An End to End flow from CodeCommit, through CodePipeline to build docker image then push to ECR, then another pipeline will be triggered to deploy the image to ECS Fargate.
- Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)
- Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
- AWS Fargate
- AWS CodeCommit
- AWS CodeBuild
- AWS CodeDeploy
- AWS CodePipeline
- Switch Region on the AWS console, a drag down menu near right-up corner. Pick one region close to you, if you don't have any prefer, use us-east-1
- AWS Console > Services > IAM > Role
- Create Role, service pick "EC2" and click "Next"
- Search "AWSCodeCommitFullAccess","AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess" and click the check box
- Click Next, Inut Tag Key and Value if you want
- Click Next to enter "Name" = "Workshop_Cloud9"
- and "Description" = "Temp EC2 Role for Workshop " and click "Create" for the Role.
Create Role, service pick "CodeDeploy", select "ECS" and click to "Next"
Click Next to enter "Name" = "Workshop_CodeDeploy"
and "Description" = "Temp CodeDeploy Role for Workshop " and click "Create" for the Role.
Click "Attach Policy"
Search "AWSCodeDeployRoleForECS" and click the check box
- Create Role, service pick "CodeBuild" and click "Next"
- Search "AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess","CloudWatchLogsFullAccess" and click the check box
- Click Next, Inut Tag Key and Value if you want
- Click Next to enter "Name" = "Workshop_CodeBuild"
- and "Description" = "Temp CodeBuild Role for Workshop " and click "Create" for the Role.
- Create Role, service pick "Elastic Container Service" and "Elastic Container Service Task" click "Next"
- Search "AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy","CloudWatchLogsFullAccess" and click the check box
- Click Next, Inut Tag Key and Value if you want
- Click Next to enter "Name" = "Workshop_ECSTask"
- and "Description" = "Temp ECSTask Role for Workshop " and click "Create" for the Role.
- AWS Console > Services > Cloud9 > Create Environment
- Enter "Name" and "Description" for your Environment, and click Next Step
- Select "Create a new instance for environment (EC2)" for Environment Type
- Select "t3.micro" for Instance Type
- Select "Amazon Linux" for Platform, and click Next Step
- Input Tag Key and Value if you want, and click "Create Environment"
Then we need to Attach the IAM Role onto this Cloud9 Environment
- AWS Console > Services > EC2 > Instances > Click the EC2 Instance for your Cloud9 > Actions > Instance Settings > Attach/Replace IAM Role > Choose the IAM Role we created in Step2
- Back to Cloud9 > Cloud9 Icon (Upper Left Corner) > Perference > AWS Settings > Credential > AWS Managed Temperory Credential > Off
- After the IDE launch, click to "bash" tab in the botton of the IDE page
git clone
cd AWSWorkshop-20200410-CodeCommit-CodePipeline-ECS-Fargate
aws codecommit create-repository --repository-name workshop-devops-ccef
And you will get an output like this:
"repositoryMetadata": {
"repositoryName": "workshop-devops-ccef",
"cloneUrlSsh": "ssh://",
"lastModifiedDate": 1586480711.24,
"repositoryId": "ad8c32e9-ffcc-4976-8573-0c2c6ca2c570",
"cloneUrlHttp": "",
"creationDate": 1586480711.24,
"Arn": "arn:aws:codecommit:ap-northeast-1:384612698411:workshop-devops-ccef",
"accountId": "384612698411"
Now we use following command to push workshop files into your new CodeCommit repository: And please replace the with your own repo url like ""
git remote remove origin
git remote add origin <cloneUrlHttp>
git push origin master
Then we are going to initialize our ECR
docker build -t workshop-devops-ccef .
Then, create ECR with awscli:
sudo pip install --upgrade awscli
alias aws=/usr/local/bin/aws
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name workshop-devops-ccef
And you will see ECR result as:
"repository": {
"registryId": "384612698411",
"repositoryName": "workshop-devops-ccef",
"repositoryArn": "arn:aws:ecr:ap-northeast-1:384612698411:repository/workshop-devops-ccef",
"createdAt": 1586482684.0,
"repositoryUri": ""
And then please replace with your value, and <AWS_REGION> with where you are, us-east-1 as default.
aws ecr get-login-password --region <AWS_REGION> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <repositoryUri>
docker tag workshop-devops-ccef:latest <repositoryUri>:latest
docker push <repositoryUri>:latest
# Example
# aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-northeast-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
# docker tag workshop-devops-ccef:latest
# docker push
- Create Security Group, Target Group *2 and Application Loadbalancer *2.
