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The shallow water equations (SWE) have found utility as an academic tool to study
and explain fundamental geophysical phenomena [see chapter 3,
@vallis_atmospheric_2017] and also as the "dynamical core" of some numerical
weather prediction models [for eg., a flux vector splitting scheme based
formulation of the SWE [@lin_explicit_1997] was used in NOAA's GFS model until
recently]1. The governing equations for a single layer shallow layer
of fluid are:
\label{eq:dtu0} \partial_t \mathbf{u} & = - (\mathbf{u}.\nabla) \mathbf{u}
- c^2 \nabla h - f\mathbf{e_z} \times \mathbf{u}, \
\label{eq:dth} \partial_t h & = - \nabla \cdot (h \mathbf{u}),
where $\bf u$ is two-dimensional horizontal velocity vector, $c$ is the phase
speed of gravity waves, $f$ is the system rotation, $h = (1 + \eta)$ is the
non-dimensional scalar height field, and $\eta$ is surface displacement. In
this inviscid formulation, the system of equations [@Eq:dtu0;@eq:dth]
conserves the sum of kinetic and potential energy, defined as $E = E_K + E_P$,
where $E_K= h|\bf u|^2$ and $E_P = c^2h^2 / 2$. Expanding the expression for
$E_P$ in $\eta$ we get,
E_P = c^2(1/2 + \eta + \eta^2/2).
The first term is the constant background potential energy, while
the two remaining terms are the potential energy associates with
surface displacements. The second term, which is linear in $\eta$,
is conserved by @eq:dtu0. The third term, $E_A = c^2n^2/2$,
may be called available potential energy (APE), a concept introduce
by @Lorenz:1955. The SWE also conserves the sum $E_K + E_A$. As a matter of
fact, wave motions in SWE is characterized by equipartition between
kinetic and available potential energy.
The inviscid SWE has another materially conserved invariant which is potential
vorticity, $Q = (\zeta + f)/h$.
Conservation of potential vorticity is crucial to explain several
geophysical fluid motions [@vallis_atmospheric_2017].
Since $Q$ is a materially conserved quantity, so are higher powers of $Q$,
including the quadratic potential enstrophy.
From a turbulence perspective [@Warn1986;@LindborgMohanan2017], the
non-quadratic nature of potential enstrophy restricts our interpretation of a
potential enstrophy cascade. However, in the limit of strong rotation or QG
limit, we can study its linearized form, $q = \zeta - f\eta$, which is
approximately conserved.
In comparison with the QG equation which conserves quasi-geostrophic
potential vorticity, the SWE permits both quasi-geostrophic (vortices) and
ageostrophic (gravity waves) modes. On the one hand, the QG equation is similar to
the incompressible 2D Navier-Stokes equations, and on the other hand, the SWE
system has some similarities with the compressible 2D Navier-Stokes equations
-- due to fact that [@eq:dth] has the same mathematical structure as the
mass-conservation equation for advection of density $\rho$, and because shock
waves are produced in the SWE
[@Eq:dtu0] may also be written in the rotational form as:
\partial_t \mathbf{u}
= - \nabla |\mathbf{u}|^2/2 - c^2 \nabla h - \zeta \mathbf{\hat{e}}_z
\times \mathbf{u},
where, [$\zeta$]{acronym-label="zeta" acronym-form="singular+short"} represents
absolute vorticity, i.e. the sum of vorticity and system rotation.
Furthermore, some auxiliary equations are derived from the SWE. [@Eq:dtu0]
and [@eq:dth] can be combined to form an equation for the total mass flux,
[J]{acronym-label="J" acronym-form="singular+short"} $= h\mathbf{u}$:
\partial_t \mathbf{J} = -(\mathbf{u}.\nabla)\mathbf{J} - \nabla(c^2h^2)/2 -
\zeta \mathbf{\hat{e}}_z \times \mathbf{J} - (\nabla.
For a divergence free flow, a Poisson equation for h can be
formulated. Taking the divergence of [@eq:dtu0], yields the Poisson equation:
\nabla^2 h = \frac{1}{c^2} \left[ \nabla.(\zeta \mathbf{\hat{e}}z \times \mathbf u )
- \nabla^2 \frac{|u|^2}{2} \right].
The spectral counterpart for [@eq:poisson] in tensor notation is:
-\kappa^2 \hat{h} = \frac{1}{c^2} \left[ ik_i (\widehat{\epsilon{ijk} \zeta_j
+ \kappa^2 \frac{\widehat{u_i u_i}}{2} \right],
where the $\widehat{\text{ }}$ denotes the Fourier transform. To study
interactions within SW turbulence it is useful to decompose the flow field. We
consider two decompositions: the Helmholtz and the normal-mode decomposition.
