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File metadata and controls

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Note: These lecture notes were slightly modified from the ones posted on the 6.858 course website from 2014.

Kerberos setting

  • Distributed architecture, evolved from a single time-sharing system.
  • Many servers providing services: remote login, mail, printing, file server.
  • Many workstations, some are public, some are private.
  • Each user logs into their own workstation, has root access.
  • Adversary may have his/her own workstation too.
  • Alternatives at the time: rlogin, rsh.
  • Goal: allow users to access services, by authenticating to servers.
  • Other user information distributed via Hesiod, LDAP, or some other directory.
  • Widely used: Microsoft Active Directory uses the Kerberos (v5) protocol.

What's the trust model?

  • All users, clients, servers trust the Kerberos server.
  • No apriori trust between any other pairs of machines.
  • Network is not trusted.
  • User trusts the local machine.

Kerberos architecture

  • Central Kerberos server, trusted by all parties (or at least all at MIT).
  • Users, servers have a private key shared between them and Kerberos.
  • Kerberos server keeps track of everyone's private key.
  • Kerberos uses keys to achieve mutual authentication between client, server.
    • Terminology: user, client, server.
    • Client and server know each other's names.
    • Client is convinced it's talking to server and vice-versa.
  • Kerberos does not provide authorization (can user access some resource).
    • It's the application's job to decide this.

Why do we need this trusted Kerberos server?

  • Users don't need to set up accounts, passwords, etc on each server.

Overall architecture diagram

                  c, tgs         |                       |
  [ User: Kc ]  <-------->  [ Kerberos ]                 |
       ^      \                  |           Database:   |
       |       \                 |             c: Kc     |
       V        \    s           |             s: Ks     |
 [ Server: Ks ]  \-------->   [ TGS ]                    |
                                 |         KDC           |

Kerberos constructs

Basic Kerberos constructs from the paper:

  • Ticket, T_{c,s} = { s, c, addr, timestamp, life, K_{c,s} }
    • usually encrypted w/ K_s
  • Authenticator, A_c = { c, addr, timestamp }
    • usually encrypted w/ K_{c,s}

Kerberos protocol mechanics:

  • Two interfaces to the Kerberos database: "Kerberos" and "TGS" protocols.
  • Quite similar; few differences:
    • In Kerberos protocol, can specify any c, s; client must know K_c.
    • In TGS protocol, client's name is implicit (from ticket).
    • Client just needs to know K_{c,tgs} to decrypt response (not K_c).
  • Where does the client machine get K_c in the first place?
    • For users, derived from a password using, effectively, a hash function.
  • Why do we need these two protocols? Why not just use "Kerberos" protocol?
    • Client machine can forget user password after it gets TGS ticket.
    • Can we just store K_c and forget the user password? Password-equivalent.


  • Critical to Kerberos: mapping between keys and principal names.
  • Each principal name consists of ( name, instance, realm )
    • Typically written name.instance@realm
  • What entities have principals?
    • Users: name is username, instance for special privileges (by convention).
    • Servers: name is service name, instance is server's hostname.
    • TGS: name is 'krbtgt', instance is realm name.
  • Where are these names used / where do the names matter?
    • Users remember their user name.
    • Servers perform access control based on principal name.
    • Clients choose a principal they expect to be talking to.
      • Similar to browsers expecting specific certificate name for HTTPS
  • When can a name be reused?
    • For user names: ensure no ACL contains that name, difficult.
    • For servers (assuming not on any ACL): ensure users forget server name.
    • Must change the key, to ensure old tickets not valid for new server.

Getting the initial ticket: "Kerberos" protocol

  • Client sends pair of principal names (c, s), where s is typically tgs.
  • Server responds with { K_{c,s}, { T_{c,s} }_{K_s} }_{K_c}
  • How does the Kerberos server authenticate the client?
    • Doesn't need to -- willing to respond to any request.
  • How does the client authenticate the Kerberos server?
    • Decrypt the response and check if the ticket looks valid.
    • Only the Kerberos server would know K_c.
  • In what ways is this better/worse than sending password to server?
    • Password doesn't get sent over network, but easier to brute-force.
  • Why is the key included twice in the response from Kerberos/TGS server?
    • K_{c,s} in response gives the client access to this shared key.
    • K_{c,s} in the ticket should convince server the key is legitimate.

General weakness: Kerberos 4 assumed encryption provides message integrity.

