Indian Tribe
+ - Native Village Port Lions
+ - Navajo Nation Tribe
+ - Nelson Lagoon, Native Village of
+ - Nenana Native Association
+ - New Koliganek Village Council
+ - New Stuyahok Village
+ - Newhalen Village
+ - Newtok Village
+ - Nez Perce Tribe
+ - Nightmute, Native Village of
+ - Nikolai Village (aka Edzeno)
+ - Nikolski, Native Village of
+ - Ninilchik Village
+ - Nisqually Indian Community
+ - Noatak, Native Village of
+ - Nome Eskimo Community
+ - Nondalton Village
+ - Nooksack Indian Tribe of Washington
+ - Noorvik Native Community
+ - Northern Arapaho Tribe of the Wind River Reservation
+ - Northern Cheyenne Tribe
+ - Northfork Rancheria of Mono Indians of California
+ - Northway Village
+ - Northwestern Band of Shoshone Nation
+ - Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi
+ - Nuiqsut, Native Village of
+ - Nulato Village
+ - Nunakauyarmiut Tribe (formerly Toksook Bay Native Village)
+ - 'Nunam Iqua, Native Village of '
+ - Nunapitchuk, Native Village of
+ - Oglala Sioux Tribe
+ - Ohkay Owingeh
+ - Ohogamiut, Native Village of
+ - Omaha Tribe of Nebraska
+ - Oneida Indian Nation
+ - Oneida Nation
+ - Onondaga Nation
+ - Organized Village of Grayling (aka Holikachuk)
+ - Organized Village of Kake
+ - Organized Village of Kasaan
+ - Organized Village of Kwethluk
+ - Organized Village of Saxman
+ - 'Orutsararmiut Traditional Native Council ak Bethel '
+ - Osage Tribe
+ - Oscarville Traditional Village
+ - Otoe-Missouria Indian Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Ouzinkie, Native Village of
+ - Paimiut, Native Village of
+ - Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah
+ - Pala Band of Mission Indians
+ - Pamunkey Indian Tribe
+ - Pascua Yaqui Tribe
+ - Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians
+ - Passamaquoddy Tribe of Maine—Indian Township
+ - Passamaquoddy Tribe—Pleasant Point
+ - Pauloff Harbor Village
+ - Pauma Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pauma & Yuima
+ Reservation
+ - Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma
+ - Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pechanga
+ Reservation
+ - Pedro Bay Village
+ - Penobscot Nation
+ - Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma
+ - Perryville, Native Village of
+ - Petersburg Indian Association
+ - Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians of California
+ - Pilot Point, Native Village of
+ - Pilot Station Traditional Village
+ - Pinoleville Pomo Nation
+ - Pit River Tribe
+ - Pitka's Point, Native Village of
+ - Platinum Traditional Village
+ - Poarch Band of Creek Indians
+ - Point Hope, Native Village of
+ - Point Lay, Native Village of
+ - Pokagon Band of Potawatomi
+ - Ponca Tribe of Nebraska
+ - Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Port Gamble Indian Community
+ - Port Graham, Native Village of
+ - Port Heiden, Native Village of
+ - Portage Creek Village (aka Ohgensakale)
+ - Potter Valley Tribe
+ - Prairie Band of Potawatomi Nation
+ - Prairie Island Indian Community Mdewakanton Dakota Sioux
+ of Minnesota
+ - Pribilof Islands Aleut Community of Saint Paul & Saint George
+ Islands
+ - Pueblo of Acoma
+ - Pueblo of Cochiti
+ - Pueblo of Isleta
+ - Pueblo of Jemez
+ - Pueblo of Laguna
+ - Pueblo of Nambe
+ - Pueblo of Picuris
+ - Pueblo of Pojoaque
+ - Pueblo of San Felipe
+ - Pueblo of San Ildelfonso
+ - Pueblo of Sandia
+ - Pueblo of Santa Ana
+ - Pueblo of Santa Clara
+ - Pueblo of Santo Domingo-Kewa
+ - Pueblo of Taos
+ - Pueblo of Tesuque
+ - Pueblo of Zia
+ - Pueblo of Zuni
+ - Puyallup Tribe
+ - Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
+ - Qagan Tayaguyngin Tribe of Sand Point Village
+ - Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska
+ - Qissunaimut Tribe (aka Chevak Native Village)
+ - Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Quartz Valley Indian Community of the Quartz Valley Reservation
+ - Quechan Indian Tribe
+ - Quileute Tribal Council
+ - Quinault Indian Nation
+ - Quinhagak (aka Kwinhagak).
+ - Ramona Band of Cahuilla
+ - Rampart Village
+ - Rappahannock Tribe, Inc
+ - Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin
+ - Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians
+ - Redding Rancheria
+ - Redwood Valley or Little River Band of Pomo Indians of the
+ Redwood Valley Rancheria
+ - Reno-Sparks Indian Colony
+ - Resighini Rancheria
+ - Rincon Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Rincon Reservation
+ - Robinson Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians
+ - Rosebud Sioux Tribe
+ - Round Valley Indian Tribes, Round Valley Reservation
+ - Ruby, Native Village of
+ - Russian Mission (aka Iqurmuit Native Village)
+ - Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa
+ - Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa—Meskwaki
+ - Sac and Fox Nation in Kansas and Nebraska
+ - Sac and Fox Nation, Oklahoma
+ - Saginaw Chippewa Tribe of Michigan
+ - Saint George, Native Village of
+ - Saint Michael, Native Village of
+ - Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
+ - Salamatoff Tribe (previously listed as the Village of Salamatoff)
+ - Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community
+ - Samish Indian Nation
+ - San Carlos Apache Tribe
+ - San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe
+ - San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
+ - San Pasqual Band of Diegueno Mission Indians
+ - Sand Point (aka Qagan Tayaguyngin Tribe of Sand Point Village)
+ - Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians
+ - Santa Rosa Indian Community of the Santa Rosa Rancheria
+ - Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians of the Santa
+ Ynez Reservation
+ - Santa Ynez Band of Mission Indians
+ - Santa Ysabel Band of Mission Indians-Iipay Nation
+ - Santee Sioux Nation
+ - Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe of Washington
+ - Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Michigan
+ - Savoonga, Native Village of
+ - Saxman (aka Organized Village of Saxman)
+ - Scammon Bay, Native Village of
+ - Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians
+ - Selawik, Native Village of
+ - Seldovia Village Tribe
+ - Seminole Nation of Oklahoma
+ - Seminole Tribe of Florida
+ - Seneca Nation of Indians
+ - Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Shageluk Native Village
+ - Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
+ - Shaktoolik, Native Village of
+ - Sheldon's Point (aka Nunam Iqua)
+ - Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
+ - Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians (Shingle Springs Rancheria)
+ - Shinnecock Indian Nation of New York
+ - Shishmaref, Native Village of
+ - Shoalwater Bay Tribal Council
+ - Shoshone Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation
+ - Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservation
+ - Shungnak, Native Village of
+ - Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe
+ - Sitka Tribe of Alaska
+ - Skagway Village
+ - Skokomish Tribe
+ - Skull Valley Band of Goshute Indians
+ - Sleetmute, Village of
+ - Snoqualmie Tribe
+ - Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians
+ - Sokaogon Chippewa Community of Wisconsin
+ - Solomon, Village of
+ - South Fork Band, Te-Moak of Western Shoshone
+ - South Naknek Village
+ - Southern Ute Indian Tribe
+ - Spirit Lake Sioux Tribe
+ - Spokane Tribe of Indians
+ - Squaxin Island
+ - St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin
+ - St. George, Native Village of.
+ - 'St. Mary''s Igloo: aka Native Village of Teller.'
+ - 'St. Mary''s: aka Algaaciq.'
+ - St. Michael, Native Village of
+ - Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
+ - Stebbins Community Association
+ - Stevens, Native Village of
+ - Stillaguamish Tribe of Washington
+ - Stockbridge-Munsee Community of Wisconsin
+ - Summit Lake Paiute Tribe
+ - Sun'aq Tribe of Kodiak
+ - Suquamish Tribe of the Port Madison Reservation
+ - Susanville Indian Rancheria
+ - Swinomish Indians Tribal Community
+ - Sycuan Band of Mission Indians
+ - Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation
+ - Table Mountain Rancheria
+ - Takotna Village
+ - Tanacross, Native Village of
+ - Tanana, Native Village of
+ - Tangirnaq (Lesnoi Village aka Woody Island)
+ - Tatitlek, Native Village of
+ - Tazlina, Native Village of
+ - Tejon Indian Tribe
+ - Telida Village
+ - Teller, Native Village of
+ - Tetlin, Native Village of
+ - The Chickasaw Nation
+ - The Muscogee (Creek) Nation
+ - Thlopthlocco Tribal Town
+ - Three Affiliated Tribes (Mandan, Arikara & Hidatsa)
+ - Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (aka Central Council
+ Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes).
+ - Togiak, Traditional Village of
+ - Tohono O'odham Nation
+ - Toksook Bay (aka Nunakauyarmiut Tribe).
+ - Tolowa Dee-ni' Nation
+ - Tonawanda Band of Seneca
+ - Tonkawa Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Tonto Apache Tribe of Arizona
+ - Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians
+ - Tulalip Tribe
+ - Tule River Indian Tribe of the Tule River Reservation
+ - Tuluksak Native Community
+ - Tunica-Biloxi Indian Tribe of Louisiana
+ - Tuntutuliak, Native Village of
+ - Tununak, Native Village of
+ - Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians of the Tuolumne Rancheria
+ of California
+ - Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians
+ - Tuscarora Nation of New York
+ - Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians
+ - Twin Hills Village Council
+ - Tyonek, Native Village of
+ - Ugashik Village
+ - Umkumiut Native Village
+ - Unalakleet, Native Village of
+ - Unalaska (aka Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska).
+ - Unga, Native Village of
+ - United Auburn Indian Community of the Auburn Rancheria of
+ California
+ - United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma
+ - Upper Kalskag Native Village (aka Kalskag).
+ - Upper Mattaponi Tribe
+ - Upper Sioux Community of Minnesota
+ - Upper Skagit Indian Tribe of Washington
+ - Ute Indian Tribe
+ - Ute Mountain Ute Tribe (Colorado & Utah)
+ - Utu Utu Gwaitu Paiute Tribe of the Benton Reservation
+ - Village of Red Devil
+ - Village of Stony River
+ - Village of Venetie
+ - Village of Wainwright
+ - Wales, Native Village of
+ - Walker River Paiute Tribe
+ - Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah)
+ - Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California
+ - Wells Band Council, Te-Moak of Western Shoshone
+ - White Earth Reservation Business Committee
+ - White Mountain Apache Tribe
+ - White Mountain, Native Village of
+ - Wichita and Affiliated Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Wilton Rancheria
+ - Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska
+ - Winnemucca Tribe
+ - Wiyot Tribe
+ - Woody Island (aka Tangirnaq Native Village)
+ - Wrangell Cooperative Association
+ - Wyandotte Nation
+ - Yakutat Tlingit Tribe
+ - Yankton Sioux Tribe of South Dakota
+ - Yavapai-Apache Nation
+ - Yavapai-Prescott Indian Tribe
+ - Yerington Paiute Tribe
+ - Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation
+ - Yomba Shoshone Tribe
+ - Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo
+ - Yupiit of Andreafski
+ - Yurok Tribe of the Yurok Reservation
+ description: Available protected tribes.
+ description: An array of the protected tribe(s) of which the
+ Child is a member.
+ nullable: true
+ sex_assigned_at_birth:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - Male
+ - Female
+ - Intersex
+ -
+ description: The sex the Child was assigned at birth.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ description: Properties of the updated Child.
+ required:
+ - child
+ description: A Child record to update.
+ required: true
+ "/api/v1/children/{child_id}/relationships/contact_logs":
+ get:
+ summary: List of Contact Logs for a specific child
+ tags:
+ - Children
+ - Contact Logs
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: child_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Child ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/children/child_id/relationships/contact_logs
+ description: List of Contact Logs for a specific child
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Get list of all contact logs for a particular child
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '19'
+ type: contact-logs
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:57.966Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:57.966Z'
+ contact-method: in_person
+ contacted-on: '2024-08-23T20:27:57.965Z'
+ contacted-on-time-known: true
+ notes:
+ status: successful
+ recorded-by: c7dd550d7ce94fc83b7cathena.feeney@rodriguez.test
+ related-attributes:
+ children-client-ids:
+ - CHILD01
+ connection-people-person-ids:
+ - PERSON01
+ agency-worker-email: c7dd550d7ce94fc83b7cathena.feeney@rodriguez.test
+ relationships:
+ children:
+ data:
+ - id: '10'
+ type: children
+ connection-people:
+ data:
+ - id: '20'
+ type: people
+ agency-worker:
+ data:
+ id: '51'
+ type: agency-workers
+ included:
+ - id: '10'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:58.150Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:58.150Z'
+ first-name: Amado
+ middle-name: Hoeger
+ last-name: Runolfsson
+ suffix: VM
+ date-of-birth: '2016-07-14'
+ gender: Non-binary
+ ethnicities:
+ other: Ken Dickens DO
+ hispanic-or-latinx:
+ black-or-african-american:
+ middle-eastern-or-north-african:
+ american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations:
+ ethnicities-array:
+ - ethnicity: other
+ details: Ken Dickens DO
+ - ethnicity: hispanic-or-latinx
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: black-or-african-american
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: middle-eastern-or-north-african
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations
+ details:
+ primary-language:
+ ssn:
+ gender-expression:
+ further-gender-information:
+ sexual-orientation:
+ client-id: CHILD01
+ external-group-id:
+ nickname: Luetta
+ visitation-description:
+ community-of-origin-zipcode:
+ school-id:
+ nps:
+ grade-level:
+ diagnoses:
+ medication:
+ strengths:
+ allergies:
+ therapist:
+ therapist-phone-number:
+ doctor:
+ doctor-phone-number:
+ dentist:
+ dentist-phone-number:
+ behavior-and-medical:
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ can-be-in-home-with-pets:
+ parental-rights-terminated:
+ parental-rights-status: not_terminated
+ date-parental-rights-terminated:
+ has-child:
+ other-youth-needs:
+ in-school:
+ sibling-ids: []
+ protected-tribe:
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ updated-by:
+ sex-assigned-at-birth: Intersex
+ links:
+ portal-self: http://www.example.com/admin/children/10
+ portal-relationships-dashboard: http://www.example.com/admin/children/10/relationships_dashboard
+ - id: '20'
+ type: people
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:58.228Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:58.228Z'
+ first-name:
+ middle-name:
+ last-name:
+ suffix:
+ external-identifier: PERSON01
+ gender:
+ date-of-birth:
+ phone-number:
+ person-id: PERSON01
+ client-id:
+ primary-address:
+ relationships:
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ child:
+ data:
+ - id: '51'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:57.951Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:57.951Z'
+ name: Wilfred Hegmann
+ email: c7dd550d7ce94fc83b7cathena.feeney@rodriguez.test
+ supervisors: []
+ managers-of-supervisors: []
+ agency-role: approvals
+ role-for-permissions:
+ id: 3
+ name: Approvals Worker
+ external-identifier:
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ relationships:
+ agency-admin-assignment:
+ data:
+ id: '50'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/children/10/relationships/contact_logs?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/children/10/relationships/contact_logs?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/children/10/relationships/contact_logs?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 1
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/contact-logs"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ "/api/v1/children/{child_id}/relationships/family_finding_searches":
+ get:
+ summary: List of Family Finding Searches for a specific Child
+ tags:
+ - Children
+ - Family Finding Searches
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: child_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Child ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/children/child_id/relationships/family_finding_searches
+ description: List of Family Finding Searches for a specific Child
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Get list of all Family Finding Searches for a particular child
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '12'
+ type: family-finding-searches
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:01.783Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:01.783Z'
+ start-date: '2023-08-18'
+ end-date: '2023-08-18'
+ related-attributes:
+ child-client-id: ID_1234
+ relationships:
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '18'
+ type: children
+ agency-workers:
+ data:
+ - id: '117'
+ type: agency-workers
+ included:
+ - id: '18'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:01.624Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:01.776Z'
+ first-name: Dylan
+ middle-name: Romaguera
+ last-name: Daniel
+ suffix: PhD
+ date-of-birth: '2022-03-12'
+ gender: Male
+ ethnicities:
+ other: Isiah Weimann IV
+ black-or-african-american:
+ middle-eastern-or-north-african:
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander:
+ american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations:
+ ethnicities-array:
+ - ethnicity: other
+ details: Isiah Weimann IV
+ - ethnicity: black-or-african-american
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: middle-eastern-or-north-african
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations
+ details:
+ primary-language:
+ ssn:
+ gender-expression:
+ further-gender-information:
+ sexual-orientation:
+ client-id: ID_1234
+ external-group-id:
+ nickname:
+ visitation-description:
+ community-of-origin-zipcode:
+ school-id:
+ nps:
+ grade-level:
+ diagnoses:
+ medication:
+ strengths:
+ allergies:
+ therapist:
+ therapist-phone-number:
+ doctor:
+ doctor-phone-number:
+ dentist:
+ dentist-phone-number:
+ behavior-and-medical:
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ can-be-in-home-with-pets:
+ parental-rights-terminated:
+ parental-rights-status: not_terminated
+ date-parental-rights-terminated:
+ has-child:
+ other-youth-needs:
+ in-school:
+ sibling-ids: []
+ protected-tribe:
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ updated-by:
+ sex-assigned-at-birth: Male
+ links:
+ portal-self: http://www.example.com/admin/children/18
+ portal-relationships-dashboard: http://www.example.com/admin/children/18/relationships_dashboard
+ - id: '117'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:01.840Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:01.840Z'
+ name: Abram Bechtelar
+ email: 7e4d3020e3c5ad48a7fdpearly@parker.example
+ supervisors: []
+ managers-of-supervisors: []
+ agency-role: approvals
+ role-for-permissions:
+ id: 3
+ name: Approvals Worker
+ external-identifier:
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ relationships:
+ agency-admin-assignment:
+ data:
+ id: '95'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/children/18/relationships/family_finding_searches?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/children/18/relationships/family_finding_searches?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/children/18/relationships/family_finding_searches?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 1
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/family-finding-searches"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ post:
+ summary: Create a Family Finding Search for a specific Child
+ tags:
+ - Children
+ - Family Finding Searches
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: child_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Child ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: POST/api/v1/children/child_id/relationships/family_finding_searches
+ description: Create a Family Finding Search for a specific Child
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '16'
+ type: family-finding-searches
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:03.543Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:03.543Z'
+ start-date: '2021-01-01'
+ end-date:
+ related-attributes:
+ child-client-id: ID_1234
+ relationships:
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '20'
+ type: children
+ agency-workers:
+ data:
+ - id: '122'
+ type: agency-workers
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/family-finding-searches"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - family-finding-searches
+ description: Mandatory JSON:API type specifier.
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ start-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date the Family Finding Search was started.
+ required:
+ - start-date
+ description: Primary attributes of the record requested.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ agency-workers:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - agency-workers
+ description: Always agency-workers
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A list of references to Agency Workers
+ that have been assigned to the Family Finding Search
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ required:
+ - agency-workers
+ description: Related objects. When performing a PUT request,
+ do not include keys for relationships you do not intend to
+ change. If you want to remove a relationship, include the
+ key and set the "data" attribute to null.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Request-specific modifiers that can control side
+ effects of the current operation.
+ required:
+ - attributes
+ description: Information for the new Family Finding Search
+ required:
+ - type
+ - data
+ description: properties to create a new Family Finding Search
+ required: true
+ "/api/v1/children/{child_id}/relationships/social_connections":
+ get:
+ summary: List of Social Connections for a specific Child
+ tags:
+ - Children
+ - Social Connections
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: child_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Child ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/children/child_id/relationships/social_connections
+ description: List of Social Connections for a specific Child
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Get list of all social connections for a child
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '35'
+ type: social-connections
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:43.735Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:43.735Z'
+ worker-confirmed-at:
+ worker-confirmed: false
+ lineage-type: step
+ kinship-relationship: grandmother
+ kinship-relationship-other-description:
+ emotional-relationship-statuses:
+ - close
+ - contentious
+ fictive-kin-description:
+ parental-line: parental
+ levels-of-support:
+ - option: other
+ details: Currently unable due to hospitalization
+ - option: non_placement
+ details:
+ - option: non_placement.calls
+ details:
+ - option: non_placement.transportation
+ details:
+ - option: non_placement.financial_support
+ details:
+ placement-provider-eligibilities:
+ - current_placement
+ placement-provider-eligibilities-details: Only available on weekends
+ external-identifier:
+ related-attributes:
+ child-first-name: Ruthie
+ child-middle-name: Rasheeda
+ child-last-name: Grady
+ child-suffix: V
+ child-client-id: CHILD_01
+ connection-first-name: Sandra
+ connection-middle-name: Sandía
+ connection-last-name: Strawberry
+ connection-suffix: IV
+ connection-person-id: P4321
+ connection-phone-number: "+14155555555"
+ connection-primary-address:
+ address-line-1: 223 Beier Coves
+ address-line-2: 3100 Sylvester Valley
+ city: Karenton
+ state: California
+ postal-code: '95050'
+ country-code: US
+ county: Orange County
+ start-date:
+ address-type:
+ - physical_home
+ relationships:
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '172'
+ type: children
+ connection-person:
+ data:
+ id: '219'
+ type: people
+ connection-child:
+ data:
+ - id: '36'
+ type: social-connections
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:43.850Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:43.850Z'
+ worker-confirmed-at:
+ worker-confirmed: false
+ lineage-type:
+ kinship-relationship: sibling
+ kinship-relationship-other-description:
+ emotional-relationship-statuses: []
+ fictive-kin-description:
+ parental-line:
+ levels-of-support: []
+ placement-provider-eligibilities: []
+ placement-provider-eligibilities-details: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ related-attributes:
+ child-first-name: Ruthie
+ child-middle-name: Rasheeda
+ child-last-name: Grady
+ child-suffix: V
+ child-client-id: CHILD_01
+ connection-first-name: Blake
+ connection-middle-name: Shelba
+ connection-last-name: Schmidt
+ connection-suffix: I
+ connection-person-id:
+ connection-phone-number:
+ connection-primary-address:
+ relationships:
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '172'
+ type: children
+ connection-person:
+ data:
+ id: '220'
+ type: people
+ connection-child:
+ data:
+ id: '173'
+ type: children
+ - id: '38'
+ type: social-connections
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:43.986Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:43.986Z'
+ worker-confirmed-at:
+ worker-confirmed: false
+ lineage-type:
+ kinship-relationship: fictive_kin
+ kinship-relationship-other-description:
+ emotional-relationship-statuses: []
+ fictive-kin-description:
+ parental-line:
+ levels-of-support: []
+ placement-provider-eligibilities: []
+ placement-provider-eligibilities-details: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ related-attributes:
+ child-first-name: Ruthie
+ child-middle-name: Rasheeda
+ child-last-name: Grady
+ child-suffix: V
+ child-client-id: CHILD_01
+ connection-first-name:
+ connection-middle-name:
+ connection-last-name:
+ connection-suffix:
+ connection-person-id:
+ connection-phone-number:
+ connection-primary-address:
+ relationships:
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '172'
+ type: children
+ connection-person:
+ data:
+ id: '222'
+ type: people
+ connection-child:
+ data:
+ included:
+ - id: '172'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:43.498Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:43.574Z'
+ first-name: Ruthie
+ middle-name: Rasheeda
+ last-name: Grady
+ suffix: V
+ date-of-birth: '2009-10-09'
+ gender: Female
+ ethnicities:
+ other: Charlotte Cartwright LLD
+ unknown:
+ ethnicities-array:
+ - ethnicity: other
+ details: Charlotte Cartwright LLD
+ - ethnicity: unknown
+ details:
+ primary-language:
+ ssn:
+ gender-expression:
+ further-gender-information:
+ sexual-orientation:
+ client-id: CHILD_01
+ external-group-id:
+ nickname:
+ visitation-description:
+ community-of-origin-zipcode:
+ school-id:
+ nps:
+ grade-level:
+ diagnoses:
+ medication:
+ strengths:
+ allergies:
+ therapist:
+ therapist-phone-number:
+ doctor:
+ doctor-phone-number:
+ dentist:
+ dentist-phone-number:
+ behavior-and-medical:
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ can-be-in-home-with-pets:
+ parental-rights-terminated:
+ parental-rights-status: not_terminated
+ date-parental-rights-terminated:
+ has-child:
+ other-youth-needs:
+ in-school:
+ sibling-ids: []
+ protected-tribe:
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ updated-by:
+ sex-assigned-at-birth: Male
+ links:
+ portal-self: http://www.example.com/admin/children/172
+ portal-relationships-dashboard: http://www.example.com/admin/children/172/relationships_dashboard
+ - id: '219'
+ type: people
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:43.665Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:43.938Z'
+ first-name: Sandra
+ middle-name: Sandía
+ last-name: Strawberry
+ suffix: IV
+ external-identifier: P4321
+ gender:
+ date-of-birth:
+ phone-number: "+14155555555"
+ person-id: P4321
+ client-id:
+ primary-address:
+ address-line-1: 223 Beier Coves
+ address-line-2: 3100 Sylvester Valley
+ city: Karenton
+ state: California
+ postal-code: '95050'
+ country-code: US
+ county: Orange County
+ start-date:
+ address-type:
+ - physical_home
+ relationships:
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '198'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ child:
+ data:
+ - id: '220'
+ type: people
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:43.763Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:43.838Z'
+ first-name: Blake
+ middle-name: Shelba
+ last-name: Schmidt
+ suffix: I
+ external-identifier:
+ gender: Female
+ date-of-birth: '2012-10-09'
+ phone-number:
+ person-id:
+ client-id: CHILD_07
+ primary-address:
+ relationships:
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '173'
+ type: children
+ - id: '173'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:43.755Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:43.838Z'
+ first-name: Blake
+ middle-name: Shelba
+ last-name: Schmidt
+ suffix: I
+ date-of-birth: '2012-10-09'
+ gender: Female
+ ethnicities:
+ white:
+ unknown:
+ black-or-african-american:
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander:
+ american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations:
+ ethnicities-array:
+ - ethnicity: white
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: unknown
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: black-or-african-american
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations
+ details:
+ primary-language:
+ ssn:
+ gender-expression:
+ further-gender-information:
+ sexual-orientation:
+ client-id: CHILD_07
+ external-group-id:
+ nickname:
+ visitation-description:
+ community-of-origin-zipcode:
+ school-id:
+ nps:
+ grade-level:
+ diagnoses:
+ medication:
+ strengths:
+ allergies:
+ therapist:
+ therapist-phone-number:
+ doctor:
+ doctor-phone-number:
+ dentist:
+ dentist-phone-number:
+ behavior-and-medical:
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ can-be-in-home-with-pets:
+ parental-rights-terminated:
+ parental-rights-status: not_terminated
+ date-parental-rights-terminated:
+ has-child:
+ other-youth-needs:
+ in-school:
+ sibling-ids: []
+ protected-tribe:
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ updated-by:
+ sex-assigned-at-birth: Intersex
+ links:
+ portal-self: http://www.example.com/admin/children/173
+ portal-relationships-dashboard: http://www.example.com/admin/children/173/relationships_dashboard
+ - id: '222'
+ type: people
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:43.976Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:43.976Z'
+ first-name:
+ middle-name:
+ last-name:
+ suffix:
+ external-identifier:
+ gender:
+ date-of-birth:
+ phone-number:
+ person-id:
+ client-id:
+ primary-address:
+ relationships:
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ child:
+ data:
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/children/172/relationships/social_connections?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/children/172/relationships/social_connections?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/children/172/relationships/social_connections?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 3
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/social-connections"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ post:
+ summary: Create a new Social Connection for a specific Child
+ tags:
+ - Children
+ - Social Connections
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: child_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Child ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: POST/api/v1/children/child_id/relationships/social_connections
+ description: Create a new Social Connection for a specific Child
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created with a new person
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '43'
+ type: social-connections
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:45.402Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:45.429Z'
+ worker-confirmed-at:
+ worker-confirmed: false
+ lineage-type: biological
+ kinship-relationship: aunt
+ kinship-relationship-other-description:
+ emotional-relationship-statuses:
+ - cordial
+ - distant
+ fictive-kin-description:
+ parental-line: maternal
+ levels-of-support: []
+ placement-provider-eligibilities: []
+ placement-provider-eligibilities-details: ''
+ external-identifier: RID_4312
+ related-attributes:
+ child-first-name: Victoria
+ child-middle-name: Andera
+ child-last-name: Bruen
+ child-suffix: IV
+ child-client-id: CHILD_01
+ connection-first-name: Percy
+ connection-middle-name:
+ connection-last-name: Persimmon
+ connection-suffix:
+ connection-person-id:
+ connection-phone-number: "+15025551234"
+ connection-primary-address:
+ address-line-1: 221 Side Street
+ address-line-2: Apt B
+ city: Louisville
+ state: Kentucky
+ postal-code: '40216'
+ country-code: US
+ county: Jefferson County
+ start-date: '2002-10-05T00:00:00.000Z'
+ address-type:
+ - physical_home
+ - mailing
+ relationships:
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '174'
+ type: children
+ connection-person:
+ data:
+ id: '228'
+ type: people
+ connection-child:
+ data:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/social-connections"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ '404':
+ description: With an incorrect Child id
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ errors:
+ - title: not_found
+ detail: Couldn't find Child with 'id'=999999999 [WHERE "children"."deleted_at"
+ IS NULL AND "children"."agency_id" = $1]
+ status: 404
+ id: 03b8c717-0270-42f2-826c-0261b52655cc
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ errors:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ title:
+ type: string
+ description: High level error type.
+ detail:
+ type: string
+ description: Human-readable string describing the error
+ status:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: HTTP status code.
+ id:
+ type: string
+ description: Request-specific ID that can be shared with
+ Binti for debugging.
+ source:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ pointer:
+ type: string
+ description: A locator string like /data/attributes/ethnicity;
+ when available it can show you the key in your request
+ that was rejected.
+ description: Information to help you find the source of
+ the error
+ description: A single error entry.
+ description: A list of errors we encountered while processing
+ your request.
+ required:
+ - errors
+ description: Errors object.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - social-connections
+ description: Mandatory JSON:API type specifier.
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ lineage-type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - biological
+ - adopted
+ - step
+ - half
+ - marriage
+ - alleged
+ - presumed
+ - unknown
+ -
+ description: Type of lineage
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ emotional-relationship-statuses:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - close
+ - cordial
+ - distant
+ - contentious
+ - no_prior_interaction
+ description: Emotional relationship statuses
+ description: Array showing a specific list of emotional
+ relationship statuses
+ kinship-relationship:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - mother
+ - father
+ - parent
+ - grandmother
+ - grandfather
+ - grandparent
+ - aunt
+ - uncle
+ - daughter
+ - son
+ - child
+ - niece
+ - nephew
+ - cousin
+ - sibling
+ - partner
+ - unknown_kinship_relationship
+ - other
+ - married
+ - divorced
+ - engaged
+ - dating
+ - cohabitating
+ - exes
+ - other_partner_status
+ - relative
+ - fictive_kin
+ - no_relationship
+ - unknown
+ description: Type of kinship or relationship.
+ kinship-relationship-other-description:
+ type: string
+ description: Relationship description for other.
+ nullable: true
+ fictive-kin-description:
+ type: string
+ description: Relationship description for fictive kin.
+ nullable: true
+ parental-line:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - maternal
+ - paternal
+ - parental
+ - maternal_and_paternal
+ - maternal_and_parental
+ - parental_and_paternal
+ -
+ description: The parental line this connection is associated
+ with.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: External systems identifier for individual
+ Social Connection. Must be unique for agency
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - lineage-type
+ - emotional-relationship-statuses
+ - kinship-relationship
+ - kinship-relationship-other-description
+ - fictive-kin-description
+ - parental-line
+ - external-identifier
+ description: Primary attributes of the record requested.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ connection-person:
+ oneOf:
+ - type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - people
+ description: Always people
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: The person pertaining to this social
+ connection. In the case of a connection between
+ two children, this will be the person record corresponding
+ to the child with the greater person id.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ - type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ first-name:
+ type: string
+ description: First or given name, as provided
+ to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ middle-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Middle name, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ last-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Last or family name, as provided
+ to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ suffix:
+ type: string
+ description: Suffix, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ date-of-birth:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date of birth.
+ nullable: true
+ gender:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - Female
+ - Male
+ - Transgender
+ - Non-binary
+ - Not listed above
+ - Prefer not to answer
+ -
+ description: Gender, as selected from the available
+ options.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ person-id:
+ type: string
+ description: If the person is part of a foster
+ family application they may be assigned an external
+ identifier. Equivelent to `user-agency-profiles.external-identifier`
+ nullable: true
+ phone-number:
+ type: string
+ description: Phone number provided to Binti and
+ designated as Primary Phone number for person
+ nullable: true
+ primary-address:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ address-line-1:
+ type: string
+ description: Street Address line 1.
+ nullable: true
+ address-line-2:
+ type: string
+ description: Street Address line 2.
+ nullable: true
+ city:
+ type: string
+ description: Address City
+ nullable: true
+ state:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Address State/Province. Uses
+ the full name. For example: "California"
+ or "Puerto Rico".'
+ nullable: true
+ postal-code:
+ type: string
+ description: Address Postal Code
+ nullable: true
+ country-code:
+ type: string
+ description: 'ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 two letter
+ country code. For example: "US", "CA", or
+ "MX".'
+ nullable: true
+ county:
+ type: string
+ description: Address County
+ nullable: true
+ start-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Address Start Date
+ nullable: true
+ address-type:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - physical_home_of_origin
+ - physical_placement
+ - physical_home
+ - physical_work
+ - mailing
+ - physical_incarcerated
+ description: A key representing an address
+ type
+ description: An array of address type keys
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - address-line-1
+ - address-line-2
+ - city
+ - state
+ - postal-code
+ - country-code
+ - county
+ - start-date
+ - address-type
+ description: Address listed as primary for person
+ within family finding.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - first-name
+ - middle-name
+ - last-name
+ - suffix
+ - date-of-birth
+ - gender
+ - person-id
+ - phone-number
+ - primary-address
+ description: Primary attributes of the record requested.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Related objects. When performing a PUT
+ request, do not include keys for relationships you
+ do not intend to change. If you want to remove a
+ relationship, include the key and set the "data"
+ attribute to null.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Request-specific modifiers that can control
+ side effects of the current operation.
+ required:
+ - attributes
+ description: Information for the new Person.
+ description: Either a reference to an existing person or
+ attributes to create a new person
+ required:
+ - connection-person
+ description: Related objects. When performing a PUT request,
+ do not include keys for relationships you do not intend to
+ change. If you want to remove a relationship, include the
+ key and set the "data" attribute to null.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Request-specific modifiers that can control side
+ effects of the current operation.
+ required:
+ - attributes
+ description: Information for the new Social Connection
+ required:
+ - type
+ - data
+ description: Properties to create a new Social Connection
+ required: true
+ "/api/v1/contact_logs":
+ get:
+ summary: List of contact logs
+ tags:
+ - Contact Logs
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ agency-worker, children, connection-people'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Sort the results by various fields. The prefix `-` sorts results
+ in descending order; no prefix sorts results in ascending order.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - "-created_at"
+ - created_at
+ - "-updated_at"
+ - updated_at
+ - "-recorded_by"
+ - recorded_by
+ description: Avalable sorting values.
+ - name: updated_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter people for those updated after provided start date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: updated_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter people for those updated before provided end date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: created_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter contact logs for those created after provided start date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: created_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter contact logs for those created before provided end date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: contacted_on_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter for contact logs after date and time provided
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: contacted_on_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter for contact logs before date and time provided
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: recorded_by
+ in: query
+ description: Filter for contact logs recorded by a worker with email address
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Exact email address of worker.
