This project enables Bluetooth support for Nerves.
- Litte Endian, Least Significant Bit first
Sell Vol 2, Section E, 3.1
See Vol 2, Section E, 5.4.1, figure 5.1, p732
- Maximum length per Command Package 255 bytes excluding HCI command header (3 bytes)
- Command Header:
- 2 Byte opcode: Opcode Group Field (OFG, upper 6 Bit), Opcode Command Field (OCF, 10 Bit)
- 1 Byte number of parameter bytes (not parameters!)
- 0..255 bytes of parameters
See Vol 2, Section E, 5.4.2, figure 5.2, p733
- Maximum length: 27 bytes plus HCI ACL header (4 bytes)
- ACL Header:
- Handle (lower 12 bit)
- Packet Boundary Flag (2 bit)
- Broadcast Flag (2 bit: 00 point2point, 01: active slave broadcast)
- total data length (16 bit)
See Vol 2, Section E, 5.4.3, figure 5.3, p736
See Vol 2, Section E, 5.4.4, figure 5.4, p738
- Maximal length of 255 bytes plus Event Header (2 byte)
- Event Heder:
- Event code (1 byte)
- number of Event parameter bytes (1 byte)
Nerves applications are configured that they can produce images for target
hardware by setting NERVES_TARGET
. By default, if MIX_TARGET is not set, Nerves
defaults to building a host target. This is useful for executing logic tests,
running utilities, and debugging. For more information about targets:
To start your Nerves app:
export NERVES_TARGET=my_target
or prefix every command withNERVES_TARGET=my_target
, Example:NERVES_TARGET=rpi3
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create firmware with
mix firmware
- Burn to an SD card with
mix firmware.burn
- Official docs:
- Official website:
- Discussion Slack elixir-lang #nerves (Invite)
- Source: