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Awesome Android Kotlin Apps

👓 A curated list of awesome android kotlin apps by open-source contributors.

Awesome Android Kotlin Apps Count badge Android Language Badge Kotlin Language Badge androiddevnotes GitHub badge

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Awesome Android Kotlin Apps aims to be the starting point for developers to find an Android app with a particular Tech Stack / Libraries.

🔃 Last updated : Thu Oct 12 18:02:44 UTC 2023


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Jetpack Compose Apps

Name Author ✍️ Description 🗒️ Reputation 💪
awesome-jetpack-compose-android-apps androiddevnotes 👓 A curated list of awesome Jetpack Compose android apps by open-source contributors.

Last commit: 8 months ago
🌟 995
🍴 103
👁️ 21

Last commit: 12 months ago
🌟 1
🍴 0
👁️ 1
RickNMortyCompose a914-gowtham A Jetpack compose android app based on Rick and Morty Graphql

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 23
🍴 0
👁️ 1



Name Author ✍️ Description 🗒️ Reputation 💪
showly-2.0 michaldrabik Showly 2.0 is modern, slick, open-sourced Android TV Shows Tracker.

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firebase Messaging, WorkManager, Navigation, Dynamicanimation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 10 minutes ago
🌟 611
🍴 41
👁️ 14
Inure Hamza417 An elegant and beautiful premium Android app manager for both rooted and non-rooted devices and a built-in terminal, analytics panel and an independent custom theme engine, developed with purely custom APIs created for this app.

Tech Stack : LiveData, ViewModel, WebKit, APK Parser, libsu

Last commit: 1 hour ago
🌟 667
🍴 43
👁️ 14
vocable-android willowtreeapps Vocable for Android

Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Room, Data Binding, AR, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 hours ago
🌟 96
🍴 12
👁️ 106
alkaa igorescodro Open-source app to manage your tasks quickly and easily

Tech Stack : Koin, Espresso, UiAutomator, Mockk, Coroutines, Navigation, Room, MotionLayout, KTX, Modularization, Dynamic Delivery, Dark Theme, klint, Detekt, codebeat, CodeFactor, Codacy, MPAndroidChart, Groupie, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 5 hours ago
🌟 1057
🍴 114
👁️ 18
MyCuration phicdy RSS Reader for Android with article filtering and curation

Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Jsoup, WorkManager, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 15 hours ago
🌟 27
🍴 9
👁️ 1
SoMovie LouisFn

Tech Stack : Compose, Kotlin, Coroutines, Gradle Kotlin DSL, Multi Module, View Model, Room, DataStore, Paging 3, Hilt, Retrofit, Coil, JUnit, Jacoco, Ktlint, Detekt, Github Actions

Last commit: 19 hours ago
🌟 12
🍴 2
👁️ 2
NotyKT PatilShreyas 📒 NotyKT is a complete 💎Kotlin-stack (Backend + Android) 📱 application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementation🦸.

Tech Stack : Backend - Ktor, PostgreSQL; Android = Coroutines, Flow, Navigation Architecture, LiveData, ViewModel, Room DB, DataStore, Jetpack Security, WorkManager, Dagger Hilt DI, Jetpack Compose, Material UI, Retrofit, Moshi

Last commit: 2 days ago
🌟 1575
🍴 224
👁️ 25
Nekome Chesire Nekome is an Android application to manage tracked Anime and Manga lists.

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 days ago
🌟 338
🍴 40
👁️ 3
plees-tracker vmiklos Plees Tracker is a simple sleep tracker for your Android phone.

Tech Stack : Room, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 4 days ago
🌟 121
🍴 32
👁️ 7
apkupdater rumboalla APKUpdater is an open source tool that simplifies the process of finding updates for your installed apps.

Tech Stack : Koin, JSoup, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 4 days ago
🌟 1853
🍴 170
👁️ 88
libbra nuhkoca A currency tracker app demonstration. It refreshes currency list every single second based on the main currency. In addition to that, main currency is selectable.

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 4 days ago
🌟 53
🍴 11
👁️ 1
WallPortal zedlabs Minimal Wallpapers for Android using Kotlin+Compose+MVVM+Hilt+Coroutines+Jetpack(Room, Paging, Navigation)

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Paging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 5 days ago
🌟 278
🍴 48
👁️ 4
Pokedex skydoves 🗡️ Pokedex demonstrates modern Android development with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture.

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Data Binding, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 5 days ago
🌟 7069
🍴 933
👁️ 212
Kotlin-Pokedex mrcsxsiq 🌀 A Pokedex app using ViewModel, ViewBinding, LiveData, Room and Navigation

Tech Stack : LiveData, Navigation Jetpack, ViewModel, Room, Gradle Kotlin DSL, Databinding, Retrofit, Koin and Ktlint

Last commit: 6 days ago
🌟 1448
🍴 210
👁️ 24
flexbooru flexbooru A booru client for Android, support Danbooru, Moebooru, Gelbooru, Shimmie, etc.