+ - name: child_id
+ in: query
+ description: Filter for contact logs related to a particular child
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti child id
+ - name: client_id
+ in: query
+ description: Filter for contact logs related to a particular child by client
+ id
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Client id/external identifier for child
+ - name: status
+ in: query
+ description: Filter for contact logs in a particular status
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - attempted
+ - successful
+ description: Contact Log Statuses
+ - name: contact_person_id
+ in: query
+ description: Filter for contact logs by the external identifier of the contacted
+ person (Person ID)
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Contact's person external identifier
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/contact_logs
+ description: List of contact logs
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: filter on client_id
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '11'
+ type: contact-logs
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:51.921Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:51.921Z'
+ contact-method: text
+ contacted-on: '2024-08-23T20:27:51.920Z'
+ contacted-on-time-known: true
+ notes:
+ status: successful
+ recorded-by: 9324443f24556c3635ferochelle.jast@doyle.example
+ related-attributes:
+ children-client-ids:
+ - CHILD01
+ connection-people-person-ids:
+ - PERSON01
+ agency-worker-email: 9324443f24556c3635ferochelle.jast@doyle.example
+ relationships:
+ children:
+ data:
+ - id: '6'
+ type: children
+ connection-people:
+ data:
+ - id: '12'
+ type: people
+ agency-worker:
+ data:
+ id: '31'
+ type: agency-workers
+ included:
+ - id: '6'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:52.058Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:52.058Z'
+ first-name: Earl
+ middle-name: Bechtelar
+ last-name: Kertzmann
+ suffix: LLD
+ date-of-birth: '2019-10-21'
+ gender: Have not asked child (other reason)
+ ethnicities:
+ unknown:
+ black-or-african-american:
+ ethnicities-array:
+ - ethnicity: unknown
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: black-or-african-american
+ details:
+ primary-language:
+ ssn:
+ gender-expression:
+ further-gender-information:
+ sexual-orientation:
+ client-id: CHILD01
+ external-group-id:
+ nickname: Jeff
+ visitation-description:
+ community-of-origin-zipcode:
+ school-id:
+ nps:
+ grade-level:
+ diagnoses:
+ medication:
+ strengths:
+ allergies:
+ therapist:
+ therapist-phone-number:
+ doctor:
+ doctor-phone-number:
+ dentist:
+ dentist-phone-number:
+ behavior-and-medical:
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ can-be-in-home-with-pets:
+ parental-rights-terminated:
+ parental-rights-status: not_terminated
+ date-parental-rights-terminated:
+ has-child:
+ other-youth-needs:
+ in-school:
+ sibling-ids: []
+ protected-tribe:
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ updated-by:
+ sex-assigned-at-birth: Intersex
+ links:
+ portal-self: http://www.example.com/admin/children/6
+ portal-relationships-dashboard: http://www.example.com/admin/children/6/relationships_dashboard
+ - id: '12'
+ type: people
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:52.134Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:52.134Z'
+ first-name:
+ middle-name:
+ last-name:
+ suffix:
+ external-identifier: PERSON01
+ gender:
+ date-of-birth:
+ phone-number:
+ person-id: PERSON01
+ client-id:
+ primary-address:
+ relationships:
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ child:
+ data:
+ - id: '31'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:51.858Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:51.858Z'
+ name: Justin Gleason
+ email: 9324443f24556c3635ferochelle.jast@doyle.example
+ supervisors: []
+ managers-of-supervisors: []
+ agency-role: approvals
+ role-for-permissions:
+ id: 3
+ name: Approvals Worker
+ external-identifier:
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ relationships:
+ agency-admin-assignment:
+ data:
+ id: '30'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/contact_logs?client_id=CHILD01&page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&status=&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/contact_logs?client_id=CHILD01&page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&status=&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/contact_logs?client_id=CHILD01&page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&status=&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 1
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/contact-logs"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ "/api/v1/contact_logs/{contact_log_id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific contact log
+ tags:
+ - Contact Logs
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: contact_log_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti contact log ID
+ required: true
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ agency-worker, children, connection-people'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/contact_logs/contact_log_id
+ description: Get a specific contact log
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '17'
+ type: contact-logs
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:56.445Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:56.445Z'
+ contact-method: in_person
+ contacted-on: '2024-08-23T20:27:56.444Z'
+ contacted-on-time-known: true
+ notes:
+ status: successful
+ recorded-by: c280a158f111c49ee411earnest_brakus@kerluke-sauer.example
+ related-attributes:
+ children-client-ids:
+ - CHILD01
+ connection-people-person-ids:
+ - PERSON01
+ agency-worker-email: c280a158f111c49ee411earnest_brakus@kerluke-sauer.example
+ relationships:
+ children:
+ data:
+ - id: '9'
+ type: children
+ connection-people:
+ data:
+ - id: '18'
+ type: people
+ agency-worker:
+ data:
+ id: '46'
+ type: agency-workers
+ included:
+ - id: '9'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:56.613Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:56.613Z'
+ first-name: Hazel
+ middle-name: Rutherford
+ last-name: Harvey
+ suffix: MD
+ date-of-birth: '2007-02-11'
+ gender: Not listed above
+ ethnicities:
+ hispanic-or-latinx:
+ black-or-african-american:
+ ethnicities-array:
+ - ethnicity: hispanic-or-latinx
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: black-or-african-american
+ details:
+ primary-language:
+ ssn:
+ gender-expression:
+ further-gender-information:
+ sexual-orientation:
+ client-id: CHILD01
+ external-group-id:
+ nickname: Brianne
+ visitation-description:
+ community-of-origin-zipcode:
+ school-id:
+ nps:
+ grade-level:
+ diagnoses:
+ medication:
+ strengths:
+ allergies:
+ therapist:
+ therapist-phone-number:
+ doctor:
+ doctor-phone-number:
+ dentist:
+ dentist-phone-number:
+ behavior-and-medical:
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ can-be-in-home-with-pets:
+ parental-rights-terminated:
+ parental-rights-status: not_terminated
+ date-parental-rights-terminated:
+ has-child:
+ other-youth-needs:
+ in-school:
+ sibling-ids: []
+ protected-tribe:
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ updated-by:
+ sex-assigned-at-birth: Male
+ links:
+ portal-self: http://www.example.com/admin/children/9
+ portal-relationships-dashboard: http://www.example.com/admin/children/9/relationships_dashboard
+ - id: '18'
+ type: people
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:56.641Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:56.641Z'
+ first-name:
+ middle-name:
+ last-name:
+ suffix:
+ external-identifier: PERSON01
+ gender:
+ date-of-birth:
+ phone-number:
+ person-id: PERSON01
+ client-id:
+ primary-address:
+ relationships:
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ child:
+ data:
+ - id: '46'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:56.430Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:56.430Z'
+ name: Roderick MacGyver
+ email: c280a158f111c49ee411earnest_brakus@kerluke-sauer.example
+ supervisors: []
+ managers-of-supervisors: []
+ agency-role: approvals
+ role-for-permissions:
+ id: 3
+ name: Approvals Worker
+ external-identifier:
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ relationships:
+ agency-admin-assignment:
+ data:
+ id: '45'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/contact-logs"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ "/api/v1/documents/{document_id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific document
+ tags:
+ - Documents
+ - Partner Agency Access
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: document_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Document ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ signatures'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/documents/document_id
+ description: Get a specific document
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '1'
+ type: documents
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: ebert-llc
+ category: other_uploaded_by_admin
+ name: Sub-Ex Application 6
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:08.722Z'
+ file-content-type: image/png
+ file-filename: document_test.jpg
+ file-size: 9913
+ slug: intake-form-not-cbo-visible
+ license-external-identifier: paa-license-1
+ file-data: |
+ CZwcZZUPiKKiIJjurp5EjIDHeqwIqIvCihdyeP1kWa9dUdGorCFTVT2ThACO
+ u174U8BjF1dF8QA0aHRVwHORQznU5UYEMYSp+npmMkkmd9LH1L73vq+qvuqu
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+ mJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiY
+ mJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiY
+ mAaAzlz3uEVj3gGLxm6A5e1f9+89b79FZ3rhe/D/TJIU/1IjU4Zhu9/PWK6X
+ sYRa7vql5vQS/e+YmLovk2OBrGVs950gh07GnvAydh7lciJjTbw/srcXzEZd
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+ AMr2W64T05Lf3wd7g33AALhAfIAj0zh7YR92P+mICawEEoT4P4LuymY0dw5b
+ cuGYysE3gSM+QFUSF+8DbKikjwGwMQC03CtrA2D+M60AIFbCUP9Bmf9ajO6D
+ TfLVzp/aviLAADinAFCdfG9oHwAX7ec/SCPnrooFQErApiToGzO5uw8a7Chw
+ KJTAq69kE8wyBYBXDVQQhAFQ/+wDohHmHZUR5iBhPOw402NeMQD21wQesqdO
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+ VQsDYF8BcGhMPNmwxE1hPqeoeI7oL3U/1pdDmQGwr0GQmaFhcUxHnL9+Rn8u
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+ DID9A0AFZtjf0aDB7DOqrFHEmMHiCz03gxkA+9EMIU+F/ABCHawUCBtcYst9
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+ D4Da4Zo1xYn0rKU1FA+CNDnRvdsYzi8L3tuNjAUGwF4mP9Opd2Wc8HXLp0aD
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+ xfiuOQB+qBmaLo4OOLFlMGEAHCwA1Ece2HlbNujIq+8VCe3jgJ/U5k38KG1N
+ vqLKl+zLWSCTjdYqMwB2cTkFqXWJe5aMOkv7EmXVvhNTb6hTjNy0SSBYlpG4
+ GX/u7u148j5j9LGhRGFGIULAIMCLr8lVgPF2wxLXUy7fGr/Ls0gS+oL6ftRY
+ 3yXvY2z/ljYeA+BgAWAF8ACfLlUpWTVBkEpIpR99Bv7/daqkStIA8ef4DNcp
+ 50Do3pYeeezI+kDu7bcYQBOHacP3fQre+yepXe5UWp//3TXAD81jv99fO0Ej
+ BsDBA0CdL3CwGba4wpDKQg2LwJWHM9bRy721E/NYs5aw8NliEn2j98oA2L1m
+ p2VS2eUDEinfdKMN1cdyM98sxTQEAiV3QvnWSvFZ+eG9UPPR1aARyr5tZB4D
+ oN0M2ty3cFIYbPTVmZwYhp+P4ixcHFaO09qouF31PiSg8NOA4lMffJmiPDDQ
+ OkvBVLVmgx4MgHMDADXr5KgVDx+IWh3lecoDslhrpITf2YiuSz67HcDve0Hu
+ fgL//iLIz4UgiznAqw/5IzdjQZABsLOzPpBhKtjwcFis7+3fk6BHXWELTchM
+ bvzlICQPZoNT1xc4kRDIkfdGWhlsbkqgrrew3lgmYdcAPp13Qo1fdLdmrIm3
+ VwVzGADnHwBWuIXguz6TwYyEMCugnCCTs1KmRIn4Te+ZqZZBeq7OvrTlfhn2
+ 40FVz5YBsGNaX4Eegsxd+i32PwsY7A1Q12UvbJuFSaZwrT8moJIt+os1QUo+
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+ 8Ai+7/00RxgPZxkcqeUu8SKyVt0DcxajzNm1e7y07X626r4rADCbCIA7GQDj
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+ vCcyi6XpWgxM384Fh0oS+GREjwTccm8ycvnTo9fVwQ3mAyBolvD925X8lqIA
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+ bXukn+J+rKONRKAGWeDjTt1AmL39spY4A+77Whqkvna3f486GJYb1PIqTeEi
+ /h9lh6o6pEDeik5qbH/fVd754xlt8TzqRyflV08D2uf3ogtrTxOuQ+tBCBvm
+ OqUx7dPB1O9lCBrF2wZeHjQgg2v/Ulbej37olQkA0J9mu6MhD7ps2WiHM2Yd
+ AE8/QUAI10HT5Uh+REnJpeaSEbOxyfTygJsJAiK+BhjxgYpLtO5J4f2j3KJ8
+ mM55qCberDL3wy+dT4vy4NxymKPmkjDLjbvTkwJCTtUbDdP9aDBj139ogzps
+ vJ5JrDdAgH8bdv5UuMdvAg82+qBFm8CfOWz62pxbrl5KIGkIziRpyHRgyAL3
+ afjdj0CO3n3Eqi2H9IR3+ia381dnzy9o1y+vNXtBCTfIV+v7HsMk26wtPizT
+ eiY0h71bQH8TJZ2vyKc65sfsAdjgMw82O8i4AoG9BDi2O50amTq6p9YN5ZZq
+ +YK5iWdh4jQcmjfh9SHvSa4oZWpC9weWtYOaFJfsBUXQyMX1Qd9LXcNX95M2
+ 3ZMpEBe5f2cf7nnQ5rcuxhG28MM/kmYwMi3Nl/m2MMKJ0SQ0bVHtDWtoJ9En
+ veLPkW/IP9nto4CzfbEUD9tYZczxF0W0h24UuNfwL6XM8aPgWu4gQFfXTfIM
+ m2popTi8oahzMIHv/ifAZ32NeKAijqpmeRLzH+cE+PnZAaEZfD49X0ovmfaC
+ Yea2+ED0EOiPq4Y0eRy0bo6/ClOuQC5/DjLmkjuK0mJ2er65LGVyiycPJPFA
+ ajjBvRF1A5xXff9uMXBnwAd9BYTlj/DDW2D9bn4t8TsQ3BuBCT+D/38PM9Th
+ 9dyMNfHGJdam5+DIyepggjeggY42yM+eryBsQgpawkuxWSXm/mHnXgQ2PFmJ
+ b5b7S5CNH8Dr5Th0CUzEs7AzdVDDWyl0veadEvTUyAYDrnutzFUUv0DTLhJ8
+ acZ3BvdgWPn3oFaL0X+SGQL5PoFFR9JhnDcCb66CZ3gTPsugDLECLHsO0nGa
+ J/wss3ryiPTI5MnoToFrvgiHsGPJHLz+L9zHb5TS8syavsvoONbTcFA7+qbB
+ AABJRU5ErkJggg==
+ relationships:
+ signatures:
+ data: []
+ links:
+ self: "/attachments/446854e22db21aff3f33f7ebca9dd82511620819/store/09c241d8e4a3712931e0c0bb486178ad5608c080ebdd3b838f11ef5a41af/document_test.jpg?expires_at=1724448490"
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/documents"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ "/api/v1/family_finding_searches":
+ get:
+ summary: List of Family Finding Searches
+ tags:
+ - Family Finding Searches
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ agency-workers, child'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: created_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter Family Finding Searches for those created after provided
+ start date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: created_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter Family Finding Searches for those created before provided
+ end date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: updated_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter Family Finding Searches for those updated after provided
+ start date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: updated_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter Family Finding Searches for those updated before provided
+ end date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: start_date_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Family Finding Searches started after provided start date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: ISO 8601 Date string.
+ - name: start_date_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Family Finding Searches started before provided end date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: ISO 8601 Date string.
+ - name: end_date_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Family Finding Searches ended after provided start date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: ISO 8601 Date string.
+ - name: end_date_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Family Finding Searches ended before provided end date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: ISO 8601 Date string.
+ - name: client_id
+ in: query
+ description: Filters for Family Finding Searches that pertain to a Child with
+ the given client_id.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier used in external system that can be used to match
+ a singular child in Binti with a child record in another system. Must
+ be unique for each child at an agency.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: child_id
+ in: query
+ description: Filters for Family Finding Searches that pertain to a Child with
+ the given Binti ID.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti child id
+ - name: open
+ in: query
+ description: Filters for Family Finding Searches with no end date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Boolean true/false, or string "true"/"false".
+ - name: closed
+ in: query
+ description: Filters for Family Finding Searches with an end date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Boolean true/false, or string "true"/"false".
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/family_finding_searches
+ description: List of Family Finding Searches
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: filtering by Child ID
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '5'
+ type: family-finding-searches
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:58.272Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:58.272Z'
+ start-date: '2023-08-18'
+ end-date: '2023-08-18'
+ related-attributes:
+ child-client-id: ID_1234
+ relationships:
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '12'
+ type: children
+ agency-workers:
+ data:
+ - id: '102'
+ type: agency-workers
+ included:
+ - id: '12'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:58.150Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:58.264Z'
+ first-name: Evan
+ middle-name: Deckow
+ last-name: Simonis
+ suffix: DO
+ date-of-birth: '2010-10-31'
+ gender: Transgender
+ ethnicities:
+ other: Darci Cassin
+ middle-eastern-or-north-african:
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander:
+ american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations:
+ ethnicities-array:
+ - ethnicity: other
+ details: Darci Cassin
+ - ethnicity: middle-eastern-or-north-african
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations
+ details:
+ primary-language:
+ ssn:
+ gender-expression:
+ further-gender-information:
+ sexual-orientation:
+ client-id: ID_1234
+ external-group-id:
+ nickname:
+ visitation-description:
+ community-of-origin-zipcode:
+ school-id:
+ nps:
+ grade-level:
+ diagnoses:
+ medication:
+ strengths:
+ allergies:
+ therapist:
+ therapist-phone-number:
+ doctor:
+ doctor-phone-number:
+ dentist:
+ dentist-phone-number:
+ behavior-and-medical:
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ can-be-in-home-with-pets:
+ parental-rights-terminated:
+ parental-rights-status: not_terminated
+ date-parental-rights-terminated:
+ has-child:
+ other-youth-needs:
+ in-school:
+ sibling-ids: []
+ protected-tribe:
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ updated-by:
+ sex-assigned-at-birth: Male
+ links:
+ portal-self: http://www.example.com/admin/children/12
+ portal-relationships-dashboard: http://www.example.com/admin/children/12/relationships_dashboard
+ - id: '102'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:58.330Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:28:58.330Z'
+ name: Wes Larkin
+ email: 3d7414e6e7e8a6cf38famarybeth@vandervort-damore.example
+ supervisors: []
+ managers-of-supervisors: []
+ agency-role: approvals
+ role-for-permissions:
+ id: 3
+ name: Approvals Worker
+ external-identifier:
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ relationships:
+ agency-admin-assignment:
+ data:
+ id: '80'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/family_finding_searches?child_id=12&page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/family_finding_searches?child_id=12&page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/family_finding_searches?child_id=12&page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 1
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/family-finding-searches"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ post:
+ summary: Create a Family Finding Search
+ tags:
+ - Family Finding Searches
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: POST/api/v1/family_finding_searches
+ description: Create a Family Finding Search
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '9'
+ type: family-finding-searches
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:00.069Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:00.069Z'
+ start-date: '2021-01-01'
+ end-date:
+ related-attributes:
+ child-client-id: ID_1234
+ relationships:
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '14'
+ type: children
+ agency-workers:
+ data:
+ - id: '107'
+ type: agency-workers
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/family-finding-searches"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - family-finding-searches
+ description: Mandatory JSON:API type specifier.
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ start-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date the Family Finding Search was started.
+ required:
+ - start-date
+ description: Primary attributes of the record requested.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ child:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - children
+ description: Always children
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the child if a person is
+ a child
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ agency-workers:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - agency-workers
+ description: Always agency-workers
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A list of references to Agency Workers
+ that have been assigned to the Family Finding Search
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ required:
+ - child
+ - agency-workers
+ description: Related objects. When performing a PUT request,
+ do not include keys for relationships you do not intend to
+ change. If you want to remove a relationship, include the
+ key and set the "data" attribute to null.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Request-specific modifiers that can control side
+ effects of the current operation.
+ required:
+ - attributes
+ description: Information for the new Family Finding Search
+ required:
+ - type
+ - data
+ description: properties to create a new Family Finding Search
+ required: true
+ "/api/v1/family_finding_searches/{family_finding_search_id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific Family Finding Search
+ tags:
+ - Family Finding Searches
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: family_finding_search_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Family Finding Search ID
+ required: true
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ agency-workers, child'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/family_finding_searches/family_finding_search_id
+ description: Get a specific Family Finding Search
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '10'
+ type: family-finding-searches
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:00.617Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:00.617Z'
+ start-date: '2023-08-18'
+ end-date: '2023-08-18'
+ related-attributes:
+ child-client-id: ID_1234
+ relationships:
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '16'
+ type: children
+ agency-workers:
+ data:
+ - id: '112'
+ type: agency-workers
+ included:
+ - id: '16'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:00.480Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:00.579Z'
+ first-name: Jeanie
+ middle-name: Becker
+ last-name: Hudson
+ suffix: I
+ date-of-birth: '2008-06-21'
+ gender: Not listed above
+ ethnicities:
+ hispanic-or-latinx:
+ ethnicities-array:
+ - ethnicity: hispanic-or-latinx
+ details:
+ primary-language:
+ ssn:
+ gender-expression:
+ further-gender-information:
+ sexual-orientation:
+ client-id: ID_1234
+ external-group-id:
+ nickname:
+ visitation-description:
+ community-of-origin-zipcode:
+ school-id:
+ nps:
+ grade-level:
+ diagnoses:
+ medication:
+ strengths:
+ allergies:
+ therapist:
+ therapist-phone-number:
+ doctor:
+ doctor-phone-number:
+ dentist:
+ dentist-phone-number:
+ behavior-and-medical:
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ can-be-in-home-with-pets:
+ parental-rights-terminated:
+ parental-rights-status: not_terminated
+ date-parental-rights-terminated:
+ has-child:
+ other-youth-needs:
+ in-school:
+ sibling-ids: []
+ protected-tribe:
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ updated-by:
+ sex-assigned-at-birth: Female
+ links:
+ portal-self: http://www.example.com/admin/children/16
+ portal-relationships-dashboard: http://www.example.com/admin/children/16/relationships_dashboard
+ - id: '112'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:00.649Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:00.649Z'
+ name: Catarina Mosciski
+ email: 2df38be4907bf9851365valentine.mohr@steuber.test
+ supervisors: []
+ managers-of-supervisors: []
+ agency-role: approvals
+ role-for-permissions:
+ id: 3
+ name: Approvals Worker
+ external-identifier:
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ relationships:
+ agency-admin-assignment:
+ data:
+ id: '90'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/family-finding-searches"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ "/api/v1/good_causes":
+ get:
+ summary: List good causes
+ tags:
+ - Good Causes
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ application, good-cause-barriers'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/good_causes
+ description: List good causes
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: good-causes
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:10.566Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:10.566Z'
+ generated-date: '2024-08-23'
+ anticipated-completion-date:
+ is-fully-specified: false
+ relationships:
+ good-cause-barriers:
+ data: []
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '87'
+ type: initial-applications
+ included:
+ - id: '87'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: weimann-and-sons
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:10.207Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:10.309Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 100
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower:
+ approved-age-higher:
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity:
+ case-type:
+ casework-completed-percentage: 100
+ caseworker-assigned-date:
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster:
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed:
+ date-of-inquiry: '2024-08-23'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed:
+ expiry-date:
+ external-identifier:
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: true
+ family-type:
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date: '2024-08-23T13:33:10.203-07:00'
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier: BND000001
+ medically-trained:
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 100
+ template-slug: application-template-174
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: InitialApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '131'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '87'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data: []
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: good-causes
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ sub-agencies:
+ data: []
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '87'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/good_causes?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/good_causes?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/good_causes?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 1
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/good-causes"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ "/api/v1/good_causes/{good_cause_id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific good cause
+ tags:
+ - Good Causes
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: good_cause_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Good Cause ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ application, good-cause-barriers'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/good_causes/good_cause_id
+ description: Get a specific good cause
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '2'
+ type: good-causes
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:12.652Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:12.652Z'
+ generated-date: '2024-08-23'
+ anticipated-completion-date:
+ is-fully-specified: false
+ relationships:
+ good-cause-barriers:
+ data: []
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '88'
+ type: initial-applications
+ included:
+ - id: '88'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: kub-dare-and-volkman
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:12.306Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:12.422Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 100
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower:
+ approved-age-higher:
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity:
+ case-type:
+ casework-completed-percentage: 100
+ caseworker-assigned-date:
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster:
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed:
+ date-of-inquiry: '2024-08-23'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed:
+ expiry-date:
+ external-identifier:
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: true
+ family-type:
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date: '2024-08-23T13:33:12.303-07:00'
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier: BNE000001
+ medically-trained:
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 100
+ template-slug: application-template-176
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: InitialApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '132'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '88'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data: []
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data:
+ - id: '2'
+ type: good-causes
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ sub-agencies:
+ data: []
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '88'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/good-causes"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ "/api/v1/people":
+ get:
+ summary: List people
+ tags:
+ - People
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ child, user-agency-profile'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: updated_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter people for those updated after provided start date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: updated_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter people for those updated before provided end date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: created_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter people for those created after provided start date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: created_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter people for those created before provided end date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: client_id
+ in: query
+ description: Filters for people with the provided client id
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Client Id
+ - name: person_id
+ in: query
+ description: Filters for people with the provided person id
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Person Id
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/people
+ description: List people
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: people
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:37.454Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:38.245Z'
+ first-name: Gwendolyn
+ middle-name: Tasha
+ last-name: Mitchell
+ suffix: DO
+ external-identifier:
+ gender: Female
+ date-of-birth: '1991-10-09'
+ phone-number: "+14155555555"
+ person-id:
+ client-id:
+ primary-address:
+ address-line-1: 825 Hank Spring
+ address-line-2: 5252 Stewart Underpass
+ city: Teresaside
+ state: California
+ postal-code: '95050'
+ country-code: US
+ county: Orange County
+ start-date:
+ address-type:
+ - physical_home
+ relationships:
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ child:
+ data:
+ - id: '2'
+ type: people
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:38.548Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:38.754Z'
+ first-name: Elwood
+ middle-name: Lewis
+ last-name: Sipes
+ suffix: DVM
+ external-identifier:
+ gender: Female
+ date-of-birth: '2009-10-09'
+ phone-number:
+ person-id:
+ client-id: CHILD_01
+ primary-address:
+ relationships:
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '1'
+ type: children
+ - id: '3'
+ type: people
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:39.348Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:39.462Z'
+ first-name: Carroll
+ middle-name: Dwayne
+ last-name: Weber
+ suffix: LLD
+ external-identifier: PERSON01
+ gender: Female
+ date-of-birth: '1991-10-09'
+ phone-number:
+ person-id: PERSON01
+ client-id:
+ primary-address:
+ relationships:
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '1'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ child:
+ data:
+ included:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:38.537Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:38.754Z'
+ first-name: Elwood
+ middle-name: Lewis
+ last-name: Sipes
+ suffix: DVM
+ date-of-birth: '2009-10-09'
+ gender: Female
+ ethnicities:
+ asian:
+ white:
+ unknown:
+ hispanic-or-latinx:
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander:
+ american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations:
+ ethnicities-array:
+ - ethnicity: asian
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: white
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: unknown
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: hispanic-or-latinx
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations
+ details:
+ primary-language:
+ ssn:
+ gender-expression:
+ further-gender-information:
+ sexual-orientation:
+ client-id: CHILD_01
+ external-group-id:
+ nickname:
+ visitation-description:
+ community-of-origin-zipcode:
+ school-id:
+ nps:
+ grade-level:
+ diagnoses:
+ medication:
+ strengths:
+ allergies:
+ therapist:
+ therapist-phone-number:
+ doctor:
+ doctor-phone-number:
+ dentist:
+ dentist-phone-number:
+ behavior-and-medical:
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ can-be-in-home-with-pets:
+ parental-rights-terminated:
+ parental-rights-status: not_terminated
+ date-parental-rights-terminated:
+ has-child:
+ other-youth-needs:
+ in-school:
+ sibling-ids: []
+ protected-tribe:
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ updated-by:
+ sex-assigned-at-birth: Intersex
+ links:
+ portal-self: http://www.example.com/admin/children/1
+ portal-relationships-dashboard: http://www.example.com/admin/children/1/relationships_dashboard
+ - id: '1'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:39.318Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:39.462Z'
+ name: Carroll Dwayne Weber LLD
+ first-name: Carroll
+ middle-name: Dwayne
+ last-name: Weber
+ suffix: LLD
+ date-of-birth: '1991-10-09'
+ gender: Female
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: 6ccd2e0b79b5af3c09e2sung@luettgen.example
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ address:
+ address-city: Lewistown
+ address-state: CA
+ address-county: Los Angeles County
+ address-street: 3196 Sean Prairie
+ address-zipcode: '95050'
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: Lewistown
+ geocoded-address-state: CA
+ geocoded-address-street: 3196 Sean Prairie
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: '95050'
+ mailing-address:
+ mailing-address-city: Colemouth
+ mailing-address-state: DE
+ mailing-address-street: 4294 Shields Passage
+ mailing-address-zipcode: '11415'
+ family-id:
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: ''
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier: PERSON01
+ license-external-identifier:
+ roles: []
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ agency-workers:
+ data: []
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/people?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/people?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/people?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 3
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/people"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ "/api/v1/people/{people_id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific person
+ tags:
+ - People
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: people_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti person ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ child, user-agency-profile'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/people/people_id
+ description: Get a specific person
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '19'
+ type: people
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:51.923Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:52.052Z'
+ first-name: Lester
+ middle-name: Lindsay
+ last-name: MacGyver
+ suffix: II
+ external-identifier:
+ gender: Female
+ date-of-birth: '1991-10-09'
+ phone-number: "+14155555555"
+ person-id:
+ client-id:
+ primary-address:
+ address-line-1: 993 Agnus Common
+ address-line-2: 74762 Quigley Gateway
+ city: Port Kaseyburgh
+ state: California
+ postal-code: '95050'
+ country-code: US
+ county: Orange County
+ start-date:
+ address-type:
+ - physical_home
+ relationships:
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ child:
+ data:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/people"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ "/api/v1/placement_periods":
+ get:
+ summary: List placement periods
+ tags:
+ - Placement periods
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ respite-receiver'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Sort the results by various fields. The prefix `-` sorts results
+ in descending order; no prefix sorts results in ascending order.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - "-updated_at"
+ - updated_at
+ description: Avalable sorting values.
+ - name: range_start
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: ISO 8601 Date string.
+ description: The starting date of the range of placements to return
+ - name: range_end
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: ISO 8601 Date string.
+ description: The ending date of the range of placements to return
+ - name: agency_placement_id
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Agency Placement ID.
+ description: The ID of the associated AgencyPlacement
+ - name: child_id
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Child ID.
+ description: The ID of the associated child for the placement
+ - name: placement_type
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - adoption_placement
+ - placed_with_family
+ - placed_with_group_home
+ - emergency_placement
+ - hospitalization
+ - hotel
+ - silp
+ - juvenile_detention_center
+ - office
+ - placed_with_ooc_family
+ - icpc
+ - placed_with_private_agency
+ - provider_not_in_binti
+ - receiving_center
+ - went_with_relatives
+ - shelter
+ - tribal_home
+ - other
+ -
+ description: Available placement types.
+ description: The type of placement
+ - name: agency_placement_external_identifier
+ in: query
+ description: Filter placements by their agency placement external identifier
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: External Placement ID.
+ - name: child_external_identifier
+ in: query
+ description: Filter placements by their child external identifier
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: External Child ID.
+ - name: placement_period_external_identifier
+ in: query
+ description: Filter placements by their placement period external identifier
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: External Placement Period ID.
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/placement_periods
+ description: List placement periods
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: placement-periods
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:15.843Z'
+ days-of-notice: 7
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:15.843Z'
+ placement-type: placed_with_family
+ start-date: '2020-08-03'
+ end-date: '2020-08-04'
+ child-id: 1
+ agency-placement-id: 11
+ placement-type-description:
+ placement-ended-reason: behavioral_issues
+ placement-ended-reason-explanation: Ensure the explanation is
+ included
+ placement-ended-requester: caregiver
+ external-identifier:
+ updated-by:
+ pre-adoption: false
+ respite: false
+ respite-reason-requested:
+ respite-additional-information:
+ should-pay-respite-provider: true
+ should-pay-standard-provider: true
+ valid-respite-without-respite-receiver: false
+ relationships:
+ respite-receiver:
+ data:
+ - id: '2'
+ type: placement-periods
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-25T20:29:16.412Z'
+ days-of-notice:
+ updated-at: '2024-08-25T20:29:16.412Z'
+ placement-type: placed_with_group_home
+ start-date: '2020-12-03'
+ end-date: '2020-12-04'
+ child-id: 2
+ agency-placement-id: 11
+ placement-type-description:
+ placement-ended-reason: non_exit_other
+ placement-ended-reason-explanation:
+ placement-ended-requester:
+ external-identifier:
+ updated-by:
+ pre-adoption: true
+ respite: false
+ respite-reason-requested:
+ respite-additional-information:
+ should-pay-respite-provider: true
+ should-pay-standard-provider: true
+ valid-respite-without-respite-receiver: false
+ relationships:
+ respite-receiver:
+ data:
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/placement_periods?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/placement_periods?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/placement_periods?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 2
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/placement-periods"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ post:
+ summary: Create a new placement period
+ parameters:
+ - name: Host
+ description: Binti URL root for the link to the created placement-period
+ in: header
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: API http root.
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ tags:
+ - Placement periods
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ operationId: POST/api/v1/placement_periods
+ description: Create a new placement period
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: successful - respite period
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '22'
+ type: placement-periods
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:57.558Z'
+ days-of-notice:
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:57.558Z'
+ placement-type:
+ start-date: '2020-08-01'
+ end-date: '2020-08-10'
+ child-id: 22
+ agency-placement-id: 24
+ placement-type-description:
+ placement-ended-reason: behavioral_issues
+ placement-ended-reason-explanation: Ensure the explanation is
+ included
+ placement-ended-requester:
+ external-identifier: ext-999-123
+ updated-by:
+ pre-adoption: true
+ respite: true
+ respite-reason-requested: break
+ respite-additional-information: Caregiver requested time to clean
+ the home.
+ should-pay-respite-provider: true
+ should-pay-standard-provider: false
+ valid-respite-without-respite-receiver: false
+ relationships:
+ respite-receiver:
+ data:
+ id: '23'
+ type: agency-placements
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/placement-periods"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ placement_period:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ placement_type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - adoption_placement
+ - placed_with_family
+ - placed_with_group_home
+ - emergency_placement
+ - hospitalization
+ - hotel
+ - silp
+ - juvenile_detention_center
+ - office
+ - placed_with_ooc_family
+ - icpc
+ - placed_with_private_agency
+ - provider_not_in_binti
+ - receiving_center
+ - went_with_relatives
+ - shelter
+ - tribal_home
+ - other
+ -
+ description: The type of accomodation in which the Child was
+ placed.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ start_date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: The date when the accomodation begins.
+ nullable: true
+ end_date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: The date when the accomodation ends.
+ nullable: true
+ child_id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the Child under placement.
+ agency_placement_id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the Agency Placement for the Placement
+ Period.
+ nullable: true
+ placement_type_description:
+ type: string
+ description: A description of the placement type.
+ nullable: true
+ placement_ended_reason:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - awol
+ - emancipation
+ - silp
+ - went_back_to_family
+ - 14_day_notice
+ - 7_day_notice
+ - adoption_placement
+ - agency_removal
+ - change_of_agency
+ - death
+ - emergency_removal
+ - family_gave_notice
+ - guardianship
+ - hospitalization
+ - other
+ - respite_care
+ - step_down
+ - subdized_guardianship
+ - non_exit_other
+ - behavioral_issues
+ - lack_of_services
+ - child_incarcerated
+ - cps_investigation_or_complaint
+ - death_of_care_provider
+ - found_closer_placement
+ - found_placement_with_relatives
+ - found_placement_with_siblings
+ - found_pre_adoptive_placement
+ - moved_to_higher_level_of_care
+ - moved_to_lower_level_of_care
+ - problem_with_renewal_or_license
+ - adoption_finalized
+ - non_subsidized_guardianship
+ - subsidized_guardianship
+ - death_of_child
+ - exit_other
+ - hospitalization_exit
+ -
+ description: 'The reason for the placement to be terminated.
+ (Note: Legacy values will be mapped to active reasons.)'
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ placement_ended_reason_explanation:
+ type: string
+ description: Details about why the placement ended.
+ nullable: true
+ external_identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: External systems indentifier for individual Placement
+ Period. Must be unique for agency.
+ nullable: true
+ pre_adoption:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether this placement is pre-adoptive or not.
+ Defaults to false.
+ nullable: true
+ respite:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether this placement is respite or not.
+ respite_reason_requested:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - facility_issue
+ - medical
+ - break
+ - pre_adoption_visitation
+ - business
+ - personal
+ - vacation
+ - other
+ -
+ description: The listed reason the respite was requested, from
+ the available options.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ respite_additional_information:
+ type: string
+ description: Additional freeform information regarding the respite
+ period.
+ nullable: true
+ respite_receiver_id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the Agency Placement for the respite
+ period.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - placement_type
+ - start_date
+ - child_id
+ description: Attributes for creating a Placement Period.
+ required:
+ - placement_period
+ description: Attributes for creating a Placement Period.
+ required: true
+ description: The details of the placement period to create
+ "/api/v1/placement_periods/{placement_period_id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific placement period
+ tags:
+ - Placement periods
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: placement_period_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Placement Period ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ respite-receiver'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/placement_periods/placement_period_id
+ description: Get a specific placement period
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '23'
+ type: placement-periods
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:59.787Z'
+ days-of-notice: 7
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:59.787Z'
+ placement-type: placed_with_family
+ start-date: '2020-08-03'
+ end-date: '2020-08-04'
+ child-id: 23
+ agency-placement-id: 25
+ placement-type-description:
+ placement-ended-reason: behavioral_issues
+ placement-ended-reason-explanation: Ensure the explanation is
+ included
+ placement-ended-requester: caregiver
+ external-identifier: ext-999-456
+ updated-by:
+ pre-adoption: false
+ respite: false
+ respite-reason-requested:
+ respite-additional-information:
+ should-pay-respite-provider: true
+ should-pay-standard-provider: true
+ valid-respite-without-respite-receiver: false
+ relationships:
+ respite-receiver:
+ data:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/placement-periods"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ put:
+ summary: Update a placement period
+ parameters:
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ - name: placement_period_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Placement Period ID.
