To perform a dependency upgrade we want to ensure that the PR is not introducing any new linkage errors. We do this by combining successful Jenkins test runs with analysis performed using a linkage checker. This allows us to gain confidence that we are minimizing the number of linkage issues that will arise for users. To perform a dependency upgrade:
- Find all Gradle subprojects that are impacted by the dependency change.
- For each Gradle subproject impacted by a dependency change:
- Perform the before and after linkage checker analysis.
- Provide the results as part of your PR.
- For each Gradle subproject:
- Find and run relevant Jenkins test suites.
See the following sections for how step-by-step instructions.
Execute the command below will print out a dependency report in a text file for each project:
./gradlew dependencyReport
Grep for a specific maven artifact identifier such as guava in all the dependency reports with:
grep -l "guava" `find ./ -name dependencies.txt`
⚠️ This step relies on modifying your local maven repository, typically found in ~/.m2/.
Use the shell script to do this on your behalf (note that it will run the manual command below on your current workspace and also on HEAD):
/bin/bash sdks/java/build-tools/ origin/master <your branch name> "artifactId1,artifactId2,..."
⚠️ If you omit the artifactIds, it uses beam-sdks-java-core beam-sdks-java-io-google-cloud-platform beam-runners-google-cloud-dataflow-java beam-sdks-java-io-hadoop-format; these artifacts often suffer dependency conflicts.
Copy and paste the output to the PR. If it is large, you may want to use a GitHub gist. For example PRs (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5).
Note that you can manually run the linkage checker on your current workspace by invoking:
./gradlew -Ppublishing -PjavaLinkageArtifactIds=artifactId1,artifactId2,... :checkJavaLinkage
Check the example output is:
Class org.brotli.dec.BrotliInputStream is not found;
referenced by 1 class file (beam-sdks-java-core-2.20.0-SNAPSHOT.jar)
Class com.github.luben.zstd.ZstdInputStream is not found;
referenced by 1 class file (beam-sdks-java-core-2.20.0-SNAPSHOT.jar)
Class com.github.luben.zstd.ZstdOutputStream is not found;
referenced by 1 class file (beam-sdks-java-core-2.20.0-SNAPSHOT.jar)
Class is not found;
referenced by 1 class file (beam-vendor-bytebuddy-1_9_3-0.1.jar)
Delete any installed Apache Beam SNAPSHOT artifacts:
rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/beam
You can find all Jenkins job configurations within and request that the reviewer run the relevant test suites by providing them with a list of all the relevant trigger phrases. You can perform this request directly on your PR or on the dev mailing list, for example.
Beam uses GCP-BOM to manage Google Cloud-related dependencies. A script is used to upgrade GCP-BOM dependencies. To upgrade, find the latest BOM version in and run
python scripts/tools/ <latest_bom_version>
then the changes will made in place.
This script does the following steps:
- preprocessing BeamModulePlugin.groovy to decide the dependencies need to sync
- generate an empty Maven project to fetch the exact target versions to change
- Write back to BeamModulePlugin.groovy
- Update libraries-bom version on sdks/java/container/license_scripts/dep_urls_java.yaml
In the case of modifying the script or diagnose, the following commands may be useful to identify matching/consistent dependency overrides.
export BOM_VERSION=26.22.0 ; \
cd /tmp; \
wget$BOM_VERSION/libraries-bom-$BOM_VERSION.pom -O base.pom && \
mvn help:effective-pom -f base.pom -Doutput=effective.pom && cat effective.pom | \
grep -v 'dependencyManagement' > cleanup.pom && \
mvn dependency:tree -f cleanup.pom