Tech Stack : Kodein, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Exoplayer, Navigation, Tikxml, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 1 week ago
🌟 771
🍴 70
👁️ 29
habitica-android HabitRPG Native Android app for Habitica

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Retrofit, Realm, Firebase Messaging, Paging, Navigation, Facebook, FlowLayout, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 1 week ago
🌟 1237
🍴 492
👁️ 57
rugby-ranker ricknout An Android app for viewing and predicting the latest World Rugby rankings 🏉

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, insetter, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 1 week ago
🌟 288
🍴 48
👁️ 10
muzei muzei Muzei Live Wallpaper for Android

Tech Stack : Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firebase Perf, WorkManager, Paging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 weeks ago
🌟 4553
🍴 961
👁️ 185
Eyepetizer VIPyinzhiwei 🔥基于 Kotlin 语言仿写「开眼 Eyepetizer」的一个短视频 Android 客户端项目,采用 Jetpack + 协程实现的 MVVM 架构。

Tech Stack : Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, WorkManager, GSYVideoPlayer, Data Binding, PermissionX, EventBus, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 weeks ago
🌟 1762
🍴 405
👁️ 34
Photos SIKV

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase-ML, Firebase-Analytics, Paging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 weeks ago
🌟 80
🍴 17
👁️ 5
awaker ruzhan1116 article app for android

Tech Stack : RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, ExoPlayer, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 months ago
🌟 526
🍴 87
👁️ 17
raffler-kotlin fibelatti A raffling app developed as a playground to study many topics related to Android. Kotlin + Coroutines + MVVM

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Room, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 months ago
🌟 47
🍴 3
👁️ 4
GitExplorer-Android Shashank02051997 Find the right git commands 🔥 without digging through the web.😊😊😉

Tech Stack : LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 months ago
🌟 134
🍴 23
👁️ 7
open-event-attendee-android fossasia Open Event Attendee Android General App

Tech Stack : Koin, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Stripe, PayPal, Mapbox, Paging, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 months ago
🌟 1946
🍴 563
👁️ 30
The-Movie-DB-Kotlin dangquanuet The Movie DB app using Kotlin with updated Android features

Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Paging, Data Binding, Easy Permissions, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 months ago
🌟 390
🍴 92
👁️ 8
DroidNotes mrcsxsiq 📝 Note List app based on MVVM architecture (ViewModel, LiveData, Coroutines, Room and Jetpack Compose)

Tech Stack : ViewModel, LiveData, Coroutines, Room, Jetpack Compose

Last commit: 4 months ago
🌟 56
🍴 5
👁️ 3
qksms moezbhatti The most beautiful SMS messenger for Android

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Realm, ExoPlayer, Conductor, Data Binding, ShortcutBadger, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 4 months ago
🌟 4264
🍴 1065
👁️ 131
Presently alisonthemonster Android app for recording gratitude journal entries -- over 1 million installs, contribute today!

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Room, Firebase Messaging, WorkManager, Dropbox, Calendar view, Paging, Biometric, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 5 months ago
🌟 348
🍴 75
👁️ 14
Praxis mutualmobile Example Android project using MVVM, DaggerAndroid, Jetpack Compose, Retrofit, Coroutines and Multi module architecture ✌🏽

Tech Stack : Dagger, Retrofit, Coroutines, RXJava2, ViewModel, Data Binding

Last commit: 5 months ago
🌟 320
🍴 46
👁️ 10
wanandroid lulululbj Jetpack MVVM For Wanandroid 最佳实践 !

Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Navigation, FlowLayout, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 5 months ago
🌟 1362
🍴 234
👁️ 20
ForgetMeNot tema6120 A flashcard app for Android.

Tech Stack : Coroutines + Flow, SQLDelight, Kotlin Serialization, Klock, Brackeys-IDE EditorKit

Last commit: 6 months ago
🌟 333
🍴 37
👁️ 9
Updoot adityam49 A reddit client built for android

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, ExoPlayer, WorkManager, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel, Compose

Last commit: 6 months ago
🌟 66
🍴 7
👁️ 4
TvFlix reactivedroid TvFlix android app using Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, KTX, Jetpack(Room, ViewModel, Paging3, Lifecycle) based on MVVM with clean code architecture purely written in Kotlin

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Paging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 6 months ago
🌟 410
🍴 60
👁️ 15
Resplash b-lam Unofficial Unsplash Android App

Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase In-App Messaging, Paging, Navigation, Google Play Billing, Muzei, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 7 months ago
🌟 591
🍴 106
👁️ 14
fenix mozilla-mobile ⚠️ Fenix (Firefox for Android) moved to a new repository. It is now developed and maintained as part of:

Tech Stack : Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firebase Perf, WorkManager, Paging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 8 months ago
🌟 6553
🍴 1316
👁️ 144
Portfolio-App ashucoder1

Tech Stack : Kotlin, Room, Basic Intents, Gallery Image Picker

Last commit: 8 months ago
🌟 0
🍴 0
👁️ 1
iiCnma ImnIrdst A playground android app, showcasing the latest technologies and architectures using the Movie Database APIs.

