aims to parse shader files written in the GLSL language and extract useful info about declared vars, inputs outputs, uniforms etc.
is a Python library implemented primarily in Rust, using the PyO3 + Maturin toolchain.
We are using the GLSL parser crate here:
It seems fairly robust and actively maintained (2021-04). Supports up to GLSL450/GLSL460.
pip install glsl-shaderinfo
Wheels for Linux (Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9) are provided.
For macOS or Windows you can still install via pip but you need to have the Rust toolchain installed (i.e. cargo
on your PATH) and then it will be built from source automatically.
You can install it via:
Now we can:
$ ipython
Python 3.9.2 (default, Feb 23 2021, 12:16:37)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.22.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
In [1]: from glsl_shaderinfo import get_info
In [2]: with open("../modernglproj/resources/shaders/myproj_geometry.glsl") as f:
...: src =
In [3]: info = get_info(src)
In [4]: info.inputs
Out[4]: [<VarInfo in VS_OUT "gs_in">]
In [5]: info.blocks
{'GS_OUT': <BlockInfo "GS_OUT" (3 fields)>,
'VS_OUT': <BlockInfo "VS_OUT" (3 fields)>}
In [7]: info.blocks[info.inputs[0].type_specifier].fields
[<FieldInfo vec2 "gridCoord">,
<FieldInfo vec3 "pos">,
<FieldInfo int "textureId">]
In [8]: info.uniforms
Out[8]: [<VarInfo uniform float "size">, <VarInfo uniform mat4 "projection">]
In [9]: info.uniforms[0].storage
Out[9]: <StorageQualifier.UNIFORM: 'Uniform'>
In [10]: info.uniforms[0].type_specifier
Out[10]: <TypeSpecifier.FLOAT: 'Float'>
In [11]: info
Out[11]: <ShaderInfo for GLSL: 330 (1 in, 1 out)>
Install the Rust toolchain:
Clone this repo.
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
maturin develop
is installed as a python library and is used as the rust-python-lib build tool.
maturin develop
builds the python module and installs it in the current virtualenv.
The Linux wheels are built via Docker:
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/io konstin2/maturin publish --username anentropic --password <pass>
will push them up to PyPI.
PyPI package metadata is derived primarily from Cargo.toml
rather than pyproject.toml
- comprehensive tests, any tests...
- here are some to copy
- also e.g. all the example programs from
- are the returned data structures the most useful representation?
- what to do with uniform blocks?
- what to do with layouts? i.e.
- other obscure corners of syntax (I believe the parser supports everything)
- docs
- docstrings:
- on the Rust side:
- PyO3 should bring them across:
- release automation via GitHub Actions
I have basically no Rust experience so the code here is probably awful, but it does work at least. I will try and improve it as I learn more.
The most flexible option for future use cases would be to re-export the whole of the glsl
crate interface into Python types and modules, i.e. expose the full parser and AST. Then we could build AST visitors for abitrary use cases in Python. Possibly we can use to shadow the types from glsl
and dump them to Python primitives. See also and possibly
But currently the AST visitors are built in the Rust side and provide a general meta info about declared variables, and we export this much smaller interface (basically just a single get_info
method and some types) into Python.
This project has a cli util for printing the AST from the parser, to help explore what is available.
To build it:
cargo build --bin glsl-ast
To run it:
target/debug/glsl-ast ../modernglproj/resources/shaders/myproj_geometry.glsl