+ required: true
+ tags:
+ - Placement periods
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ operationId: PUT/api/v1/placement_periods/placement_period_id
+ description: Update a placement period
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful - open placement
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '27'
+ type: placement-periods
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:10.794Z'
+ days-of-notice:
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:11.615Z'
+ placement-type: placed_with_family
+ start-date: '2020-08-01'
+ end-date:
+ child-id: 27
+ agency-placement-id: 29
+ placement-type-description:
+ placement-ended-reason:
+ placement-ended-reason-explanation:
+ placement-ended-requester:
+ external-identifier: ext-999-789
+ updated-by: 186
+ pre-adoption: false
+ respite: false
+ respite-reason-requested:
+ respite-additional-information:
+ should-pay-respite-provider: true
+ should-pay-standard-provider: true
+ valid-respite-without-respite-receiver: false
+ relationships:
+ respite-receiver:
+ data:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/placement-periods"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ '422':
+ description: with invalid params
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ errors:
+ - source:
+ pointer: "/data/attributes/foo"
+ detail: Unacceptable parameters found
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ errors:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ title:
+ type: string
+ description: High level error type.
+ detail:
+ type: string
+ description: Human-readable string describing the error
+ status:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: HTTP status code.
+ id:
+ type: string
+ description: Request-specific ID that can be shared with
+ Binti for debugging.
+ source:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ pointer:
+ type: string
+ description: A locator string like /data/attributes/ethnicity;
+ when available it can show you the key in your request
+ that was rejected.
+ description: Information to help you find the source of
+ the error
+ description: A single error entry.
+ description: A list of errors we encountered while processing
+ your request.
+ required:
+ - errors
+ description: Errors object.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ placement_period:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ placement_type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - adoption_placement
+ - placed_with_family
+ - placed_with_group_home
+ - emergency_placement
+ - hospitalization
+ - hotel
+ - silp
+ - juvenile_detention_center
+ - office
+ - placed_with_ooc_family
+ - icpc
+ - placed_with_private_agency
+ - provider_not_in_binti
+ - receiving_center
+ - went_with_relatives
+ - shelter
+ - tribal_home
+ - other
+ -
+ description: The type of accomodation in which the Child was
+ placed.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ start_date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: The date when the accomodation begins.
+ nullable: true
+ end_date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: The date when the accomodation ends.
+ nullable: true
+ child_id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the Child under placement.
+ agency_placement_id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the Agency Placement for the Placement
+ Period.
+ nullable: true
+ placement_type_description:
+ type: string
+ description: A description of the placement type.
+ nullable: true
+ placement_ended_reason:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - awol
+ - emancipation
+ - silp
+ - went_back_to_family
+ - 14_day_notice
+ - 7_day_notice
+ - adoption_placement
+ - agency_removal
+ - change_of_agency
+ - death
+ - emergency_removal
+ - family_gave_notice
+ - guardianship
+ - hospitalization
+ - other
+ - respite_care
+ - step_down
+ - subdized_guardianship
+ - non_exit_other
+ - behavioral_issues
+ - lack_of_services
+ - child_incarcerated
+ - cps_investigation_or_complaint
+ - death_of_care_provider
+ - found_closer_placement
+ - found_placement_with_relatives
+ - found_placement_with_siblings
+ - found_pre_adoptive_placement
+ - moved_to_higher_level_of_care
+ - moved_to_lower_level_of_care
+ - problem_with_renewal_or_license
+ - adoption_finalized
+ - non_subsidized_guardianship
+ - subsidized_guardianship
+ - death_of_child
+ - exit_other
+ - hospitalization_exit
+ -
+ description: 'The reason for the placement to be terminated.
+ (Note: Legacy values will be mapped to active reasons.)'
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ placement_ended_reason_explanation:
+ type: string
+ description: Details about why the placement ended.
+ nullable: true
+ external_identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: External systems indentifier for individual Placement
+ Period. Must be unique for agency.
+ nullable: true
+ pre_adoption:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether this placement is pre-adoptive or not.
+ Defaults to false.
+ nullable: true
+ respite:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether this placement is respite or not.
+ respite_reason_requested:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - facility_issue
+ - medical
+ - break
+ - pre_adoption_visitation
+ - business
+ - personal
+ - vacation
+ - other
+ -
+ description: The listed reason the respite was requested, from
+ the available options.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ respite_additional_information:
+ type: string
+ description: Additional freeform information regarding the respite
+ period.
+ nullable: true
+ respite_receiver_id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the Agency Placement for the respite
+ period.
+ nullable: true
+ description: Attribute for updating the Placement Period.
+ required:
+ - placement_period
+ description: Attributes for updating a Placement Period.
+ required: true
+ description: Updated placement period details
+ "/api/v1/placement_providers":
+ get:
+ summary: List placement providers
+ tags:
+ - Placement Providers
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ respite-receiver'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/placement_providers
+ description: List placement providers
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '26'
+ type: placement-providers
+ attributes:
+ license-external-identifier: paa-license-1
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:29.497Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:29.497Z'
+ relationships:
+ active-members:
+ data:
+ - id: '28'
+ type: provider-members
+ - id: '29'
+ type: provider-members
+ inactive-members:
+ data:
+ - id: '27'
+ type: provider-members
+ licenses:
+ data:
+ - id: '23'
+ type: licenses
+ included:
+ - id: '28'
+ type: provider-members
+ attributes:
+ primary: true
+ role: caregiver
+ subrole:
+ subrole-details:
+ joined-at: '2024-05-23T20:29:30.272Z'
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:30.297Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:30.297Z'
+ left-at:
+ relationships:
+ profile:
+ data:
+ id: '33'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ - id: '29'
+ type: provider-members
+ attributes:
+ primary: false
+ role: caregiver
+ subrole:
+ subrole-details:
+ joined-at: '2024-05-23T20:29:30.422Z'
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:30.438Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:30.438Z'
+ left-at:
+ relationships:
+ profile:
+ data:
+ id: '34'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ - id: '27'
+ type: provider-members
+ attributes:
+ primary: false
+ role: caregiver
+ subrole:
+ subrole-details:
+ joined-at: '2024-05-23T20:29:29.614Z'
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:29.630Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:29.630Z'
+ left-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:29.522Z'
+ relationships:
+ profile:
+ data:
+ - id: '23'
+ type: licenses
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:30.449Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:30.449Z'
+ external-identifier: paa-license-1
+ confidential: false
+ expiry-date:
+ tag-summary: []
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/placement_providers?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/placement_providers?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/placement_providers?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 1
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/placement-providers"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ "/api/v1/placement_providers/{placement_provider_id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific placement period
+ tags:
+ - Placement Providers
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: placement_provider_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Placement Provider ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ respite-receiver'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/placement_providers/placement_provider_id
+ description: Get a specific placement period
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '33'
+ type: placement-providers
+ attributes:
+ license-external-identifier: paa-license-1
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:43.621Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:43.621Z'
+ relationships:
+ active-members:
+ data:
+ - id: '37'
+ type: provider-members
+ inactive-members:
+ data:
+ - id: '36'
+ type: provider-members
+ licenses:
+ data:
+ - id: '28'
+ type: licenses
+ included:
+ - id: '37'
+ type: provider-members
+ attributes:
+ primary: true
+ role: caregiver
+ subrole:
+ subrole-details:
+ joined-at: '2024-05-23T20:29:44.412Z'
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:44.438Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:44.438Z'
+ left-at:
+ relationships:
+ profile:
+ data:
+ id: '46'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ - id: '36'
+ type: provider-members
+ attributes:
+ primary: false
+ role: caregiver
+ subrole:
+ subrole-details:
+ joined-at: '2024-05-23T20:29:43.743Z'
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:43.758Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:43.758Z'
+ left-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:43.634Z'
+ relationships:
+ profile:
+ data:
+ - id: '28'
+ type: licenses
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:44.264Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:44.264Z'
+ external-identifier: paa-license-1
+ confidential: false
+ expiry-date:
+ tag-summary: []
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/placement-providers"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ "/api/v1/schools":
+ get:
+ summary: List schools
+ tags:
+ - Schools
+ - Partner Agency Access
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, ""'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Sort the results by various fields. The prefix `-` sorts results
+ in descending order; no prefix sorts results in ascending order.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - "-created_at"
+ - created_at
+ description: Avalable sorting values.
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/schools
+ description: List schools
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: schools
+ attributes:
+ name: Oakland High School
+ nces-school-id: '9218568576'
+ school-district-id:
+ address:
+ address-city: Oakland
+ address-state: CA
+ address-county: Los Angeles County
+ address-street: 33 BLUE RD.
+ address-zipcode: '93511'
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: Oakland
+ geocoded-address-state: CA
+ geocoded-address-street: 33 BLUE RD.
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: '93511'
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/schools?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/schools?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/schools?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 1
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/schools"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ "/api/v1/schools/{school_id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific school
+ tags:
+ - Schools
+ - Partner Agency Access
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: school_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti School ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, ""'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/schools/school_id
+ description: Get a specific school
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '2'
+ type: schools
+ attributes:
+ name: Oakland High School
+ nces-school-id: '2686637673'
+ school-district-id:
+ address:
+ address-city: Oakland
+ address-state: CA
+ address-county: Los Angeles County
+ address-street: 33 BLUE RD.
+ address-zipcode: '93511'
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: Oakland
+ geocoded-address-state: CA
+ geocoded-address-street: 33 BLUE RD.
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: '93511'
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/schools"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ "/api/v1/social_connections":
+ get:
+ summary: List of Social Connections
+ tags:
+ - Social Connections
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ child, user-agency-profile'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: created_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter Social Connections for those created after provided start
+ date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: created_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter Social Connections for those created before provided end
+ date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: updated_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter Social Connections for those updated after provided start
+ date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: updated_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter Social Connections for those updated before provided end
+ date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: worker_confirmed_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter Social Connections for those confirmed after provided
+ start date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: worker_confirmed_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter Social Connections for those confirmed before provided
+ end date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: client_id
+ in: query
+ description: Filters for Social Connections pertaining to the child with the
+ provided client id
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Client Id
+ - name: person_id
+ in: query
+ description: Filters for Social Connections pertaining to the person with
+ the provided person id
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Person Id
+ - name: external_identifier
+ in: query
+ description: Filters for Social Connections with the provided external identifier
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: External Identifier
+ - name: worker_confirmed
+ in: query
+ description: Filters for Social Connections to those that have been confirmed
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether the Social Connection has been confirmed by a worker.
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/social_connections
+ description: List of Social Connections
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Get list of all Social Connections
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '4'
+ type: social-connections
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:35.830Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:35.830Z'
+ worker-confirmed-at:
+ worker-confirmed: false
+ lineage-type: step
+ kinship-relationship: grandmother
+ kinship-relationship-other-description:
+ emotional-relationship-statuses:
+ - close
+ - contentious
+ fictive-kin-description:
+ parental-line: parental
+ levels-of-support:
+ - option: other
+ details: Currently unable due to hospitalization
+ - option: non_placement
+ details:
+ - option: non_placement.calls
+ details:
+ - option: non_placement.transportation
+ details:
+ - option: non_placement.financial_support
+ details:
+ placement-provider-eligibilities:
+ - current_placement
+ placement-provider-eligibilities-details: Only available on weekends
+ external-identifier:
+ related-attributes:
+ child-first-name: Kenny
+ child-middle-name: Kenneth
+ child-last-name: Kiehn
+ child-suffix: Jr.
+ child-client-id: CHILD_01
+ connection-first-name: Sandra
+ connection-middle-name: Sandía
+ connection-last-name: Strawberry
+ connection-suffix: IV
+ connection-person-id: P4321
+ connection-phone-number: "+14155555555"
+ connection-primary-address:
+ address-line-1: 2176 Tashina Lane
+ address-line-2: 2350 Steve Circle
+ city: West Blairside
+ state: California
+ postal-code: '95050'
+ country-code: US
+ county: Orange County
+ start-date:
+ address-type:
+ - physical_home
+ relationships:
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '157'
+ type: children
+ connection-person:
+ data:
+ id: '181'
+ type: people
+ connection-child:
+ data:
+ - id: '5'
+ type: social-connections
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:35.931Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:35.931Z'
+ worker-confirmed-at:
+ worker-confirmed: false
+ lineage-type:
+ kinship-relationship: sibling
+ kinship-relationship-other-description:
+ emotional-relationship-statuses: []
+ fictive-kin-description:
+ parental-line:
+ levels-of-support: []
+ placement-provider-eligibilities: []
+ placement-provider-eligibilities-details: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ related-attributes:
+ child-first-name: Kenny
+ child-middle-name: Kenneth
+ child-last-name: Kiehn
+ child-suffix: Jr.
+ child-client-id: CHILD_01
+ connection-first-name: Edgardo
+ connection-middle-name: Bill
+ connection-last-name: Hane
+ connection-suffix: CPA
+ connection-person-id:
+ connection-phone-number:
+ connection-primary-address:
+ relationships:
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '157'
+ type: children
+ connection-person:
+ data:
+ id: '182'
+ type: people
+ connection-child:
+ data:
+ id: '158'
+ type: children
+ - id: '6'
+ type: social-connections
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:36.148Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:36.148Z'
+ worker-confirmed-at:
+ worker-confirmed: false
+ lineage-type:
+ kinship-relationship: no_relationship
+ kinship-relationship-other-description:
+ emotional-relationship-statuses: []
+ fictive-kin-description:
+ parental-line:
+ levels-of-support: []
+ placement-provider-eligibilities: []
+ placement-provider-eligibilities-details: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ related-attributes:
+ child-first-name: Edgardo
+ child-middle-name: Bill
+ child-last-name: Hane
+ child-suffix: CPA
+ child-client-id: CHILD_07
+ connection-first-name:
+ connection-middle-name:
+ connection-last-name:
+ connection-suffix:
+ connection-person-id:
+ connection-phone-number:
+ connection-primary-address:
+ relationships:
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '158'
+ type: children
+ connection-person:
+ data:
+ id: '183'
+ type: people
+ connection-child:
+ data:
+ - id: '7'
+ type: social-connections
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:36.172Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:36.172Z'
+ worker-confirmed-at:
+ worker-confirmed: false
+ lineage-type:
+ kinship-relationship: fictive_kin
+ kinship-relationship-other-description:
+ emotional-relationship-statuses: []
+ fictive-kin-description:
+ parental-line:
+ levels-of-support: []
+ placement-provider-eligibilities: []
+ placement-provider-eligibilities-details: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ related-attributes:
+ child-first-name: Kenny
+ child-middle-name: Kenneth
+ child-last-name: Kiehn
+ child-suffix: Jr.
+ child-client-id: CHILD_01
+ connection-first-name:
+ connection-middle-name:
+ connection-last-name:
+ connection-suffix:
+ connection-person-id:
+ connection-phone-number:
+ connection-primary-address:
+ relationships:
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '157'
+ type: children
+ connection-person:
+ data:
+ id: '184'
+ type: people
+ connection-child:
+ data:
+ included:
+ - id: '157'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:35.402Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:35.465Z'
+ first-name: Kenny
+ middle-name: Kenneth
+ last-name: Kiehn
+ suffix: Jr.
+ date-of-birth: '2009-10-09'
+ gender: Female
+ ethnicities:
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander:
+ ethnicities-array:
+ - ethnicity: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander
+ details:
+ primary-language:
+ ssn:
+ gender-expression:
+ further-gender-information:
+ sexual-orientation:
+ client-id: CHILD_01
+ external-group-id:
+ nickname:
+ visitation-description:
+ community-of-origin-zipcode:
+ school-id:
+ nps:
+ grade-level:
+ diagnoses:
+ medication:
+ strengths:
+ allergies:
+ therapist:
+ therapist-phone-number:
+ doctor:
+ doctor-phone-number:
+ dentist:
+ dentist-phone-number:
+ behavior-and-medical:
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ can-be-in-home-with-pets:
+ parental-rights-terminated:
+ parental-rights-status: not_terminated
+ date-parental-rights-terminated:
+ has-child:
+ other-youth-needs:
+ in-school:
+ sibling-ids: []
+ protected-tribe:
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ updated-by:
+ sex-assigned-at-birth: Female
+ links:
+ portal-self: http://www.example.com/admin/children/157
+ portal-relationships-dashboard: http://www.example.com/admin/children/157/relationships_dashboard
+ - id: '181'
+ type: people
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:35.764Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:36.122Z'
+ first-name: Sandra
+ middle-name: Sandía
+ last-name: Strawberry
+ suffix: IV
+ external-identifier: P4321
+ gender:
+ date-of-birth:
+ phone-number: "+14155555555"
+ person-id: P4321
+ client-id:
+ primary-address:
+ address-line-1: 2176 Tashina Lane
+ address-line-2: 2350 Steve Circle
+ city: West Blairside
+ state: California
+ postal-code: '95050'
+ country-code: US
+ county: Orange County
+ start-date:
+ address-type:
+ - physical_home
+ relationships:
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '190'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ child:
+ data:
+ - id: '182'
+ type: people
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:35.854Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:35.921Z'
+ first-name: Edgardo
+ middle-name: Bill
+ last-name: Hane
+ suffix: CPA
+ external-identifier:
+ gender: Female
+ date-of-birth: '2012-10-09'
+ phone-number:
+ person-id:
+ client-id: CHILD_07
+ primary-address:
+ relationships:
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '158'
+ type: children
+ - id: '158'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:35.849Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:35.921Z'
+ first-name: Edgardo
+ middle-name: Bill
+ last-name: Hane
+ suffix: CPA
+ date-of-birth: '2012-10-09'
+ gender: Female
+ ethnicities:
+ other: Jamey Hermiston
+ unknown:
+ middle-eastern-or-north-african:
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander:
+ ethnicities-array:
+ - ethnicity: other
+ details: Jamey Hermiston
+ - ethnicity: unknown
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: middle-eastern-or-north-african
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander
+ details:
+ primary-language:
+ ssn:
+ gender-expression:
+ further-gender-information:
+ sexual-orientation:
+ client-id: CHILD_07
+ external-group-id:
+ nickname:
+ visitation-description:
+ community-of-origin-zipcode:
+ school-id:
+ nps:
+ grade-level:
+ diagnoses:
+ medication:
+ strengths:
+ allergies:
+ therapist:
+ therapist-phone-number:
+ doctor:
+ doctor-phone-number:
+ dentist:
+ dentist-phone-number:
+ behavior-and-medical:
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ can-be-in-home-with-pets:
+ parental-rights-terminated:
+ parental-rights-status: not_terminated
+ date-parental-rights-terminated:
+ has-child:
+ other-youth-needs:
+ in-school:
+ sibling-ids: []
+ protected-tribe:
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ updated-by:
+ sex-assigned-at-birth: Male
+ links:
+ portal-self: http://www.example.com/admin/children/158
+ portal-relationships-dashboard: http://www.example.com/admin/children/158/relationships_dashboard
+ - id: '183'
+ type: people
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:36.138Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:36.138Z'
+ first-name:
+ middle-name:
+ last-name:
+ suffix:
+ external-identifier:
+ gender:
+ date-of-birth:
+ phone-number:
+ person-id:
+ client-id:
+ primary-address:
+ relationships:
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ child:
+ data:
+ - id: '184'
+ type: people
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:36.160Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:36.160Z'
+ first-name:
+ middle-name:
+ last-name:
+ suffix:
+ external-identifier:
+ gender:
+ date-of-birth:
+ phone-number:
+ person-id:
+ client-id:
+ primary-address:
+ relationships:
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ child:
+ data:
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/social_connections?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/social_connections?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/social_connections?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 4
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/social-connections"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ post:
+ summary: Create a new Social Connection
+ tags:
+ - Social Connections
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: POST/api/v1/social_connections
+ description: Create a new Social Connection
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created with an existing person that is linked to a child
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '30'
+ type: social-connections
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:42.138Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:42.173Z'
+ worker-confirmed-at:
+ worker-confirmed: false
+ lineage-type:
+ kinship-relationship: sibling
+ kinship-relationship-other-description:
+ emotional-relationship-statuses: []
+ fictive-kin-description:
+ parental-line:
+ levels-of-support: []
+ placement-provider-eligibilities: []
+ placement-provider-eligibilities-details: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ related-attributes:
+ child-first-name: Malik
+ child-middle-name: Ardelle
+ child-last-name: Wisoky
+ child-suffix: CPA
+ child-client-id: CHILD_01
+ connection-first-name: Celeste
+ connection-middle-name: Leannon
+ connection-last-name: Celery
+ connection-suffix: III
+ connection-person-id:
+ connection-phone-number:
+ connection-primary-address:
+ relationships:
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '167'
+ type: children
+ connection-person:
+ data:
+ id: '212'
+ type: people
+ connection-child:
+ data:
+ id: '169'
+ type: children
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/social-connections"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - social-connections
+ description: Mandatory JSON:API type specifier.
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ lineage-type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - biological
+ - adopted
+ - step
+ - half
+ - marriage
+ - alleged
+ - presumed
+ - unknown
+ -
+ description: Type of lineage
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ emotional-relationship-statuses:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - close
+ - cordial
+ - distant
+ - contentious
+ - no_prior_interaction
+ description: Emotional relationship statuses
+ description: Array showing a specific list of emotional
+ relationship statuses
+ kinship-relationship:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - mother
+ - father
+ - parent
+ - grandmother
+ - grandfather
+ - grandparent
+ - aunt
+ - uncle
+ - daughter
+ - son
+ - child
+ - niece
+ - nephew
+ - cousin
+ - sibling
+ - partner
+ - unknown_kinship_relationship
+ - other
+ - married
+ - divorced
+ - engaged
+ - dating
+ - cohabitating
+ - exes
+ - other_partner_status
+ - relative
+ - fictive_kin
+ - no_relationship
+ - unknown
+ description: Type of kinship or relationship.
+ kinship-relationship-other-description:
+ type: string
+ description: Relationship description for other.
+ nullable: true
+ fictive-kin-description:
+ type: string
+ description: Relationship description for fictive kin.
+ nullable: true
+ parental-line:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - maternal
+ - paternal
+ - parental
+ - maternal_and_paternal
+ - maternal_and_parental
+ - parental_and_paternal
+ -
+ description: The parental line this connection is associated
+ with.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: External systems identifier for individual
+ Social Connection. Must be unique for agency
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - lineage-type
+ - emotional-relationship-statuses
+ - kinship-relationship
+ - kinship-relationship-other-description
+ - fictive-kin-description
+ - parental-line
+ - external-identifier
+ description: Primary attributes of the record requested.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ child:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - children
+ description: Always children
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: The child pertaining to this social connection.
+ In the case of a connection between two children,
+ this will be the child with the smallest person id.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ connection-person:
+ oneOf:
+ - type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - people
+ description: Always people
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: The person pertaining to this social
+ connection. In the case of a connection between
+ two children, this will be the person record corresponding
+ to the child with the greater person id.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ - type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ first-name:
+ type: string
+ description: First or given name, as provided
+ to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ middle-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Middle name, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ last-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Last or family name, as provided
+ to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ suffix:
+ type: string
+ description: Suffix, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ date-of-birth:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date of birth.
+ nullable: true
+ gender:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - Female
+ - Male
+ - Transgender
+ - Non-binary
+ - Not listed above
+ - Prefer not to answer
+ -
+ description: Gender, as selected from the available
+ options.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ person-id:
+ type: string
+ description: If the person is part of a foster
+ family application they may be assigned an external
+ identifier. Equivelent to `user-agency-profiles.external-identifier`
+ nullable: true
+ phone-number:
+ type: string
+ description: Phone number provided to Binti and
+ designated as Primary Phone number for person
+ nullable: true
+ primary-address:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ address-line-1:
+ type: string
+ description: Street Address line 1.
+ nullable: true
+ address-line-2:
+ type: string
+ description: Street Address line 2.
+ nullable: true
+ city:
+ type: string
+ description: Address City
+ nullable: true
+ state:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Address State/Province. Uses
+ the full name. For example: "California"
+ or "Puerto Rico".'
+ nullable: true
+ postal-code:
+ type: string
+ description: Address Postal Code
+ nullable: true
+ country-code:
+ type: string
+ description: 'ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 two letter
+ country code. For example: "US", "CA", or
+ "MX".'
+ nullable: true
+ county:
+ type: string
+ description: Address County
+ nullable: true
+ start-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Address Start Date
+ nullable: true
+ address-type:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - physical_home_of_origin
+ - physical_placement
+ - physical_home
+ - physical_work
+ - mailing
+ - physical_incarcerated
+ description: A key representing an address
+ type
+ description: An array of address type keys
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - address-line-1
+ - address-line-2
+ - city
+ - state
+ - postal-code
+ - country-code
+ - county
+ - start-date
+ - address-type
+ description: Address listed as primary for person
+ within family finding.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - first-name
+ - middle-name
+ - last-name
+ - suffix
+ - date-of-birth
+ - gender
+ - person-id
+ - phone-number
+ - primary-address
+ description: Primary attributes of the record requested.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Related objects. When performing a PUT
+ request, do not include keys for relationships you
+ do not intend to change. If you want to remove a
+ relationship, include the key and set the "data"
+ attribute to null.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Request-specific modifiers that can control
+ side effects of the current operation.
+ required:
+ - attributes
+ description: Information for the new Person.
+ description: Either a reference to an existing person or
+ attributes to create a new person
+ required:
+ - child
+ - connection-person
+ description: Related objects. When performing a PUT request,
+ do not include keys for relationships you do not intend to
+ change. If you want to remove a relationship, include the
+ key and set the "data" attribute to null.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Request-specific modifiers that can control side
+ effects of the current operation.
+ required:
+ - attributes
+ description: Information for the new Social Connection
+ required:
+ - type
+ - data
+ description: Properties to create a new Social Connection
+ required: true
+ "/api/v1/social_connections/{social_connection_id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific social connection
+ tags:
+ - Social Connections
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: social_connection_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Social Connection ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/social_connections/social_connection_id
+ description: Get a specific social connection
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Get a specific social connection
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '31'
+ type: social-connections
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:42.777Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:42.777Z'
+ worker-confirmed-at:
+ worker-confirmed: false
+ lineage-type: step
+ kinship-relationship: grandmother
+ kinship-relationship-other-description:
+ emotional-relationship-statuses:
+ - close
+ - contentious
+ fictive-kin-description:
+ parental-line: parental
+ levels-of-support:
+ - option: other
+ details: Currently unable due to hospitalization
+ - option: non_placement
+ details:
+ - option: non_placement.calls
+ details:
+ - option: non_placement.transportation
+ details:
+ - option: non_placement.financial_support
+ details:
+ placement-provider-eligibilities:
+ - current_placement
+ placement-provider-eligibilities-details: Only available on weekends
+ external-identifier:
+ related-attributes:
+ child-first-name: Aleta
+ child-middle-name: Corrine
+ child-last-name: Cormier
+ child-suffix: MD
+ child-client-id: CHILD_01
+ connection-first-name: Sandra
+ connection-middle-name: Sandía
+ connection-last-name: Strawberry
+ connection-suffix: IV
+ connection-person-id: P4321
+ connection-phone-number: "+14155555555"
+ connection-primary-address:
+ address-line-1: 357 Bins Fort
+ address-line-2: 74579 Ratke Glens
+ city: Oswaldoville
+ state: California
+ postal-code: '95050'
+ country-code: US
+ county: Orange County
+ start-date:
+ address-type:
+ - physical_home
+ relationships:
+ child:
+ data:
+ id: '170'
+ type: children
+ connection-person:
+ data:
+ id: '214'
+ type: people
+ connection-child:
+ data:
+ included:
+ - id: '170'
+ type: children
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:42.534Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:42.611Z'
+ first-name: Aleta
+ middle-name: Corrine
+ last-name: Cormier
+ suffix: MD
+ date-of-birth: '2009-10-09'
+ gender: Female
+ ethnicities:
+ unknown:
+ black-or-african-american:
+ middle-eastern-or-north-african:
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander:
+ american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations:
+ ethnicities-array:
+ - ethnicity: unknown
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: black-or-african-american
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: middle-eastern-or-north-african
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander
+ details:
+ - ethnicity: american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations
+ details:
+ primary-language:
+ ssn:
+ gender-expression:
+ further-gender-information:
+ sexual-orientation:
+ client-id: CHILD_01
+ external-group-id:
+ nickname:
+ visitation-description:
+ community-of-origin-zipcode:
+ school-id:
+ nps:
+ grade-level:
+ diagnoses:
+ medication:
+ strengths:
+ allergies:
+ therapist:
+ therapist-phone-number:
+ doctor:
+ doctor-phone-number:
+ dentist:
+ dentist-phone-number:
+ behavior-and-medical:
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ can-be-in-home-with-pets:
+ parental-rights-terminated:
+ parental-rights-status: not_terminated
+ date-parental-rights-terminated:
+ has-child:
+ other-youth-needs:
+ in-school:
+ sibling-ids: []
+ protected-tribe:
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ updated-by:
+ sex-assigned-at-birth: Female
+ links:
+ portal-self: http://www.example.com/admin/children/170
+ portal-relationships-dashboard: http://www.example.com/admin/children/170/relationships_dashboard
+ - id: '214'
+ type: people
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:42.700Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:34:42.939Z'
+ first-name: Sandra
+ middle-name: Sandía
+ last-name: Strawberry
+ suffix: IV
+ external-identifier: P4321
+ gender:
+ date-of-birth:
+ phone-number: "+14155555555"
+ person-id: P4321
+ client-id:
+ primary-address:
+ address-line-1: 357 Bins Fort
+ address-line-2: 74579 Ratke Glens
+ city: Oswaldoville
+ state: California
+ postal-code: '95050'
+ country-code: US
+ county: Orange County
+ start-date:
+ address-type:
+ - physical_home
+ relationships:
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '197'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ child:
+ data:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/social-connections"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ "/api/v1/tags":
+ get:
+ summary: List agency tags
+ tags:
+ - Tags
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/tags
+ description: List agency tags
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '100'
+ type: tags
+ attributes:
+ name: Adoption Interest
+ category: license_tags
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:59.445Z'
+ - id: '101'
+ type: tags
+ attributes:
+ name: City Central Office
+ category: offices
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:59.513Z'
+ - id: '102'
+ type: tags
+ attributes:
+ name: City North Office
+ category: offices
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:59.519Z'
+ - id: '99'
+ type: tags
+ attributes:
+ name: Medically Trained Caregiver
+ category: license_tags
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:59.439Z'
+ - id: '103'
+ type: tags
+ attributes:
+ name: Region A
+ category: regions
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:59.554Z'
+ - id: '104'
+ type: tags
+ attributes:
+ name: Region B
+ category: regions
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:59.560Z'
+ - id: '98'
+ type: tags
+ attributes:
+ name: animi 2
+ category: service_categories
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:59.364Z'
+ - id: '97'
+ type: tags
+ attributes:
+ name: laborum
+ category: service_categories
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:27:59.357Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/tags?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/tags?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/tags?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 8
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/tags"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ "/api/v1/training_curriculums":
+ get:
+ summary: List of training curriculums
+ tags:
+ - Training Curriculums
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, ""'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Sort the results by various fields. The prefix `-` sorts results
+ in descending order; no prefix sorts results in ascending order.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - "-created_at"
+ - created_at
+ - "-updated_at"
+ - updated_at
+ description: Avalable sorting values.
+ - name: created_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those created after provided start time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: created_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those created before provided end time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: updated_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those updated after provided start time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: updated_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those updated before provided end time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: training_type
+ in: query
+ description: Filter Training Curriculums by training type.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - initial
+ - renewal
+ - has_expiration_date
+ - events
+ description: The type of training.
+ - name: active
+ in: query
+ description: Filter Training Curriculums by whether the training is active
+ or not.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Flags if Curriculum is currently active or not.
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/training_curriculums
+ description: List of training curriculums
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: training-curriculums
+ attributes:
+ training-name: Business 478
+ training-type: initial
+ training-hours: '3.0'
+ cpr: false
+ active: true
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:03.916Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:03.916Z'
+ - id: '2'
+ type: training-curriculums
+ attributes:
+ training-name: Medicine 273
+ training-type: initial
+ training-hours: '3.0'
+ cpr: false
+ active: true
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:03.930Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:03.930Z'
+ - id: '3'
+ type: training-curriculums
+ attributes:
+ training-name: Teaching 452
+ training-type: initial
+ training-hours: '3.0'
+ cpr: false
+ active: true
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:03.941Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:03.941Z'
+ - id: '5'
+ type: training-curriculums
+ attributes:
+ training-name: Engineering 142
+ training-type: renewal
+ training-hours: '2.0'
+ cpr: false
+ active: true
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:11.339Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:11.339Z'
+ - id: '6'
+ type: training-curriculums
+ attributes:
+ training-name: Forensic Science 580
+ training-type: initial
+ training-hours: '2.0'
+ cpr: false
+ active: false
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:11.348Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:29:11.348Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/training_curriculums?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/training_curriculums?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/training_curriculums?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 5
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/training-curriculums"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ "/api/v1/training_requirements":
+ get:
+ summary: List of training requirements
+ tags:
+ - Training Requirements
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ application, child, license, override-records, training-session-attendances,
+ user-agency-profile'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Sort the results by various fields. The prefix `-` sorts results
+ in descending order; no prefix sorts results in ascending order.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - "-created_at"
+ - created_at
+ - "-updated_at"
+ - updated_at
+ description: Avalable sorting values.
+ - name: updated_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter training requirements for those updated after provided
+ start date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: updated_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter training requirements for those updated before provider
+ end date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: completed_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter training requirements for those completed after provided
+ start date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: completed_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter training requirements for those completed before provider
+ end date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: due_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter training requirements for those due after provided start
+ date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: due_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filter training requirements for those due before provider end
+ date
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: ISO 8601 DateTime string.
+ - name: status
+ in: query
+ description: Filter training requirements by status.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - waived
+ - incomplete
+ - complete
+ description: Available statuses.
+ - name: license_external_identifier
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: External License ID.
+ description: Filter training requirements by associated license external identifer
+ - name: application_id
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Binti Application ID.