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Testing, Coroutines + Flow, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel, Paging, Navigation

Last commit: 8 months ago
🌟 46
🍴 6
👁️ 2
MVVM-Architecture-Android amitshekhariitbhu MVVM architecture using Kotlin, Dagger, Retrofit, Coroutines, Flow, StateFlow, and etc.

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, RXJava2, ViewModel, Data Binding, LiveData.

Last commit: 8 months ago
🌟 435
🍴 106
👁️ 14
iosched google The Google I/O Android App

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Firebase Messaging, Firebase Functions, Navigation, ARCore, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 9 months ago
🌟 21786
🍴 6269
👁️ 1438
apturicovid-android ApturiCOVID Apturi Covid Android lietotne

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Data Binding, ShortcutBadger, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 10 months ago
🌟 38
🍴 7
👁️ 8
DeezerClone fevziomurtekin This Application using Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, LiveData),Navigation based on MVVM architecture.

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel,Navigation LiveData), Retrofit, Paging, Testing

Last commit: 11 months ago
🌟 92
🍴 9
👁️ 1
MovieMan calvinnor An open-source Android app for viewing Movies / TV information.

Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 11 months ago
🌟 81
🍴 13
👁️ 7
ChangeDetection bernaferrari Automatically track websites changes on Android in background.

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, WorkManager, Paging, Data Binding, Navigation, JSoup, js-evaluator-for-android, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 11 months ago
🌟 675
🍴 91
👁️ 19
flexbooru-ap flexbooru An client for Android.

Tech Stack : Kodein, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, Markwon, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 12 months ago
🌟 69
🍴 7
👁️ 4
Instant-Weather mayokunadeniyi An Android weather application implemented using the MVVM pattern, Retrofit2, Dagger Hilt, LiveData, ViewModel, Coroutines, Room, Navigation Components, Data Binding and some other libraries from the Android Jetpack.

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Paging, Data Binding, Navigation, Algolia Search, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 1 year ago
🌟 734
🍴 159
👁️ 19
MovieCatalogue ryanrvldo

Tech Stack : ViewModel, LiveData, Coroutines, Firebase Cloud Messaging, Retrofit, Room, Glide, Dagger Hilt, and Google Material.

Last commit: 1 year ago
🌟 22
🍴 3
👁️ 1
AnimeXStream mukul500 An Android app to watch anime on your phone without ads.

Tech Stack : Retrofit, RxJava, Epoxy, ViewModel, LiveData, Navigation, Realm, ExoPlayer v2.0, Glide

Last commit: 1 year ago
🌟 2470
🍴 214
👁️ 132
MovieHunt enginebai Movie Android App written in Kotlin, MVVM, RxJava, Jetpack Compose (implementing), Android Architecture Components and Coroutine (Upcoming).

Tech Stack : Koin, RxJava, Room, Paging, Navigation, Epoxy, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 1 year ago
🌟 684
🍴 82
👁️ 16
space-app ValterKasper An Android app which shows timeline of upcoming rocket launches and showcases architecture of real application.

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 1 year ago
🌟 153
🍴 17
👁️ 5
Upgur xiprox A very simple offline-first Imgur client app

Tech Stack : Dagger, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, android-upload-service, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 1 year ago
🌟 13
🍴 3
👁️ 2
WallpaperApp-mvvm androiddevnotesforks App for viewing and downloading wallpapers

Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Lottie, Zoomy, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 1 year ago
🌟 2
🍴 0
👁️ 0
feedapp dievskiy Calorie tracker for android that supports recipes and products search.

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Facebook Login, WorkManager, MPAndroidChart, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 1 year ago
🌟 67
🍴 14
👁️ 3
MusicPlayer ZahraHeydari Implemented using Clean Arch, MVVM, LiveData, Room, Koin, Coil, Service, Notification and ExoPlayer

Tech Stack : Koin, Testing, Room, Firebase Storage, Firebase Auth, Firebase Messaging, Firebase Perf, Firebase Functions, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 1 year ago
🌟 573
🍴 87
👁️ 12
Our-chat ganainy Private chat app with realtime notification and support audio messages,image sharing,file sharing using MVVM architecture,Firebase authentication firestore,storage,FCM,cloud functions and facebook login

Tech Stack : Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Firebase Messaging, Facebook Login, WorkManager, Dexter, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 1 year ago
🌟 29
🍴 8
👁️ 1
Kripto sauravrao637 Kripto - A Cryptocurrency app for Android.

