Templates for creating publication-ready plots in R.
Fully reproducible Rmarkdown code templates to create graphs using the using the ggplot2 package in R. Templates are completely annotated and easy to use, even for beginners to R.
Many individuals are attracted to the elegance and customization of graphs in R, but may not have the time to deal with the steep learning curve of R. I provide simple and labelled templates, designed to serve as cheat sheets for begginers to create beautiful visualizations.
- "data visualization R code.rmd" Code for how to draw graphs
- "sample_data.csv" Sample between-groups data for graphs
- "rep_measures_data.csv" Sample within-group data for graphs
- "data visualization.html" Output of R code, with examples of the possible visualizations
Thank you for using this page! Feel free to use and share the code templates. To cite, please use LaPlume, A. A. (2021). Data Visualization in R. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4599639
Writing code is similar to academic writing. When you use or adapt code created by another person, you must cite your source. (https://integrity.mit.edu/handbook/writing-code)
I am taking requests to add templates for new visualizations. Please contact me on [email protected]