+ description: Filter training requirements by associated application id
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/training_requirements
+ description: List of training requirements
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '45'
+ type: training-requirements
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:14.439Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:16.303Z'
+ training-type: Initial/Pre-approval training
+ training-title: Architectural Technology 133
+ training-hours: '3.0'
+ cpr: false
+ due-date:
+ status: Complete
+ completed-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:16.297Z'
+ expiration-date:
+ training-or-waiver-date: '08/23/2024'
+ relationships:
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '89'
+ type: initial-applications
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '89'
+ type: licenses
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '133'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ child:
+ data:
+ training-session-attendances:
+ data:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: training-session-attendances
+ override-records:
+ data: []
+ - id: '46'
+ type: training-requirements
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:14.464Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:16.488Z'
+ training-type: Initial/Pre-approval training
+ training-title: Education 314
+ training-hours: '3.0'
+ cpr: false
+ due-date:
+ status: Waived
+ completed-at:
+ expiration-date:
+ training-or-waiver-date: 02/01/2022
+ relationships:
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '89'
+ type: initial-applications
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '89'
+ type: licenses
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '133'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ child:
+ data:
+ training-session-attendances:
+ data: []
+ override-records:
+ data:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: override-records
+ - id: '47'
+ type: training-requirements
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:14.485Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:14.485Z'
+ training-type: Initial/Pre-approval training
+ training-title: Teaching 311
+ training-hours: '3.0'
+ cpr: false
+ due-date:
+ status: Incomplete
+ completed-at:
+ expiration-date:
+ training-or-waiver-date:
+ relationships:
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '89'
+ type: initial-applications
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '89'
+ type: licenses
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '133'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ child:
+ data:
+ training-session-attendances:
+ data: []
+ override-records:
+ data: []
+ - id: '48'
+ type: training-requirements
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:15.753Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:15.753Z'
+ training-type: Initial/Pre-approval training
+ training-title: Architectural Technology 133
+ training-hours: '3.0'
+ cpr: false
+ due-date:
+ status: Incomplete
+ completed-at:
+ expiration-date:
+ training-or-waiver-date:
+ relationships:
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '90'
+ type: initial-applications
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '90'
+ type: licenses
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '134'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ child:
+ data:
+ training-session-attendances:
+ data: []
+ override-records:
+ data: []
+ - id: '49'
+ type: training-requirements
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:15.777Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:15.777Z'
+ training-type: Initial/Pre-approval training
+ training-title: Education 314
+ training-hours: '3.0'
+ cpr: false
+ due-date:
+ status: Incomplete
+ completed-at:
+ expiration-date:
+ training-or-waiver-date:
+ relationships:
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '90'
+ type: initial-applications
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '90'
+ type: licenses
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '134'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ child:
+ data:
+ training-session-attendances:
+ data: []
+ override-records:
+ data: []
+ - id: '50'
+ type: training-requirements
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:15.800Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:15.800Z'
+ training-type: Initial/Pre-approval training
+ training-title: Teaching 311
+ training-hours: '3.0'
+ cpr: false
+ due-date:
+ status: Incomplete
+ completed-at:
+ expiration-date:
+ training-or-waiver-date:
+ relationships:
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '90'
+ type: initial-applications
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '90'
+ type: licenses
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '134'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ child:
+ data:
+ training-session-attendances:
+ data: []
+ override-records:
+ data: []
+ included:
+ - id: '89'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:14.143Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:14.231Z'
+ type: InitialApplication
+ template-slug: application-template-178
+ family-type:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ expiry-date:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ confidential: false
+ license-external-identifier: BNF000001
+ - id: '89'
+ type: licenses
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:13.257Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:14.269Z'
+ external-identifier: BNF000001
+ confidential: false
+ expiry-date:
+ tag-summary: []
+ - id: '133'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:13.692Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:13.999Z'
+ first-name: Brendan
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Halvorson
+ suffix:
+ email: a5d31f6914cc0ab37ba5gianna@barton.example
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ license-external-identifier: BNF000001
+ confidential: false
+ external-identifier:
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ - id: '1'
+ type: training-session-attendances
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:16.158Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:16.375Z'
+ worker-assigned: Franklyn Kerluke
+ training-date: '08/23/2024'
+ training-hours: 3
+ custom-caregiver-first-name: Brendan
+ custom-caregiver-middle-name:
+ custom-caregiver-last-name: Halvorson
+ custom-caregiver-suffix:
+ logged-by: Arminda Price
+ comments:
+ - id: '1'
+ type: override-records
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:16.473Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:16.473Z'
+ training-title: Waiver
+ grant-date: 02/01/2022
+ training-hours:
+ logged-by: Franklyn Kerluke
+ comments: 'Reason Waived: Not applicable; Details: factory override'
+ expiration-date:
+ - id: '90'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:15.564Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:15.634Z'
+ type: InitialApplication
+ template-slug: application-template-180
+ family-type:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ expiry-date:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ confidential: false
+ license-external-identifier: external04
+ - id: '90'
+ type: licenses
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:14.815Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:14.815Z'
+ external-identifier: external04
+ confidential: false
+ expiry-date:
+ tag-summary: []
+ - id: '134'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:15.170Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:15.429Z'
+ first-name: Wiley
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Cremin
+ suffix:
+ email: 417e137acbefb0e5ef05pura@halvorson.example
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ license-external-identifier: external04
+ confidential: false
+ external-identifier:
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/training_requirements?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&status=&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/training_requirements?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&status=&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/training_requirements?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&status=&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 6
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/training-requirements"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ "/api/v1/training_requirements/{training_requirement_id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific training requirement
+ tags:
+ - Training Requirements
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: training_requirement_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti Training Requirement ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ application, child, license, override-records, training-session-attendances,
+ user-agency-profile'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/training_requirements/training_requirement_id
+ description: Get a specific training requirement
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '63'
+ type: training-requirements
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:25.864Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:27.688Z'
+ training-type: Initial/Pre-approval training
+ training-title: Architectural Technology 383
+ training-hours: '3.0'
+ cpr: false
+ due-date:
+ status: Complete
+ completed-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:27.683Z'
+ expiration-date:
+ training-or-waiver-date: '08/23/2024'
+ relationships:
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '95'
+ type: initial-applications
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '95'
+ type: licenses
+ user-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '139'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ child:
+ data:
+ training-session-attendances:
+ data:
+ - id: '4'
+ type: training-session-attendances
+ override-records:
+ data: []
+ included:
+ - id: '95'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:25.642Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:25.735Z'
+ type: InitialApplication
+ template-slug: application-template-190
+ family-type:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ expiry-date:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ confidential: false
+ license-external-identifier: BNL000001
+ - id: '95'
+ type: licenses
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:24.774Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:25.759Z'
+ external-identifier: BNL000001
+ confidential: false
+ expiry-date:
+ tag-summary: []
+ - id: '139'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:25.191Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:25.504Z'
+ first-name: Chi
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Altenwerth
+ suffix:
+ email: b6cb972fafe724849ddbdenis_ward@crona-ernser.test
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ license-external-identifier: BNL000001
+ confidential: false
+ external-identifier:
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ - id: '4'
+ type: training-session-attendances
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:27.541Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:33:27.750Z'
+ worker-assigned: Nita Huels
+ training-date: '08/23/2024'
+ training-hours: 3
+ custom-caregiver-first-name: Chi
+ custom-caregiver-middle-name:
+ custom-caregiver-last-name: Altenwerth
+ custom-caregiver-suffix:
+ logged-by: Nina Hilll
+ comments:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/training-requirements"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ "/api/v1/user_agency_profiles":
+ get:
+ summary: List user agency profiles
+ tags:
+ - User Agency Profiles
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ agency-workers, applications-as-applicant, applications-as-co-applicant,
+ applications-as-other-adult, worker-assignments'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Sort the results by various fields. The prefix `-` sorts results
+ in descending order; no prefix sorts results in ascending order.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - "-created_at"
+ - created_at
+ - "-updated_at"
+ - updated_at
+ description: Avalable sorting values.
+ - name: updated_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those updated after provided start time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: updated_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those updated before provided end time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: external_identifier
+ in: query
+ description: Filter by their external identifier
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: External Profile ID.
+ - name: license_external_identifier
+ in: query
+ description: Filter by license external identifier
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: External License ID.
+ - name: application_status
+ in: query
+ description: Filter by status of lastest application
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - applying
+ - approved
+ - awaiting_referral
+ - closed
+ - denied
+ - in_adoption_process
+ - inactive
+ - eligible_for_conversion
+ - recruiting_dropout
+ - recruiting
+ - withdrawn
+ - ready_for_review
+ - in_renewal_process
+ description: Available Application status values.
+ - name: role
+ in: query
+ description: Filter by role of user agency profile
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - applicant
+ - child_in_home
+ - co_applicant
+ - other_adult_in_home
+ - reference_user
+ description: Available User Agency Profile roles.
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/user_agency_profiles
+ description: List user agency profiles
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '41'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:15.887Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:22.471Z'
+ name: Josue Goldner
+ first-name: Josue
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Goldner
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth:
+ gender:
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: ff4ce4aa0e6aabc35ffaguadalupe@rolfson.example
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ address:
+ address-city: South Velmaborough
+ address-state: IN
+ address-county: ''
+ address-street: 774 Considine Mountain
+ address-zipcode: 02732-9287
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: South Velmaborough
+ geocoded-address-state: IN
+ geocoded-address-street: 774 Considine Mountain
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: 02732-9287
+ mailing-address:
+ mailing-address-city: Port Mary
+ mailing-address-state: AZ
+ mailing-address-street: 32779 Randall Common
+ mailing-address-zipcode: 70955-3834
+ family-id: BDO000001
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: English
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ license-external-identifier: BDO000001
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data:
+ - id: '29'
+ type: initial-applications
+ - id: '30'
+ type: renewal-applications
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data: []
+ child-placements:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ agency-workers:
+ data: []
+ - id: '42'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:16.038Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:22.471Z'
+ name: Horacio Nienow
+ first-name: Horacio
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Nienow
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth:
+ gender:
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: f033cd5e9e8c05d37325jesus@vonrueden.test
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ address:
+ address-city: Lake Toryton
+ address-state: CO
+ address-county: ''
+ address-street: 3051 Swift Manor
+ address-zipcode: 37883-4439
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: Lake Toryton
+ geocoded-address-state: CO
+ geocoded-address-street: 3051 Swift Manor
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: 37883-4439
+ mailing-address:
+ mailing-address-city: West Sorayafurt
+ mailing-address-state: ME
+ mailing-address-street: 91652 Simonis Heights
+ mailing-address-zipcode: 87088-5209
+ family-id: BDO000001
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: ''
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ license-external-identifier: BDO000001
+ roles:
+ - co_applicant
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data:
+ - id: '29'
+ type: initial-applications
+ - id: '30'
+ type: renewal-applications
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ agency-workers:
+ data: []
+ - id: '43'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:23.690Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:23.944Z'
+ name: Charolette West
+ first-name: Charolette
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: West
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth:
+ gender:
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: 5b46648738ad6a98a29dalfred@gulgowski.example
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ address:
+ address-city: Barrowsville
+ address-state: TX
+ address-county: ''
+ address-street: 289 Witting Mews
+ address-zipcode: '01866'
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: Barrowsville
+ geocoded-address-state: TX
+ geocoded-address-street: 289 Witting Mews
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: '01866'
+ mailing-address:
+ mailing-address-city: Halvorsonhaven
+ mailing-address-state: AR
+ mailing-address-street: 34874 Leffler Fords
+ mailing-address-zipcode: '74363'
+ family-id: BDO000001
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: ''
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ license-external-identifier: BDO000001
+ roles:
+ - other_adult_in_home
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data:
+ - id: '29'
+ type: initial-applications
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ agency-workers:
+ data: []
+ - id: '44'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:24.731Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:24.789Z'
+ name: Ranee Kub
+ first-name: Ranee
+ middle-name: ''
+ last-name: Kub
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth: '2019-05-29'
+ gender:
+ ethnicities: []
+ email:
+ phone-number:
+ address:
+ address-street: ''
+ mailing-address: {}
+ family-id: BDO000001
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: ''
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ license-external-identifier: BDO000001
+ roles:
+ - child_in_home
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ agency-workers:
+ data: []
+ - id: '45'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:26.216Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:28.485Z'
+ name: Ethan Grady
+ first-name: Ethan
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Grady
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth:
+ gender:
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: 5701332256690631048emichele.daniel@swift-leffler.test
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ address:
+ address-city: Jenkinsbury
+ address-state: GA
+ address-county: ''
+ address-street: 371 Moore Circles
+ address-zipcode: '17115'
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: Jenkinsbury
+ geocoded-address-state: GA
+ geocoded-address-street: 371 Moore Circles
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: '17115'
+ mailing-address:
+ mailing-address-city: South Elijah
+ mailing-address-state: WY
+ mailing-address-street: 1353 Terry Forks
+ mailing-address-zipcode: 49841-3205
+ family-id: BDO000002
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: English
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ license-external-identifier: BDO000002
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data:
+ - id: '31'
+ type: initial-applications
+ - id: '32'
+ type: renewal-applications
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data: []
+ child-placements:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ agency-workers:
+ data: []
+ - id: '46'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:28.963Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:29.368Z'
+ name: Diana Ross
+ first-name: Diana
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Ross
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth:
+ gender:
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: cyndy@beer-murray.test
+ phone-number:
+ address:
+ address-street: ''
+ mailing-address: {}
+ family-id: BDO000001
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: ''
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ license-external-identifier: BDO000001
+ roles:
+ - reference_user
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ agency-workers:
+ data: []
+ - id: '47'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:30.554Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:31.297Z'
+ name: Latasha Muller
+ first-name: Latasha
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Muller
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth:
+ gender:
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: 0d83e1cdfb88d3bc346ealvin_shields@baumbach.example
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ address:
+ address-city: North Alden
+ address-state: KS
+ address-county: ''
+ address-street: 1162 Boehm Coves
+ address-zipcode: '73388'
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: North Alden
+ geocoded-address-state: KS
+ geocoded-address-street: 1162 Boehm Coves
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: '73388'
+ mailing-address:
+ mailing-address-city: West Benton
+ mailing-address-state: AK
+ mailing-address-street: 549 Harris Plains
+ mailing-address-zipcode: '30168'
+ family-id: BDO000003
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: ''
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ license-external-identifier: BDO000003
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data:
+ - id: '33'
+ type: initial-applications
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data: []
+ child-placements:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ agency-workers:
+ data: []
+ included:
+ - id: '29'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: walker-mcdermott-and-homenick
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:19.443Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:29.842Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 100
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower: 3
+ approved-age-higher: 18
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity: 2
+ case-type:
+ casework-completed-percentage: 100
+ caseworker-assigned-date:
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster: true
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed: '2024-08-13'
+ date-of-inquiry: '2024-08-23'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed: 10
+ expiry-date: '2025-08-23'
+ external-identifier:
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: true
+ family-type:
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date: '2024-08-23T13:30:19.438-07:00'
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier: BDO000001
+ medically-trained: false
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: approved
+ status-date: '2024-08-23'
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 100
+ template-slug: application-template-58
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: InitialApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '41'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '42'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '29'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data:
+ - id: '43'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data:
+ - id: '44'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ good-causes:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ sub-agencies:
+ data: []
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '31'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ - id: '30'
+ type: renewal-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: walker-mcdermott-and-homenick
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:21.980Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:23.159Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 100
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower: 3
+ approved-age-higher: 18
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity: 2
+ case-type:
+ casework-completed-percentage: 0
+ caseworker-assigned-date:
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster: true
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed:
+ date-of-inquiry: '2024-08-23'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed:
+ expiry-date:
+ external-identifier:
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: false
+ family-type:
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date: '2024-08-23T13:30:21.974-07:00'
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier: BDO000001
+ medically-trained: false
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date: '2025-08-23'
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 100
+ template-slug: application-template-57
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: RenewalApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '41'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '42'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '29'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data: []
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ sub-agencies:
+ data: []
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '31'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ - id: '31'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: walker-mcdermott-and-homenick
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:26.820Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:28.485Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 100
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower: 3
+ approved-age-higher: 18
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity: 2
+ case-type:
+ casework-completed-percentage: 100
+ caseworker-assigned-date:
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster: true
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed: '2024-08-13'
+ date-of-inquiry: '2024-08-23'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed: 10
+ expiry-date: '2025-08-23'
+ external-identifier:
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: true
+ family-type:
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date: '2024-08-23T13:30:26.816-07:00'
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier: BDO000002
+ medically-trained: false
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: approved
+ status-date: '2024-08-23'
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 100
+ template-slug: application-template-60
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: InitialApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '45'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '30'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data: []
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ sub-agencies:
+ data: []
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '32'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ - id: '32'
+ type: renewal-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: walker-mcdermott-and-homenick
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:28.062Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:28.485Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 100
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower: 3
+ approved-age-higher: 18
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity: 2
+ case-type:
+ casework-completed-percentage: 0
+ caseworker-assigned-date:
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster: true
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed:
+ date-of-inquiry: '2024-08-23'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed:
+ expiry-date:
+ external-identifier:
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: false
+ family-type:
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date: '2024-08-23T13:30:28.057-07:00'
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier: BDO000002
+ medically-trained: false
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date: '2025-08-23'
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 100
+ template-slug: application-template-59
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: RenewalApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '45'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '30'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data: []
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ sub-agencies:
+ data: []
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '32'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ - id: '33'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: walker-mcdermott-and-homenick
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:31.128Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:31.297Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 100
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower:
+ approved-age-higher:
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity:
+ case-type:
+ casework-completed-percentage: 100
+ caseworker-assigned-date:
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster:
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed:
+ date-of-inquiry: '2024-08-23'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed:
+ expiry-date:
+ external-identifier:
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: true
+ family-type:
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date: '2024-08-23T13:30:31.123-07:00'
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier: BDO000003
+ medically-trained:
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 100
+ template-slug: application-template-62
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: InitialApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '47'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '31'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data: []
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ sub-agencies:
+ data: []
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '33'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/user_agency_profiles?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/user_agency_profiles?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/user_agency_profiles?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 7
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/user-agency-profiles"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ "/api/v1/user_agency_profiles/{user_agency_profile_id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific user agency profile
+ tags:
+ - User Agency Profiles
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: user_agency_profile_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: User Agency Profile primary key.
+ required: true
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ agency-workers, applications-as-applicant, applications-as-co-applicant,
+ applications-as-other-adult, worker-assignments'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/user_agency_profiles/user_agency_profile_id
+ description: Get a specific user agency profile
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: other adult is confidential
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '93'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:49.945Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:49.945Z'
+ name: Luciano Nolan
+ first-name: Luciano
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Nolan
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth:
+ gender:
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: 37c4db9d253622c12853jeff_gusikowski@lesch.test
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ address:
+ address-city: Othabury
+ address-state: ND
+ address-county: ''
+ address-street: 73420 Cleopatra Gardens
+ address-zipcode: 67772-5681
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: Othabury
+ geocoded-address-state: ND
+ geocoded-address-street: 73420 Cleopatra Gardens
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: 67772-5681
+ mailing-address:
+ mailing-address-city: Gabrielleton
+ mailing-address-state: CO
+ mailing-address-street: 344 Irina Summit
+ mailing-address-zipcode: 18171-7233
+ family-id:
+ confidential: true
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: ''
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ license-external-identifier:
+ roles:
+ - other_adult_in_home
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data:
+ - id: '57'
+ type: initial-applications
+ child-placements:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ agency-workers:
+ data: []
+ included:
+ - id: '57'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: quitzon-group
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:49.410Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:50.135Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 100
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower:
+ approved-age-higher:
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity: 4
+ case-type:
+ casework-completed-percentage: 100
+ caseworker-assigned-date: '2024-08-23'
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster: true
+ confidential: true
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed:
+ date-of-inquiry: '2024-08-23'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed:
+ expiry-date:
+ external-identifier:
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: false
+ family-type: community
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date: '2024-08-23T13:31:49.406-07:00'
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier:
+ medically-trained: false
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: incomplete
+ required: 1
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 100
+ template-slug: application-template-90
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: InitialApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '91'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '94'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '47'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data:
+ - id: '93'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data:
+ - id: '26'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ sub-agencies:
+ data: []
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '49'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/user-agency-profiles"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ put:
+ summary: Update an user agency profile
+ tags:
+ - User Agency Profiles
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: user_agency_profile_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti User Agency Profile ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: PUT/api/v1/user_agency_profiles/user_agency_profile_id
+ description: Update an user agency profile
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: successful
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '97'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:52.162Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:55.498Z'
+ name: Samuel Xavier Jackson III
+ first-name: Samuel
+ middle-name: Xavier
+ last-name: Jackson
+ suffix: III
+ date-of-birth: '2008-02-12'
+ gender: Male
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: 0e23f61a7f3ca6d6c270irena_aufderhar@boehm-veum.test
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ address:
+ address-city: North Jeanett
+ address-state: NM
+ address-county: ''
+ address-street: 631 Terry Centers
+ address-zipcode: '94811'
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: North Jeanett
+ geocoded-address-state: NM
+ geocoded-address-street: 631 Terry Centers
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: '94811'
+ mailing-address:
+ mailing-address-city: West Donette
+ mailing-address-state: TX
+ mailing-address-street: 935 Turcotte Extensions
+ mailing-address-zipcode: 90638-7697
+ family-id: BEB000001
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: english
+ additional-languages: spanish, american sign language
+ external-identifier: Person001
+ license-external-identifier: BEB000001
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data:
+ - id: '58'
+ type: initial-applications
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data: []
+ child-placements:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data: []
+ agency-workers:
+ data: []
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/user-agency-profiles"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier for the user model in an external
+ system.
+ nullable: true
+ first-name:
+ type: string
+ description: First or given name, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ middle-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Middle name, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ last-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Last or family name, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ suffix:
+ type: string
+ description: Suffix, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ date-of-birth:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date of birth.
+ nullable: true
+ gender:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - female
+ - male
+ - transgender
+ - non_binary
+ - not_listed_above
+ - prefer_not_to_answer
+ -
+ description: Gender, as selected from the available options.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ primary-language:
+ type: string
+ description: Primary language spoken. May be an empty string.
+ secondary-languages:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ description: Additional language spoken. Should be in
+ quotes and comma seperated.
+ description: An array of additinal string values representing
+ the other lanugages someone speaks ie ["english", "spanish"]
+ description: Primary attributes of the record requested.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Related objects. When performing a PUT request,
+ do not include keys for relationships you do not intend to
+ change. If you want to remove a relationship, include the
+ key and set the "data" attribute to null.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Request-specific modifiers that can control side
+ effects of the current operation.
+ required:
+ - attributes
+ description: Properties of the updated User Agency Profile.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: Data to update a User Agency Profile.
+ required: true
+ "/api/v1/worker_assignments":
+ get:
+ summary: List worker assignments
+ tags:
+ - Worker Assignments
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: page[size]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: How many results to retrieve. For performance reasons, collections
+ do not return all the results at once; results are returned in a paginated
+ fashion. If this parameter is omitted, the default page size is 20 results.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page size.
+ - name: page[number]
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Which page of results to retrieve, starting with 1. If this collection
+ has more results than `page[size]`, subsequent requests with increasing
+ `page[number]` will be necessary if you want to exhaust all results for
+ this request.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Page number.
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ worker'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Sort the results by various fields. The prefix `-` sorts results
+ in descending order; no prefix sorts results in ascending order.
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - "-created_at"
+ - created_at
+ description: Avalable sorting values.
+ - name: created_start_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those created after provided start time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: created_end_date
+ in: query
+ description: Filters records for those created before provided end time.
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: DateTime string for filtering.
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/worker_assignments
+ description: List worker assignments
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: sub agency sees worker assignments only for applications owned
+ by sub agency
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '26'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ attributes:
+ role: approvals
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:21.543Z'
+ relationships:
+ applicant-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '69'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '42'
+ type: initial-applications
+ worker:
+ data:
+ id: '134'
+ type: agency-workers
+ - id: '27'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ attributes:
+ role: support
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:21.571Z'
+ relationships:
+ applicant-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '69'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '42'
+ type: initial-applications
+ worker:
+ data:
+ id: '153'
+ type: agency-workers
+ included:
+ - id: '69'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:16.638Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:19.326Z'
+ name: Mariann Schmitt
+ first-name: Mariann
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Schmitt
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth:
+ gender:
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: 4c849dca4802fc40589ddee.oberbrunner@corkery-bosco.example
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ address:
+ address-city: Schillerfort
+ address-state: KS
+ address-county: ''
+ address-street: 88912 Hoppe Lakes
+ address-zipcode: 21582-7102
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: Schillerfort
+ geocoded-address-state: KS
+ geocoded-address-street: 88912 Hoppe Lakes
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: 21582-7102
+ mailing-address:
+ mailing-address-city: Gusikowskiville
+ mailing-address-state: HI
+ mailing-address-street: 5661 Nienow Track
+ mailing-address-zipcode: 20789-2804
+ family-id: paa-license-5
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: ''
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ license-external-identifier: paa-license-5
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data:
+ - id: '42'
+ type: initial-applications
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data: []
+ child-placements:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data:
+ - id: '26'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ - id: '27'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ agency-workers:
+ data:
+ - id: '134'
+ type: agency-workers
+ - id: '153'
+ type: agency-workers
+ - id: '42'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: kemmer-crooks-and-kuphal
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:20.992Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:21.582Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 0
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower:
+ approved-age-higher:
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity:
+ case-type:
+ casework-completed-percentage: 0
+ caseworker-assigned-date: '2024-08-23'
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster:
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed:
+ date-of-inquiry: '2024-08-23'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed:
+ expiry-date:
+ external-identifier:
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: false
+ family-type:
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date: '2024-08-23T13:30:20.987-07:00'
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier: paa-license-5
+ medically-trained:
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 0
+ template-slug: application-template-54
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: InitialApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '69'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '70'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '39'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data: []
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data:
+ - id: '26'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ - id: '27'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ sub-agencies:
+ data: []
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '40'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ - id: '134'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:01.291Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:01.377Z'
+ name: Talia Boyle
+ email: 8502d05875dac8605c20felix@kling.example
+ supervisors: []
+ managers-of-supervisors: []
+ agency-role: admin
+ role-for-permissions:
+ id: 1
+ name: Agency Admin
+ external-identifier:
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ relationships:
+ agency-admin-assignment:
+ data:
+ id: '71'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ - id: '153'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:21.495Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:21.495Z'
+ name: Barabara Stokes
+ email: 18faa2bbd557a3160253jesse@rice-paucek.test
+ supervisors: []
+ managers-of-supervisors: []
+ agency-role: approvals
+ role-for-permissions:
+ id: 3
+ name: Approvals Worker
+ external-identifier:
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ relationships:
+ agency-admin-assignment:
+ data:
+ id: '82'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/worker_assignments?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/worker_assignments?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/worker_assignments?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 2
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/worker-assignments"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ post:
+ summary: Create new worker assignment for particular application
+ tags:
+ - Worker Assignments
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: POST/api/v1/worker_assignments
+ description: Create new worker assignment for particular application
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: created
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ - id: '29'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ attributes:
+ role: approvals
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:26.861Z'
+ relationships:
+ applicant-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '72'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '44'
+ type: initial-applications
+ worker:
+ data:
+ id: '156'
+ type: agency-workers
+ included:
+ - id: '72'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:25.393Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:26.126Z'
+ name: Yen Stehr
+ first-name: Yen
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Stehr
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth:
+ gender:
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: ee92ead324335c7bf70amikki_leannon@welch-emmerich.example
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ address:
+ address-city: Lilianachester
+ address-state: OH
+ address-county: ''
+ address-street: 131 Charlyn Haven
+ address-zipcode: 74301-5739
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: Lilianachester
+ geocoded-address-state: OH
+ geocoded-address-street: 131 Charlyn Haven
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: 74301-5739
+ mailing-address:
+ mailing-address-city: Osinskiland
+ mailing-address-state: FL
+ mailing-address-street: 80565 Roscoe Causeway
+ mailing-address-zipcode: '01254'
+ family-id: BDM000002
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: ''
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ license-external-identifier: BDM000002
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data:
+ - id: '44'
+ type: initial-applications
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data: []
+ child-placements:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data:
+ - id: '29'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ agency-workers:
+ data:
+ - id: '156'
+ type: agency-workers
+ - id: '44'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: medhurst-gerlach-and-treutel
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:25.930Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:26.848Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 100
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower:
+ approved-age-higher:
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity:
+ case-type:
+ casework-completed-percentage: 100
+ caseworker-assigned-date: '2024-08-23'
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster:
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed:
+ date-of-inquiry: '2024-08-23'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed:
+ expiry-date:
+ external-identifier:
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: true
+ family-type:
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date: '2024-08-23T13:30:25.926-07:00'
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier: BDM000002
+ medically-trained:
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 100
+ template-slug: application-template-58
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: InitialApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '72'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '41'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data: []
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data:
+ - id: '29'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ sub-agencies:
+ data: []
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '42'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ - id: '156'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:23.041Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:23.041Z'
+ name: Vernetta Sanford
+ email: e74d19676b916c6594d2kirby@casper.example
+ supervisors: []
+ managers-of-supervisors: []
+ agency-role: approvals
+ role-for-permissions:
+ id: 3
+ name: Approvals Worker
+ external-identifier:
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ relationships:
+ agency-admin-assignment:
+ data:
+ id: '85'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ links:
+ self: http://www.example.com/api/v1/worker_assignments?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ first: http://www.example.com/api/v1/worker_assignments?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ prev:
+ next:
+ last: http://www.example.com/api/v1/worker_assignments?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20&tz=utc
+ meta:
+ total-records: 1
+ page-size: 20
+ page-number: 1
+ total-pages: 1
+ sort: {}
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/worker-assignments"
+ description: Array of records.
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of records.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: The current page of results.
+ first:
+ type: string
+ description: The first page of results.
+ prev:
+ type: string
+ description: The previous page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ next:
+ type: string
+ description: The next page of results.
+ nullable: true
+ last:
+ type: string
+ description: The final page of results.
+ required:
+ - self
+ - first
+ - prev
+ - next
+ - last
+ description: Convenience URLs for use in paginated responses.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ total-records:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total records in current the response set, across
+ all pages.
+ page-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Count of records returned in the current page.
+ page-number:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Current request page number. Starts at 1.
+ total-pages:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Total number of pages in the current response
+ set at the given page size.
+ sort:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: 'The sorting parameters provided in request,
+ in the form of `{"field_name": "asc", "second_field": "desc"}`'
+ required:
+ - total-records
+ - page-size
+ - page-number
+ - total-pages
+ - sort
+ description: Available metadata for the current request including
+ number of pages, current page, and total count of matched records.
+ required:
+ - data
+ - links
+ - meta
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - worker-assignments
+ description: Mandatory JSON:API type specifier.
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ role:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - approvals
+ - support
+ description: 'The assigned worker''s role on the Application.
+ Note: We currently do not support creating CBO assigments
+ via the API.'
+ required:
+ - role
+ description: Primary attributes of the record requested.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ application:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - initial-applications
+ - renewal-applications
+ description: Always initial-applications / renewal-applications
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the Application to which
+ this Agency Worker is assigned.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ worker:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - agency-workers
+ description: Always agency-workers
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the Agency Worker for this
+ worker assignment.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ required:
+ - application
+ - worker
+ description: Related objects. When performing a PUT request,
+ do not include keys for relationships you do not intend to
+ change. If you want to remove a relationship, include the
+ key and set the "data" attribute to null.
+ meta:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties: {}
+ description: Request-specific modifiers that can control side
+ effects of the current operation.
+ required:
+ - attributes
+ description: Information for the new Worker Assignment. Must contain
+ a role attribute and a relationship for both application and worker.
+ required:
+ - type
+ - data
+ description: Properties to create new Worker Assignments on an Application.
+ required: true
+ "/api/v1/worker_assignments/{worker_assignment_id}":
+ get:
+ summary: Get a specific worker assignment
+ tags:
+ - Worker Assignments
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: worker_assignment_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: A Worker Assignment ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: included
+ in: query
+ description: 'Comma-separated list of associations to bundle in the `included`
+ section of the response payload. To exclude **all** possible associations,
+ provide the param but no argument.
_Available values_ : *, "",
+ worker'
+ required: false
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Single includable relationship.
+ nullable: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: GET/api/v1/worker_assignments/worker_assignment_id
+ description: Get a specific worker assignment
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: sub agency can see worker assignment for application if the
+ application is owned by the sub agency
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ example:
+ data:
+ id: '43'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ attributes:
+ role: approvals
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:04.067Z'
+ relationships:
+ applicant-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '86'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ application:
+ data:
+ id: '58'
+ type: initial-applications
+ worker:
+ data:
+ id: '205'
+ type: agency-workers
+ included:
+ - id: '86'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:30:58.897Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:01.572Z'
+ name: Parker Collier
+ first-name: Parker
+ middle-name:
+ last-name: Collier
+ suffix:
+ date-of-birth:
+ gender:
+ ethnicities: []
+ email: 749e710beb8d0af289c9gary@beahan.test
+ phone-number: "+15309450048"
+ address:
+ address-city: Hansenton
+ address-state: WI
+ address-county: ''
+ address-street: 5957 Gusikowski Gateway
+ address-zipcode: '99038'
+ geocoding-source: Melissa
+ geocoded-address-city: Hansenton
+ geocoded-address-state: WI
+ geocoded-address-street: 5957 Gusikowski Gateway
+ geocoded-address-zipcode: '99038'
+ mailing-address:
+ mailing-address-city: South Gemmatown
+ mailing-address-state: PA
+ mailing-address-street: 8651 Israel Dale
+ mailing-address-zipcode: 98313-7993
+ family-id: paa-license-5
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ primary-language: ''
+ additional-languages: ''
+ external-identifier:
+ license-external-identifier: paa-license-5
+ roles:
+ - applicant
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ protected-tribe: false
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ relationships:
+ applications-as-applicant:
+ data:
+ - id: '58'
+ type: initial-applications
+ applications-as-co-applicant:
+ data: []
+ applications-as-other-adult:
+ data: []
+ child-placements:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data:
+ - id: '43'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ - id: '44'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ agency-workers:
+ data:
+ - id: '205'
+ type: agency-workers
+ - id: '207'
+ type: agency-workers
+ - id: '58'
+ type: initial-applications
+ attributes:
+ owner-agency-slug: bednar-hand
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:03.392Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:04.141Z'
+ adult-children: []
+ adults-in-home: []
+ applicant-form-data: {}
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage: 0
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ approved-age-lower:
+ approved-age-higher:
+ background-checks-summary:
+ percentage-completed:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ non-exemptible: 0
+ exemptions:
+ summary:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ denied: 0
+ capacity:
+ case-type:
+ casework-completed-percentage: 0
+ caseworker-assigned-date: '2024-08-23'
+ child-in-home:
+ co-applicant-form-data: {}
+ community-foster:
+ confidential: false
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ cws-cms-status:
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ date-application-signed:
+ date-of-inquiry: '2024-08-23'
+ date-of-placement:
+ days-since-placement:
+ days-since-signed:
+ expiry-date:
+ external-identifier:
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ description: Family Evaluation
+ percentage:
+ complete: false
+ family-type:
+ home-info:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ intake-completed-percentage: 0
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ intake-inbox-date: '2024-08-23T13:31:03.388-07:00'
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ intake-referring-county:
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ inter-county-request:
+ inter-state-request:
+ license-external-identifier: paa-license-5
+ medically-trained:
+ medical-summary:
+ percentage:
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ minor-children-in-home: []
+ online-orientation-date:
+ pets: []
+ reference-summary:
+ status: complete
+ required: 0
+ completed: 0
+ referring-caseworker:
+ referring-office: " "
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ renewal-due-date:
+ respite-provider:
+ spa:
+ status: applying
+ status-date:
+ status-explanation:
+ status-overridden: false
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ status-reason:
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage: 0
+ template-slug: application-template-86
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: InitialApplication
+ relationships:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '86'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ data:
+ id: '87'
+ type: user-agency-profiles
+ license:
+ data:
+ id: '55'
+ type: licenses
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ data: []
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ data: []
+ good-causes:
+ data: []
+ worker-assignments:
+ data:
+ - id: '43'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ - id: '44'
+ type: worker-assignments
+ sub-agencies:
+ data: []
+ agency-placement:
+ data:
+ id: '56'
+ type: agency-placements
+ barriers-to-licensing-calculation:
+ data:
+ - id: '205'
+ type: agency-workers
+ attributes:
+ created-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:03.889Z'
+ updated-at: '2024-08-23T20:31:03.977Z'
+ name: Daniell Johns
+ email: d696790aa81a0594cae4forest.carter@wolff.example
+ supervisors: []
+ managers-of-supervisors: []
+ agency-role: admin
+ role-for-permissions:
+ id: 1
+ name: Agency Admin
+ external-identifier:
+ sign-in-count: 0
+ relationships:
+ agency-admin-assignment:
+ data:
+ id: '117'
+ type: agency-admin-assignments
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ required:
+ - data
+ properties:
+ data:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/worker-assignments"
+ included:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ delete:
+ summary: Remove worker assignment
+ tags:
+ - Worker Assignments
+ security:
+ - bearer: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: worker_assignment_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: A Worker Assignment ID.
+ required: true
+ - name: tz
+ in: query
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - utc
+ description: Available timezones.
+ description: By default, the API returns Pacific time zone timestamps. This
+ behavior will be deprecated. Please append `tz=utc` on all requests to ensure
+ your system always receives UTC timezone values from the API.
+ operationId: DELETE/api/v1/worker_assignments/worker_assignment_id
+ description: Remove worker assignment
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: no content
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema: {}
+- url: https://family.binti.com
+- url: https://pre-production.binti.com
+- url: https://demo.binti.com
+ securitySchemes:
+ bearer:
+ type: http
+ scheme: bearer
+ schemas:
+ application-key-dates:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Time pipeline report was created.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Time pipeline report was last updated. This is updated
+ when the report is regenerated.
+ inquiry-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date of inquiry for all application
+ nullable: true
+ approval-start-time:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Time approval started
+ nullable: true
+ approval-complete-time:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Time approval completed
+ nullable: true
+ applicant-forms-start-time:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Time applicant forms started
+ nullable: true
+ applicant-forms-complete-time:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Time applicant forms completed
+ nullable: true
+ background-check-start-time:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Time background check(s) started
+ nullable: true
+ background-check-complete-time:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Time background check(s) completed
+ nullable: true
+ caseworker-forms-start-time:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Time caseworker forms started
+ nullable: true
+ caseworker-forms-complete-time:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Time caseworker forms completed
+ nullable: true
+ online-orientation-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date of online orientation
+ nullable: true
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date of in-person orientation
+ nullable: true
+ psycho-social-start-time:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Time psycho-social evaluation started
+ nullable: true
+ psycho-social-complete-time:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Time psycho-social evaluation completed
+ nullable: true
+ references-start-time:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Time reference forms started
+ nullable: true
+ references-complete-time:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Time references forms completed
+ nullable: true
+ supporting-documents-start-time:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Time supporting documents started
+ nullable: true
+ supporting-documents-complete-time:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Time supporting documents completed
+ nullable: true
+ trainings-start-time:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Time trainings started
+ nullable: true
+ trainings-complete-time:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Time trainings completed
+ nullable: true
+ related-attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ application-id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Application ID being tracked
+ application-created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date application was created.
+ application-external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: External systems identifier for individual Application.
+ Must be unique for agency.
+ nullable: true
+ application-type:
+ type: string
+ description: Type of application
+ application-status:
+ type: string
+ description: Status of application
+ license-external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: External systems identifier for a License or collection
+ of Applications per family. Must be unique for agency.
+ nullable: true
+ family-id:
+ type: string
+ description: Family ID
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - application-id
+ - application-created-at
+ - application-external-identifier
+ - application-type
+ - application-status
+ - license-external-identifier
+ - family-id
+ description: Attributes from related models. Prefixed with which relationship
+ the attributes come from.