Tech Stack : Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, State FLow, ViewModel

Last commit: 1 year ago
🌟 12
🍴 2
👁️ 1
andriod-movie-collection-application Ratheshan03

Tech Stack : Kotlin, Json, XML, SQLlite, OMBD-API, Room, Coroutines, CI-CD, ViewModel, Navigation

Last commit: 1 year ago
🌟 0
🍴 0
👁️ 1
android-arithmetic-game Ratheshan03

Tech Stack : Kotlin, Json, XML, SQLlite, OMBD-API, Room, Coroutines, ViewModel

Last commit: 1 year ago
🌟 0
🍴 0
👁️ 1
MVVM-Architecture qingmei2 The practice of MVVM + Jetpack architecture in Android.

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Paging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 1795
🍴 286
👁️ 45
NYTimes-App TheCodeMonks 🗽 A Simple Demonstration of the New York Times App 📱 using Jsoup web crawler with MVVM Architecture 🔥

Tech Stack : Coroutines, Room, JSoup, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 503
🍴 62
👁️ 14
SimpleBible mithun17 Simple Bible is a light weight Bible app that lets you read the Bible, take notes, bookmark them and share with your friends.

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines + Flow, ViewModel, Retrofit, Room, Navigation

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 27
🍴 5
👁️ 1
Tedu PHELAT Todo app but minimal, open-source, and free.

Tech Stack : Dagger, Room, Coroutines, Firebase Messaging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 142
🍴 22
👁️ 5
Pokedex-AR skydoves 🦄 Pokedex-AR demonstrates ARCore, Sceneform, and modern Android tech stacks — such as Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, LiveData) based on MVVM architecture.

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, ARCore, Sceneform, ViewModel, Data Binding, LiveData.

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 576
🍴 55
👁️ 17
kotlin-mvvm-covid19 rizmaulana This repository contains simple COVID19 data monitoring with android stack MVVM, Live Data, Koin, RxJava, RxBinding, Offline first with simple caching, etc

Tech Stack : LiveData, Koin, RxJava, RxBinding, Offline first with simple caching, Spek2Framwework for Unit Testing, etc

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 435
🍴 115
👁️ 13
Foodium PatilShreyas 🍲Foodium is a sample food blog Android application 📱 built to demonstrate the use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, Flow, Dagger 2/Hilt, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Retrofit, Moshi, Material Components).

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 2228
🍴 419
👁️ 57
Dads ErickSumargo BA DUM TSSS

Tech Stack : Hilt, Coroutines + Flow, UI Testing, Room, ViewModel, WorkManager, Apollo

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 243
🍴 26
👁️ 8
Noted-Android YahiaAngelo Noted app for android

Tech Stack : Koin dependency injection, Coroutines, Realm db, Material Components, Markdown, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 94
🍴 12
👁️ 2
TypiCodeRio Rarj

Tech Stack : Coroutines, Koin, Data Binding, View Binding, Live Data, Retrofit2, GSON

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 0
🍴 0
👁️ 1
android-modular-architecture vmadalin 📚 Sample Android Components Architecture on a modular word focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack.

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, Paging, Data Binding, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 2367
🍴 381
👁️ 99
expenses nominalista App written in Kotlin for budget tracking.

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Firebase Messaging, WorkManager, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 362
🍴 83
👁️ 19
DrawingsApp Sharkaboi An app to add and manage floor plan drawings with markers.

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Room, Dhaval2404/ImagePicker, Subsampling Scale Image View, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 28
🍴 3
👁️ 1
topcorn theapache64 A minimalistic movie listing app to browse IMDB's top 250 movies, built to demonstrate MVVM with latest hot-trending Android development tools.

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 217
🍴 42
👁️ 11
GithubVisualizer dheerajkotwani 📲 Android Application to track any user activity on Github built using the Github Developers API. Used Retrofit to fetch data and MVVM Architecture.

Tech Stack : Retrofit, Firebase Auth, Coroutines, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 114
🍴 25
👁️ 3
wanandroid jianjunxiao Kotlin+JetPack+协程实现的MVVM架构Wanandroid客户端

Tech Stack : Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 250
🍴 49
👁️ 7
MixUp GerardBradshaw An Android app for creating photo collages. This app demonstrates NavigationUI, Espresso testing, Robolectric testing, custom views, low-level UI manipulation, and more.

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Navigation, ColorPicker, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 44
🍴 15
👁️ 5
roka-recipe-app fabirt Android recipes search App

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel, Paging, Navigation, DataStore

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 63
🍴 14
👁️ 2
jetpack-release-tracker lmj0011 Stay up to date on the latest AndroidX library releases.

