- Comfortable installing software and using command line tools
- An Amazon AWS Account (EMR is not available with the free usage tier)
- Install the Amazon EMR CLI
- http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ElasticMapReduce/latest/DeveloperGuide/emr-cli-install.html
- When setting up your account always use the same region (e.g. "us-east-1")
- Windows Users:
- If the link on Amazon to install Ruby is broken use this one: http://rubyinstaller.org/
- The use of the Windows command prompt is required: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/open-a-command-prompt-window
- Follow all the instructions!
- This step will have you setup an S3 bucket and generate a key-pair that will be used below
- Do a
git clone
of this repo or download the files as a zip (click the "Download ZIP" button on the right) from this github site and unzip them - Upload all
scripts to your S3 Bucket (ignore the Rhipe-*tar.gz)- This can be done through the AWS S3 web site
- Copy the command below to your favorite text editor then replace
with your own S3 bucket (and path if different) and specify the key-pair you just made in the Amazon EMR install guide - Run the command from the command line (or DOS Prompt) on your local machine where you installed elastic-mapreduce as outlined in the install guide above
- Linux/Mac
./elastic-mapreduce --create --alive --name "RhipeCluster" --enable-debugging \
--num-instances 2 --slave-instance-type m1.large --master-instance-type m3.xlarge --ami-version "2.4.2" \
--with-termination-protection \
--key-pair <Your Key Pair> \
--log-uri s3://<bucket>/logs \
--bootstrap-action s3://elasticmapreduce/bootstrap-actions/configure-hadoop \
--args "-m,mapred.reduce.tasks.speculative.execution=false" \
--args "-m,mapred.map.tasks.speculative.execution=false" \
--args "-m,mapred.map.child.java.opts=-Xmx1024m" \
--args "-m,mapred.reduce.child.java.opts=-Xmx1024m" \
--args "-m,mapred.job.reuse.jvm.num.tasks=1" \
--bootstrap-action "s3://<bucket>/install-preconfigure" \
--bootstrap-action "s3://<bucket>/install-r" \
--bootstrap-action s3://elasticmapreduce/bootstrap-actions/run-if --args "instance.isMaster=true,s3://<bucket>/install-rstudio" \
--bootstrap-action s3://elasticmapreduce/bootstrap-actions/run-if --args "instance.isMaster=true,s3://<bucket>/install-shiny-server" \
--bootstrap-action s3://elasticmapreduce/bootstrap-actions/run-if --args "instance.isMaster=true,s3://<bucket>/install-post-hadoop" \
--bootstrap-action "s3://<bucket>/install-protobuf" \
--bootstrap-action "s3://<bucket>/install-rhipe" \
--bootstrap-action "s3://<bucket>/install-additional-pkgs" \
--bootstrap-action "s3://<bucket>/install-post-configure"
- Windows Users:
- Run the following command from the DOS Prompt
ruby elastic-mapreduce <all the above arguments on a single line>
- Run the following command from the DOS Prompt
You can monitor the progress on the EMR console
Currently there a few steps that have not been automated that need to be done manually when the cluster has finished provisioning
Once the cluster has been spun up (around 10 - 15 min) you can access the master node via ssh through the elastic-mapreduce CLI
- Linux/Mac
./elastic-mapreduce --ssh -j <job id from previous command>
(if you are familiar with EC2 you can access the master node via the ip address and pem as well) - Windows Users:
ruby elastic-mapreduce -ssh -j <job id from previous command>
From the AWS EC2 web site, find the master node in the EC2 instance list and select the security group
- Select the "Inbound" tab
- Click "Edit"
- Add "Custom TCP rule"
- "port range" = 8787
- "source" = your IP address OR Anywhere
Repeat for ports (check that the port are not already available first): 22, 9100, 9103
From your local machine, using the IP address or public DNS of the master node (listed in the cluster details on the AWS EMR console page above) from a web browser navigate to http://[master ip address]:8787
login as user3/user3
- Unable to ssh into master node:
- Verify that ssh port 22 is open in the security group for the master node as done above for rstudio above
- If using the elastic-mapreduce cli check that the credentials file has been setup and is named "credentials.json". If using Windows, it may try to add a ".txt" extension to this file which will not work.
- If the elastic-mapreduce cli cannot find the key-pair named in the credentials file, make sure on AWS (EC2 -> key pair) the key-pair is in the same region as specified in the credentials file
- Some corporate networks block Amazon AWS IP addresses. In this case you can only run R by ssh'ing in and running R from the command line or by using an alternate network
- This is based on Amazon AMI image 2.4.2. More current AMIs come with R 3.x preinstalled and will be looked at in the future
- Amazon Hadoop 1.0.3 comes with Google proto bufs 2.4.1
- This script uses Rhipe 0.74 which depends on proto bufs 2.4.1
- Rhipe 0.75 is based on proto bufs 2.5.0 and initial testing was unsuccessful even with prot bufs 2.5 manually installed
- "m1.large" or larger instance types must be used. Smaller instance types have caused issues where hadoop is unable to start