  • There were some attacks where adversary can tamper with ciphertext.
  • No explicit MAC means that no well-defined way to detect tampering.
  • One-off solutions: kprop protocol included checksum, hard to match.
  • The weakness made it relatively easy for adversary to "mint" tickets.

General weakness: adversary can mount offline password-guessing attacks.

  • Typical passwords don't have a lot of entropy.
  • Anyone can ask KDC for a ticket encrypted with user's password.
  • Then try to brute-force the user's password offline: easy to parallelize.
  • Better design: require client to interact with server for each login attempt.

General weakness: DES hard-coded into the design, packet format.

  • Difficult to switch to another cryptosystem when DES became too weak.
  • DES key space is too small: keys are only 56 bits, 2^56 is not that big.
  • Cheap to break DES these days ($20--$200 via
  • How could an adversary break Kerberos give this weakness?

Authenticating to a server: "TGS" protocol

  • Client sends ( s, {T_{c,tgs}}_{K_tgs}, {A_c}_{K_{c,tgs}} )
  • Server replies with { K_{c,s}, { T_{c,s} }_{K_s} }_{K_{c,tgs}}
  • How does a server authenticate a client based on the ticket?
    • Decrypt ticket using server's key.
    • Decrypt authenticator using K_{c,s}.
    • Only Kerberos server could have generated ticket (knew K_s).
    • Only client could have generated authenticator (knew K_{c,s}).
  • Why does the ticket include c? s? addr?life?
    • Server can extract client's principal name from ticket.
    • Addr tries to prevent stolen ticket from being used on another machine.
    • Lifetime similarly tries to limit damage from stolen ticket.
  • How does a network protocol use Kerberos?
    • Encrypt/authenticate all messages with K_{c,s}
    • Mail server commands, documents sent to printer, shell I/O, ..
    • E.g., "DELETE 5" in a mail server protocol.
  • Who generates the authenticator?
    • Client, for each new connection.
  • Why does a client need to send an authenticator, in addition to the ticket?
    • Prove to the server that an adversary is not replaying an old message.
    • Server must keep last few authenticators in memory, to detect replays.
  • How does Kerberos use time? What happens if the clock is wrong?
    • Prevent stolen tickets from being used forever.
    • Bound size of replay cache.
    • If clock is wrong, adversary can use old tickets or replay messages.
  • How does client authenticate server? Why would it matter?
    • Connecting to file server: want to know you're getting legitimate files.
    • Solution: server can send back { timestamp + 1 }_{K_{c,s}} after it receives ticket and authenticator from client

General weakness: same key, K_{c,s}, used for many things

  • Adversary can substitute any msg encrypted with K_{c,s} for any other.
  • Example: messages across multiple sessions.
    • Authenticator does not attest to K_{c,s} being fresh!
    • Adversary can splice fresh authenticator with old message
    • Kerberos v5 uses fresh session key each time, sent in authenticator
  • Example: messages in different directions
    • Kerberos v4 included a direction flag in packets (c->s or s->c)
    • Kerberos v5 used separate keys: K_{c->s}, K_{s->c}

What if users connects to wrong server (analogue of MITM / phishing attack)?

  • If server is intercepting packets, learns what service user connects to.
  • What if user accidentally types ssh malicious.server?
    • Server learns user's principal name.
    • Server does not get user's TGS ticket or K_c.
    • Cannot impersonate user to others.

What happens if the KDC is down?

  • Cannot log in.
  • Cannot obtain new tickets.
  • Can keep using existing tickets.

Authenticating to a Unix system.

  • No Kerberos protocol involved when accessing local files, processes.
  • If logging in using Kerberos, user must have presented legitimate ticket.
  • What if user logs in using username/password (locally or via SSH using pw)?
    • User knows whether the password he/she supplied is legitimate.
    • Server has no idea.
  • Potential attack on a server:
    • User connects via SSH, types in username, password.
    • Create legitimate-looking Kerberos response, encrypted with password.
    • Server has no way to tell if this response is really legitimate.
  • Solution (if server keeps state): server needs its own principal, key.
    • First obtain user's TGS, using the user's username and password.
    • Then use TGS to obtain a ticket for server's principal.
    • If user faked the Kerberos server, the second ticket will not match.

Using Kerberos in an application.

  • Paper suggests using special functions to seal messages, 3 security levels.
  • Requires moderate changes to an application.
    • Good for flexibility, performance.
    • Bad for ease of adoption.
    • Hard for developers to understand subtle security guarantees.
  • Perhaps a better abstraction: secure channel (SSL/TLS).