Tech Stack : Coroutines, Testing, Fuel, Room, WorkManager, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 81
🍴 15
👁️ 3
Bitlue androiddevnotesforks Bitlue is an app where you can check the Bitcoin's current market price value (Bitcoin + value = Bitlue) and its records.

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines + Flow, MPAndroidChart, Retrofit, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 16
🍴 4
👁️ 1
flows-guide Shivamdhuria Android Application 🐕 based on offline first approach built using Dagger Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines + Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, LiveData) based on MVVM architecture.

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Flows, Retrofit, Room, Material Design Components, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 192
🍴 29
👁️ 7
droidconKE2020App droidconKE Android app fully written in Kotlin for droidconKE2020

Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Google Auth, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 120
🍴 43
👁️ 14
SpaceXFollower OMIsie11 Android app that helps You keep up with SpaceX 🚀

Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, MPAndroidChart, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 50
🍴 9
👁️ 3
PexWalls GreyLabsDev Wallpaper app based on API. Kotlin/Clean/MVVM-like/SingleActivity

Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, RxJava, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, Markwon, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 45
🍴 15
👁️ 3
TrackMyPath gs-ts An Android app written in Kotlin that demonstrates a clean architecture with MVVM, Fused Location Provider, LifecycleService, and Coroutines. It is used as lab to test new Android features.

Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 71
🍴 13
👁️ 3
BitfinexClient gs-ts An Android app written in Kotlin that demonstrates a clean architecture with MVVM, websockets using WebScoket client Scarlet, and RxAndroid/RxKotlin.

Tech Stack : Koin, RxJava, Testing, Scarlet, Room, Data Binding, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 16
🍴 8
👁️ 2
Gallerit auron567 A sample Android gallery to search images posted on Reddit, built using modern Android development tools (Architecture Components, MVVM, Coroutines, Flow, Navigation, Retrofit, Room, Koin)

Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, Data Binding, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 220
🍴 21
👁️ 4
hiya-hiya-hiya utsmannn Whatsapp Clone base on Firebase Cloud Messaging

Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Firebase Messaging, Firebase Auth, WorkManager, Google Maps, Paging, JSoup, vanniktech/Emoji, afollestad/inline-activity-result, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 176
🍴 47
👁️ 6
Covid-19-Tracker HariKulhari06 Android app to track COVID-19 cases in India and globally.

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, WorkManager, Navigation, MPAndroidChart, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 133
🍴 38
👁️ 5
Cryptotracker CharlieChristensen

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, socketIO, Retrofit, Room, MPAndroidChart, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 4
🍴 1
👁️ 2
NotesSync KumarManas04 Notes Sync is the answer to your everyday note taking requirements. It can encrypt and sync everything to the user's own Google Drive or Dropbox accounts

Tech Stack : Coroutines, Testing, Room, Google Drive, Dropbox, WorkManager, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 44
🍴 16
👁️ 2
Photosen commonpepper Android app for viewing and downloading Flickr photos.

Tech Stack : Retrofit, Room, Paging, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 7
🍴 2
👁️ 0
MoonShot haroldadmin A SpaceX companion app for Android

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 161
🍴 18
👁️ 9
PukaPuka Devansh-Maurya An Android app to identify books from their covers and give info, built using ML Kit's Text Recognition API, Android Jetpack Libraries and Google Books API

Tech Stack : LiveData, ViewModel, Navigation Components, CameraKit, Firebase ML Kit Text Recognition API, Glide, Volley, Lottie

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 19
🍴 2
👁️ 2
Football-App fionicholas ⚽ Football App using MVVM, LiveData, RxJava2, DI, Room, Repository Patern

Tech Stack : LiveData, ViewModel, Retrofit, Room, Koin, RxJava, etc

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 27
🍴 7
👁️ 2
Knote edkluivert Knote is a standard note taking app

Tech Stack : ViewModel, LiveData, Koin, Room db, Coroutines etc

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 13
🍴 2
👁️ 2
AwesomeGithub idisfkj 🔥Android Github客户端,基于组件化开发,支持账户密码与认证登陆。使用Kotlin语言进行开发,项目架构是基于JetPack&DataBinding的MVVM;项目中使用了Arouter、Retrofit、Coroutine、Glide、Dagger与Hilt等流行开源技术。

Tech Stack : Coroutines, RxJava, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Paging, Navigation, Data Binding, ARouter, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 228
🍴 44
👁️ 5
CovidNow OMIsie11 Simple application for tracking Covid-19 info. Stay safe.😷

Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, MPAndroidChart, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 20
🍴 8
👁️ 2
LetsChat satyamurti 🇮🇳 Open source Indian Chat application with new cool concepts.

