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Our game is a two player iteration of the popular card game Spades. In this game,

you are pitted against an NPC (the computer) with the objective of scoring 200 points first through a series of rounds. If your score reaches a negative score of 250, or you receive two sets (a round in which you don't win at least as many hands as you bid before the round), you lose the game. Beisdes winning hands, there are bags, nil, and other ways to be penalized or awarded more ponts.


1.) Go to , Austin's github where our game is located. 2.) You will be redirected to our index.html page, where our rules will be displayed. Carefully read through the rules and ensure that you understand the basics of the game.

3.) Common questions:

What is a nil?

A nil is when you bid zero with the intentions of not winning a single hand (book).

Successful nils add 100 pts to your score, while unsuccessful ones deduct 100 points. An unsuccussful nil also means you'll accumulate some bags (more on bags next).

What is a bid?

A bid is the total number of hands (books) which you expect to win at the beginning

of each round. It is a number from 0-13 and should be based upon your hand and how many cards in your hand you think will beat the NPC. If you receive cards that are likely to win a hand (eg. many high valued spades or King or Ace cards), then you should bid +1 for each that you are likely to win. However, be careful to not overbid, as you will receive a set for a round in which you do not win at least as many hands as you bid. Two sets equals game lost and the first set subtracts 10*the number you bid (eg. bid 7 your score will go back 10x7=70). Once you win as many cards as your bid, the goal is to stop at that number and not win anymore hands. For every hand you win beyond the number you bid, your number of bags increases by 1. Once your number of bags reaches 5, your score is deducted 50 points and the bags counter resets to 0. Bags are cumulative and overlap through hands. As such, it is very important to carefully place your bid and to carefully manage your cards throughout the game.

How does the spades suit work in the game?

The other three suits function similarly to how you would expect, with higher

valued numbers of the same suit winning the hand (values from 2 to Ace). If you are following (the computer plays first) then you must stay in the same suit as what was played if you have a card of that suit in your hand (eg.8 diamonds was played,if you have 7 diamonds and no other diamonds you must play it and you will lose the hand). If you do not have a card of the suit that was played AND you do not have a spades suit, then you must play another card of another suit and will automatically lose the hand regardless of the card value (eg. 7 diamonds was played and you only have 10 hearts and 9 clubs, you must play one of those two and you will lose the hand). However, if you are playing second and you do not have the non spade suit that was played, you can play a spades card if you have one, and, assuming spades cards have not yet been played, you can now follow with spades, where as before you could only follow with the other three suits. If you choose to follow with a spade, then spades have officially been "broken" and you can now lead with them (where as before you could only start a hand with the other three suits). For the hand in question, you will automatically win the hand regardless of the lead card as Spades trump all other suits. Going forward, you can lead with a Spades suit, forcing the computer to play spades (if it has any) at which point the hand functions similar to non spades hands (higher value spade wins). Trivially, if you lead a spade and the computer follows with a non-spade, you win, because the computer followed off-suit with a non-spade. If you play first and play a non spades card, the computer too can now play a spades card and automatically win the hand (this is assuming they do not have a card of the same suit in their hand).

starting the game

4.) Once you have finished reading the rules (if you forget them, there will be a chance to read an abbreviated version during the game), please click on the "Start Game!" button in the lower left corner when ready to play.

5.) This will redirect you to the game page, where you will be presented with two rows with three columns in each. The first row tallies your score, the number of bags you've accumulated, and keeps track of the number of sets you have. The second row does the same but for the computer. Additionally, there is a prompt to start the first round by drawing followed by five buttons: Rules, Score Round, Draw, Bid, and Start Hand. The Rules button, again, shows you a quick review of the rules. The score round button is used at the end of each round to calculate the total points, bags, and sets that will be added or deducted from each users stats. The score button will also tell you when the game is over and who won. The Draw button is used in the beginning of each round to draw the cards that will be used in each hand. The Bid button is used after both players have drawn 13 cards each and prompts you, when clicked, to estimate the number of hands you expect you will win. The Start Hand button is used to start a new hand after the last hand was finished in a round.

6.) To begin, please click the draw button upon which a prompt will display asking you if you would like to pick the card which has been randomly chosen. If this is a card which you want, please click OK and the card will be added to your hand (another randomly chosen card will be discarded) and the computer will do a similar process under the hood next). If you do not want this card, click cancel and the card will be discarded and another card will automatically be chosen for you. Each time this happens, the computer will also draw a card and discard one too. Continue drawing until you have reached 13 cards and a message will be displayed above "USER:xxx..." saying "The deck is empty, please click the Bid button.

7.) At this point, please click the bid button. A prompt will appear asking you to bid a number between 0 and 13, please do so keeping in mind the cards you have.

8.) After you have bid, please click the Start Hand button to commence the round (if you try and click another button, you will be prompted to click the Start Hand button).

9.) Since it is your first round, round 0, (and the program is designed to have the user play first on even rounds (0,2,4 etc.) and the computer to play on odd rounds (1,3,5), you should play a non spades suit. The computer will then play a card of the same suit (if it has one) and, depending on the value of each card and who won, your number of books will either increase by 1, or the computer's books will increase by 1. Books are the number of hands you have won in the round. You want your number of books to equal what you bid to avoid both bags and getting set.

10.) Please hit start hand again. If you win a hand, you lead the next one. If you lose, the computer leads and an alert shows up saying what the computer has played (this will not change if you hit it again or if you change pages). Then, after clicking out of the alert, a prompt will show displaying the computer's played card again and prompting you to play your card. BE SURE TO TYPE THE EXACT LETTER/NUMBERS each card is represented by (case sensitive). This is because our scoring method uses the decimal values of the characters through ASCII representation. If you don't type your card exactly as it appears in your hand, you will continue to be prompted until you do so, given that card is a valid one to play. The winner will be determined and the books will be updated accordingly. The card you and the computer played will be shown until the next round. Those cards will also be removed from your's and the computer's hands.

11.) Each time you play, your hand (USER:xxx...) will be depleted until you have exhausted all cards. Continue playing until your hand is empty and you have gone through a total of 13 hands. Be sure to monitor the books you have accumulated and make a plan if you are quickly approaching your bid, or, if you are not close to it.

12.) After your hand is depleted, a prompt will pop up showing that you should now score the round. This means that the round is over and it is time to see the points, bags, and sets you and the computer have received.

13.) Please click the Score Round button and, upon clicking, you will see the USER and COMP Score:, Bags:, and Sets: update to reflect the previous round results.

14.) You should then repeat the process, drawing cards again, placing your bid, playing hands, and scoring until one of three things happens:

1.) You and/or the computer reaches 200 points. This means that the game has ended and
a winner or a tie game has been declared.

2.) You and/or the computer reaches -250 points. This means that a loser has been
declared and, by default, a winner too (unless both get -250 in which it is a tie game).
The game ends here.

3.) You and/or the computer reaches 2 sets. This means that the game has ended. If both
get 2 sets, then it is a tie game. If only one player is set twice, then the other player
wins. In the case where a min score is reached by one of the players BUT the other player
has reached 2 sets, the sets trump the min score and the player who got two sets loses.

15.) After the game has ended and a victor is decided, text appears telling the user to refresh the page to play again.

16.) Upon refreshing the page, the process begins again from step 5, beginning on the game page.


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