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Objective 6: Navigate Terraform workflow

Describe Terraform workflow ( Write -> Plan -> Create )

  • Write
    • Author infrastructure as code
  • Plan
    • Preview changes before applying
  • Create (Apply)
    • Provision reproducible infrastructure
  • Configuration is written like any program, use version control to keep track of changes
    # Create repository
    $ git init my-infra && cd my-infra
    Initialized empty Git repository in /.../my-infra/.git/
    # Write initial config
    $ vim
    # Initialize Terraform
    $ terraform init
    Initializing provider plugins...
    # ...
    Terraform has been successfully initialized!
  • running Terraform plan repeatedly is useful to make sure there are no syntax errors and the correct code is being written per the desired outcome.
  • First run Terraform apply before pushing to git to make sure the provisions are correct
  • While working in teams it is best to use branches to avoid code collision.
    $ git checkout -b <branch-name>
     Switched to a new branch <branch-name>
  • Teams can review changes via Terraform plans and pull requests
  • Terraform cloud helps streamline this process in a team setting
    • Write - secure location for storing variables and state with the "remote" backend, then a Terraform Cloud API key is used to edit the configuration and run plans against the state file.
      terraform {
      backend "remote" {
          organization = "my-org"
          workspaces {
          prefix = "my-app-"
     $ terraform workspace select my-app-dev
     Switched to workspace "my-app-dev".
     $ terraform plan
     Running plan remotely in Terraform Enterprise.
     Output will stream here. To view this plan in a browser, visit:
     Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan...
     # ...
     Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
    • Plan - plans are automatically run when a pull request is created. Status updates are shown in the pull request view.
    • Apply - A confirm and apply is needed after merging to run an apply.

The next section will go over Terraform Commands

For a reference of all commands checkout out this file on Terraform CLI

Initialize a Terraform working directory (terraform init)

terraform init

  • prepares working directory for use
  • safe to run multiple times to bring the working directory up to date
  • it will never delete a configuration or state

Validate a Terraform configuration (terraform validate)

terraform validate

  • validates the configuration files in the dir, this does not apply to things like remote state or provider APIs
  • validate checks for syntax, internal consistency, such as attribute names and value types
  • safe to run automatically or as a test step for CI
  • requires initialized working directory

Generate and review an execution plan for Terraform (terraform plan)

Terraform plan

  • Creates an execution plan, automatically performs a refresh

Execute changes to infrastructure with Terraform (terraform apply)

terraform apply

  • applies changes needed for the desired state of the configuration
  • runs set of actions defined by a terraform plan command

Destroy Terraform managed infrastructure (terraform destroy)

terraform destroy

  • completely destroys and terraform created infrastructure

⏮️ Objective 5   ||   Objective 7