Helmholtz Decomposition
The fundamental theorem of vector calculus [@baird_helmholtz_2012] states that
any well-behaved vector field can be decomposed into the sum of an irrotational
vector field and a rotational or non-divergent vector field. This allows us to
express the velocity field as:
\mathbf{u} & = -\nabla \times (\mathbf{\hat{e}}_z \Psi) + \nabla \chi.
For the sake of clarity, we shall denote the rotational and divergent parts of
the velocity with the suffix r and d respectively,
\mathbf{u}^r = -\nabla \times \mathbf{\hat{e}}_z\Psi, \quad \mathbf{u}^d =
\nabla \chi.
To find the projection operator for the divergent part, take the
divergence of [@eq:helm_u], giving $\nabla \cdot \mathbf{u} = \nabla^2 {\bf \chi}$.
This equation transforms into spectral space as $i{\bf k} \cdot \hat{\bf u} =
-\kappa^2 \hat{\chi}$, implying:
{\hat{\bf u}}^d = & i {\bf k}\hat{\chi} = \frac{{\bf k}\cdot\hat{\bf u}}{\kappa^2} {\bf k}, \
{\hat{\bf u}}^r = & \hat{\bf u} - {\hat{\bf u}}^d,
where, $\kappa = |\mathbf{k}|$, is the magnitude of the wavenumber vector.
To obtain a similar decomposition, $h = h^r + h^d$, for the fluid depth one can
use the Poisson equation [@eq:poisson_fft]. Since the Poisson equation requires a
divergence free flow, the LHS of [@eq:poisson_fft] would correspond to the
rotational part of the flow in the transformed plane, i.e. $\hat{h}^r$.
Henceforth, the divergent part, $\hat{h}^d$ can be obtained by subtracting
$\hat{h}^r$ from $\hat{h}$. While the Helmholtz decomposition is simple to compute
and provide insightful results, it may be more revealing to apply a
normal-mode decomposition -- especially in the case with
system rotation, wherein potential vorticity is conserved and not vorticity.
Normal mode decomposition
@bartello_geostrophic_1995 demonstrated how the
Boussinesq equations can be analysed using a normal-mode decomposition. Here,
we follow the same procedure for the SWE. In order to isolate the geostrophic
modes from the oscillating fast modes, we linearize the SWE followed by a
normal mode or eigenmode decomposition. The linearized [@eq:dtu0] and [@eq:dth]
can be written as
\partial_t \mathbf u = & - c^2 \nabla \eta - f\mathbf{e_z} \times \mathbf u, \
\partial_t \eta = & - \nabla \cdot \mathbf u.
Taking the curl and divergence of @eq:dtu_l gives the following evolution
\partial_t \zeta = & - f \delta \label{eq:dtcurl_l}, \
\partial_t \delta = & f \zeta - c^2 \nabla^2 \eta \label{eq:dtdiv_l}, \
\partial_t \eta = & - \delta \label{eq:dteta_l},
where $\zeta$ is the relative vorticity and $\delta$ is the divergence.
Representing the dependent flow quantities in terms of Fourier modes:
u \ v \ \eta \ \zeta \ \delta
\end{pmatrix} (\mathbf{r},t)
= \int
\hat{u} \ \hat{v} \ \hat{\eta} \ \hat{\zeta} \ \hat{\delta}
\end{pmatrix} e^{i(\mathbf k \cdot \mathbf{r} - \omega t)} \mathbf{dk} d\omega,
allows us to rewrite the system of equations
[@eq:dtcurl_l;@eq:dtdiv_l;@eq:dteta_l] as an eigenvalue problem:
\hat{\zeta} \ \hat{\delta} \c\kappa\hat{\eta}
= i
0 & if & 0 \
-if & 0 & -ic\kappa \
0 & ic\kappa & 0
\hat{\zeta} \ \hat{\delta} \c\kappa\hat{\eta}
Let us define $A$ as the Hermitian matrix operating on the vector
$\mathbf{W} = {\hat{\zeta}, \hat{\delta} ,c\kappa \hat{\eta} }^T$ which
yields the familiar dispersion relation for the slow geostrophic mode
and fast Poincaré wave modes:
\omega^{(0)} = 0,\quad \omega^{(\pm)}=\pm \sigma,
$\sigma = \sqrt{f^2 + c^2\kappa^2 }$. These are the eigenvalues of the
matrix operator A. Since A is Hermitian, the corresponding