Password-changing service (administrative interface)

  • How does the Kerberos protocol ensure that client knows password? Why?
    • Special flag in ticket indicates which interface was used to obtain it.
    • Password-changing service only accepts tickets obtained by using K_c.
    • Ensure that client knows old password, doesn't just have the ticket.
  • How does the client change the user's password?
    • Connect to password-changing service, send new password to server.


  • One master server (supports password changes), zero or more slaves.
  • All servers can issue tickets, only master can change keys.
  • Why this split?
    • Only one master ensures consistency: cannot have conflicting changes.
  • Master periodically updates the slaves (when paper was written, ~once/hour).
    • More recent impls have incremental propagation: lower latency (but not 0).
  • How scalable is this?
    • Symmetric crypto (DES, AES) is fast -- O(100MB/sec) on current hardware.
    • Tickets are small, O(100 bytes), so can support 1M tickets/second.
    • Easy to scale by adding slaves.
  • Potential problem: password changes take a while to propagate.
  • Adversary can still use a stolen password for a while after user changes it.
  • To learn more about how to do replication right, take 6.824.

Security of the Kerberos database

  • Master and slave servers are highly sensitive in this design.
  • Compromised master/slave server means all passwords/keys have to change.
  • Must be physically secure, no bugs in Kerberos server software, no bugs in any other network service on server machines, etc.
  • Can we do better? SSL CA infrastructure slightly better, but not much.
    • Will look at it in more detail when we talk about browser security / HTTPS.
  • Most centralized authentication systems suffer from such problems. .. & globally-unique freeform names require some trusted mapping authority.

Why didn't Kerberos use public key crypto?

  • Too slow at the time: VAX systems, 10MHz clocks.
  • Government export restrictions.
  • Patents.

Network attacks.

  • Offline password guessing attacks on Kerberos server.
    • Kerberos v5 prevents clients from requesting ticket for any principal.
    • Must include { timestamp }_{K_c} along with request, proves know K_c.
    • Still vulnerable to password guessing by network sniffer at that time.
    • Better alternatives are available: SRP, PAKE.
  • What can adversary do with a stolen ticket?
  • What can adversary do with a stolen K_c?
  • What can adversary do with a stolen K_s?
    • Remember: two parties share each key (and rely on it) in Kerberos!
  • What happens after a password change if K_c is compromised?
    • Can decrypt all subsequent exchanges, starting with initial ticket
    • Can even decrypt password change requests, getting the new password!
  • What if adversary figures out your old password sometime later?
    • If the adversary saved old packets, can decrypt everything.
    • Can similarly obtain current password.

Forward secrecy (avoiding the password-change problem).

  • Abstract problem: establish a shared secret between two parties.
  • Kerberos approach: someone picks the secret, encrypts it, and sends it.
  • Weakness: if the encryption key is stolen, can get the secret later.
  • Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol:
    • Two parties pick their own parts of a secret.
    • Send messages to each other.
    • Messages do not have to be secret, just authenticated (no tampering).
    • Two parties use each other's messages to reconstruct shared key.
    • Adversary cannot reconstruct key by watching network messages.
  • Diffie-Hellman details:
    • Prime p, generator g mod p.
    • Alice and Bob each pick a random, secret exponent (a and b).
    • Alice and Bob send (g^a mod p) and (g^b mod p) to each other.
    • Each party computes (g^(ab) mod p) = (g^a^b mod p) = (g^b^a mod p).
    • Use (g^(ab) mod p) as secret key.
    • Assume discrete log (recovering a from (g^a mod p)) is hard.

Cross-realm in Kerberos.

  • Shared keys between realms.
  • Kerberos v4 only supported pairwise cross-realm (no transiting).

What doesn't Kerberos address?

  • Client, server, or KDC machine can be compromised.
  • Access control or groups (up to service to implement that).
  • Microsoft "extended" Kerberos to support groups.
    • Effectively the user's list of groups was included in ticket.
  • Proxy problem: still no great solution in Kerberos, but ssh-agent is nice.
  • Workstation security (can trojan login, and did happen in practice).
    • Smartcard-based approach hasn't taken off.
    • Two-step authentication (time-based OTP) used by Google Authenticator.
    • Shared desktop systems not so prevalent: everyone has own phone, laptop, ..


  • Kerberos v5 fixes many problems in v4 (some mentioned), used widely (MS AD).
  • OpenID is a similar-looking protocol for authentication in web applications.
    • Similar messages are passed around via HTTP requests.