Tech Stack : Coroutines, Retrofit, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Firebase Messaging, Firebase Storage, Cloud Functions, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 81
🍴 30
👁️ 6
Yet-Another-Anime-List sanmiAde A personal anime list app that shows currently airing animes, upcoming animes developed using TDD. That's the plan anyway. Essential dependencies are Dagger2 , RxKotlin with RxAndroid, Room, Retrofit, Junit, mockito, mockwebserver, Truth, MVVM , bitrise, Firebase

Tech Stack : Dagger, RxJava, Testing using Fakes, MockWebserver, RxRetrofit, Room, Navigation Components, Lottie, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 12
🍴 2
👁️ 3
PasswordVault abhinav0612 An application where you can store all your password, bank details, card details in one place and access everything with only one master PIN. The application works totally offline.

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Room, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 31
🍴 9
👁️ 3
PokemonGo jnkforks Jetpack 实战项目 PokemonGo(神奇宝贝)基于 MVVM 架构和 Repository 设计模式,如果这个仓库对你有帮助,请仓库右上角帮我 star 一下,非常感谢。

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Koin, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Paging, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 1
🍴 0
👁️ 1
AppDevToolbox andyb129 Collection of tools for Android app development in one place 🔧 🔨

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Room, Venom, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 21
🍴 5
👁️ 2
PopularPeople KhaledSherifSayed A 📱 Popular People app using Shared Elements between fragments with transformation motions based on MVVM (ViewModel, Coroutines, LiveData, Repository, Koin) architecture.

Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Data Binding, Sandwich, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 16
🍴 3
👁️ 3
Movie weylar A simple movie app

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Paging, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 9
🍴 2
👁️ 2
wiqaytna-android Wiqaytna-app

Tech Stack : RxJava, Testing, Room, Firebase Storage, Firebase Auth, Firebase Messaging, Firebase Perf, Firebase Functions, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 161
🍴 66
👁️ 26
NewsFeed KevinGitonga A localized News reader Android app powered by

Tech Stack : Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Pretty Time, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 13
🍴 6
👁️ 1
TukoNewsClient KevinGitonga A simple and sleek Android client consuming the Tuko News Api..I built to demonstrate use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Retrofit, Material Components). !!

Tech Stack : Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 8
🍴 0
👁️ 0
ArchApp PhilippeBoisney Simple Android app to show how to design a multi-modules MVVM Android app (fully tested)

Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 4 years ago
🌟 617
🍴 100
👁️ 17
Heyyoo ardakazanci Heyyoo is a sample social media Android application 📱 built to demonstrate use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Retrofit, Material Components).

Tech Stack : Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Algolia, LocGetter, EasyValidation, Dexter, Splashy, secure-preferences, Paging, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 4 years ago
🌟 44
🍴 5
👁️ 3
AppLocker iammert 🔐 Open source app locker, vault, call blocker application

Tech Stack : Dagger, RxJava, Room, WorkManager, Data Binding, RxPermissions, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 4 years ago
🌟 445
🍴 106
👁️ 22
software-engineering-daily-android SoftwareEngineeringDaily Android client for Software Engineering Daily

Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Exoplayer, Navigation, Android-Permissions, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 4 years ago
🌟 88
🍴 29
👁️ 15
Social-Note mars-amn Social Note - Note-taking, sharing, time & location reminder

Tech Stack : Koin, RxJava, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Firebase Storage, Firebase Messaging, WorkManager, Data Binding, Paging, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 4 years ago
🌟 56
🍴 9
👁️ 3
youtube-dl-android cuongpm 📦📦Video downloader for Android - Download videos from Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Dailymotion, Vimeo and more than 1000 other sites

Tech Stack : Dagger, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Data Binding, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 4 years ago
🌟 476
🍴 136
👁️ 20 rumaan ☁️ Unofficial Android App 📱

Tech Stack : Testing, Fuel, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, PermissionsDispatcher, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 5 years ago
🌟 21
🍴 13
👁️ 3

Clean Architecture

Name Author ✍️ Description 🗒️ Reputation 💪
android-showcase igorwojda 💎 Android application following best practices: Kotlin, Coroutines, JetPack, Clean Architecture, Feature Modules, Tests, MVVM, DI, Static Analysis...

Tech Stack : Kodein, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, KAndroid, Lottie, Detekt, Navigation, Dynamic Feature Modules, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 19 hours ago
🌟 6157
🍴 868
👁️ 118
Rick-and-Morty akhilesh0707 The Rick And Morty - MVVM with a clean architecture approach using some of the best practices in Android Development.