+ status-changes:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ status-before:
+ type: string
+ description: Status before change
+ nullable: true
+ status-after:
+ type: string
+ description: Status after change
+ status-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date entered for status changed
+ nullable: true
+ changed-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date status was changed at in UTC
+ required:
+ - status-before
+ - status-after
+ - status-date
+ - changed-at
+ description: Individual status change record
+ description: List of status changes for the application
+ agency-key-dates:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ date:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date recorded for custom key date
+ nullable: true
+ key-date-type:
+ type: string
+ description: Name of key date
+ key-date-description:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Description of key date
+ nullable: true
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Time key date was created.
+ required:
+ - date
+ - key-date-type
+ - key-date-description
+ - created-at
+ description: Recorded custom key date for application
+ description: List of custom agency key dates for the application
+ required:
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - inquiry-date
+ - approval-start-time
+ - approval-complete-time
+ - applicant-forms-start-time
+ - applicant-forms-complete-time
+ - background-check-start-time
+ - background-check-complete-time
+ - caseworker-forms-start-time
+ - caseworker-forms-complete-time
+ - online-orientation-date
+ - in-person-orientation-date
+ - psycho-social-start-time
+ - psycho-social-complete-time
+ - references-start-time
+ - references-complete-time
+ - supporting-documents-start-time
+ - supporting-documents-complete-time
+ - trainings-start-time
+ - trainings-complete-time
+ - related-attributes
+ - status-changes
+ - agency-key-dates
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties:
+ application:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - initial-applications
+ - renewal-applications
+ description: Always initial-applications or renewal-applications
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: The related application
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: A pipeline funnel report for tracking barriers to licensing. Including
+ key times and dates during the application process. All times are displayed
+ in UTC in iso8601 format regardless of the timezone of the user or query.
+ address:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ address-street:
+ type: string
+ description: The street address, as provided
+ address-city:
+ type: string
+ description: The city of the address, as provided
+ address-state:
+ type: string
+ description: The two-letter state code of the address
+ address-zipcode:
+ type: string
+ description: The zip code of the address, as provided
+ address-county:
+ type: string
+ description: The county of the address, as provided
+ geocoding-source:
+ type: string
+ description: The geocoder used to geocode this data
+ geocoded-address-street:
+ type: string
+ description: The accurate street address, if available
+ geocoded-address-city:
+ type: string
+ description: The accurate city, if available
+ geocoded-address-state:
+ type: string
+ description: The accurate state code, if available
+ geocoded-address-zipcode:
+ type: string
+ description: The accurate zip code, if available
+ description: Object representing an address. Note that any of the keys may be
+ missing or may be set to an empty string. Some addresses have geocoded information,
+ which has been verified against a third party (US Census data, among others)
+ to be accurate.
+ agencies:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Agency was created in Binti.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Agency was last updated in Binti.
+ name:
+ type: string
+ description: Name of agency
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - name
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties: {}
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: An object representing a child welfare agency
+ agency-placements:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Agency Placement was created in
+ Binti.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Agency Placement was last updated
+ in Binti.
+ name:
+ type: string
+ description: Agency Placement name
+ license-id:
+ type: string
+ description: DEPRECATED -- Identifier for the family or congregate care
+ facility. Use external_identifier instead.
+ provider-external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: A configurable identifier to track provider location across
+ systems. For residential settings this is analogous to family id.
+ For congregate care facilities or private agencies this might be their
+ certification id.
+ nullable: true
+ contact-information:
+ type: string
+ description: Contact information for the Agency Placement.
+ nullable: true
+ external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier for the Agency Placement model in an external
+ system.
+ nullable: true
+ respite-provider:
+ type: boolean
+ description: A boolean for if the Agency Placement is a respite provider
+ or not. TRUE if is a respite provider.
+ nullable: true
+ status:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - applying
+ - approved
+ - closed
+ description: Status of the Agency Placement.
+ capacity:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: The number of children the Agency Placement can accommodate.
+ nullable: true
+ availability-updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the availability of beds was last updated
+ at.
+ nullable: true
+ availability-updated-by-id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the Agency Worker who updated the availability
+ last.
+ nullable: true
+ managed-by-type:
+ type: string
+ description: Used to distinguish between a group home and family placement.
+ The two options are 'Agency' and 'GroupHome'.
+ managed-by-id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the Agency or GroupHome to which this Agency
+ Placement is associated.
+ user-agency-profile-id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the User Agency Profile to which this Agency
+ Placement is associated.
+ child-in-home:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Indicates whether there are any children currently placed
+ in the home. Null indicates that this value is not known.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - name
+ - license-id
+ - provider-external-identifier
+ - contact-information
+ - external-identifier
+ - respite-provider
+ - status
+ - capacity
+ - availability-updated-at
+ - availability-updated-by-id
+ - managed-by-type
+ - managed-by-id
+ - user-agency-profile-id
+ - child-in-home
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties:
+ placement-holds:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - placement-holds
+ description: Always placement-holds
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to any current Placement Holds made for
+ this provider.
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: The Agency Placement is an identifier for a family, agency, or
+ congregate care. Effectively it represents a place a child can be placed.
+ This is often also called a Provider.
+ agency-workers:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the worker was created in Binti
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the worker was last updated in Binti
+ name:
+ type: string
+ description: Agency worker's name
+ email:
+ type: string
+ description: Agency worker's email
+ supervisors:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Agency Worker primary key.
+ name:
+ type: string
+ description: Agency Worker's full name.
+ required:
+ - id
+ - name
+ description: Minimal identifying data for Agency Worker.
+ description: Array of supervisors, indicated by ID and Name
+ managers-of-supervisors:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Agency Worker primary key.
+ name:
+ type: string
+ description: Agency Worker's full name.
+ required:
+ - id
+ - name
+ description: Minimal identifying data for Agency Worker.
+ description: Array of supervisors of supervisors, indicated by ID and
+ Name
+ agency-role:
+ type: string
+ description: String describing the role granted
+ role-for-permissions:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Agency Worker primary key.
+ name:
+ type: string
+ description: Agency Worker's full name.
+ required:
+ - id
+ - name
+ description: Minimal identifying data for Agency Worker.
+ external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier for the agency worker model in an external system
+ nullable: true
+ sign-in-count:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of times this worker has signed into the Binti system.
+ required:
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - name
+ - email
+ - supervisors
+ - managers-of-supervisors
+ - agency-role
+ - role-for-permissions
+ - external-identifier
+ - sign-in-count
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties: {}
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: Agency Worker.
+ applications-summary:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Application was created in Binti.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Application was last updated. Includes
+ changes to status, assignments, or data on the Application itself.
+ Does not include updates to forms.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - InitialApplication
+ - RenewalApplication
+ - CaliforniaConversionApplication
+ description: Identifies the basic underlying type of the Application.
+ template-slug:
+ type: string
+ description: A string that describes the blueprint for this Application's
+ forms, required documents, and trainings. All Applications of the
+ same "type" will share the same value for this string. Contact your
+ account manager for the possible values for this field.
+ family-type:
+ type: string
+ description: Whether the family is a relative, non-relative, fictive
+ kin (nrefm), community, or a guardian family.
+ nullable: true
+ status:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - applying
+ - approved
+ - awaiting_referral
+ - closed
+ - denied
+ - in_adoption_process
+ - inactive
+ - eligible_for_conversion
+ - recruiting_dropout
+ - recruiting
+ - withdrawn
+ - ready_for_review
+ description: Status of the Application in Binti.
+ status-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date that the Application moved to the current status.
+ nullable: true
+ expiry-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Expiry date of Application as determined by the next renewal
+ due date, only present on approved Applications.
+ nullable: true
+ renewal-due-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Due date of the renewal Application, only available on
+ renewal Applications.
+ nullable: true
+ confidential:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not this Application has been marked confidential.
+ license-external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: External systems identifier for a License or collection
+ of Applications per family. Must be unique for agency.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - type
+ - template-slug
+ - family-type
+ - status
+ - status-date
+ - expiry-date
+ - renewal-due-date
+ - confidential
+ - license-external-identifier
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties: {}
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: A summary overview of an Application.
+ application-forms:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date the Application Form was created.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date the Application Form was last updated in Binti.
+ form-slug:
+ type: string
+ description: Machine readable form name. This name is set up by Binti
+ during form configuration. Please contact Binti for a list of slugs
+ for your agency.
+ form-name:
+ type: string
+ description: The Application Form's human readable name as seen on Binti
+ UI.
+ nullable: true
+ signed-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date the Application Form was signed by all parties.
+ nullable: true
+ state:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Status of Application Form. Avaliable values are: `completed`:
+ all form fields data has been provided. `all_signed`: all parties
+ have signed the form and a pdf has been generated.'
+ nullable: true
+ not-applicable:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Application Form was marked as Not Applicable by case worker.
+ progress-percentage:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Percentage of form fields completed.
+ completed-offline:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Application Form was marked as completed offline by case
+ worker.
+ sub-forms-completed-offline:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ description: Machine readable name of subform completed offline.
+ description: Array of machine readable names of subforms completed offline.
+ sub-forms-not-applicable:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ description: Machine readable name of subform marked as not applicable.
+ description: Array of machine readable names of subforms marked as not
+ applicable.
+ application-id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti generated ID for Application to which the Application
+ Form is associated.
+ application-external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: External system's identifier for the Application to which
+ the Application Form is associated.
+ nullable: true
+ license-external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: License specific external identifier. Analogous to family_id.
+ nullable: true
+ questionnaire-data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: Structured form response data. This data is the raw input
+ provided by the user. The structure of this data is determined when
+ each form is configured by Binti's technical account management team.
+ The fields are not guarenteed as forms can change over time. Each
+ subform is nested under a machine readable name. For questions about
+ particular fields please contact your Binti account team.
+ required:
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - form-slug
+ - form-name
+ - signed-at
+ - state
+ - not-applicable
+ - progress-percentage
+ - completed-offline
+ - sub-forms-completed-offline
+ - sub-forms-not-applicable
+ - application-id
+ - application-external-identifier
+ - license-external-identifier
+ - questionnaire-data
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties:
+ user-agency-profile:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - user-agency-profiles
+ description: Always user-agency-profiles
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: User Agency Profile of person completing the Application
+ Form.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ application:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - initial-applications
+ description: Always initial-applications
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: The Application to which this Application Form is associated.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ license:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - licenses
+ description: Always licenses
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: The License to which this Application Form is associated.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ required-signatures:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - required-signatures
+ description: Always required-signatures
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: Signatures required for Application Form completion.
+ User information is not populated until signature has been completed.
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: 'An Application Form is a representation of data provided by an
+ applicant and/or Agency Worker when they complete a custom Binti form. Binti
+ uses this data to generate PDFs to sign. This data is presented "as is" and
+ contains field level access to items not normally accessible in the core data
+ model. Please note: This data is unstructured and only accessible when configured
+ by Binti''s technical account managers. Additionally, fields can change over
+ time. We do not guarantee any specific structure within the questionnaire
+ response data. If you are interested in accessing some of the data fields
+ in a configured form please contact your Binti account team.'
+ application-templates:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ slug:
+ type: string
+ description: Machine readable template slug. This name is set up by
+ Binti during template configuration.
+ state:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - unpublished
+ - active
+ - deprecated
+ description: The Application Template's current state.
+ application-type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - conversion
+ - initial
+ - renewal
+ description: The type of application generated from the template.
+ activated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date the Application Template was activated, if active.
+ nullable: true
+ deprecated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date the Application Template was deprecated from use.
+ nullable: true
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date the Application Template was created.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date the Application Template was last updated in Binti.
+ required:
+ - slug
+ - state
+ - application-type
+ - activated-at
+ - deprecated-at
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties: {}
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: An Application Template is a template from which Applications can
+ be created. Application Templates are pre-configured by Binti for each agency's
+ needs. Application template "slugs" are used when creating a new Application
+ via the API. Only "active" templates can be used to create new Applications.
+ Templates are _versioned_ and may be deprecated and replaced over time as
+ the agency's needs change.
+ background-check-logs:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Background Check Log was created
+ in Binti.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Background Check Log was last updated.
+ application-id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: ID for related Application.
+ nullable: true
+ background-check-id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: ID for related Background Check.
+ adult-profile-id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: ID for related adult's User Agency Profile.
+ completed-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date the Background Check Log was completed.
+ nullable: true
+ status:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - requested
+ - complete_no_exemption
+ - complete_exemption_required
+ - complete_non_exemptible_crime
+ - rejected
+ - not_applicable
+ - needs_review
+ - not_started
+ - complete_exemption_denied
+ - complete_exemption_granted
+ - received_needs_review
+ - received_exemption_required
+ - complete
+ - not_applicable_full_cycle
+ - complete_non_exemptible_finding
+ -
+ description: Status of Background Check Log.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ notes:
+ type: string
+ description: Notes associated with Background Check Log.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - application-id
+ - background-check-id
+ - adult-profile-id
+ - completed-at
+ - status
+ - notes
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties:
+ adult-profile:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - user-agency-profiles
+ description: Always user-agency-profiles
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: The user agency profile on whom the background check
+ was preformed
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ application:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - initial-applications
+ - renewal-applications
+ description: Always initial-applications / renewal-applications
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the Application this background check
+ was preformed for.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ nullable: true
+ background-check:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - background-checks
+ description: Always background-checks
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: Background check preformed.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: Describes a log entry within the background check process. This
+ log consists of the person the background check was preformed on, when that
+ check was completed, what was the type of background check (FBI, Out of State
+ etc) which are agency specific and can be found in /background_checks, if
+ this check was related to an application, the status (clear or not) and any
+ additional notes recorded. A background check could encompass many log entries.
+ All logs must be in a valid state to approve an application.
+ background-checks:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Background Check was created in
+ Binti.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Background Check was last updated.
+ name:
+ type: string
+ description: Name of the Background Check.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not the Background Check is required.
+ nullable: true
+ renewal-required:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not the Background Check must be refreshed with
+ every renewal.
+ step:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - request
+ - received
+ - emergency_request
+ - emergency_received
+ - full_cycle
+ description: Used for tracking mid-term stages of the background check
+ process. For example, 'request' is used for Background Checks with
+ a delay in receiving the results.
+ required:
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - name
+ - required
+ - renewal-required
+ - step
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties: {}
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: A Background Check refers to the Agency-configured Check being
+ performed. This is compared to a Background Check Log, which is an instance
+ of a Background Check applied to a particular User Agency Profile.
+ case-notes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ amount-spent:
+ type: number
+ format: currency
+ description: Amount spent on services.
+ nullable: true
+ case-note-body:
+ type: string
+ description: Case Note content. Free text field.
+ case-note-type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - visit
+ - phone_call
+ - email
+ - other
+ - supervision
+ - case_update
+ - complaint_or_violation
+ - placement
+ - approval_date_estimate
+ - family_evaluation
+ - recruiting
+ - support_services
+ - next_planned_contact
+ - placement_approval
+ - training
+ - renewal_progress_update
+ - reference_update
+ - email_campaign
+ - automated_email
+ description: Case Note category.
+ contact-method:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - contact_email
+ - contact_phone_call
+ - contact_visit
+ - contact_written_letter
+ - contact_attempted_visit
+ - contact_scheduled_visit
+ - contact_case_management_meeting
+ - contact_text_message
+ - contact_video_conference
+ - contact_other
+ -
+ description: Means of contact with family if applicable.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date the events of this Case Note took place.
+ estimated-approval-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date of estimated application approval, if relevent.
+ nullable: true
+ support-service-type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - education
+ - employment
+ - child_care
+ - legal
+ - case_management
+ - clothing
+ - food
+ - mental_health
+ - family_team
+ - furniture
+ - healthcare
+ - safety_items
+ - support_groups
+ - mentoring
+ - visitation
+ - dpss_wic
+ - recreation
+ - rent
+ - transportation
+ -
+ description: Support service provided with Case Note.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ license-external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: External id on the License associated with the User subject
+ of Case Note.
+ nullable: true
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date Case Note was created in Binti.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date Case Note was last updated at in Binti.
+ required:
+ - amount-spent
+ - case-note-body
+ - case-note-type
+ - contact-method
+ - date
+ - estimated-approval-date
+ - support-service-type
+ - license-external-identifier
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties:
+ caseworker:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - agency-workers
+ description: Always agency-workers
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the Agency Worker who authored this
+ Case Note.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ adult-profile:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - user-agency-profiles
+ description: Always user-agency-profiles
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the user to which this Case Note refers.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ child:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - children
+ description: Always children
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the Child to which this Case Note refers.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ licenses:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - licenses
+ description: Always licenses
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A collection of licenses the user in this case note
+ has held a role on. This is determined by the user referenced
+ and not directly linked via the case note.
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: A Case Note is a free form note that is written by a case worker
+ to log information about a case. A Case Note can be assigned to a family,
+ or a Child. There are various types of Case Notes that allow for other fields
+ to be populated.
+ children:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ first-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's first name.
+ middle-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's middle name.
+ nullable: true
+ last-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's last name.
+ suffix:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's suffix.
+ nullable: true
+ ethnicities:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations.'
+ nullable: true
+ american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations.american-indian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations.american-indian.'
+ nullable: true
+ american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations.alaska-native:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations.alaska-native.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south-asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south-asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south-asian.asian-indian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south-asian.asian-indian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south-asian.bangladeshi:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south-asian.bangladeshi.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south-asian.pakistani:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south-asian.pakistani.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south-asian.other-south-asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south-asian.other-south-asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.east-asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.east-asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.east-asian.chinese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.east-asian.chinese.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.east-asian.japanese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.east-asian.japanese.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.east-asian.korean:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.east-asian.korean.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.east-asian.other-east-asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.east-asian.other-east-asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south-east-asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south-east-asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south-east-asian.cambodian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south-east-asian.cambodian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south-east-asian.filipino:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south-east-asian.filipino.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south-east-asian.hmong:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south-east-asian.hmong.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south-east-asian.indonesian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south-east-asian.indonesian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south-east-asian.laotian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south-east-asian.laotian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south-east-asian.thai:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south-east-asian.thai.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south-east-asian.vietnamese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south-east-asian.vietnamese.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.south-east-asian.other-south-east-asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.south-east-asian.other-south-east-asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ asian.other-asian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: asian.other-asian.'
+ nullable: true
+ black-or-african-american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black-or-african-american.'
+ nullable: true
+ black-or-african-american.ethiopian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black-or-african-american.ethiopian.'
+ nullable: true
+ black-or-african-american.caribbean:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black-or-african-american.caribbean.'
+ nullable: true
+ black-or-african-american.haitian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black-or-african-american.haitian.'
+ nullable: true
+ black-or-african-american.jamaican:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black-or-african-american.jamaican.'
+ nullable: true
+ black-or-african-american.nigerian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black-or-african-american.nigerian.'
+ nullable: true
+ black-or-african-american.somalian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black-or-african-american.somalian.'
+ nullable: true
+ black-or-african-american.other-black-or-african-american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: black-or-african-american.other-black-or-african-american.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic-or-latinx:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic-or-latinx.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic-or-latinx.central-american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.cuban:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.cuban.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.dominican:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.dominican.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.ecuadorian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.ecuadorian.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.mexican:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.mexican.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.puerto-rican:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.puerto-rican.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.salvadoran:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.salvadoran.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.other-central-american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.other-central-american.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic-or-latinx.south-american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic-or-latinx.south-american.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic-or-latinx.south-american.brazilian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic-or-latinx.south-american.brazilian.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic-or-latinx.south-american.colombian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic-or-latinx.south-american.colombian.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic-or-latinx.south-american.guatemalan:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic-or-latinx.south-american.guatemalan.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic-or-latinx.south-american.peruvian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic-or-latinx.south-american.peruvian.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic-or-latinx.south-american.other-south-american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic-or-latinx.south-american.other-south-american.'
+ nullable: true
+ hispanic-or-latinx.other-hispanic-or-latinx:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: hispanic-or-latinx.other-hispanic-or-latinx.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle-eastern-or-north-african:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle-eastern-or-north-african.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle-eastern-or-north-african.middle-eastern:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle-eastern-or-north-african.middle-eastern.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle-eastern-or-north-african.middle-eastern.armenian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle-eastern-or-north-african.middle-eastern.armenian.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle-eastern-or-north-african.middle-eastern.lebanese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle-eastern-or-north-african.middle-eastern.lebanese.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle-eastern-or-north-african.middle-eastern.other-middle-eastern:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle-eastern-or-north-african.middle-eastern.other-middle-eastern.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle-eastern-or-north-african.northern-african:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle-eastern-or-north-african.northern-african.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle-eastern-or-north-african.northern-african.egyptian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle-eastern-or-north-african.northern-african.egyptian.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle-eastern-or-north-african.northern-african.other-northern-african:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle-eastern-or-north-african.northern-african.other-northern-african.'
+ nullable: true
+ middle-eastern-or-north-african.other-middle-eastern-or-northern-african:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: middle-eastern-or-north-african.other-middle-eastern-or-northern-african.'
+ nullable: true
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.'
+ nullable: true
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.guamanian-chamorro:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.guamanian-chamorro.'
+ nullable: true
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.chuukese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.chuukese.'
+ nullable: true
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.fijian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.fijian.'
+ nullable: true
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.native-hawaiian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.native-hawaiian.'
+ nullable: true
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.kosraean:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.kosraean.'
+ nullable: true
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.marshallese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.marshallese.'
+ nullable: true
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.mixed:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.mixed.'
+ nullable: true
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.palauan:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.palauan.'
+ nullable: true
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.pohnpeian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.pohnpeian.'
+ nullable: true
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.polynesian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.polynesian.'
+ nullable: true
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.samoan:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.samoan.'
+ nullable: true
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.tongan:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.tongan.'
+ nullable: true
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.yapese:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.yapese.'
+ nullable: true
+ native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.other-pacific-islander:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.other-pacific-islander.'
+ nullable: true
+ white:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.central-american:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.central-american.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.english:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.english.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.italian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.italian.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.german:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.german.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.irish:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.irish.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.scottish:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.scottish.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.romanian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.romanian.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.european.other-european:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.european.other-european.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.middle-eastern:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.middle-eastern.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.russian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.russian.'
+ nullable: true
+ white.other-white-or-caucasian:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: white.other-white-or-caucasian.'
+ nullable: true
+ other:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: other.'
+ nullable: true
+ prefer-not-to-answer:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: prefer-not-to-answer.'
+ nullable: true
+ unknown:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Ethnicity option: unknown.'
+ nullable: true
+ description: Child's race/ethnicity. Multiple options can be selected.
+ nullable: true
+ ethnicities-array:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ ethnicity:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations
+ - american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations.american-indian
+ - american-indian-or-alaska-native-or-first-nations.alaska-native
+ - asian
+ - asian.south-asian
+ - asian.south-asian.asian-indian
+ - asian.south-asian.bangladeshi
+ - asian.south-asian.pakistani
+ - asian.south-asian.other-south-asian
+ - asian.east-asian
+ - asian.east-asian.chinese
+ - asian.east-asian.japanese
+ - asian.east-asian.korean
+ - asian.east-asian.other-east-asian
+ - asian.south-east-asian
+ - asian.south-east-asian.cambodian
+ - asian.south-east-asian.filipino
+ - asian.south-east-asian.hmong
+ - asian.south-east-asian.indonesian
+ - asian.south-east-asian.laotian
+ - asian.south-east-asian.thai
+ - asian.south-east-asian.vietnamese
+ - asian.south-east-asian.other-south-east-asian
+ - asian.other-asian
+ - black-or-african-american
+ - black-or-african-american.ethiopian
+ - black-or-african-american.caribbean
+ - black-or-african-american.haitian
+ - black-or-african-american.jamaican
+ - black-or-african-american.nigerian
+ - black-or-african-american.somalian
+ - black-or-african-american.other-black-or-african-american
+ - hispanic-or-latinx
+ - hispanic-or-latinx.central-american
+ - hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.cuban
+ - hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.dominican
+ - hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.ecuadorian
+ - hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.mexican
+ - hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.puerto-rican
+ - hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.salvadoran
+ - hispanic-or-latinx.central-american.other-central-american
+ - hispanic-or-latinx.south-american
+ - hispanic-or-latinx.south-american.brazilian
+ - hispanic-or-latinx.south-american.colombian
+ - hispanic-or-latinx.south-american.guatemalan
+ - hispanic-or-latinx.south-american.peruvian
+ - hispanic-or-latinx.south-american.other-south-american
+ - hispanic-or-latinx.other-hispanic-or-latinx
+ - middle-eastern-or-north-african
+ - middle-eastern-or-north-african.middle-eastern
+ - middle-eastern-or-north-african.middle-eastern.armenian
+ - middle-eastern-or-north-african.middle-eastern.lebanese
+ - middle-eastern-or-north-african.middle-eastern.other-middle-eastern
+ - middle-eastern-or-north-african.northern-african
+ - middle-eastern-or-north-african.northern-african.egyptian
+ - middle-eastern-or-north-african.northern-african.other-northern-african
+ - middle-eastern-or-north-african.other-middle-eastern-or-northern-african
+ - native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander
+ - native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.guamanian-chamorro
+ - native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.chuukese
+ - native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.fijian
+ - native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.native-hawaiian
+ - native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.kosraean
+ - native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.marshallese
+ - native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.mixed
+ - native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.palauan
+ - native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.pohnpeian
+ - native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.polynesian
+ - native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.samoan
+ - native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.tongan
+ - native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.yapese
+ - native-hawaiian-or-other-pacific-islander.other-pacific-islander
+ - white
+ - white.central-american
+ - white.european
+ - white.european.english
+ - white.european.italian
+ - white.european.german
+ - white.european.irish
+ - white.european.scottish
+ - white.european.romanian
+ - white.european.other-european
+ - white.middle-eastern
+ - white.russian
+ - white.other-white-or-caucasian
+ - other
+ - prefer-not-to-answer
+ - unknown
+ description: Available ethnicity options.
+ details:
+ type: string
+ description: Ethnicity details.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - ethnicity
+ - details
+ description: Ethnicity selections.
+ description: An array of Child ethnicities objects that can be used
+ instead of the ETHNICITIES attribute.
+ client-id:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier used in external system that can be used to
+ match a singular child in Binti with a child record in another system.
+ Must be unique for each child at an agency.
+ nullable: true
+ external-group-id:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier used in external system that can be used to
+ match a group of children in Binti with any record in another system.
+ The same external group ID can be used for multiple child records.
+ There is no uniqueness requirement for this field.
+ nullable: true
+ date-of-birth:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Child's date of birth.
+ nullable: true
+ gender:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - Female
+ - Male
+ - Transgender
+ - Non-binary
+ - Not listed above
+ - Have not asked child (child too young)
+ - Have not asked child (other reason)
+ - Prefer not to answer
+ -
+ description: One of the data options, or empty, to describe the Child's
+ gender.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ gender-expression:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - androgynous_gender_non_conforming
+ - both_masculine_and_feminine
+ - feminine
+ - masculine
+ - have_not_asked_child_too_young
+ - have_not_asked_child_other_reason
+ - prefers_not_to_answer
+ -
+ description: One of the data options, or empty, to describe the Child's
+ gender expression.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ further-gender-information:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input to further describe the Child's gender.
+ nullable: true
+ sexual-orientation:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - asexual
+ - bisexual
+ - gay
+ - lesbian
+ - pansexual
+ - queer
+ - straight_or_heterosexual
+ - not_listed_above
+ - child_does_not_know
+ - have_not_asked_child_too_young
+ - have_not_asked_child_other
+ - prefer_not_to_answer
+ -
+ description: One of the data options, or empty, to describe the Child's
+ sexual orientation.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ primary-language:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's primary language.
+ nullable: true
+ ssn:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's Social Security number.
+ nullable: true
+ nickname:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's nickname.
+ nullable: true
+ visitation-description:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input to describe the Child's visitation schedule.
+ nullable: true
+ community-of-origin-zipcode:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the zip code of the Child's community
+ of origin - used in determining matches.
+ nullable: true
+ nps:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'A boolean for if the Child can be in a non-public school
+ (True: the Child can be in a non-public school.)'
+ nullable: true
+ grade-level:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's grade level (Kindergarten-Twelfth or Postsecondary
+ Education).
+ nullable: true
+ diagnoses:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's medical diagnoses.
+ nullable: true
+ medication:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's current medications.
+ nullable: true
+ strengths:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's strengths.
+ nullable: true
+ allergies:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's allergies.
+ nullable: true
+ therapist:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's therapist.
+ nullable: true
+ therapist-phone-number:
+ type: string
+ description: The Child's therapist's phone number.
+ nullable: true
+ doctor:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's doctor.
+ nullable: true
+ doctor-phone-number:
+ type: string
+ description: The Child's doctor's phone number.
+ nullable: true
+ dentist:
+ type: string
+ description: Open text input for the Child's dentist.
+ nullable: true
+ dentist-phone-number:
+ type: string
+ description: The Child's dentist's phone number.
+ nullable: true
+ behavior-and-medical:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - Academic Delays
+ - Alcohol/drug use
+ - Asthma
+ - Autism spectrum disorder
+ - Bedwetting or wets/soils themself
+ - Bipolar disorder
+ - Conduct disorder
+ - Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
+ - Depression
+ - Experienced neglect
+ - Experienced physical abuse
+ - Experienced sexual abuse
+ - Family visitation or contact
+ - Hearing impaired
+ - History of perpetrating assault or physical aggression
+ - History of cruelty to animals
+ - History of developmentally inappropriate sexual behavior
+ - History of manipulation or excessive lying
+ - History of mental illness
+ - History of perpetrating sexual assault
+ - History of running away
+ - History of behavior problems in school
+ - History of setting fires
+ - History of stealing
+ - Hygiene assistance needed
+ - Intellectually challenged
+ - Juvenile/probation youth
+ - Learning disability
+ - Medically fragile
+ - Non-ambulatory
+ - Not potty trained
+ - Oppositional defiant disorder
+ - Physically disabled
+ - Pre-natal alcohol/drug exposure
+ - Requires transportation to activities or appointments
+ - Schizophrenia
+ - Self harm
+ - Sleep disorder
+ - Speech delays
+ - Suicidal ideation
+ - Vision impaired
+ description: Available behavioral and medical conditions.
+ description: Array showing a specific list of Child behaviors and medical
+ information.
+ nullable: true
+ can-be-in-home-with-pets:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'A boolean for if the Child can be in a home with pets.
+ (true: the Child can be in a home with pets.)'
+ nullable: true
+ parental-rights-terminated:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'A boolean for if the Child''s family of origin has lost
+ their parental rights. (true: the Child''s family of origin has lost
+ their parental rights.) We have a new field, `parental-rights-status`,
+ that this field now maps to - `true` values will map to `terminated_finalized`,
+ and `false` values will map to `not_terminated`.'
+ nullable: true
+ parental-rights-status:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - not_terminated
+ - terminated_can_appeal
+ - terminated_finalized
+ description: One of the data options, to describe if the Child's family
+ of origin has lost their parental rights. Defaults to not_terminated.
+ date-parental-rights-terminated:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date that the Child's family of origin lost their parental
+ rights.
+ nullable: true
+ has-child:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'A boolean for if the youth has a child of their own. (true:
+ the youth has a child.)'
+ nullable: true
+ other-youth-needs:
+ type: string
+ description: A space for cultural and comfort needs; and potential triggers
+ for the Child. e.g. bedtime routines, favorite foods, security items,
+ special songs/tv shows/poems, etc.
+ nullable: true
+ in-school:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'A boolean for if the Child is currently enrolled in school.
+ (true: the Child is enrolled in school.)'
+ nullable: true
+ school-id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti's unique ID for the Child's school. Search for a
+ school's ID using /api/v1/schools
+ nullable: true
+ sibling-ids:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: A single sibling Child ID.
+ description: An array of Binti Child IDs for any sibling the Child has
+ who are also in foster care.
+ nullable: true
+ protected-tribe:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'A boolean for if the Child is a member of a protected
+ Native American tribe. (true: the Child is in a protected tribe.)'
+ nullable: true
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - Absentee-Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma Indians
+ - Afognak, Native Village of
+ - Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove
+ - Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of the Agua Caliente Indian
+ Reservation
+ - Ak-Chin Indian Community
+ - Akhiok, Native Village of
+ - Akiachak Native Community
+ - Akiak Native Community
+ - Akutan, Native Village of
+ - Alabama Quassarte Tribal Town
+ - Alakanuk, Village of
+ - Alatna Village
+ - Aleknagik, Native Village of
+ - Algaaciq Native Village (St. Mary's)
+ - Allakaket Village
+ - Alturas Indian Rancheria
+ - Alutiiq Tribe of Old Harbor Village (previously listed as Native
+ Village of Old Harbor and Village of Old Harbor)
+ - Ambler, Native Village of
+ - Anaktuvuk Pass, Village of
+ - Andreafski (aka Yupiit of Andreafski)
+ - Angoon Community Association
+ - Aniak, Village of
+ - Anvik Village
+ - Apache Tribe of Oklahoma (Kiowa)
+ - Arctic Village
+ - Aroostook Band of Micmac Indians
+ - Asa'carsarmiut Tribe (formerly Native Village of Mountain Village)
+ - Atka, Native Village of
+ - Atmautluak, Village of
+ - Atqasuk Village
+ - Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians
+ - Bad River Band of the Lake Superior
+ - Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Native Village of
+ - Battle Mountain Band Council
+ - Bay Mills Indian Community
+ - Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Rancheria
+ - Beaver Village
+ - Belkofski, Native Village of
+ - Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians
+ - Bethel (aka Orutsararmuit Native Council)
+ - Bettles Field (aka Evansville Village)
+ - Big Lagoon Rancheria
+ - Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley
+ - Big Sandy Rancheria of Western Mono Indians of California
+ - Big Valley of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria
+ - Bill Moore's Slough, Village of
+ - Birch Creek Tribe
+ - Bishop Paiute Tribe
+ - Blackfeet Tribe of Montana
+ - Bois Forte Reservation Business Committee
+ - Brevig Mission, Native Village of
+ - Bridgeport Indian Colony
+ - Buckland, Native Village of
+ - Buena Vista Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians
+ - Burns Paiute Tribe
+ - Cabazon Band of Mission Indians
+ - Cachil DeHe Band of Wintun Indians of the Colusa Indian Community
+ of the Colusa Rancheria
+ - Caddo Nation of Oklahoma (Wichita & Affiliated Tribes)
+ - Cahto Tribe of the Laytonville Rancheria
+ - Cahuilla Band of Mission Indians
+ - California Valley Miwok Tribe
+ - Campo Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Campo Indian Reservation
+ - Cantwell, Native Village of (Copper River Native Association)
+ - Capitan Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of California (Barona
+ Group of Capitan Grande Band of Mission Indians of the Barona Reservation)
+ - 'Capitan Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of California:
+ Viejas'
+ - Catawba Indian Nation of South Carolina
+ - Cayuga Nation of New York
+ - Cedarville Rancheria
+ - Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes
+ - Chalkyitsik Village
+ - Cheesh-Na Tribe
+ - Chefornak, Village of
+ - Chemehuevi Indian Tribe
+ - Chenega, Native Village of
+ - Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria
+ - Cherokee Nation
+ - Chevak Native Village
+ - Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma
+ - Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
+ - Chickahominy Indian Tribe
+ - Chickahominy Indians-Eastern Division
+ - Chickaloon Native Village
+ - Chicken Ranch Rancheria of Me-wuk Indians of California
+ - Chignik Bay Tribal Council
+ - Chignik Lagoon, Native Village of
+ - Chignik Lake Village
+ - Chilkat Indian Village (Klukwan)
+ - Chilkoot Indian Association (Haines)
+ - Chinik Eskimo Community (aka Golovin)
+ - Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy's Reservation of Montana
+ - Chistochina (aka Cheesh-na Tribe).
+ - Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana
+ - Chitina, Native Village of
+ - Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
+ - Chuathbaluk Native Village of (Russian Mission, Kuskokwin)
+ - Chuathbaluk, Native Village of
+ - Chuloonawick Native Village
+ - Circle Native Community
+ - Citizen Potawatomi Nation
+ - Clarks Point, Village of
+ - Cloverdale Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
+ - Cocopah Indian Tribe
+ - Coeur d'Alene Tribe
+ - Cold Springs Rancheria of Mono Indians of California
+ - Colorado River Indian Tribes
+ - Comanche Nation-Oklahoma
+ - Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes
+ - Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation
+ - Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua & Siuslaw Indians
+ - Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians
+ - Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation
+ - Confederated Tribes of the Colville
+ - Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation
+ - Confederated Tribes of the Grande Ronde Community of Oregon
+ - Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
+ - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation
+ - Copper Center (aka Native Village of Kluti-Kaah).
+ - Coquille Indian Tribe
+ - Cordova (aka Eyak)
+ - Council, Native Village of
+ - Coushatta Indian Tribe
+ - Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians
+ - Cowlitz Indian Tribe
+ - Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians
+ - Craig Tribal Association
+ - Crooked Creek, Village of
+ - Crow Agency
+ - Crow Creek River Sioux Tribe
+ - Curyung Tribal Council (formerly the Native Village of Dillingham)
+ - Death Valley Timbi-sha Shoshone Tribe
+ - Deering, Native Village of
+ - Delaware Nation
+ - Delaware Tribe of Indians
+ - Dillingham (aka Curyung Tribal Council).