- AWS Console > Services > EC2 > Security Group
- Click Create Security Group
- Name=Workshop_port_80, VPC=Default, Description=Temp Security Group for Workshop
- Inbound Rule > Add Rule > Type=HTTP, Source=Anywhere
- ***AWS Console > Services > EC2 > Load Balancers
- Click Create Load Balancer
- Click "Application Load Balancer"
- Name=alb-prod, Scheme=internet-facing, IP Address Type=ipv4
- Load Balancer Protocol=HTTP, Load Balancer Port=80
- AZS > VPC=default, AZ=Select all
- Click Next to Security Group, Select "Workshop_port_80"
- Click Next to Target Group, Select "New Target Group", Name=tg-prod, Target type=IP, Protocol=HTTP, Port=80
- Click to Review and Create
- AWS Console > Services > EC2 > Load Balancers
- Click Create Load Balancer
- Click "Application Load Balancer"
- Name=alb-beta, Scheme=internet-facing, IP Address Type=ipv4
- Load Balancer Protocol=HTTP, Load Balancer Port=80
- AZS > VPC=default, AZ=Select all
- Click Next to Security Group, Select "Workshop_port_80"
- Click Next to Target Group, Select "New Target Group", Name=tg-beta, Target type=IP, Protocol=HTTP, Port=80
- Click to Review and Create
- Now we are going to create our ECS Fargate Services for our Beta & Prod Env
- AWS Console > Services > ECS
- Clusters > Create Cluster > Type=Network Only (Fargate) > Cluster Name=fargate-prod
- Clusters > Create Cluster > Type=Network Only (Fargate) > Cluster Name=fargate-beta
- In this workshop, we try to simulate how we implement on real corp env, so we separate the services into two fargate clusters.
- Task Definitions > Create New Task Definition > Launch Type=Fargate > Next
- Task Definition Name=td-workshop-devops-ccef, Task Role=ecsTaskExecutionRole, Task Execution Role=ecsTaskExecutionRole
- Task Size > Memory=1GB, CPU=0.5vCPU
- Add Container > Container name=MyWebService, Image=:latest, Soft Limit=1024, Port Mapping=80/TCP Example --> Image =
- Click ADD then back to Task Definiton
- Now we are going to create servcie on fargate cluster
- Clusters > fargate-prod > Servcies > Create
- Launch Type=FARGATE, Task Defintion=MyWebService, Cluster=fargate-prod
- Service Name=service-prod, Service Type=REPLICA, Number of Tasks=2
- Deployments > Deployment Type=Blue/green deployment (powered by AWS CodeDeploy), Depolyment Configuration=CodeDeployDefault.ECSAllAtOnce, Service role for CodeDepoly=Workshop_CodeDeploy, Placement Templates=AZ Balanced Spread
- Click Next and start to setup VPC > VPC=default, Subnets=Select All, Security Group=Workshop_port_80, Health check grace period=30, Load balancer type=Application Load Balancer
- Load balancer name=alb-prod, choose the Container name:port=MyWebService:80 and click ***Add to load balancer
- Test Listener > unclick
- Target group 1 name > Select existed > tg-prod
- Target group 2 name > create new > use default like "tg-fargate-service-prod"
- Service discovery > unclick
- Click Next to Create
And also we will repeat this action to create a service for beta env.