Tech Stack : Kotlin, Coroutines, Flow, Dagger-Hilt, Kotlin-DSL, LiveData, Lifecycle, ViewModel, Room, Navigation, Data Binding, Material-Components, Retrofit, OkHttp, Moshi, Timber, Glide

Last commit: 4 weeks ago
🌟 95
🍴 23
👁️ 3
BLTaxi VladimirWrites 🚕 BL Taxi is a simple app for calling a taxi in the city Banja Luka built using modern Android development tools

Tech Stack : Koin, Retrofit, Room, Data Binding, LiveData, View Model, Work Manager, Material Components

Last commit: 2 months ago
🌟 348
🍴 39
👁️ 7
SpaceX-prepare-for-Clean-Architecture-liftoff ferPrieto Clean Architecture Modular Project: MVVM + Jetpack Compose + Coroutines + Flows + Dagger2 + LiveData + UnitTests + UITests + Screenshot Tests + MockWebServer

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 5 months ago
🌟 631
🍴 84
👁️ 6
CoolWeather akoufa Weather App that uses Android best practices. Android Jetpack, clean architecture. Written in Kotlin

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 6 months ago
🌟 190
🍴 18
👁️ 10
Slootnime-APP bakharaalief Slootnime is simple android app to learn graphql API with Apollo and clean architecture

Tech Stack : Kotlin, Coroutine, Dagger-Hilt, LiveData, Lifecycle, ViewModel, Apollo, Glide, Pagging, Lottie

Last commit: 9 months ago
🌟 3
🍴 0
👁️ 2
Android-Kotlin-Clean-Architecture sanogueralorenzo Android Sample Clean Architecture App written in Kotlin

Tech Stack : Dagger Hilt, Testing, RxJava, Retrofit, AssistedInject, Epoxy, RxPaper, MvRx, ViewModel

Last commit: 1 year ago
🌟 1733
🍴 329
👁️ 56
PropertyFindAR SmartToolFactory 🏘 🎃 Real Estate Sample App with RxJava3+Coroutines Flow, Dynamic Feature Modules, Dagger Hilt, Offline First, ConcatAdapter, Animations and tests for Room, Retrofit, useCase and ViewModels with TDD.

Tech Stack : RxJava3, Coroutines Flow, Retrofit, Room, Dagger Hilt, Dynamic Feature Modules, ConcatAdapter, LiveData, ViewModel, SavedStateHandle, WorkManager, Glide, Lottie, MpCharts, MockWebServer, MockK, FlowTestObserver, ktLint, detekt, Git Hooks, Git Flow

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 254
🍴 36
👁️ 14
Theatre andremion Pet project using Clean Architecture + MVVM + Reactive Extensions + Android Architecture Components. The data are fetched from LondonTheatreDirect API. 🎭

Tech Stack : Dagger, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, Data Binding, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 646
🍴 97
👁️ 27
Android-Clean-Architecture happysingh23828 This is a sample movie list Android application built to demonstrate use of Clean Architecture tools. Dedicated to all Android Developers - (Kotlin, MVVM, Clean Architecture, Rx-Java, Dagger, OkHttp, Unit Testing, SOLID principles, Code Coverage)

Tech Stack : Dagger, Unit Testing for modules, Mockito, RxJava, Retrofit, Room, CI-CD, SOLID, Code Coverage, Jacoco, Detekt, ktlint, Stetho, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 295
🍴 51
👁️ 5
android-clean-architecture sansets Sample for Android Clean Architecture.

Tech Stack : Navigation Component, Dagger, Coroutines Flow, Room, Retrofit, LiveData, ViewModel, View Binding, Dynamic Feature Modules.

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 122
🍴 14
👁️ 2
Clean-MVVM-ArchComponents odaridavid 👽 Built with MVVM pattern, Koin , Coroutines + Flows ,Architecture Components, Data Binding , Firebase , Unit/UI Tests ,Motion Layout

Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Data Binding, Motion Layout, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 654
🍴 112
👁️ 23
CoronavirusWorldStatus HamdiBoumaiza An app to stay up to date with the latest stats of the coronavirus , using Kotlin with MVVM ,Coroutines , Android Architecture Components and Dagger

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel , Stetho

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 22
🍴 2
👁️ 1



Name Author ✍️ Description 🗒️ Reputation 💪
ComicReaderApp-MVI-Coroutine-RxKotlin-Jetpack hoc081098 ⚡️Comic reader app 📘 Learning MVVM / MVI with 🌀 RxKotlin, Retrofit, Kotlinx Coroutine, Work Manager, Room, Firebase, AndroidX Startup, Clean Architecture, Arrow.Kt Functional Programming ... ❄️ androidx-startup, androidx-room, androidx-viewmodel, arrow-kt

Tech Stack : Koin, Coroutines, RxJava, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Firebase Storage, WorkManager, Navigation, Paging, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 5 days ago
🌟 239
🍴 46
👁️ 7
Open-API-Android-App mitchtabian Kotlin, MVI, Hilt, Retrofit2, Coroutines, Room Persistence, REST API, Token Authentication

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 7 months ago
🌟 650
🍴 225
👁️ 26
GameDealz R4md4c A non-official Android client for

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, acra, fastAdapter, Paging, JSoup, dropbox/Store, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 1 year ago
🌟 27
🍴 2
👁️ 4
NewsFeed-MVI-Dagger HadySalhab Android News Application built in kotlin: MVI+Dagger+NetworkBoundResource+ViewModel+Livedata.