+ - Diomede (aka Inalik), Native Village of
+ - Dot Lake, Village of
+ - Douglas Indian Association
+ - Dry Creek Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians
+ - Duckwater Shoshone Tribe
+ - Eagle, Native Village of
+ - Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
+ - Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Eastern Shoshone Tribe of the Wind River Reservation
+ - Edzeno (aka Nikolai Village).
+ - Eek, Native Village of
+ - Egegik Village
+ - Eklutna Native Village
+ - Ekuk, Native Village of
+ - Ekwok, Native Village of (previously listed as Ekowok Village)
+ - Elem Indian Colony
+ - Elim, Native Village of
+ - Elk Valley Rancheria
+ - Elko Band Council of Te-Moak Tribe
+ - Ely Shoshone Tribe
+ - Emmonak Village
+ - English Bay (aka Native Village of Nanwalek).
+ - Enterprise Rancheria of Maidu Indians
+ - Evansville Village (aka Bettles Field)
+ - Ewiiaapaayp (Cuyapaipe) Band of Kumeyaay Indians
+ - Eyak, Native Village of (Cordova)
+ - Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe
+ - False Pass, Native Village of
+ - Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria
+ - Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe
+ - Fond du Lac Reservation Business Committee
+ - Forest County Potawatomi
+ - Fort Belknap Indian Community
+ - Fort Bidwell Indian Community of the Fort Bidwell Reservation
+ - Fort Independence Indian Community of Paiute Indians of the Fort
+ Independence Reservation
+ - Fort McDermitt Paiute-Shoshone Tribe
+ - Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation
+ - Fort Mojave Indian Tribe
+ - Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes
+ - Fort Sill Apache Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Fort Yukon, Native Village (See Gwichyaa Zhee Gwich'in)
+ - Fortuna Ledge (aka Native Village of Marshall)
+ - Gakona, Native Village of
+ - Galena Village (aka Louden Village)
+ - Gambell, Native Village of
+ - Georgetown, Native Village of
+ - Gila River Indian Community
+ - Golovin (aka Chinik Eskimo Community).
+ - Goodnews Bay, Native Village of
+ - Grand Portage Reservation Business Center
+ - Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians
+ - Grayling (aka Organized Village of Grayling)
+ - Greenville Rancheria
+ - Grindstone Indian Rancheria
+ - Guidiville Rancheria
+ - Gulkana Village Council (previously listed as Gulkana Village)
+ - Gwichyaa Zhee Gwich'in (formerly Native Village of Fort Yukon)
+ - Gwichyaa Zhee Gwich'in (aka as Native Village of Fort Yukon)
+ - Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake Rancheria
+ - Haines (aka Chilkoot Indian Association).
+ - Hamilton, Native Village of
+ - Hannahville Indian Community
+ - Havasupai Tribe
+ - Healy Lake Village
+ - Ho-Chunk Nation
+ - Hoh Indian Tribe
+ - Holikachuk (aka Grayling)
+ - Holy Cross Tribe
+ - Hoonah Indian Association
+ - Hoopa Valley Tribe
+ - Hooper Bay, Native Village of
+ - Hopi Tribe
+ - Hopland Band of Pomo Indians
+ - Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians
+ - Hualapai Tribe
+ - Hughes Village
+ - Huslia Village
+ - Hydaburg Cooperative Association
+ - Igiugig Village
+ - Iipay Nation of Santa Ysabel
+ - Iliamna, Village of
+ - Inaja Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Inaja and Cosmit Reservation
+ - Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope
+ - Ione Band of Miwok Indians of California
+ - Iowa Tribe of Kansas
+ - Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Iqurmuit Traditional Council (aka Russian Mission)
+ - 'Ivanoff Bay Tribe '
+ - Jackson Band of Miwuk Indians
+ - Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe
+ - Jamul Indian Village of California
+ - Jena Band of Choctaw Indians
+ - Jicarilla Apache Nation
+ - Kaguyak Village
+ - Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians
+ - Kake (aka Organized Village of Kake)
+ - Kaktovik, Village of (aka Barter Island)
+ - Kalispel Tribe of Indians
+ - Kalskag, Village of (aka Upper Kalskag)
+ - Kaltag, Village of
+ - Kanatak, Native Village
+ - Karluk, Native Village of
+ - Karuk Tribe
+ - Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria
+ - Kashnumiut Tribe (aka Chevak)
+ - Kasigluk Traditional Elders Council
+ - Kassan (aka Organized Village of Kasaan)
+ - Kaw Nation
+ - Kenaitze Indian Tribe (aka Chevak Native Village)
+ - Ketchikan Indian Corporation
+ - Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
+ - Kialegee Tribal Town
+ - Kiana, Native Village of
+ - Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas
+ - Kickapoo Tribe of Indians of The Kickapoo Reservation in Kansas
+ - Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - King Cove (aka Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove)
+ - King Island Native Community
+ - King Salmon Tribe
+ - Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Kipnuk, Native Village of
+ - Kivalina, Native Village of
+ - Klamath Tribes
+ - Klawock Cooperative Association
+ - Kletsel Dehe Band of Wintun Indians
+ - Kletsel Dehe Band of Wintun Indians (Cortina Indian Rancheria)
+ - Klukwan (aka Chilkat Indian Village).
+ - Kluti-Kaah, Native Village of (aka Copper Center)
+ - Knik Tribe
+ - Kobuk, Native Village of
+ - Kodiak, Native Village of (aka Sun'aq Tribe of Kodiak).
+ - Koi Nation of Northern California (Previously Lower Lake Rancheria)
+ - Kokhanok Village
+ - Koliganek Village (aka New Kolignanek Village Council)
+ - Kongiganak, Native Village of
+ - Kootenai Tribe of Idaho
+ - Kotlik, Village of
+ - Kotzebue, Native Village of
+ - Koyuk, Native Village of
+ - Koyukuk Native Village
+ - Kwethluk (aka Organized Village of Kwethluk)
+ - Kwigillingok, Native Village of
+ - Kwinhagak, Native Village of (aka Quinhagak)
+ - La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians
+ - La Posta Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the La Posta Indian
+ Reservation
+ - Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indian of Wisconsin
+ - Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians
+ - Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
+ - Larsen Bay, Native Village of
+ - Las Vegas Paiute Tribe
+ - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
+ - Lesnoi Village (aka Tangirnaq aka Woody Island)
+ - Levelock Village
+ - Lime Village
+ - Little River Band of Ottawa Indians
+ - Little Traverse Bay Band of Odawa Indians
+ - Lone Pine Paiute Shoshone Tribe
+ - Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla & Cupeno Indians
+ - Louden (aka Galena)
+ - Lovelock Paiute Tribe
+ - Lower Brule Sioux Tribe
+ - Lower Elwha Tribal Community Council
+ - Lower Kalskag (aka Lower Kalskag)
+ - Lower Kalskag, Village of
+ - Lower Sioux Indian Community of Minnesota
+ - Lummi Nation
+ - Lytton Rancheria
+ - Makah Indian Tribal Council
+ - Manley Hot Springs Village
+ - Manokotak Village
+ - Manzanita Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Manzanita Reservation
+ - Marshall, Native Village of
+ - Mary's Igloo, Native Village of
+ - Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation
+ - Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
+ - Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Potawatomi Indians of Michigan
+ (Gun Lake Tribe)
+ - McGrath Native Village
+ - Mechoopda Indian Tribe of the Chico Rancheria
+ - Mekoryuk, Native Village of
+ - Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin
+ - Mentasta Traditional Council
+ - Mesa Grande Band of Mission Indians of the Mesa Grande Reservation
+ - Mescalero Apache Tribe
+ - Metlakatla
+ - Metlakatla Indian Community
+ - Mi'kmaq Nation
+ - Miami Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida
+ - Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
+ - Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe
+ - Minnesota Chippewa Tribe of Minnesota (Bois Forte Band, Fond Du
+ Lac band; Grand Portage Band; Leech Lake Band; Mille Lacs Band;
+ White Earth Band)
+ - Minto, Native Village of
+ - Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians
+ - Moapa Band of Paiutes
+ - Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Mohegan Indian Tribe
+ - Monacan Indian Nation
+ - Mooretown Rancheria of Maidu Indians of California
+ - Morongo Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians
+ - Mountain Village aka Asa'carsarmiut
+ - Mowachactaw of Southern Alabama
+ - Muckleshoot
+ - Naknek Native Village
+ - Nansemond Indian Tribe
+ - Nanwalek, Native Village of
+ - Napaimute, Native Village of
+ - Napakiak, Native Village of
+ - Napaskiak, Native Village of
+ - Narragansett Indian Tribe
+ - Native Village Port Lions
+ - Navajo Nation Tribe
+ - Nelson Lagoon, Native Village of
+ - Nenana Native Association
+ - New Koliganek Village Council
+ - New Stuyahok Village
+ - Newhalen Village
+ - Newtok Village
+ - Nez Perce Tribe
+ - Nightmute, Native Village of
+ - Nikolai Village (aka Edzeno)
+ - Nikolski, Native Village of
+ - Ninilchik Village
+ - Nisqually Indian Community
+ - Noatak, Native Village of
+ - Nome Eskimo Community
+ - Nondalton Village
+ - Nooksack Indian Tribe of Washington
+ - Noorvik Native Community
+ - Northern Arapaho Tribe of the Wind River Reservation
+ - Northern Cheyenne Tribe
+ - Northfork Rancheria of Mono Indians of California
+ - Northway Village
+ - Northwestern Band of Shoshone Nation
+ - Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi
+ - Nuiqsut, Native Village of
+ - Nulato Village
+ - Nunakauyarmiut Tribe (formerly Toksook Bay Native Village)
+ - 'Nunam Iqua, Native Village of '
+ - Nunapitchuk, Native Village of
+ - Oglala Sioux Tribe
+ - Ohkay Owingeh
+ - Ohogamiut, Native Village of
+ - Omaha Tribe of Nebraska
+ - Oneida Indian Nation
+ - Oneida Nation
+ - Onondaga Nation
+ - Organized Village of Grayling (aka Holikachuk)
+ - Organized Village of Kake
+ - Organized Village of Kasaan
+ - Organized Village of Kwethluk
+ - Organized Village of Saxman
+ - 'Orutsararmiut Traditional Native Council ak Bethel '
+ - Osage Tribe
+ - Oscarville Traditional Village
+ - Otoe-Missouria Indian Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Ouzinkie, Native Village of
+ - Paimiut, Native Village of
+ - Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah
+ - Pala Band of Mission Indians
+ - Pamunkey Indian Tribe
+ - Pascua Yaqui Tribe
+ - Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians
+ - Passamaquoddy Tribe of Maine—Indian Township
+ - Passamaquoddy Tribe—Pleasant Point
+ - Pauloff Harbor Village
+ - Pauma Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pauma & Yuima Reservation
+ - Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma
+ - Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pechanga Reservation
+ - Pedro Bay Village
+ - Penobscot Nation
+ - Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma
+ - Perryville, Native Village of
+ - Petersburg Indian Association
+ - Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians of California
+ - Pilot Point, Native Village of
+ - Pilot Station Traditional Village
+ - Pinoleville Pomo Nation
+ - Pit River Tribe
+ - Pitka's Point, Native Village of
+ - Platinum Traditional Village
+ - Poarch Band of Creek Indians
+ - Point Hope, Native Village of
+ - Point Lay, Native Village of
+ - Pokagon Band of Potawatomi
+ - Ponca Tribe of Nebraska
+ - Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Port Gamble Indian Community
+ - Port Graham, Native Village of
+ - Port Heiden, Native Village of
+ - Portage Creek Village (aka Ohgensakale)
+ - Potter Valley Tribe
+ - Prairie Band of Potawatomi Nation
+ - Prairie Island Indian Community Mdewakanton Dakota Sioux of Minnesota
+ - Pribilof Islands Aleut Community of Saint Paul & Saint George Islands
+ - Pueblo of Acoma
+ - Pueblo of Cochiti
+ - Pueblo of Isleta
+ - Pueblo of Jemez
+ - Pueblo of Laguna
+ - Pueblo of Nambe
+ - Pueblo of Picuris
+ - Pueblo of Pojoaque
+ - Pueblo of San Felipe
+ - Pueblo of San Ildelfonso
+ - Pueblo of Sandia
+ - Pueblo of Santa Ana
+ - Pueblo of Santa Clara
+ - Pueblo of Santo Domingo-Kewa
+ - Pueblo of Taos
+ - Pueblo of Tesuque
+ - Pueblo of Zia
+ - Pueblo of Zuni
+ - Puyallup Tribe
+ - Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
+ - Qagan Tayaguyngin Tribe of Sand Point Village
+ - Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska
+ - Qissunaimut Tribe (aka Chevak Native Village)
+ - Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Quartz Valley Indian Community of the Quartz Valley Reservation
+ - Quechan Indian Tribe
+ - Quileute Tribal Council
+ - Quinault Indian Nation
+ - Quinhagak (aka Kwinhagak).
+ - Ramona Band of Cahuilla
+ - Rampart Village
+ - Rappahannock Tribe, Inc
+ - Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin
+ - Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians
+ - Redding Rancheria
+ - Redwood Valley or Little River Band of Pomo Indians of the Redwood
+ Valley Rancheria
+ - Reno-Sparks Indian Colony
+ - Resighini Rancheria
+ - Rincon Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Rincon Reservation
+ - Robinson Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians
+ - Rosebud Sioux Tribe
+ - Round Valley Indian Tribes, Round Valley Reservation
+ - Ruby, Native Village of
+ - Russian Mission (aka Iqurmuit Native Village)
+ - Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa
+ - Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa—Meskwaki
+ - Sac and Fox Nation in Kansas and Nebraska
+ - Sac and Fox Nation, Oklahoma
+ - Saginaw Chippewa Tribe of Michigan
+ - Saint George, Native Village of
+ - Saint Michael, Native Village of
+ - Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
+ - Salamatoff Tribe (previously listed as the Village of Salamatoff)
+ - Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community
+ - Samish Indian Nation
+ - San Carlos Apache Tribe
+ - San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe
+ - San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
+ - San Pasqual Band of Diegueno Mission Indians
+ - Sand Point (aka Qagan Tayaguyngin Tribe of Sand Point Village)
+ - Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians
+ - Santa Rosa Indian Community of the Santa Rosa Rancheria
+ - Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians of the Santa Ynez Reservation
+ - Santa Ynez Band of Mission Indians
+ - Santa Ysabel Band of Mission Indians-Iipay Nation
+ - Santee Sioux Nation
+ - Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe of Washington
+ - Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Michigan
+ - Savoonga, Native Village of
+ - Saxman (aka Organized Village of Saxman)
+ - Scammon Bay, Native Village of
+ - Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians
+ - Selawik, Native Village of
+ - Seldovia Village Tribe
+ - Seminole Nation of Oklahoma
+ - Seminole Tribe of Florida
+ - Seneca Nation of Indians
+ - Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Shageluk Native Village
+ - Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
+ - Shaktoolik, Native Village of
+ - Sheldon's Point (aka Nunam Iqua)
+ - Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
+ - Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians (Shingle Springs Rancheria)
+ - Shinnecock Indian Nation of New York
+ - Shishmaref, Native Village of
+ - Shoalwater Bay Tribal Council
+ - Shoshone Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation
+ - Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservation
+ - Shungnak, Native Village of
+ - Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe
+ - Sitka Tribe of Alaska
+ - Skagway Village
+ - Skokomish Tribe
+ - Skull Valley Band of Goshute Indians
+ - Sleetmute, Village of
+ - Snoqualmie Tribe
+ - Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians
+ - Sokaogon Chippewa Community of Wisconsin
+ - Solomon, Village of
+ - South Fork Band, Te-Moak of Western Shoshone
+ - South Naknek Village
+ - Southern Ute Indian Tribe
+ - Spirit Lake Sioux Tribe
+ - Spokane Tribe of Indians
+ - Squaxin Island
+ - St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin
+ - St. George, Native Village of.
+ - 'St. Mary''s Igloo: aka Native Village of Teller.'
+ - 'St. Mary''s: aka Algaaciq.'
+ - St. Michael, Native Village of
+ - Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
+ - Stebbins Community Association
+ - Stevens, Native Village of
+ - Stillaguamish Tribe of Washington
+ - Stockbridge-Munsee Community of Wisconsin
+ - Summit Lake Paiute Tribe
+ - Sun'aq Tribe of Kodiak
+ - Suquamish Tribe of the Port Madison Reservation
+ - Susanville Indian Rancheria
+ - Swinomish Indians Tribal Community
+ - Sycuan Band of Mission Indians
+ - Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation
+ - Table Mountain Rancheria
+ - Takotna Village
+ - Tanacross, Native Village of
+ - Tanana, Native Village of
+ - Tangirnaq (Lesnoi Village aka Woody Island)
+ - Tatitlek, Native Village of
+ - Tazlina, Native Village of
+ - Tejon Indian Tribe
+ - Telida Village
+ - Teller, Native Village of
+ - Tetlin, Native Village of
+ - The Chickasaw Nation
+ - The Muscogee (Creek) Nation
+ - Thlopthlocco Tribal Town
+ - Three Affiliated Tribes (Mandan, Arikara & Hidatsa)
+ - Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (aka Central Council Tlingit
+ and Haida Indian Tribes).
+ - Togiak, Traditional Village of
+ - Tohono O'odham Nation
+ - Toksook Bay (aka Nunakauyarmiut Tribe).
+ - Tolowa Dee-ni' Nation
+ - Tonawanda Band of Seneca
+ - Tonkawa Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Tonto Apache Tribe of Arizona
+ - Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians
+ - Tulalip Tribe
+ - Tule River Indian Tribe of the Tule River Reservation
+ - Tuluksak Native Community
+ - Tunica-Biloxi Indian Tribe of Louisiana
+ - Tuntutuliak, Native Village of
+ - Tununak, Native Village of
+ - Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians of the Tuolumne Rancheria of California
+ - Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians
+ - Tuscarora Nation of New York
+ - Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians
+ - Twin Hills Village Council
+ - Tyonek, Native Village of
+ - Ugashik Village
+ - Umkumiut Native Village
+ - Unalakleet, Native Village of
+ - Unalaska (aka Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska).
+ - Unga, Native Village of
+ - United Auburn Indian Community of the Auburn Rancheria of California
+ - United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma
+ - Upper Kalskag Native Village (aka Kalskag).
+ - Upper Mattaponi Tribe
+ - Upper Sioux Community of Minnesota
+ - Upper Skagit Indian Tribe of Washington
+ - Ute Indian Tribe
+ - Ute Mountain Ute Tribe (Colorado & Utah)
+ - Utu Utu Gwaitu Paiute Tribe of the Benton Reservation
+ - Village of Red Devil
+ - Village of Stony River
+ - Village of Venetie
+ - Village of Wainwright
+ - Wales, Native Village of
+ - Walker River Paiute Tribe
+ - Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah)
+ - Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California
+ - Wells Band Council, Te-Moak of Western Shoshone
+ - White Earth Reservation Business Committee
+ - White Mountain Apache Tribe
+ - White Mountain, Native Village of
+ - Wichita and Affiliated Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Wilton Rancheria
+ - Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska
+ - Winnemucca Tribe
+ - Wiyot Tribe
+ - Woody Island (aka Tangirnaq Native Village)
+ - Wrangell Cooperative Association
+ - Wyandotte Nation
+ - Yakutat Tlingit Tribe
+ - Yankton Sioux Tribe of South Dakota
+ - Yavapai-Apache Nation
+ - Yavapai-Prescott Indian Tribe
+ - Yerington Paiute Tribe
+ - Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation
+ - Yomba Shoshone Tribe
+ - Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo
+ - Yupiit of Andreafski
+ - Yurok Tribe of the Yurok Reservation
+ description: Available protected tribes.
+ description: An array of the protected tribe(s) of which the Child is
+ a member.
+ nullable: true
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Child was created in Binti.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Child was last updated.
+ updated-by:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Binti ID of the person who last updated the Child's record.
+ nullable: true
+ sex-assigned-at-birth:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - Male
+ - Female
+ - Intersex
+ -
+ description: The sex the Child was assigned at birth.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ required:
+ - first-name
+ - middle-name
+ - last-name
+ - suffix
+ - ethnicities
+ - ethnicities-array
+ - client-id
+ - external-group-id
+ - date-of-birth
+ - gender
+ - gender-expression
+ - further-gender-information
+ - sexual-orientation
+ - primary-language
+ - ssn
+ - nickname
+ - visitation-description
+ - community-of-origin-zipcode
+ - nps
+ - grade-level
+ - diagnoses
+ - medication
+ - strengths
+ - allergies
+ - therapist
+ - therapist-phone-number
+ - doctor
+ - doctor-phone-number
+ - dentist
+ - dentist-phone-number
+ - behavior-and-medical
+ - can-be-in-home-with-pets
+ - parental-rights-terminated
+ - parental-rights-status
+ - date-parental-rights-terminated
+ - has-child
+ - other-youth-needs
+ - in-school
+ - school-id
+ - sibling-ids
+ - protected-tribe
+ - protected-tribe-names
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - updated-by
+ - sex-assigned-at-birth
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties: {}
+ links:
+ type: object
+ description: Convenience URLs for the current record.
+ properties:
+ portal-self:
+ type: string
+ description: URL to view the Child in the Binti Portal
+ portal-relationships-dashboard:
+ type: string
+ description: URL to view family finding relationships for the Child
+ in the Binti Portal. This will only be present if the family finding
+ module is enabled.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ - links
+ description: Represents a child or youth who has interacted with an agency's
+ foster care process or has been entered into a child welfare database.
+ contact-logs:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the contact log was created in Binti.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the contact log was last updated in
+ Binti.
+ contact-method:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - in_person
+ - phone_call
+ - direct_mail
+ - email
+ - text
+ description: Method of contact.
+ contacted-on:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the contact was made.
+ nullable: true
+ contacted-on-time-known:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether the date/time for the contact is known.
+ nullable: true
+ notes:
+ type: string
+ description: Free-text notes on/about the contact.
+ nullable: true
+ status:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - attempted
+ - successful
+ description: Status of the contact.
+ recorded-by:
+ type: string
+ description: The email of the worker who logged the contact.
+ nullable: true
+ related-attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ children-client-ids:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ description: A child's external identifier (client ID)
+ nullable: true
+ description: An array showing external identifiers (Client ID) for
+ children the contact was made on behalf of.
+ connection-people-person-ids:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ description: A person's external identifier (Person ID)
+ nullable: true
+ description: An array showing external identifiers (Person IDs)
+ for the person(s) to whom the contact was made.
+ agency-worker-email:
+ type: string
+ description: The email of the worker who logged the contact.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - children-client-ids
+ - connection-people-person-ids
+ - agency-worker-email
+ description: Properties form the related models included for conveinces
+ these include external ids for both the child (Client ID) whom the
+ contact is regarding and people contacted (Person ID) along with the
+ email of the worker who recorded the calls email
+ required:
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - contact-method
+ - contacted-on
+ - contacted-on-time-known
+ - notes
+ - status
+ - recorded-by
+ - related-attributes
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties:
+ children:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - children
+ description: Always children
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: The child(ren) about whom this family finding contact
+ was made.
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ contact-people:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - people
+ description: Always people
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: The person(s) to whom the family finding contact
+ was made.
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ recorded-by:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - agency_worker
+ description: Always agency_worker
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: The worker who logged the contact.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: An object representing a record of an outreach to a person (or
+ entity) in pursuit of finding family members with which to place one or more
+ children.
+ documents:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ owner-agency-slug:
+ type: string
+ description: The slug for the agency which owns this data
+ category:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - signed_application
+ - signed_reference
+ - other_uploaded_by_admin
+ - psycho_social
+ - collated_document
+ - other_cbo_uploaded_by_admin
+ - bintisign_doc_template
+ - signed_document
+ - child_photo
+ - home_study
+ - raw_data_validator_file
+ - validated_data_validator_file
+ - raw_rate_table_file
+ - public_upload
+ - email_campaign_file
+ - pulled_report_partial_csv
+ -
+ description: Available category options.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: When this document was created.
+ name:
+ type: string
+ description: The name of the document.
+ file-content-type:
+ type: string
+ description: The MIME content type of the document.
+ file-data:
+ type: string
+ description: base64-encoded file data.
+ file-filename:
+ type: string
+ description: The file's filename.
+ file-size:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: The file's size, in bytes.
+ slug:
+ type: string
+ description: The identifier describing the type of document.
+ nullable: true
+ license-external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: If this file is associated with an Application, the license
+ external identifier for that Application.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - owner-agency-slug
+ - category
+ - created-at
+ - name
+ - file-content-type
+ - file-filename
+ - file-size
+ - slug
+ - license-external-identifier
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties:
+ signatures:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - required-signatures
+ description: Always required-signatures
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: Signatures required for Application Form completion.
+ User information is not populated until signature has been completed.
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ links:
+ type: object
+ description: Convenience URLs for the current record.
+ properties:
+ self:
+ type: string
+ description: A link to the attachment
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ - links
+ description: Information about a document - for example, completed forms, files
+ uploaded by caseworkers, or reference forms. Each kind of document has a unique
+ slug - for a complete list of slugs and how they map to the documents available
+ in Binti, please contact your account manager.
+ family-finding-searches:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Datetime Family Finding Search was created.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Datetime Family Finding Search was last updated in Binti.
+ end-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date the Family Finding Search was ended.
+ nullable: true
+ related-attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ child-client-id:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier used in external system that can be used
+ to match a singular child in Binti with a child record in another
+ system. Must be unique for each child at an agency.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - child-client-id
+ description: Properties of related objects. 'child-' properties correspond
+ to the Child record connected to this Family Finding Search
+ start-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date the Family Finding Search was started.
+ required:
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - end-date
+ - related-attributes
+ - start-date
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties:
+ child:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - children
+ description: Always children
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the child if a person is a child
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ agency-workers:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - agency-workers
+ description: Always agency-workers
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A list of references to Agency Workers that have
+ been assigned to the Family Finding Search
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: A record of a Family Finding Search.
+ good-causes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Good Cause was created in Binti.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Good Cause was last updated.
+ generated-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date that the Good Cause was created in Binti.
+ anticipated-completion-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date inputted by case worker that they anticipates they
+ will be able to approve the Application.
+ nullable: true
+ is-fully-specified:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether there is sufficient information about Good Cause.
+ required:
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - generated-date
+ - anticipated-completion-date
+ - is-fully-specified
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties: {}
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: A Good Cause represents the need for an agency to justify why a
+ home with a placement has not yet been approved within 90 days of the start
+ of the placement. This terminology is only used in California at the moment,
+ but the functionality may extend to other states in the future.
+ initial-applications:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ owner-agency-slug:
+ type: string
+ description: The slug for the agency which owns this data
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Application was created in Binti.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Application was last updated. Includes
+ changes to status, assignments, or data on the Application itself.
+ Does not include updates to forms.
+ adult-children:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of arbitrary data.
+ adults-in-home:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: Names and contact information of other adults in the
+ home.
+ description: Array of arbitrary data.
+ applicant-form-data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: A block of data containing answers given on any forms started
+ by the applicant.
+ nullable: true
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 100
+ description: Calculated percentage 0-100 indicating the percentage of
+ applicant forms completed. Calculated based off of the number of questions
+ in forms that need to be completed by the applicant. Note, 1% point
+ will be docked for unsigned forms.
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Referral date in Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ approved-age-lower:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Youngest age of children for which this family is approved
+ to provide care.
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 20
+ nullable: true
+ approved-age-higher:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Highest age of children for which this family is approved
+ to provide care.
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 21
+ nullable: true
+ background-checks-summary:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ percentage-completed:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 100
+ description: Percentage of required Background Checks that have
+ been completed.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of required Background Checks.
+ completed:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of completed Background Checks.
+ non-exemptible:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of Background Checks in non-exemptible status.
+ exemptions:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ summary:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - needs_exemption
+ - exemption_denied
+ - exemption_completed
+ -
+ description: Status of the exemptions of the Application. Indicates
+ whether or not an exemption is needed, denied, completed.
+ If no exemption is needed, this field wil be null.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ required:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of required exemptions.
+ completed:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of completed exemptions.
+ denied:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of denied exemptions.
+ required:
+ - summary
+ - required
+ - completed
+ - denied
+ description: Summary overview of Background Check exemptions.
+ required:
+ - percentage-completed
+ - required
+ - completed
+ - non-exemptible
+ - exemptions
+ description: Summary overview of Background Checks for this Application.
+ capacity:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: How many beds are available in the caregiver's home.
+ nullable: true
+ case-type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - dependency
+ - probation
+ -
+ description: Whether this is a dependency or a probation type, if your
+ agency supports it.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ casework-completed-percentage:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 100
+ description: Percentage of case worker forms that have been completed.
+ caseworker-assigned-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date that the case worker was assigned to the family.
+ nullable: true
+ child-in-home:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not there is a Child placed in the home.
+ nullable: true
+ co-applicant-form-data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: A block of data containing answers given on any forms relevant
+ to the co-applicant.
+ nullable: true
+ community-foster:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not this caregiver is open to taking in non-relative
+ children from the community. Note that this is always `true` when
+ `family_type` is `community`.
+ nullable: true
+ confidential:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not this Application has been marked confidential.
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ type: string
+ description: 'CA-only: Name of the assigned case worker, null if no
+ assignment, as it appears in CWS-CMS.'
+ nullable: true
+ cws-cms-status:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - pending
+ - denied
+ - approved
+ - withdrawn
+ -
+ description: 'CA only: Status as it appears in CWS-CMS'
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: 'CA only: Date the Application was moved to its current
+ status, as it appears in CWS-CMS.'
+ nullable: true
+ expiry-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Expiry date of Application as determined by the next renewal
+ due date, only present on approved Applications.
+ nullable: true
+ external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: External systems identifier for individual Application.
+ Must be unique for agency.
+ nullable: true
+ date-application-signed:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date the Application was signed.
+ nullable: true
+ date-of-inquiry:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date of initial inquiry
+ date-of-placement:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date that placement started, if a pre-approval placement
+ was made.
+ nullable: true
+ days-since-placement:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Calculated number of days from today, based on the date
+ a pre-approval placement was made.
+ nullable: true
+ days-since-signed:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Calculated number of days from today, since the initial
+ Application was signed.
+ nullable: true
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ description:
+ type: string
+ description: A description of the evaluation.
+ percentage:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 100
+ description: Percent 0-100, indicating % of questions completed
+ in the family evaluation.
+ nullable: true
+ complete:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not the family evaluation is complete.
+ required:
+ - description
+ - percentage
+ - complete
+ description: Summary of completion for the family evaluation.
+ family-type:
+ type: string
+ description: Whether the family is a relative, non-relative, fictive
+ kin (nrefm), community, or a guardian family.
+ nullable: true
+ home-info:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: Miscellaneous family data.
+ description: Array of arbitrary data.
+ nullable: true
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ type: string
+ description: Details on how the family heard about the agency, as selected
+ in signup questionnaire, or filled out by a case worker.
+ nullable: true
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ type: string
+ description: The family's answer to 'how did you hear about us?'. The
+ tiered answers are joined into a single string, separated by ' - '
+ characters.
+ nullable: true
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date of the in-person orientation.
+ nullable: true
+ intake-completed-percentage:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 100
+ description: Percentage of the intake forms that have been completed.
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not the intake forms are complete.
+ nullable: true
+ intake-inbox-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date that the intake occurred.
+ nullable: true
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ type: string
+ description: 'TO DO: intake-incomplete-date'
+ nullable: true
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ type: string
+ description: 'TO DO: intake-incomplete-reason'
+ nullable: true
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'TO DO: intake-inter-county-case'
+ nullable: true
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ type: string
+ description: 'TO DO: intake-receiving-county'
+ nullable: true
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ type: string
+ description: 'TO DO: intake-receiving-icpc'
+ nullable: true
+ intake-referring-county:
+ type: string
+ description: 'TO DO: intake-referring-county'
+ nullable: true
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ type: string
+ description: 'TO DO: intake-referring-icpc'
+ nullable: true
+ inter-county-request:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not this is an out-of-county family.
+ nullable: true
+ inter-state-request:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not this an ICPC family.
+ nullable: true
+ license-external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: External systems identifier for a License or collection
+ of Applications per family. Must be unique for agency.
+ nullable: true
+ medically-trained:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not this family is medically trained.
+ nullable: true
+ medical-summary:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ percentage:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 100
+ description: Percentage complete.
+ nullable: true
+ completed:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of records completed.
+ required:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of records required.
+ required:
+ - percentage
+ - completed
+ - required
+ description: Medical summary information.
+ minor-children-in-home:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: Block of data regarding children residing in the home
+ besides Children in the care of the agency. Includes demographic
+ data and date of birth if recorded.
+ description: Array of arbitrary data.
+ online-orientation-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date online orientation was completed.
+ nullable: true
+ pets:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: Block of data regarding pets residing in the home. Structure
+ is dependent on information collected in forms.
+ description: Array of arbitrary data.
+ reference-summary:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ status:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - complete
+ - unknown_number_required
+ - incomplete
+ description: Status of references on the family - can be complete,
+ incomplete, or unknown number needed.
+ completed:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of completed references on the family.
+ required:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of required references on the family.
+ required:
+ - status
+ - completed
+ - required
+ description: Summary of references on the Application.
+ referring-caseworker:
+ type: string
+ description: Name of case worker who referred the family.
+ nullable: true
+ referring-office:
+ type: string
+ description: Name of office or case worker who referred the family.
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ type: string
+ description: Name of supervisor or case worker who referred the family.
+ nullable: true
+ renewal-due-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Due date of the renewal Application, only available on
+ renewal Applications.
+ nullable: true
+ respite-provider:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not the caregiver is open to being a respite
+ provider.
+ nullable: true
+ spa:
+ type: string
+ description: 'CA only: Service Provider Area.'
+ nullable: true
+ status:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - applying
+ - approved
+ - awaiting_referral
+ - closed
+ - denied
+ - in_adoption_process
+ - inactive
+ - eligible_for_conversion
+ - recruiting_dropout
+ - recruiting
+ - withdrawn
+ - ready_for_review
+ description: Status of the Application in Binti.
+ status-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date that the Application moved to the current status.
+ nullable: true
+ status-explanation:
+ type: string
+ description: Free-text explanation for the current status, recorded
+ at time of status change.
+ nullable: true
+ status-reason:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - Caregiver chose to withdraw themselves
+ - Minor was placed or seems like will be placed with another applicant
+ - Reunification with parent(s)
+ - Placement moved to permanency
+ - Caregiver withdrew due to complaints/delays with the process
+ - Caregiver withdrew because of criminal background
+ - Life circumstance change
+ - Buildings and Grounds standards not met
+ - Non-exemptible conviction
+ - Inimical/hostile/unfriendly conduct during process
+ - Binti application created in error
+ - Not enough capacity
+ - Not ready yet
+ - Not located in county
+ - No longer interested
+ - Unresponsive
+ - Specific child no longer needs placement
+ - Adoption/Permanency finalized
+ - Change in family dynamic/structure
+ - Dissatisfied with agency support
+ - Financial reasons
+ - Health reasons
+ - Approval revoked
+ - Moved
+ - Negative parenting experience
+ - Retiring
+ - Specific child left
+ - Unwilling to comply with regulations
+ - Surrendered
+ - Rescinded
+ - Declined conversion
+ - Caregiver was uncooperative/non-responsive
+ - Referred/Applying with another agency
+ - Adoption
+ - Ineligible
+ - Legal Guardianship
+ - Not interested
+ - Binti application created in error / duplicate
+ - Provider was uncooperative/non-reponsive (application ceased)
+ - Leadership did not pass background checks
+ - Provider chose to withdraw themselves
+ - Provider was uncooperative/non-responsive (application ceased)
+ - Provider withdrew because of leadership challenges
+ - Provider withdrew due to complaints/delays with the process
+ - Other
+ -
+ description: Reason code for current status, as selected by dropdown.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ status-overridden:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether the Application's status has been overridden. This
+ is a read-only field. In order to override an Application's status,
+ provide a status-overridden-reason and status-overridden-explanation.
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ type: string
+ description: If the Application's status has been overridden, the reason
+ provided. Empty otherwise.
+ nullable: true
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ type: string
+ description: If the Application's status has been overridden, the freeform
+ text explanation provided. Empty otherwise.
+ nullable: true
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 100
+ description: Percentage of supporting documents that are completed.
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 100
+ description: Percentage of trainings that are completed.
+ nullable: true
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - InitialApplication
+ - RenewalApplication
+ - CaliforniaConversionApplication
+ description: Available Application types.
+ template-slug:
+ type: string
+ description: A string that describes the blueprint for this Application's
+ forms, required documents, and trainings. All Applications of the
+ same "type" will share the same value for this string. Contact your
+ account manager for the possible values for this field.