eigenvectors are orthogonal and these are normalized as follows
\mathbf X^{(0)}_n =
-c\kappa \ 0 \ f
\end{Bmatrix}, \quad
\mathbf X^{(\pm)}_n =
\frac{1}{\sqrt{2} \sigma}
f \ \mp i\sigma \ c\kappa
Let $X_n$ be the eigenvector matrix, which follows the property $X_n X_n^=I$,
where $^$ represents the Hermitian transpose. It can be applied to
diagonalize the system of equations as follows:
\partial_t \mathbf{W} = & [A] \mathbf{W}, \
\partial_t (X_n^* \mathbf{W}) = & X_n^[A]X_n
X_n^\mathbf{W} = [\Lambda] (X_n^\mathbf{W}),
where $\Lambda$ is the diagonal eigenvalue matrix. Thus, the alternate
diagonalized system of equations for the normal modes are given by:
= &
0 & 0 & 0 \
0 & -i\sigma & 0 \
0 & 0 & i\sigma
\mathbf{N} = X_n^* \mathbf{W}
= & \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}\sigma}
-\sqrt{2}c\kappa(\hat{\zeta} -f \hat{\eta}) \
f\hat{\zeta} + c^2\kappa^2\hat{\eta} - i\sigma\hat{\delta} \
f\hat{\zeta} + c^2\kappa^2\hat{\eta} + i\sigma\hat{\delta}
The first mode represents linearized potential vorticity. The remaining two
are the linearized ageostrophic or wave modes. In the absence of system
rotation, i.e. $f=0$, the normal modes reduce to,
\mathbf{N} =
\hat \zeta \
\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (c\kappa \hat{\eta} - i\hat{\delta}) \
\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (c\kappa \hat{\eta} + i\hat{\delta})
Normal mode inversion to primitive variables
To study the spectral energy budget, normal modes have to be transformed
back to the primitive variable using another matrix operation, say $Q$.
The normal modes can be represented by $\mathbf{N} = X_n^* \mathbf{W}$.
Now, we form a new vector $\mathbf{B} = \mathbf{N}/\kappa$ which has the same
dimension as velocity. Thus,
= & \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}\sigma}
\begin{Bmatrix} \sqrt{2} c\left(-
\kappa^{2} \hat \psi + f\hat\eta \right) \
\kappa \left(c^{2} \eta + f \psi + i \phi \sigma\right) \
\kappa \left(c^{2} \eta + f \psi - i \phi \sigma\right)
The vector can also be related to the primitive variable
vector, $\mathbf{U} = {\hat{u},\hat{v},c\hat{\eta}}^T$ using
transformation matrices as follows:
\mathbf{B} = & \frac{1}{\kappa}X_n^* \mathbf{W}, \
= & \frac{1}{\kappa}X_n^* [P] \mathbf{U},
\begin{bmatrix}- i k_{y} & i k_{x} & 0 \ i k_{x} & i
k_{y} &
0 \0 & 0 & \kappa
It is also straightforward to show that the magnitude of the normal modes
equals the total energy as:
= \frac{1}{\kappa^2} \mathbf{U}^ [P]^X_n X_n^ [P] \mathbf{U}
= \mathbf{U}^\mathbf{U},
(E_K+E_P)=\frac{1}{2}\sum_i B^{(i)}{B}^{(i)}=
\frac{1}{2}\kappa^{2}(\psi {\psi}^* +\kappa^{2} \phi {\phi}^* + c^{2} \eta {\eta}^)
= \frac{1}{2}(uu^ + vv^* + c^2\eta\eta^).
The primitive variables can be represented in terms of normal modes as,
$$\mathbf{U} = [Q]\mathbf{B}$${#eq:uqmatb}
where, the inversion matrix is
= & \kappa [P]^{-1}{X_n}^{^{-1}} \
= & \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}\sigma\kappa}
-i\sqrt{2}c\kappa k_{y} &
\left(i f k_{y} +
k_{x} \sigma\right) &
\left(i f k_{y} - k_{x} \sigma\right) \
i \sqrt{2}c\kappa k_{x} &
\left(- i f k_{x} + k_{y} \sigma\right) &
- \left(i f k_{x} + k_{y} \sigma\right) \
\sqrt{2}\kappa f &
c\kappa^{2} &
In tensor notation,
\hat{u}l = & \epsilon{lm3} ik_m\left[ -\frac{c}{\sigma} B^{(0)} +
\frac{f}{\sqrt{2}\sigma\kappa} (B^{(+)} + B^{(-)})
+ k_l \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}\kappa} (B^{(+)} - B^{(-)}), \
c\hat{\eta} = & \frac{f}{\sigma} B^{(0)} + \frac{c\kappa}{\sqrt{2}\sigma}
(B^{(+)} + B^{(-)}).