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 4 years ago
🌟 12
🍴 7
👁️ 2

Clean Architecture

Name Author ✍️ Description 🗒️ Reputation 💪
StarWarsSearch-MVI Ezike Star wars sample android project showcasing the use of View components for rendering UI in Fragments and Activities. Uses Android Jetpack, clean architecture with MVI (Uni-directional data flow), dagger hilt, and kotlin coroutines with StateFlow

Tech Stack : Jetpack, Dagger hilt, Coroutines & StateFlow, Room, Retrofit, FlowBinding

Last commit: 2 months ago
🌟 197
🍴 29
👁️ 8
CleanRxArchitecture lopspower Clean Rx Kotlin Architecture sample on GitHub Api 🚀

Tech Stack : Dagger, RxJava, Retrofit, Room, Clean Architecture, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 1 year ago
🌟 387
🍴 49
👁️ 15
Baking-App-Kotlin Ezike Android architecture sample with dynamic feature modularisation, clean architecture with MVI (Uni-directional data flow), dagger hilt, DFM Navigation, kotlin coroutines with StateFlow and Exo player.

Tech Stack : Dagger hilt, Coroutines & StateFlow, Unit Testing, Retrofit, DFM Navigation, FlowBinding, Exoplayer

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 440
🍴 82
👁️ 11
Clean-Notes mitchtabian Clean Architecture by layer

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Navigation, Markdown Processor, LiveData, ViewModel

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 496
🍴 137
👁️ 17


Name Author ✍️ Description 🗒️ Reputation 💪
tachiyomi tachiyomiorg Free and open source manga reader for Android.

Tech Stack : Inorichi injekt, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, DiskLruCache, Jsoup, WorkManager, Duktape Android, Conductor

Last commit: 2 hours ago
🌟 24848
🍴 2670
👁️ 589
UTair-MVP-Sample ImangazalievM Android Clean Architecture + MVP Sample written in Kotlin

Tech Stack : Clean Architecture, Coroutines, RxJava 2, Coroutines, Toothpick, Moxy, Unit-tests (Spek, Mockk), UI-tests (Kaspresso)

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 30
🍴 5
👁️ 4


Name Author ✍️ Description 🗒️ Reputation 💪
shadowsocks-android shadowsocks A shadowsocks client for Android

Tech Stack : Testing, Room, Firebase Ads, WorkManager

Last commit: 2 weeks ago
🌟 34025
🍴 11641
👁️ 1574
countin Husseinfo An Android Application that remembers your life events.

Tech Stack : Room, Coroutines, Compose, Material3

Last commit: 9 months ago
🌟 6
🍴 0
👁️ 1
kotlinbaseproject aasif1297

Tech Stack : Foursquare APIs, Koin, Coroutines, Moshi, Room, Retrofit, Viewbinding, Google Play Services

Last commit: 12 months ago
🌟 0
🍴 0
👁️ 1
Scarlet-Notes BijoySingh [Discontinued and Unsupported Project] Simple yet powerful rich note taking android application, with a lot of flexibilty of usage

Tech Stack : Dagger, Coroutines, Room, Firebase Auth, Firebase Database, Paging, Navigation, Evernote android-job, Facebook Litho, Facebook SoLoader, Biometric

Last commit: 2 years ago
🌟 345
🍴 97
👁️ 19
Screenaway DimaBrody Phone Screen Forced Locker

Tech Stack : Room, Play Install Referrer Library

Last commit: 3 years ago
🌟 15
🍴 2
👁️ 1

📚 Tech Stack/Libraries

📝 Contributing


🗿 Core Contributors

🐣 Contributors

Contributors are cool people.

If you contributed and are missing in this list, please send a PR including your entry in the list below! 🐣

KevinGitonga HamdiBoumaiza Devansh-Maurya Annie-Sultana iamsurajgiri
saifali25 Tristankluivert anacoimbrag alpharomeo911 adityakamath16
ImangazalievM Ezike viveksharma2382000 sridevshenoy satyamurti
sansets sanmiAde saif71 ryanrvldo rizmaulana
pedrofsn odaridavid ihilalahmad igorescodro happysingh23828
fionicholas enginebai dheerajkotwani auron567 abhinav0612
YahiaAngelo VladimirWrites Spikeysanju SmartToolFactory Shivamdhuria
PatilShreyas PHELAT Margu86 MageshVS KhaledSherifSayed

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