+ required:
+ - owner-agency-slug
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - adult-children
+ - adults-in-home
+ - applicant-form-data
+ - applicant-forms-completed-percentage
+ - applicant-notification-date
+ - approved-age-lower
+ - approved-age-higher
+ - background-checks-summary
+ - capacity
+ - case-type
+ - casework-completed-percentage
+ - caseworker-assigned-date
+ - child-in-home
+ - co-applicant-form-data
+ - community-foster
+ - confidential
+ - cws-cms-assigned-worker
+ - cws-cms-status
+ - cws-cms-status-date
+ - expiry-date
+ - external-identifier
+ - date-application-signed
+ - date-of-inquiry
+ - date-of-placement
+ - days-since-placement
+ - days-since-signed
+ - family-evaluation-completion-summary
+ - family-type
+ - home-info
+ - how-did-you-hear-about-us-details
+ - how-did-you-hear-about-us-label
+ - in-person-orientation-date
+ - intake-completed-percentage
+ - intake-forms-complete
+ - intake-inbox-date
+ - intake-incomplete-date
+ - intake-incomplete-reason
+ - intake-inter-county-case
+ - intake-receiving-county
+ - intake-receiving-icpc
+ - intake-referring-county
+ - intake-referring-icpc
+ - inter-county-request
+ - inter-state-request
+ - license-external-identifier
+ - medically-trained
+ - medical-summary
+ - minor-children-in-home
+ - online-orientation-date
+ - pets
+ - reference-summary
+ - referring-caseworker
+ - referring-office
+ - referring-supervisor-caseworker
+ - renewal-due-date
+ - respite-provider
+ - spa
+ - status
+ - status-date
+ - status-explanation
+ - status-reason
+ - status-overridden
+ - status-overridden-reason
+ - status-overridden-explanation
+ - supporting-docs-completed-percentage
+ - trainings-completed-percentage
+ - type
+ - template-slug
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - user-agency-profiles
+ description: Always user-agency-profiles
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the `user-agency-profile` of the primary
+ applicant.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - user-agency-profiles
+ description: Always user-agency-profiles
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the `user-agency-profile` of the co-applicant.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - other-adult-profiles
+ description: Always other-adult-profiles
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: Collection of references to the `user-agency-profile(s)`
+ for other adults associated with this application.
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - other-adult-profiles
+ description: Always other-adult-profiles
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: Collection of references to the `user-agency-profile(s)`
+ for minors not in care associated with this application.
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ worker-assignments:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - worker-assignments
+ description: Always worker-assignments
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: Collection of references to `worker-assignment(s)`
+ for an `agency-worker` assigned to this application.
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ sub-agencies:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - agencies
+ description: Always agencies
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: Collection of references to any additional `agency`
+ assigned to work on this application
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ license:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - licenses
+ description: Always licenses
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the `license` assosiated with this application
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ good-causes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - good-causes
+ description: Always good-causes
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: Collection of refrences to any `good-cause(s)` associated
+ with this application
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ agency-placement:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - agency-placements
+ description: Always agency-placements
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A refrence to the `agency-placement` associated with
+ this application.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ application-key-dates:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - application-key-dates
+ description: Always application-key-dates
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the `application-key-dates` associated
+ with this application.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: An Application represents one applicant and an optional co-applicant
+ attempting to become licensed for foster care, along with all associated documentation,
+ forms, background checks, and Children.
+ licenses:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the License was created in Binti.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the License was last updated in Binti.
+ confidential:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Is this a confidential case?
+ external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier for the License model in an external system.
+ nullable: true
+ expiry-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Expiry date of current approved Application. Derived from
+ the due date of the next renewal cycle.
+ nullable: true
+ tag-summary:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ description: A single tag.
+ description: 'An array of freeform tag names. Tags are pre-defined by
+ the agency.
+ '
+ required:
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - confidential
+ - external-identifier
+ - expiry-date
+ - tag-summary
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties: {}
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: The License information shared across initial Application and renewal.
+ people:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date person was created.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date person was last updated in Binti.
+ first-name:
+ type: string
+ description: First or given name, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ middle-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Middle name, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ last-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Last or family name, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ suffix:
+ type: string
+ description: Suffix, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ date-of-birth:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date of birth.
+ nullable: true
+ gender:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - Female
+ - Male
+ - Transgender
+ - Non-binary
+ - Not listed above
+ - Prefer not to answer
+ -
+ description: Gender, as selected from the available options.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: If the person is part of a foster family application they
+ may be assigned an external identifier. Equivelent to `user-agency-profiles.external-identifier`
+ nullable: true
+ person-id:
+ type: string
+ description: If the person is part of a foster family application they
+ may be assigned an external identifier. Equivelent to `user-agency-profiles.external-identifier`
+ nullable: true
+ client-id:
+ type: string
+ description: An external identifier signifying a child client of the
+ agency. Equivement to `children.client_id`
+ nullable: true
+ phone-number:
+ type: string
+ description: Phone number provided to Binti and designated as Primary
+ Phone number for person
+ nullable: true
+ primary-address:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ address-line-1:
+ type: string
+ description: Street Address line 1.
+ nullable: true
+ address-line-2:
+ type: string
+ description: Street Address line 2.
+ nullable: true
+ city:
+ type: string
+ description: Address City
+ nullable: true
+ state:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Address State/Province. Uses the full name. For example:
+ "California" or "Puerto Rico".'
+ nullable: true
+ postal-code:
+ type: string
+ description: Address Postal Code
+ nullable: true
+ country-code:
+ type: string
+ description: 'ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 two letter country code. For example:
+ "US", "CA", or "MX".'
+ nullable: true
+ county:
+ type: string
+ description: Address County
+ nullable: true
+ start-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Address Start Date
+ nullable: true
+ address-type:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - physical_home_of_origin
+ - physical_placement
+ - physical_home
+ - physical_work
+ - mailing
+ - physical_incarcerated
+ description: A key representing an address type
+ description: An array of address type keys
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - address-line-1
+ - address-line-2
+ - city
+ - state
+ - postal-code
+ - country-code
+ - county
+ - start-date
+ - address-type
+ description: Address listed as primary for person within family finding.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - first-name
+ - middle-name
+ - last-name
+ - suffix
+ - date-of-birth
+ - gender
+ - external-identifier
+ - person-id
+ - client-id
+ - phone-number
+ - primary-address
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties:
+ user-agency-profile:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - user-agency-profiles
+ description: Always user-agency-profiles
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the user-agency-profile for the person
+ if present
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ nullable: true
+ child:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - children
+ description: Always children
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the child if a person is a child
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: A record of a person. This is a singular base record that will
+ be used within Binti in multiple capacities. A person can be part of a foster
+ family, a child receiving services from an agency, an agency worker, or a
+ potential connection in a family finding search.
+ placement-holds:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Placement Hold was created in Binti.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Placement Hold was last updated.
+ requested-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date that the availability change was started.
+ reason-requested:
+ type: string
+ description: Reason for the voluntary or involuntary availability change.
+ resolved-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date when the availability change was closed, resolved
+ or removed. Empty if not resolved/deleted/closed.
+ nullable: true
+ voluntary:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Boolean representing if the avalability change is considered
+ voluntary, or involuntary. A voluntary change is considered non-compliance
+ related such as reserving for an incoming child placement. An involuntary
+ change could be due to compliance issues or problems at home.
+ creator-id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the user who created the Placement Hold.
+ required:
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - requested-at
+ - reason-requested
+ - resolved-at
+ - voluntary
+ - creator-id
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties: {}
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: A Placement Hold is an internal Binti concept used to reflect the
+ availability of an Agency Placement. A list of Placement Holds represents
+ the history of the Agency Placement availability over time.
+ placement-periods:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Placement Period was created in
+ Binti.
+ days-of-notice:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: The number of days of notice given.
+ nullable: true
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Placement Period was last updated.
+ placement-type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - adoption_placement
+ - placed_with_family
+ - placed_with_group_home
+ - emergency_placement
+ - hospitalization
+ - hotel
+ - silp
+ - juvenile_detention_center
+ - office
+ - placed_with_ooc_family
+ - icpc
+ - placed_with_private_agency
+ - provider_not_in_binti
+ - receiving_center
+ - went_with_relatives
+ - shelter
+ - tribal_home
+ - other
+ -
+ description: The type of accomodation in which the Child was placed.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ start-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: The date when the accomodation begins.
+ nullable: true
+ end-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: The date when the accomodation ends.
+ nullable: true
+ child-id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the Child under placement.
+ agency-placement-id:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the Agency Placement for the Placement Period.
+ nullable: true
+ placement-type-description:
+ type: string
+ description: A description of the placement type.
+ nullable: true
+ placement-ended-reason:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - awol
+ - emancipation
+ - silp
+ - went_back_to_family
+ - 14_day_notice
+ - 7_day_notice
+ - adoption_placement
+ - agency_removal
+ - change_of_agency
+ - death
+ - emergency_removal
+ - family_gave_notice
+ - guardianship
+ - hospitalization
+ - other
+ - respite_care
+ - step_down
+ - subdized_guardianship
+ - non_exit_other
+ - behavioral_issues
+ - lack_of_services
+ - child_incarcerated
+ - cps_investigation_or_complaint
+ - death_of_care_provider
+ - found_closer_placement
+ - found_placement_with_relatives
+ - found_placement_with_siblings
+ - found_pre_adoptive_placement
+ - moved_to_higher_level_of_care
+ - moved_to_lower_level_of_care
+ - problem_with_renewal_or_license
+ - adoption_finalized
+ - non_subsidized_guardianship
+ - subsidized_guardianship
+ - death_of_child
+ - exit_other
+ - hospitalization_exit
+ -
+ description: 'The reason for the placement to be terminated. (Note:
+ Legacy values will be mapped to active reasons.)'
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ placement-ended-reason-explanation:
+ type: string
+ description: Details about why the placement ended.
+ nullable: true
+ placement-ended-requester:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - caregiver
+ - child
+ - department_or_agency
+ -
+ description: Who requested the placement change.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: External systems indentifier for individual Placement Period.
+ Must be unique for agency.
+ nullable: true
+ updated-by:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the user who last updated the Placement Period.
+ nullable: true
+ pre-adoption:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether this placement is pre-adoptive or not. Defaults
+ to false.
+ nullable: true
+ respite:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether this placement is respite or not.
+ respite-reason-requested:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - facility_issue
+ - medical
+ - break
+ - pre_adoption_visitation
+ - business
+ - personal
+ - vacation
+ - other
+ -
+ description: The listed reason the respite was requested, from the available
+ options.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ respite-additional-information:
+ type: string
+ description: Additional freeform information regarding the respite period.
+ nullable: true
+ should-pay-respite-provider:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether the respite provider should receive payment or
+ not.
+ nullable: true
+ should-pay-standard-provider:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether the standard (non-respite) provider should receive
+ payment or not.
+ nullable: true
+ valid-respite-without-respite-receiver:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Indicates that a respite period intentionally has no corresponding
+ respite-receiving placement. This will be the case when an agency
+ places a respite for a child whose regular placement is outside of
+ that agency. In the future, a respite period will be considered invalid
+ if it does not have a corresponding receiving placement AND this boolean
+ is set to false. Must be false if Placement Period is not respite.
+ Defaults to false.
+ required:
+ - created-at
+ - days-of-notice
+ - updated-at
+ - placement-type
+ - start-date
+ - end-date
+ - child-id
+ - agency-placement-id
+ - placement-type-description
+ - placement-ended-reason
+ - placement-ended-reason-explanation
+ - placement-ended-requester
+ - external-identifier
+ - updated-by
+ - pre-adoption
+ - respite
+ - respite-reason-requested
+ - respite-additional-information
+ - should-pay-respite-provider
+ - should-pay-standard-provider
+ - valid-respite-without-respite-receiver
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties:
+ respite-receiver:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - agency-placements
+ description: Always agency-placements
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the receiving provider (Agency Placement)
+ for a respite period.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: A Placement Period represents a time span where a Child was placed
+ with a provider. Placement Periods are associated with a Placement Provider,
+ which might be a private home, a hospital or a group care facility, among
+ others. Placement Periods can be normal or respite. Respite periods have additional
+ fields identifying the receiving provider.
+ placement-providers:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ license-external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: External systems indentifier for License held by this provider.
+ Must be unique for agency.
+ nullable: true
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date Placement Provider was created in Binti.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date Placement Provider was last updated at in Binti.
+ required:
+ - license-external-identifier
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties:
+ active-members:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - provider-members
+ description: Always provider-members
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: References to members of the Placement Provider.
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ inactive-members:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - provider-members
+ description: Always provider-members
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: References to members of the Placement Provider.
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ licenses:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - licenses
+ description: Always licenses
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: References to the license that the Placement Provider
+ holds.
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: A Placement Provider is a location a Child can be placed. This
+ may be a family home, a group home, or a congregate care facility for example.
+ The Provider is associated with active Provider Members currently in the facility/home,
+ and inactive Provider Members, who are no longer in the facility/home.
+ provider-members:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ primary:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Boolean flag designating the member as the "primary" caregiver
+ in this Placement Provider.
+ role:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - caregiver
+ - child_in_home
+ - other_adult_in_home
+ - staff_member
+ description: The role this member fills in the given Placement Provider.
+ subrole:
+ type: string
+ description: The member's subrole in the given Placement Provider.
+ nullable: true
+ subrole-details:
+ type: string
+ description: Details regarding the member's subrole in the given Placement
+ Provider.
+ nullable: true
+ joined-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date the Member joined the Placement Provider.
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date the Member was created in Binti.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date the Member was last updated at in Binti.
+ left-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date the Member departed the Placement Provider. Not set
+ for active members.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - primary
+ - role
+ - subrole
+ - subrole-details
+ - joined-at
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - left-at
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties:
+ profile:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - user-agency-profiles
+ description: Always user-agency-profiles
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: The User Agency Profile this Member represents.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: A Provider Member is a link between a Placement Provider and a
+ User Agency Profile, containing information specific to that person's role
+ and duration at the provider.
+ renewal-applications:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ owner-agency-slug:
+ type: string
+ description: The slug for the agency which owns this data
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Application was created in Binti.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Application was last updated. Includes
+ changes to status, assignments, or data on the Application itself.
+ Does not include updates to forms.
+ adult-children:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: An object containing arbitrary data.
+ description: Array of arbitrary data.
+ adults-in-home:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: Names and contact information of other adults in the
+ home.
+ description: Array of arbitrary data.
+ applicant-form-data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: A block of data containing answers given on any forms started
+ by the applicant.
+ nullable: true
+ applicant-forms-completed-percentage:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 100
+ description: Calculated percentage 0-100 indicating the percentage of
+ applicant forms completed. Calculated based off of the number of questions
+ in forms that need to be completed by the applicant. Note, 1% point
+ will be docked for unsigned forms.
+ applicant-notification-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Referral date in Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ approved-age-lower:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Youngest age of children for which this family is approved
+ to provide care.
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 20
+ nullable: true
+ approved-age-higher:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Highest age of children for which this family is approved
+ to provide care.
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 21
+ nullable: true
+ background-checks-summary:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ percentage-completed:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 100
+ description: Percentage of required Background Checks that have
+ been completed.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of required Background Checks.
+ completed:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of completed Background Checks.
+ non-exemptible:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of Background Checks in non-exemptible status.
+ exemptions:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ summary:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - needs_exemption
+ - exemption_denied
+ - exemption_completed
+ -
+ description: Status of the exemptions of the Application. Indicates
+ whether or not an exemption is needed, denied, completed.
+ If no exemption is needed, this field wil be null.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ required:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of required exemptions.
+ completed:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of completed exemptions.
+ denied:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of denied exemptions.
+ required:
+ - summary
+ - required
+ - completed
+ - denied
+ description: Summary overview of Background Check exemptions.
+ required:
+ - percentage-completed
+ - required
+ - completed
+ - non-exemptible
+ - exemptions
+ description: Summary overview of Background Checks for this Application.
+ capacity:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: How many beds are available in the caregiver's home.
+ nullable: true
+ case-type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - dependency
+ - probation
+ -
+ description: Whether this is a dependency or a probation type, if your
+ agency supports it.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ casework-completed-percentage:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 100
+ description: Percentage of case worker forms that have been completed.
+ caseworker-assigned-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date that the case worker was assigned to the family.
+ nullable: true
+ child-in-home:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not there is a Child placed in the home.
+ nullable: true
+ co-applicant-form-data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: A block of data containing answers given on any forms relevant
+ to the co-applicant.
+ nullable: true
+ community-foster:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not this caregiver is open to taking in non-relative
+ children from the community. Note that this is always `true` when
+ `family_type` is `community`.
+ nullable: true
+ confidential:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not this Application has been marked confidential.
+ cws-cms-assigned-worker:
+ type: string
+ description: 'CA-only: Name of the assigned case worker, null if no
+ assignment, as it appears in CWS-CMS.'
+ nullable: true
+ cws-cms-status:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - pending
+ - denied
+ - approved
+ - withdrawn
+ -
+ description: 'CA only: Status as it appears in CWS-CMS'
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ cws-cms-status-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: 'CA only: Date the Application was moved to its current
+ status, as it appears in CWS-CMS.'
+ nullable: true
+ expiry-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Expiry date of Application as determined by the next renewal
+ due date, only present on approved Applications.
+ nullable: true
+ external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: External systems identifier for individual Application.
+ Must be unique for agency.
+ nullable: true
+ date-application-signed:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date the Application was signed.
+ nullable: true
+ date-of-inquiry:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date of initial inquiry
+ date-of-placement:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date that placement started, if a pre-approval placement
+ was made.
+ nullable: true
+ days-since-placement:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Calculated number of days from today, based on the date
+ a pre-approval placement was made.
+ nullable: true
+ days-since-signed:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Calculated number of days from today, since the initial
+ Application was signed.
+ nullable: true
+ family-evaluation-completion-summary:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ description:
+ type: string
+ description: A description of the evaluation.
+ percentage:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 100
+ description: Percent 0-100, indicating % of questions completed
+ in the family evaluation.
+ nullable: true
+ complete:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not the family evaluation is complete.
+ required:
+ - description
+ - percentage
+ - complete
+ description: Summary of completion for the family evaluation.
+ family-type:
+ type: string
+ description: Whether the family is a relative, non-relative, fictive
+ kin (nrefm), community, or a guardian family.
+ nullable: true
+ home-info:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: Miscellaneous family data.
+ description: Array of arbitrary data.
+ nullable: true
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-details:
+ type: string
+ description: Details on how the family heard about the agency, as selected
+ in signup questionnaire, or filled out by a case worker.
+ nullable: true
+ how-did-you-hear-about-us-label:
+ type: string
+ description: The family's answer to 'how did you hear about us?'. The
+ tiered answers are joined into a single string, separated by ' - '
+ characters.
+ nullable: true
+ in-person-orientation-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date of the in-person orientation.
+ nullable: true
+ intake-completed-percentage:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 100
+ description: Percentage of the intake forms that have been completed.
+ intake-forms-complete:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not the intake forms are complete.
+ nullable: true
+ intake-inbox-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date that the intake occurred.
+ nullable: true
+ intake-incomplete-date:
+ type: string
+ description: 'TO DO: intake-incomplete-date'
+ nullable: true
+ intake-incomplete-reason:
+ type: string
+ description: 'TO DO: intake-incomplete-reason'
+ nullable: true
+ intake-inter-county-case:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'TO DO: intake-inter-county-case'
+ nullable: true
+ intake-receiving-county:
+ type: string
+ description: 'TO DO: intake-receiving-county'
+ nullable: true
+ intake-receiving-icpc:
+ type: string
+ description: 'TO DO: intake-receiving-icpc'
+ nullable: true
+ intake-referring-county:
+ type: string
+ description: 'TO DO: intake-referring-county'
+ nullable: true
+ intake-referring-icpc:
+ type: string
+ description: 'TO DO: intake-referring-icpc'
+ nullable: true
+ inter-county-request:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not this is an out-of-county family.
+ nullable: true
+ inter-state-request:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not this an ICPC family.
+ nullable: true
+ license-external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: External systems identifier for a License or collection
+ of Applications per family. Must be unique for agency.
+ nullable: true
+ medically-trained:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not this family is medically trained.
+ nullable: true
+ medical-summary:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ percentage:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 100
+ description: Percentage complete.
+ nullable: true
+ completed:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of records completed.
+ required:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of records required.
+ required:
+ - percentage
+ - completed
+ - required
+ description: Medical summary information.
+ minor-children-in-home:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: Block of data regarding children residing in the home
+ besides Children in the care of the agency. Includes demographic
+ data and date of birth if recorded.
+ description: Array of arbitrary data.
+ online-orientation-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date online orientation was completed.
+ nullable: true
+ pets:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: Block of data regarding pets residing in the home. Structure
+ is dependent on information collected in forms.
+ description: Array of arbitrary data.
+ reference-summary:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ status:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - complete
+ - unknown_number_required
+ - incomplete
+ description: Status of references on the family - can be complete,
+ incomplete, or unknown number needed.
+ completed:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of completed references on the family.
+ required:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of required references on the family.
+ required:
+ - status
+ - completed
+ - required
+ description: Summary of references on the Application.
+ referring-caseworker:
+ type: string
+ description: Name of case worker who referred the family.
+ nullable: true
+ referring-office:
+ type: string
+ description: Name of office or case worker who referred the family.
+ referring-supervisor-caseworker:
+ type: string
+ description: Name of supervisor or case worker who referred the family.
+ nullable: true
+ renewal-due-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Due date of the renewal Application, only available on
+ renewal Applications.
+ nullable: true
+ respite-provider:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether or not the caregiver is open to being a respite
+ provider.
+ nullable: true
+ spa:
+ type: string
+ description: 'CA only: Service Provider Area.'
+ nullable: true
+ status:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - applying
+ - approved
+ - awaiting_referral
+ - closed
+ - denied
+ - in_adoption_process
+ - inactive
+ - eligible_for_conversion
+ - recruiting_dropout
+ - recruiting
+ - withdrawn
+ - ready_for_review
+ description: Status of the Application in Binti.
+ status-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date that the Application moved to the current status.
+ nullable: true
+ status-explanation:
+ type: string
+ description: Free-text explanation for the current status, recorded
+ at time of status change.
+ nullable: true
+ status-reason:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - Caregiver chose to withdraw themselves
+ - Minor was placed or seems like will be placed with another applicant
+ - Reunification with parent(s)
+ - Placement moved to permanency
+ - Caregiver withdrew due to complaints/delays with the process
+ - Caregiver withdrew because of criminal background
+ - Life circumstance change
+ - Buildings and Grounds standards not met
+ - Non-exemptible conviction
+ - Inimical/hostile/unfriendly conduct during process
+ - Binti application created in error
+ - Not enough capacity
+ - Not ready yet
+ - Not located in county
+ - No longer interested
+ - Unresponsive
+ - Specific child no longer needs placement
+ - Adoption/Permanency finalized
+ - Change in family dynamic/structure
+ - Dissatisfied with agency support
+ - Financial reasons
+ - Health reasons
+ - Approval revoked
+ - Moved
+ - Negative parenting experience
+ - Retiring
+ - Specific child left
+ - Unwilling to comply with regulations
+ - Surrendered
+ - Rescinded
+ - Declined conversion
+ - Caregiver was uncooperative/non-responsive
+ - Referred/Applying with another agency
+ - Adoption
+ - Ineligible
+ - Legal Guardianship
+ - Not interested
+ - Binti application created in error / duplicate
+ - Provider was uncooperative/non-reponsive (application ceased)
+ - Leadership did not pass background checks
+ - Provider chose to withdraw themselves
+ - Provider was uncooperative/non-responsive (application ceased)
+ - Provider withdrew because of leadership challenges
+ - Provider withdrew due to complaints/delays with the process
+ - Other
+ -
+ description: Reason code for current status, as selected by dropdown.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ status-overridden:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether the Application's status has been overridden. This
+ is a read-only field. In order to override an Application's status,
+ provide a status-overridden-reason and status-overridden-explanation.
+ status-overridden-reason:
+ type: string
+ description: If the Application's status has been overridden, the reason
+ provided. Empty otherwise.
+ nullable: true
+ status-overridden-explanation:
+ type: string
+ description: If the Application's status has been overridden, the freeform
+ text explanation provided. Empty otherwise.
+ nullable: true
+ supporting-docs-completed-percentage:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 100
+ description: Percentage of supporting documents that are completed.
+ trainings-completed-percentage:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 100
+ description: Percentage of trainings that are completed.
+ nullable: true
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - InitialApplication
+ - RenewalApplication
+ - CaliforniaConversionApplication
+ description: Available Application types.
+ template-slug:
+ type: string
+ description: A string that describes the blueprint for this Application's
+ forms, required documents, and trainings. All Applications of the
+ same "type" will share the same value for this string. Contact your
+ account manager for the possible values for this field.
+ required:
+ - owner-agency-slug
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - adult-children
+ - adults-in-home
+ - applicant-form-data
+ - applicant-forms-completed-percentage
+ - applicant-notification-date
+ - approved-age-lower
+ - approved-age-higher
+ - background-checks-summary
+ - capacity
+ - case-type
+ - casework-completed-percentage
+ - caseworker-assigned-date
+ - child-in-home
+ - co-applicant-form-data
+ - community-foster
+ - confidential
+ - cws-cms-assigned-worker
+ - cws-cms-status
+ - cws-cms-status-date
+ - expiry-date
+ - external-identifier
+ - date-application-signed
+ - date-of-inquiry
+ - date-of-placement
+ - days-since-placement
+ - days-since-signed
+ - family-evaluation-completion-summary
+ - family-type
+ - home-info
+ - how-did-you-hear-about-us-details
+ - how-did-you-hear-about-us-label
+ - in-person-orientation-date
+ - intake-completed-percentage
+ - intake-forms-complete
+ - intake-inbox-date
+ - intake-incomplete-date
+ - intake-incomplete-reason
+ - intake-inter-county-case
+ - intake-receiving-county
+ - intake-receiving-icpc
+ - intake-referring-county
+ - intake-referring-icpc
+ - inter-county-request
+ - inter-state-request
+ - license-external-identifier
+ - medically-trained
+ - medical-summary
+ - minor-children-in-home
+ - online-orientation-date
+ - pets
+ - reference-summary
+ - referring-caseworker
+ - referring-office
+ - referring-supervisor-caseworker
+ - renewal-due-date
+ - respite-provider
+ - spa
+ - status
+ - status-date
+ - status-explanation
+ - status-reason
+ - status-overridden
+ - status-overridden-reason
+ - status-overridden-explanation
+ - supporting-docs-completed-percentage
+ - trainings-completed-percentage
+ - type
+ - template-slug
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties:
+ applicant-agency-profile:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - user-agency-profiles
+ description: Always user-agency-profiles
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the `user-agency-profile` of the primary
+ applicant.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ co-applicant-agency-profile:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - user-agency-profiles
+ description: Always user-agency-profiles
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the `user-agency-profile` of the co-applicant.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ other-adult-profiles:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - other-adult-profiles
+ description: Always other-adult-profiles
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: Collection of references to the `user-agency-profile(s)`
+ for other adults associated with this application.
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ children-in-home-profiles:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - other-adult-profiles
+ description: Always other-adult-profiles
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: Collection of references to the `user-agency-profile(s)`
+ for minors not in care associated with this application.
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ worker-assignments:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - worker-assignments
+ description: Always worker-assignments
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: Collection of references to `worker-assignment(s)`
+ for an `agency-worker` assigned to this application.
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ sub-agencies:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - agencies
+ description: Always agencies
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: Collection of references to any additional `agency`
+ assigned to work on this application
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ license:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - licenses
+ description: Always licenses
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the `license` assosiated with this application
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ good-causes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - good-causes
+ description: Always good-causes
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: Collection of refrences to any `good-cause(s)` associated
+ with this application
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ agency-placement:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - agency-placements
+ description: Always agency-placements
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A refrence to the `agency-placement` associated with
+ this application.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ application-key-dates:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - application-key-dates
+ description: Always application-key-dates
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the `application-key-dates` associated
+ with this application.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: An Application represents one applicant and an optional co-applicant
+ attempting to become licensed for foster care, along with all associated documentation,
+ forms, background checks, and Children.
+ required-signatures:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Datetime Required Signature was created.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Datetime Required Signature was last updated.
+ role:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - co_applicant
+ - applicant
+ - reference_user
+ - caseworker
+ - other_adult_in_home
+ - supervisor
+ description: Role of user signing form.
+ order:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: Order in which this signature is collected.
+ compelete-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Datetime when signature was complete.
+ nullable: true
+ signer:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: true
+ description: Information about user who signed. Can be an Agency Worker
+ or User Agency Profile.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - role
+ - order
+ - compelete-at
+ - signer
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties: {}
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: A required signature is a record of the types of signatures required
+ for forms. This contains information about both compeleted signatures and
+ incomplete signatures. Signer information is only provided post signature
+ but there will be slots for the remaining roles who have not signed yet.
+ schools:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ address:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/address"
+ name:
+ type: string
+ description: Name of the School.
+ nces-school-id:
+ type: string
+ description: National Center for Education Statisics School ID.
+ nullable: true
+ school-district-id:
+ type: string
+ description: ID of school district.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - address
+ - name
+ - nces-school-id
+ - school-district-id
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties: {}
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: A School a Child might attend.
+ social-connections:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ lineage-type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - biological
+ - adopted
+ - step
+ - half
+ - marriage
+ - alleged
+ - presumed
+ - unknown
+ -
+ description: Type of lineage
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ emotional-relationship-statuses:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - close
+ - cordial
+ - distant
+ - contentious
+ - no_prior_interaction
+ description: Emotional relationship statuses
+ description: Array showing a specific list of emotional relationship
+ statuses
+ kinship-relationship:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - mother
+ - father
+ - parent
+ - grandmother
+ - grandfather
+ - grandparent
+ - aunt
+ - uncle
+ - daughter
+ - son
+ - child
+ - niece
+ - nephew
+ - cousin
+ - sibling
+ - partner
+ - unknown_kinship_relationship
+ - other
+ - married
+ - divorced
+ - engaged
+ - dating
+ - cohabitating
+ - exes
+ - other_partner_status
+ - relative
+ - fictive_kin
+ - no_relationship
+ - unknown
+ description: Type of kinship or relationship.
+ kinship-relationship-other-description:
+ type: string
+ description: Relationship description for other.
+ nullable: true
+ fictive-kin-description:
+ type: string
+ description: Relationship description for fictive kin.
+ nullable: true
+ parental-line:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - maternal
+ - paternal
+ - parental
+ - maternal_and_paternal
+ - maternal_and_parental
+ - parental_and_paternal
+ -
+ description: The parental line this connection is associated with.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: External systems identifier for individual Social Connection.
+ Must be unique for agency
+ nullable: true
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Social Connection was created in
+ Binti.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Social Connection was last updated
+ in Binti.
+ levels-of-support:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ option:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - placement
+ - placement.placement_provider
+ - placement.emergency_caregiver
+ - placement.respite_caregiver
+ - non_placement
+ - non_placement.visitation_regular
+ - non_placement.visitation_special_occasions
+ - non_placement.visitation_supervision
+ - non_placement.transportation
+ - non_placement.calls
+ - non_placement.childcare
+ - non_placement.financial_support
+ - non_placement.educational_support
+ - non_placement.mentorship
+ - non_placement.family_meeting_participant
+ - non_placement.support_for_caregiver
+ - do_not_contact
+ - not_applicable
+ - other
+ description: An option key representing a particular type of support
+ details:
+ type: string
+ description: Details if an "other" option has been selected
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - option
+ - details
+ description: A single level of support
+ description: An array showing levels of support provided.
+ placement-provider-eligibilities:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - current_placement
+ - recommended
+ - willing
+ - unwilling
+ - unable
+ - not_recommended
+ - prohibited
+ - not_applicable
+ description: Placement provider eligibilities.
+ description: Array showing a specific list of placement provider eligibilities
+ placement-provider-eligibilities-details:
+ type: string
+ description: Additional details about placement provider eligibilities
+ nullable: true
+ worker-confirmed-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the Social Connection was marked as
+ confirmed by a worker.
+ nullable: true
+ worker-confirmed:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Whether the Social Connection has been confirmed by a worker.
+ related-attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ child-first-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's first name.
+ child-middle-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's middle name.
+ nullable: true
+ child-last-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's last name.
+ child-suffix:
+ type: string
+ description: Child's suffix.
+ nullable: true
+ child-client-id:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier used in external system that can be used
+ to match a singular child in Binti with a child record in another
+ system. Must be unique for each child at an agency.
+ nullable: true
+ connection-first-name:
+ type: string
+ description: First or given name, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ connection-middle-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Middle name, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ connection-last-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Last or family name, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ connection-suffix:
+ type: string
+ description: Suffix, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ connection-person-id:
+ type: string
+ description: If the person is part of a foster family application
+ they may be assigned an external identifier. Equivelent to `user-agency-profiles.external-identifier`
+ nullable: true
+ connection-phone-number:
+ type: string
+ description: Phone number provided to Binti and designated as Primary
+ Phone number for person
+ nullable: true
+ connection-primary-address:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ address-line-1:
+ type: string
+ description: Street Address line 1.
+ nullable: true
+ address-line-2:
+ type: string
+ description: Street Address line 2.
+ nullable: true
+ city:
+ type: string
+ description: Address City
+ nullable: true
+ state:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Address State/Province. Uses the full name. For
+ example: "California" or "Puerto Rico".'
+ nullable: true
+ postal-code:
+ type: string
+ description: Address Postal Code
+ nullable: true
+ country-code:
+ type: string
+ description: 'ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 two letter country code. For
+ example: "US", "CA", or "MX".'
+ nullable: true
+ county:
+ type: string
+ description: Address County
+ nullable: true
+ start-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Address Start Date
+ nullable: true
+ address-type:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - physical_home_of_origin
+ - physical_placement
+ - physical_home
+ - physical_work
+ - mailing
+ - physical_incarcerated
+ description: A key representing an address type
+ description: An array of address type keys
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - address-line-1
+ - address-line-2
+ - city
+ - state
+ - postal-code
+ - country-code
+ - county
+ - start-date
+ - address-type
+ description: Address listed as primary for person within family
+ finding.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - child-first-name
+ - child-middle-name
+ - child-last-name
+ - child-suffix
+ - child-client-id
+ - connection-first-name
+ - connection-middle-name
+ - connection-last-name
+ - connection-suffix
+ - connection-person-id
+ - connection-phone-number
+ - connection-primary-address
+ description: Properties from the two connected people. 'child' properties
+ correspond to the Child in the Social Connection, or in the case of
+ a connection between children, to the Child with the lowest person
+ id. 'phone-number', 'primary-address', and 'connection' properties
+ correspond to the Person pertaining to this social connection.
+ required:
+ - lineage-type
+ - emotional-relationship-statuses
+ - kinship-relationship
+ - kinship-relationship-other-description
+ - fictive-kin-description
+ - parental-line
+ - external-identifier
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - levels-of-support
+ - placement-provider-eligibilities
+ - placement-provider-eligibilities-details
+ - worker-confirmed-at
+ - worker-confirmed
+ - related-attributes
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties:
+ child:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - children
+ description: Always children
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: The child pertaining to this social connection. In
+ the case of a connection between two children, this will be the
+ child with the smallest person id.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ connection-person:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - people
+ description: Always people
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: The person pertaining to this social connection. In
+ the case of a connection between two children, this will be the
+ person record corresponding to the child with the greater person
+ id.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ connection-child:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - children
+ description: Always children
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: If the Social Connection involves two Children, this
+ is the second Child record.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: An object representing a Social Connection between two people
+ tags:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ name:
+ type: string
+ description: Tag name.
+ category:
+ type: string
+ description: The grouping in which the Tag exists.
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Datetime the Tag was created.
+ required:
+ - name
+ - category
+ - created-at
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties: {}
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: A single assigned Tag. Available Tags are pre-defined by the agency.
+ training-curriculums:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ training-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Name of the Training Curriculum.
+ training-type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - initial
+ - renewal
+ - has_expiration_date
+ - events
+ description: The type of training.
+ training-hours:
+ type: string
+ format: float
+ description: Decimal number of hours in the Curriculum.
+ cpr:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Flags if Curriculum represents CPR certification.
+ active:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Flags if Curriculum is currently active or not.
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date Training Curriculum was created in Binti.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date Training Curriculum was last updated at in Binti.
+ required:
+ - training-name
+ - training-type
+ - training-hours
+ - cpr
+ - active
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties: {}
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: A Training Curriculum is a training offered by an agency that an
+ applicant may take. A Training Session is an instance of a Curriculum (date/time)
+ being offered, and attended by 1 or more agency profiles. A training may or
+ may not be required in order for an Application be approvable.
+ training-requirements:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date Training Requirement was created in Binti.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date Training Requirement was last updated at in Binti.
+ training-type:
+ type: string
+ description: 'The type of training required. One of the following: Certification
+ with expiration date, CPR/ First Aid, Initial/Pre-approval training,
+ Pre-Service Training, Custom Training'
+ nullable: true
+ training-title:
+ type: string
+ description: Title of sepcifc requirement.
+ nullable: true
+ training-hours:
+ type: string
+ format: float
+ description: Number required training hours.
+ nullable: true
+ cpr:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Flags if required training is CPR certification.
+ due-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date requirement is due.