- Clusters > fargate-beta > Servcies > Create
- Launch Type=FARGATE, Task Defintion=MyWebService, Cluster=fargate-beta
- Service Name=service-beta, Service Type=REPLICA, Number of Tasks=2
- Deployments > Deployment Type=Blue/green deployment (powered by AWS CodeDeploy), Depolyment Configuration=CodeDeployDefault.ECSAllAtOnce, Service role for CodeDepoly=Workshop_CodeDeploy, Placement Templates=AZ Balanced Spread
- Click Next and start to setup VPC > VPC=default, Subnets=Select All, Security Group=Workshop_port_80, Health check grace period=30, Load balancer type=Application Load Balancer
- Load balancer name=alb-beta, choose the Container name:port=MyWebService:80 and click ***Add to load balancer
- Test Listener > unclick
- Target group 1 name > Select existed > tg-beta
- Target group 2 name > create new > use default like "tg-fargate-service-beta"
- Service discovery > unclick
- Click Next to Create
**From Step.4 ~ Step.6, now we are able to create service on Amazon Elastic Container Service with AWS Fargate sytle.
- Start to built our automation, we will leverage AWS CodePipeline to connect the service and flow.
- Here we will separate the flow into two pipeline CI & CD
- Now we build up the CI pipeline.
- AWS Console > Services > CodePipeline > Create Pipeline
- pipeline name=Code_to_Docker > Next
- Source Stage > Source Provider=CodeCommit, Repository Name=workshop-devops-ccef, Branch Name=master, Change detection options =Amazon CloudWatch Events (recommended) > Next
- Build Stage > Build Provider=CodeBuild
- Click Project > Project Name=Build_Code_To_ECR, Environment image=Managed image, Operating System=Ubuntu, Runtime=Standard, Image=aws/codebuild:2.0, Environment Type=Linux, Privileged (check)
- Role Name=Workshop_CodeBuild
- Buildspec > select "Use a buildspec file" > Continue to Codepipeline Then you will see an information Successfully created Build_Code_To_ECR in CodeBuild. Before click to next stage, please click add environment variable and input following setting
- AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=<your account Id>
- AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=<where you are>
- IMAGE_REPO_NAME=workshop-devops-ccef
- IMAGE_TAG=latest
- Click Next and Skip Deploy Stage > Create
Now Click "Release Change" and see how it goes
- AWS Console > Services > Elastic Container Registry > workshop-devops-ccef And you will see new Image been pushed onto ECR.
- Now we are going to build up CD pipeline
- AWS Console > Services > CodePipeline > Create Pipeline
- pipeline name=ECR_to_ECS > Next
- Source Stage > Source Provider=CodeCommit, Repository Name=workshop-devops-ccef, Branch Name=master, Change detection options =Amazon CloudWatch Events (recommended) > Next
- Skip Build Stage > Next
- Deploy Stage > Deploy Provider=Amazon ECS(Blue/Green), Application=AppECS-fargate-beta-service-beta, Deployment Group=Dgp-ECS-fargate-beta-service-beta, Amazon ECS task definition=SourceArtifact/taskdef.json, AWS CodeDeploy AppSpec file =SourceArtifact/appspec.yaml
- Click Next > Create
Now we are not yet done on CD pipeline, for the Source provide we still lack the other half - ECR.
- Click Edit on ECR_to_ECS pipeline
- Then Edit on Source Stage, Click "Add Action"
- Action Name=Image, Action Provider=Amazon ECR, Repository Name=workshop-devops-ccef, Image tag=latest, Output Artifact=IMAGE1
- Click Done on Action and Source Stage
- Click Edit on Deploy Stage
- Edit CodeDeploy
- Add Input Artifact, and select IMAGE1
- update Input artifact with image details=IMAGE1
- update Placeholder text in the task definition=IMAGE1_NAME
- Click Done on Action and Deploy Stage
- Click Edit on ECR_to_ECS pipeline
- Add a stage after deploy stage
- Select Manual Approvaal as provider
- Add a new stage after manual approval
- optional: Create an SNS topic to receive approval notification, and also add a subscription for this approval
- Repeat Step.7 to create a deployment toward prod Env (Application=AppECS-fargate-prod-service-prod)
- clean up the 2 ECS-Fargate Cluster from AWS Console > Service > ECS
- clean up 2 CodePipeline from AWS Console > Service > CodePipeline
- Terminate the Cloud9 Env from AWS Console > Cloud9 > Environment > Delete
- Remove 3 IAM Role from AWS Console > IAM > Role/User > Delete