+ nullable: true
+ status:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - Waived
+ - Incomplete
+ - Complete
+ description: Status stating if the requirement is complete, incomplete,
+ or waived.
+ completed-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date the Training Requirement was logged complete.
+ nullable: true
+ expiration-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date the fufilling training expires.
+ nullable: true
+ training-or-waiver-date:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date of latest training session completed or waiver issued.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - training-type
+ - training-title
+ - training-hours
+ - cpr
+ - due-date
+ - status
+ - completed-at
+ - expiration-date
+ - training-or-waiver-date
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties: {}
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: A Training Requirement is a license requirement that must be fufilled
+ to be within compliance. A requirement can be statisfied by one or more training
+ session attendance(s) or an override waiver. These requirements can be generated
+ for anyone associated with the placement provider that holds the license.
+ Training Requirements are generated for both intitial and renewal Applications.
+ The frequency of the training due dates is determined by the application template
+ and can either be due annually or on each renewal cycle.
+ user-agency-profiles:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the user was created in Binti.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the user's information was last updated.
+ name:
+ type: string
+ description: Full name, as provided to Binti.
+ first-name:
+ type: string
+ description: First or given name, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ middle-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Middle name, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ last-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Last or family name, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ suffix:
+ type: string
+ description: Suffix, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ date-of-birth:
+ type: string
+ format: date
+ description: Date of birth.
+ nullable: true
+ gender:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - Female
+ - Male
+ - Transgender
+ - Non-binary
+ - Not listed above
+ - Prefer not to answer
+ -
+ description: Gender, as selected from the available options.
+ nullable: true
+ x-nullable: true
+ email:
+ type: string
+ description: Email address.
+ nullable: true
+ phone-number:
+ type: string
+ description: Phone number, provided as freeform text to Binti without
+ formatting constraints.
+ nullable: true
+ address:
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/address"
+ mailing-address:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ mailing-address-street:
+ type: string
+ description: The street address, as provided
+ mailing-address-city:
+ type: string
+ description: The city of the address, as provided
+ mailing-address-state:
+ type: string
+ description: The two-letter state code of the address
+ mailing-address-zipcode:
+ type: string
+ description: The zip code of the address, as provided
+ mailing-address-county:
+ type: string
+ description: The county of the address, as provided
+ mailing-geocoding-source:
+ type: string
+ description: The geocoder used to geocode this data
+ mailing-geocoded-address-street:
+ type: string
+ description: The accurate street address, if available
+ mailing-geocoded-address-city:
+ type: string
+ description: The accurate city, if available
+ mailing-geocoded-address-state:
+ type: string
+ description: The accurate state code, if available
+ mailing-geocoded-address-zipcode:
+ type: string
+ description: The accurate zip code, if available
+ description: Object representing an address. Note that any of the keys
+ may be missing or may be set to an empty string. Some addresses have
+ geocoded information, which has been verified against a third party
+ (US Census data, among others) to be accurate.
+ family-id:
+ type: string
+ description: State-specific family identifier - analogous to RFAID.
+ This should only be set on applicants during creation. Attempts to
+ create a UserAgencyProfile with a `family_id` for co-applicants will
+ fail.
+ nullable: true
+ primary-language:
+ type: string
+ description: Primary language spoken. May be an empty string.
+ additional-languages:
+ type: string
+ description: Additional languages spoken. May be an empty string.
+ ethnicities:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ ethnicity:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations
+ - american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations.american_indian
+ - american_indian_or_alaska_native_or_first_nations.alaska_native
+ - asian
+ - asian.south_asian
+ - asian.south_asian.asian_indian
+ - asian.south_asian.bangladeshi
+ - asian.south_asian.pakistani
+ - asian.south_asian.other_south_asian
+ - asian.east_asian
+ - asian.east_asian.chinese
+ - asian.east_asian.japanese
+ - asian.east_asian.korean
+ - asian.east_asian.other_east_asian
+ - asian.south_east_asian
+ - asian.south_east_asian.cambodian
+ - asian.south_east_asian.filipino
+ - asian.south_east_asian.hmong
+ - asian.south_east_asian.indonesian
+ - asian.south_east_asian.laotian
+ - asian.south_east_asian.thai
+ - asian.south_east_asian.vietnamese
+ - asian.south_east_asian.other_south_east_asian
+ - asian.other_asian
+ - black_or_african_american
+ - black_or_african_american.ethiopian
+ - black_or_african_american.caribbean
+ - black_or_african_american.haitian
+ - black_or_african_american.jamaican
+ - black_or_african_american.nigerian
+ - black_or_african_american.somalian
+ - black_or_african_american.other_black_or_african_american
+ - hispanic_or_latinx
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.cuban
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.dominican
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.ecuadorian
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.mexican
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.puerto_rican
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.salvadoran
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.central_american.other_central_american
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.south_american
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.brazilian
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.colombian
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.guatemalan
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.peruvian
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.south_american.other_south_american
+ - hispanic_or_latinx.other_hispanic_or_latinx
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.armenian
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.lebanese
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.middle_eastern.other_middle_eastern
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african.egyptian
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.northern_african.other_northern_african
+ - middle_eastern_or_north_african.other_middle_eastern_or_northern_african
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.guamanian_chamorro
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.chuukese
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.fijian
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.native_hawaiian
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.kosraean
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.marshallese
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.mixed
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.palauan
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.pohnpeian
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.polynesian
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.samoan
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.tongan
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.yapese
+ - native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander.other_pacific_islander
+ - white
+ - white.central_american
+ - white.european
+ - white.european.english
+ - white.european.italian
+ - white.european.german
+ - white.european.irish
+ - white.european.scottish
+ - white.european.romanian
+ - white.european.other_european
+ - white.middle_eastern
+ - white.russian
+ - white.other_white_or_caucasian
+ - other
+ - prefer_not_to_answer
+ - unknown
+ description: Available race/ethnicity values.
+ details:
+ type: string
+ description: Ethnicities details.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - ethnicity
+ - details
+ description: A single race/ethnicity. Multiple options can be selected.
+ description: A person's collective race/ethnicity. Multiple options
+ can be selected.
+ confidential:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Boolean flag designating a family is considered confidential
+ in Binti.
+ cws-cms-address-street:
+ type: string
+ description: Street of residence as reflected in CWS-CMS.
+ nullable: true
+ cws-cms-address-city:
+ type: string
+ description: City of residence as reflected in CWS-CMS.
+ nullable: true
+ cws-cms-address-state:
+ type: string
+ description: State of residence as reflected in CWS-CMS.
+ nullable: true
+ cws-cms-address-zipcode:
+ type: string
+ description: Zip code of residence as reflected in CWS-CMS.
+ nullable: true
+ cws-cms-caregiver-id:
+ type: string
+ description: Caregiver ID as reflected in CWS-CMS.
+ nullable: true
+ cws-cms-touch-date:
+ type: string
+ description: CWS-CMS touch date.
+ nullable: true
+ cws-cms-home-id:
+ type: string
+ description: Home ID as reflected in CWS-CMS.
+ nullable: true
+ external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier for the user model in an external system.
+ nullable: true
+ license-external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: License specific external identifier. Analogous to family
+ id and present on all User Agency Profiles.
+ nullable: true
+ roles:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ description: Role the User has on associated Applications.
+ description: Array of roles the User has on associated Applications.
+ sign-in-count:
+ type: number
+ format: integer
+ description: Number of times this user has signed into the Binti system.
+ protected-tribe:
+ type: boolean
+ description: 'A boolean for if the User is a member of a protected Native
+ American tribe. (true: the User is in a protected tribe.)'
+ nullable: true
+ protected-tribe-names:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - Absentee-Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma Indians
+ - Afognak, Native Village of
+ - Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove
+ - Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of the Agua Caliente Indian
+ Reservation
+ - Ak-Chin Indian Community
+ - Akhiok, Native Village of
+ - Akiachak Native Community
+ - Akiak Native Community
+ - Akutan, Native Village of
+ - Alabama Quassarte Tribal Town
+ - Alakanuk, Village of
+ - Alatna Village
+ - Aleknagik, Native Village of
+ - Algaaciq Native Village (St. Mary's)
+ - Allakaket Village
+ - Alturas Indian Rancheria
+ - Alutiiq Tribe of Old Harbor Village (previously listed as Native
+ Village of Old Harbor and Village of Old Harbor)
+ - Ambler, Native Village of
+ - Anaktuvuk Pass, Village of
+ - Andreafski (aka Yupiit of Andreafski)
+ - Angoon Community Association
+ - Aniak, Village of
+ - Anvik Village
+ - Apache Tribe of Oklahoma (Kiowa)
+ - Arctic Village
+ - Aroostook Band of Micmac Indians
+ - Asa'carsarmiut Tribe (formerly Native Village of Mountain Village)
+ - Atka, Native Village of
+ - Atmautluak, Village of
+ - Atqasuk Village
+ - Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians
+ - Bad River Band of the Lake Superior
+ - Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Native Village of
+ - Battle Mountain Band Council
+ - Bay Mills Indian Community
+ - Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Rancheria
+ - Beaver Village
+ - Belkofski, Native Village of
+ - Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians
+ - Bethel (aka Orutsararmuit Native Council)
+ - Bettles Field (aka Evansville Village)
+ - Big Lagoon Rancheria
+ - Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley
+ - Big Sandy Rancheria of Western Mono Indians of California
+ - Big Valley of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria
+ - Bill Moore's Slough, Village of
+ - Birch Creek Tribe
+ - Bishop Paiute Tribe
+ - Blackfeet Tribe of Montana
+ - Bois Forte Reservation Business Committee
+ - Brevig Mission, Native Village of
+ - Bridgeport Indian Colony
+ - Buckland, Native Village of
+ - Buena Vista Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians
+ - Burns Paiute Tribe
+ - Cabazon Band of Mission Indians
+ - Cachil DeHe Band of Wintun Indians of the Colusa Indian Community
+ of the Colusa Rancheria
+ - Caddo Nation of Oklahoma (Wichita & Affiliated Tribes)
+ - Cahto Tribe of the Laytonville Rancheria
+ - Cahuilla Band of Mission Indians
+ - California Valley Miwok Tribe
+ - Campo Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Campo Indian Reservation
+ - Cantwell, Native Village of (Copper River Native Association)
+ - Capitan Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of California (Barona
+ Group of Capitan Grande Band of Mission Indians of the Barona Reservation)
+ - 'Capitan Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of California:
+ Viejas'
+ - Catawba Indian Nation of South Carolina
+ - Cayuga Nation of New York
+ - Cedarville Rancheria
+ - Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes
+ - Chalkyitsik Village
+ - Cheesh-Na Tribe
+ - Chefornak, Village of
+ - Chemehuevi Indian Tribe
+ - Chenega, Native Village of
+ - Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria
+ - Cherokee Nation
+ - Chevak Native Village
+ - Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma
+ - Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
+ - Chickahominy Indian Tribe
+ - Chickahominy Indians-Eastern Division
+ - Chickaloon Native Village
+ - Chicken Ranch Rancheria of Me-wuk Indians of California
+ - Chignik Bay Tribal Council
+ - Chignik Lagoon, Native Village of
+ - Chignik Lake Village
+ - Chilkat Indian Village (Klukwan)
+ - Chilkoot Indian Association (Haines)
+ - Chinik Eskimo Community (aka Golovin)
+ - Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy's Reservation of Montana
+ - Chistochina (aka Cheesh-na Tribe).
+ - Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana
+ - Chitina, Native Village of
+ - Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
+ - Chuathbaluk Native Village of (Russian Mission, Kuskokwin)
+ - Chuathbaluk, Native Village of
+ - Chuloonawick Native Village
+ - Circle Native Community
+ - Citizen Potawatomi Nation
+ - Clarks Point, Village of
+ - Cloverdale Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
+ - Cocopah Indian Tribe
+ - Coeur d'Alene Tribe
+ - Cold Springs Rancheria of Mono Indians of California
+ - Colorado River Indian Tribes
+ - Comanche Nation-Oklahoma
+ - Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes
+ - Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation
+ - Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua & Siuslaw Indians
+ - Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians
+ - Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation
+ - Confederated Tribes of the Colville
+ - Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation
+ - Confederated Tribes of the Grande Ronde Community of Oregon
+ - Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
+ - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation
+ - Copper Center (aka Native Village of Kluti-Kaah).
+ - Coquille Indian Tribe
+ - Cordova (aka Eyak)
+ - Council, Native Village of
+ - Coushatta Indian Tribe
+ - Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians
+ - Cowlitz Indian Tribe
+ - Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians
+ - Craig Tribal Association
+ - Crooked Creek, Village of
+ - Crow Agency
+ - Crow Creek River Sioux Tribe
+ - Curyung Tribal Council (formerly the Native Village of Dillingham)
+ - Death Valley Timbi-sha Shoshone Tribe
+ - Deering, Native Village of
+ - Delaware Nation
+ - Delaware Tribe of Indians
+ - Dillingham (aka Curyung Tribal Council).
+ - Diomede (aka Inalik), Native Village of
+ - Dot Lake, Village of
+ - Douglas Indian Association
+ - Dry Creek Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians
+ - Duckwater Shoshone Tribe
+ - Eagle, Native Village of
+ - Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
+ - Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Eastern Shoshone Tribe of the Wind River Reservation
+ - Edzeno (aka Nikolai Village).
+ - Eek, Native Village of
+ - Egegik Village
+ - Eklutna Native Village
+ - Ekuk, Native Village of
+ - Ekwok, Native Village of (previously listed as Ekowok Village)
+ - Elem Indian Colony
+ - Elim, Native Village of
+ - Elk Valley Rancheria
+ - Elko Band Council of Te-Moak Tribe
+ - Ely Shoshone Tribe
+ - Emmonak Village
+ - English Bay (aka Native Village of Nanwalek).
+ - Enterprise Rancheria of Maidu Indians
+ - Evansville Village (aka Bettles Field)
+ - Ewiiaapaayp (Cuyapaipe) Band of Kumeyaay Indians
+ - Eyak, Native Village of (Cordova)
+ - Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe
+ - False Pass, Native Village of
+ - Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria
+ - Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe
+ - Fond du Lac Reservation Business Committee
+ - Forest County Potawatomi
+ - Fort Belknap Indian Community
+ - Fort Bidwell Indian Community of the Fort Bidwell Reservation
+ - Fort Independence Indian Community of Paiute Indians of the Fort
+ Independence Reservation
+ - Fort McDermitt Paiute-Shoshone Tribe
+ - Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation
+ - Fort Mojave Indian Tribe
+ - Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes
+ - Fort Sill Apache Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Fort Yukon, Native Village (See Gwichyaa Zhee Gwich'in)
+ - Fortuna Ledge (aka Native Village of Marshall)
+ - Gakona, Native Village of
+ - Galena Village (aka Louden Village)
+ - Gambell, Native Village of
+ - Georgetown, Native Village of
+ - Gila River Indian Community
+ - Golovin (aka Chinik Eskimo Community).
+ - Goodnews Bay, Native Village of
+ - Grand Portage Reservation Business Center
+ - Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians
+ - Grayling (aka Organized Village of Grayling)
+ - Greenville Rancheria
+ - Grindstone Indian Rancheria
+ - Guidiville Rancheria
+ - Gulkana Village Council (previously listed as Gulkana Village)
+ - Gwichyaa Zhee Gwich'in (formerly Native Village of Fort Yukon)
+ - Gwichyaa Zhee Gwich'in (aka as Native Village of Fort Yukon)
+ - Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake Rancheria
+ - Haines (aka Chilkoot Indian Association).
+ - Hamilton, Native Village of
+ - Hannahville Indian Community
+ - Havasupai Tribe
+ - Healy Lake Village
+ - Ho-Chunk Nation
+ - Hoh Indian Tribe
+ - Holikachuk (aka Grayling)
+ - Holy Cross Tribe
+ - Hoonah Indian Association
+ - Hoopa Valley Tribe
+ - Hooper Bay, Native Village of
+ - Hopi Tribe
+ - Hopland Band of Pomo Indians
+ - Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians
+ - Hualapai Tribe
+ - Hughes Village
+ - Huslia Village
+ - Hydaburg Cooperative Association
+ - Igiugig Village
+ - Iipay Nation of Santa Ysabel
+ - Iliamna, Village of
+ - Inaja Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Inaja and Cosmit Reservation
+ - Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope
+ - Ione Band of Miwok Indians of California
+ - Iowa Tribe of Kansas
+ - Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Iqurmuit Traditional Council (aka Russian Mission)
+ - 'Ivanoff Bay Tribe '
+ - Jackson Band of Miwuk Indians
+ - Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe
+ - Jamul Indian Village of California
+ - Jena Band of Choctaw Indians
+ - Jicarilla Apache Nation
+ - Kaguyak Village
+ - Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians
+ - Kake (aka Organized Village of Kake)
+ - Kaktovik, Village of (aka Barter Island)
+ - Kalispel Tribe of Indians
+ - Kalskag, Village of (aka Upper Kalskag)
+ - Kaltag, Village of
+ - Kanatak, Native Village
+ - Karluk, Native Village of
+ - Karuk Tribe
+ - Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria
+ - Kashnumiut Tribe (aka Chevak)
+ - Kasigluk Traditional Elders Council
+ - Kassan (aka Organized Village of Kasaan)
+ - Kaw Nation
+ - Kenaitze Indian Tribe (aka Chevak Native Village)
+ - Ketchikan Indian Corporation
+ - Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
+ - Kialegee Tribal Town
+ - Kiana, Native Village of
+ - Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas
+ - Kickapoo Tribe of Indians of The Kickapoo Reservation in Kansas
+ - Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - King Cove (aka Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove)
+ - King Island Native Community
+ - King Salmon Tribe
+ - Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Kipnuk, Native Village of
+ - Kivalina, Native Village of
+ - Klamath Tribes
+ - Klawock Cooperative Association
+ - Kletsel Dehe Band of Wintun Indians
+ - Kletsel Dehe Band of Wintun Indians (Cortina Indian Rancheria)
+ - Klukwan (aka Chilkat Indian Village).
+ - Kluti-Kaah, Native Village of (aka Copper Center)
+ - Knik Tribe
+ - Kobuk, Native Village of
+ - Kodiak, Native Village of (aka Sun'aq Tribe of Kodiak).
+ - Koi Nation of Northern California (Previously Lower Lake Rancheria)
+ - Kokhanok Village
+ - Koliganek Village (aka New Kolignanek Village Council)
+ - Kongiganak, Native Village of
+ - Kootenai Tribe of Idaho
+ - Kotlik, Village of
+ - Kotzebue, Native Village of
+ - Koyuk, Native Village of
+ - Koyukuk Native Village
+ - Kwethluk (aka Organized Village of Kwethluk)
+ - Kwigillingok, Native Village of
+ - Kwinhagak, Native Village of (aka Quinhagak)
+ - La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians
+ - La Posta Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the La Posta Indian
+ Reservation
+ - Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indian of Wisconsin
+ - Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians
+ - Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
+ - Larsen Bay, Native Village of
+ - Las Vegas Paiute Tribe
+ - Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
+ - Lesnoi Village (aka Tangirnaq aka Woody Island)
+ - Levelock Village
+ - Lime Village
+ - Little River Band of Ottawa Indians
+ - Little Traverse Bay Band of Odawa Indians
+ - Lone Pine Paiute Shoshone Tribe
+ - Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla & Cupeno Indians
+ - Louden (aka Galena)
+ - Lovelock Paiute Tribe
+ - Lower Brule Sioux Tribe
+ - Lower Elwha Tribal Community Council
+ - Lower Kalskag (aka Lower Kalskag)
+ - Lower Kalskag, Village of
+ - Lower Sioux Indian Community of Minnesota
+ - Lummi Nation
+ - Lytton Rancheria
+ - Makah Indian Tribal Council
+ - Manley Hot Springs Village
+ - Manokotak Village
+ - Manzanita Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Manzanita Reservation
+ - Marshall, Native Village of
+ - Mary's Igloo, Native Village of
+ - Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation
+ - Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
+ - Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Potawatomi Indians of Michigan
+ (Gun Lake Tribe)
+ - McGrath Native Village
+ - Mechoopda Indian Tribe of the Chico Rancheria
+ - Mekoryuk, Native Village of
+ - Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin
+ - Mentasta Traditional Council
+ - Mesa Grande Band of Mission Indians of the Mesa Grande Reservation
+ - Mescalero Apache Tribe
+ - Metlakatla
+ - Metlakatla Indian Community
+ - Mi'kmaq Nation
+ - Miami Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida
+ - Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
+ - Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe
+ - Minnesota Chippewa Tribe of Minnesota (Bois Forte Band, Fond Du
+ Lac band; Grand Portage Band; Leech Lake Band; Mille Lacs Band;
+ White Earth Band)
+ - Minto, Native Village of
+ - Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians
+ - Moapa Band of Paiutes
+ - Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Mohegan Indian Tribe
+ - Monacan Indian Nation
+ - Mooretown Rancheria of Maidu Indians of California
+ - Morongo Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians
+ - Mountain Village aka Asa'carsarmiut
+ - Mowachactaw of Southern Alabama
+ - Muckleshoot
+ - Naknek Native Village
+ - Nansemond Indian Tribe
+ - Nanwalek, Native Village of
+ - Napaimute, Native Village of
+ - Napakiak, Native Village of
+ - Napaskiak, Native Village of
+ - Narragansett Indian Tribe
+ - Native Village Port Lions
+ - Navajo Nation Tribe
+ - Nelson Lagoon, Native Village of
+ - Nenana Native Association
+ - New Koliganek Village Council
+ - New Stuyahok Village
+ - Newhalen Village
+ - Newtok Village
+ - Nez Perce Tribe
+ - Nightmute, Native Village of
+ - Nikolai Village (aka Edzeno)
+ - Nikolski, Native Village of
+ - Ninilchik Village
+ - Nisqually Indian Community
+ - Noatak, Native Village of
+ - Nome Eskimo Community
+ - Nondalton Village
+ - Nooksack Indian Tribe of Washington
+ - Noorvik Native Community
+ - Northern Arapaho Tribe of the Wind River Reservation
+ - Northern Cheyenne Tribe
+ - Northfork Rancheria of Mono Indians of California
+ - Northway Village
+ - Northwestern Band of Shoshone Nation
+ - Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi
+ - Nuiqsut, Native Village of
+ - Nulato Village
+ - Nunakauyarmiut Tribe (formerly Toksook Bay Native Village)
+ - 'Nunam Iqua, Native Village of '
+ - Nunapitchuk, Native Village of
+ - Oglala Sioux Tribe
+ - Ohkay Owingeh
+ - Ohogamiut, Native Village of
+ - Omaha Tribe of Nebraska
+ - Oneida Indian Nation
+ - Oneida Nation
+ - Onondaga Nation
+ - Organized Village of Grayling (aka Holikachuk)
+ - Organized Village of Kake
+ - Organized Village of Kasaan
+ - Organized Village of Kwethluk
+ - Organized Village of Saxman
+ - 'Orutsararmiut Traditional Native Council ak Bethel '
+ - Osage Tribe
+ - Oscarville Traditional Village
+ - Otoe-Missouria Indian Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Ouzinkie, Native Village of
+ - Paimiut, Native Village of
+ - Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah
+ - Pala Band of Mission Indians
+ - Pamunkey Indian Tribe
+ - Pascua Yaqui Tribe
+ - Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians
+ - Passamaquoddy Tribe of Maine—Indian Township
+ - Passamaquoddy Tribe—Pleasant Point
+ - Pauloff Harbor Village
+ - Pauma Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pauma & Yuima Reservation
+ - Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma
+ - Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pechanga Reservation
+ - Pedro Bay Village
+ - Penobscot Nation
+ - Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma
+ - Perryville, Native Village of
+ - Petersburg Indian Association
+ - Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians of California
+ - Pilot Point, Native Village of
+ - Pilot Station Traditional Village
+ - Pinoleville Pomo Nation
+ - Pit River Tribe
+ - Pitka's Point, Native Village of
+ - Platinum Traditional Village
+ - Poarch Band of Creek Indians
+ - Point Hope, Native Village of
+ - Point Lay, Native Village of
+ - Pokagon Band of Potawatomi
+ - Ponca Tribe of Nebraska
+ - Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Port Gamble Indian Community
+ - Port Graham, Native Village of
+ - Port Heiden, Native Village of
+ - Portage Creek Village (aka Ohgensakale)
+ - Potter Valley Tribe
+ - Prairie Band of Potawatomi Nation
+ - Prairie Island Indian Community Mdewakanton Dakota Sioux of Minnesota
+ - Pribilof Islands Aleut Community of Saint Paul & Saint George Islands
+ - Pueblo of Acoma
+ - Pueblo of Cochiti
+ - Pueblo of Isleta
+ - Pueblo of Jemez
+ - Pueblo of Laguna
+ - Pueblo of Nambe
+ - Pueblo of Picuris
+ - Pueblo of Pojoaque
+ - Pueblo of San Felipe
+ - Pueblo of San Ildelfonso
+ - Pueblo of Sandia
+ - Pueblo of Santa Ana
+ - Pueblo of Santa Clara
+ - Pueblo of Santo Domingo-Kewa
+ - Pueblo of Taos
+ - Pueblo of Tesuque
+ - Pueblo of Zia
+ - Pueblo of Zuni
+ - Puyallup Tribe
+ - Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
+ - Qagan Tayaguyngin Tribe of Sand Point Village
+ - Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska
+ - Qissunaimut Tribe (aka Chevak Native Village)
+ - Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Quartz Valley Indian Community of the Quartz Valley Reservation
+ - Quechan Indian Tribe
+ - Quileute Tribal Council
+ - Quinault Indian Nation
+ - Quinhagak (aka Kwinhagak).
+ - Ramona Band of Cahuilla
+ - Rampart Village
+ - Rappahannock Tribe, Inc
+ - Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin
+ - Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians
+ - Redding Rancheria
+ - Redwood Valley or Little River Band of Pomo Indians of the Redwood
+ Valley Rancheria
+ - Reno-Sparks Indian Colony
+ - Resighini Rancheria
+ - Rincon Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Rincon Reservation
+ - Robinson Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians
+ - Rosebud Sioux Tribe
+ - Round Valley Indian Tribes, Round Valley Reservation
+ - Ruby, Native Village of
+ - Russian Mission (aka Iqurmuit Native Village)
+ - Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa
+ - Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa—Meskwaki
+ - Sac and Fox Nation in Kansas and Nebraska
+ - Sac and Fox Nation, Oklahoma
+ - Saginaw Chippewa Tribe of Michigan
+ - Saint George, Native Village of
+ - Saint Michael, Native Village of
+ - Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
+ - Salamatoff Tribe (previously listed as the Village of Salamatoff)
+ - Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community
+ - Samish Indian Nation
+ - San Carlos Apache Tribe
+ - San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe
+ - San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
+ - San Pasqual Band of Diegueno Mission Indians
+ - Sand Point (aka Qagan Tayaguyngin Tribe of Sand Point Village)
+ - Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians
+ - Santa Rosa Indian Community of the Santa Rosa Rancheria
+ - Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians of the Santa Ynez Reservation
+ - Santa Ynez Band of Mission Indians
+ - Santa Ysabel Band of Mission Indians-Iipay Nation
+ - Santee Sioux Nation
+ - Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe of Washington
+ - Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Michigan
+ - Savoonga, Native Village of
+ - Saxman (aka Organized Village of Saxman)
+ - Scammon Bay, Native Village of
+ - Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians
+ - Selawik, Native Village of
+ - Seldovia Village Tribe
+ - Seminole Nation of Oklahoma
+ - Seminole Tribe of Florida
+ - Seneca Nation of Indians
+ - Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Shageluk Native Village
+ - Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
+ - Shaktoolik, Native Village of
+ - Sheldon's Point (aka Nunam Iqua)
+ - Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
+ - Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians (Shingle Springs Rancheria)
+ - Shinnecock Indian Nation of New York
+ - Shishmaref, Native Village of
+ - Shoalwater Bay Tribal Council
+ - Shoshone Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation
+ - Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservation
+ - Shungnak, Native Village of
+ - Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe
+ - Sitka Tribe of Alaska
+ - Skagway Village
+ - Skokomish Tribe
+ - Skull Valley Band of Goshute Indians
+ - Sleetmute, Village of
+ - Snoqualmie Tribe
+ - Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians
+ - Sokaogon Chippewa Community of Wisconsin
+ - Solomon, Village of
+ - South Fork Band, Te-Moak of Western Shoshone
+ - South Naknek Village
+ - Southern Ute Indian Tribe
+ - Spirit Lake Sioux Tribe
+ - Spokane Tribe of Indians
+ - Squaxin Island
+ - St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin
+ - St. George, Native Village of.
+ - 'St. Mary''s Igloo: aka Native Village of Teller.'
+ - 'St. Mary''s: aka Algaaciq.'
+ - St. Michael, Native Village of
+ - Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
+ - Stebbins Community Association
+ - Stevens, Native Village of
+ - Stillaguamish Tribe of Washington
+ - Stockbridge-Munsee Community of Wisconsin
+ - Summit Lake Paiute Tribe
+ - Sun'aq Tribe of Kodiak
+ - Suquamish Tribe of the Port Madison Reservation
+ - Susanville Indian Rancheria
+ - Swinomish Indians Tribal Community
+ - Sycuan Band of Mission Indians
+ - Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation
+ - Table Mountain Rancheria
+ - Takotna Village
+ - Tanacross, Native Village of
+ - Tanana, Native Village of
+ - Tangirnaq (Lesnoi Village aka Woody Island)
+ - Tatitlek, Native Village of
+ - Tazlina, Native Village of
+ - Tejon Indian Tribe
+ - Telida Village
+ - Teller, Native Village of
+ - Tetlin, Native Village of
+ - The Chickasaw Nation
+ - The Muscogee (Creek) Nation
+ - Thlopthlocco Tribal Town
+ - Three Affiliated Tribes (Mandan, Arikara & Hidatsa)
+ - Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (aka Central Council Tlingit
+ and Haida Indian Tribes).
+ - Togiak, Traditional Village of
+ - Tohono O'odham Nation
+ - Toksook Bay (aka Nunakauyarmiut Tribe).
+ - Tolowa Dee-ni' Nation
+ - Tonawanda Band of Seneca
+ - Tonkawa Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Tonto Apache Tribe of Arizona
+ - Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians
+ - Tulalip Tribe
+ - Tule River Indian Tribe of the Tule River Reservation
+ - Tuluksak Native Community
+ - Tunica-Biloxi Indian Tribe of Louisiana
+ - Tuntutuliak, Native Village of
+ - Tununak, Native Village of
+ - Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians of the Tuolumne Rancheria of California
+ - Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians
+ - Tuscarora Nation of New York
+ - Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians
+ - Twin Hills Village Council
+ - Tyonek, Native Village of
+ - Ugashik Village
+ - Umkumiut Native Village
+ - Unalakleet, Native Village of
+ - Unalaska (aka Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska).
+ - Unga, Native Village of
+ - United Auburn Indian Community of the Auburn Rancheria of California
+ - United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma
+ - Upper Kalskag Native Village (aka Kalskag).
+ - Upper Mattaponi Tribe
+ - Upper Sioux Community of Minnesota
+ - Upper Skagit Indian Tribe of Washington
+ - Ute Indian Tribe
+ - Ute Mountain Ute Tribe (Colorado & Utah)
+ - Utu Utu Gwaitu Paiute Tribe of the Benton Reservation
+ - Village of Red Devil
+ - Village of Stony River
+ - Village of Venetie
+ - Village of Wainwright
+ - Wales, Native Village of
+ - Walker River Paiute Tribe
+ - Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah)
+ - Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California
+ - Wells Band Council, Te-Moak of Western Shoshone
+ - White Earth Reservation Business Committee
+ - White Mountain Apache Tribe
+ - White Mountain, Native Village of
+ - Wichita and Affiliated Tribe of Oklahoma
+ - Wilton Rancheria
+ - Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska
+ - Winnemucca Tribe
+ - Wiyot Tribe
+ - Woody Island (aka Tangirnaq Native Village)
+ - Wrangell Cooperative Association
+ - Wyandotte Nation
+ - Yakutat Tlingit Tribe
+ - Yankton Sioux Tribe of South Dakota
+ - Yavapai-Apache Nation
+ - Yavapai-Prescott Indian Tribe
+ - Yerington Paiute Tribe
+ - Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation
+ - Yomba Shoshone Tribe
+ - Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo
+ - Yupiit of Andreafski
+ - Yurok Tribe of the Yurok Reservation
+ description: Available protected tribes.
+ description: An array of the protected tribe(s) of which the User is
+ a member.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - name
+ - first-name
+ - middle-name
+ - last-name
+ - suffix
+ - date-of-birth
+ - gender
+ - email
+ - phone-number
+ - address
+ - mailing-address
+ - family-id
+ - primary-language
+ - additional-languages
+ - ethnicities
+ - confidential
+ - cws-cms-address-street
+ - cws-cms-address-city
+ - cws-cms-address-state
+ - cws-cms-address-zipcode
+ - cws-cms-caregiver-id
+ - cws-cms-touch-date
+ - cws-cms-home-id
+ - external-identifier
+ - license-external-identifier
+ - roles
+ - sign-in-count
+ - protected-tribe
+ - protected-tribe-names
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties:
+ worker-assignments:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - worker-assignments
+ description: Always worker-assignments
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to a Worker Assignment for a worker assigned
+ to Applications associated with this individual.
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ agency-workers:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - agency-workers
+ description: Always agency-workers
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to an Agency Worker assigned to Applications
+ associated with this individual.
+ nullable: true
+ description: Array of entries.
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with multiple entries.
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: User Agency Profiles represent any individuals related to an application
+ - this includes applicants, co-applicants, other adults, and references.
+ user-agency-profiles-summary:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the user was created in Binti.
+ updated-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the user's information was last updated.
+ name:
+ type: string
+ description: Full name, as provided to Binti.
+ first-name:
+ type: string
+ description: First or given name, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ middle-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Middle name, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ last-name:
+ type: string
+ description: Last or family name, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ suffix:
+ type: string
+ description: Suffix, as provided to Binti.
+ nullable: true
+ email:
+ type: string
+ description: Email address.
+ nullable: true
+ phone-number:
+ type: string
+ description: Phone number, provided as freeform text to Binti without formatting
+ constraints.
+ nullable: true
+ external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: Identifier for the user model in an external system.
+ nullable: true
+ license-external-identifier:
+ type: string
+ description: License specific external identifier. Analogous to family id
+ and present on all User Agency Profiles.
+ nullable: true
+ confidential:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Boolean flag designating a family is considered confidential
+ in Binti.
+ roles:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ description: Role the User has on associated Applications.
+ description: Array of roles the User has on associated Applications.
+ required:
+ - created-at
+ - updated-at
+ - name
+ - first-name
+ - middle-name
+ - last-name
+ - suffix
+ - email
+ - phone-number
+ - external-identifier
+ - license-external-identifier
+ - confidential
+ - roles
+ description: An overview of an Application.
+ worker-assignments:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The primary key for the record.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ description: The JSON:API type specifier.
+ attributes:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ created-at:
+ type: string
+ format: date-time
+ description: Date and time that the worker was assigned to the Application.
+ role:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - approvals
+ - support
+ - cbo
+ description: The assigned worker's role on the Application.
+ required:
+ - created-at
+ - role
+ description: Primary record attributes.
+ relationships:
+ type: object
+ description: Related objects. For each relationship, you can find detailed
+ information about the object by issuing another API call to look it up
+ by ID, or for certain endpoints, you will find details in the "included"
+ section.
+ properties:
+ applicant-profile:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - user-agency-profiles
+ description: Always user-agency-profiles
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the User Agency Profile of the applicant
+ to whom this Agency Worker is assigned.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ application:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - initial-applications
+ - renewal-applications
+ description: Always initial-applications / renewal-applications
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the Application to which this Agency
+ Worker is assigned.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ worker:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: object
+ additionalProperties: false
+ properties:
+ id:
+ type: string
+ format: integer
+ description: The ID of the other object.
+ type:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - agency-workers
+ description: Always agency-workers
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ description: A reference to the Agency Worker for this worker assignment.
+ nullable: true
+ required:
+ - data
+ description: A relationship with a single entry.
+ required:
+ - id
+ - type
+ - attributes
+ description: Describes a relationship between an Application and an Agency Worker.
+ Multiple Agency Workers may be assigned to an Application for different purposes
+ - an Application may have an approvals worker and a case carrying worker,
+ for example. See the possible options for the "role" key in the below schema
+ for the different possible Worker Assignments.
+- name: Agency placements
+- name: Agency workers
+- name: Application Forms
+- name: Application Key Dates
+- name: Application Templates
+- name: Applications
+- name: Background check logs
+- name: Background checks
+- name: Case Notes
+- name: Children
+- name: Contact Logs
+- name: Documents
+- name: Family Finding Searches
+- name: Good Causes
+- name: People
+- name: Placement Providers
+- name: Placement periods
+- name: Schools
+- name: Social Connections
+- name: Tags
+- name: Training Curriculums
+- name: Training Requirements
+- name: User Agency Profiles
+- name: Worker Assignments
+- name: Partner Agency Access